Search results for ""author franklin b. saksena""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital, and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease: An Integrative Approach
Test your knowledge or prepare for Boards with this collection of unusual and challenging patient studies focused on detecting valvular, congenital or vascular disease. Contains over 90 case histories with self-test questions designed to test the reader’s knowledge and reinforce clinical best practices Focuses on diseases of valvular, vascular or congenital origin, and on comparatively rare disorders/diseases, rather than coronary artery disease, to help readers improve their skills at interpreting and making decisions based on physical examination and basic, non-invasive imaging modalities Each case is paired with original materials - e.g. x-rays, echocardiograms, lab reports, charts – so readers can work through their diagnosis using the same information as the physician who treated the patient originally An ideal companion for those approaching board review or recertification or who want to improve skills in physical diagnosis of cardiovascular disease
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Color Atlas of Local and Systemic Manifestations of Cardiovascular Disease
This brief guide to visual diagnosis helps the novice develop -- and the veteran refresh -- crucial skills that can spare the patient unnecessary testing and bring the physician one step closer to an accurate diagnosis. Dr Saksena draws on his years of experience in teaching and training to show you the physical signs of cardiovascular disease that can be spotted by visual examination. For each sign, a color photograph is paired with explanatory text that: describes the significant features of the sign explains its use in diagnosis identifies the likeliest causes The book provides corroboration of physical signs and other diagnostic information whenever possible and offers extensive references for further study. After an opening chapter on general observations, the author describes signs that can be found in the face, ear, mouth and nose, neck, hand, upper extremity, thorax and back, abdomen, and lower extremity. An appendix covers rarer syndromes associated with cardiovascular disease. Whether you are just developing your diagnostic skills or want to be better able to identify signs of cardiovascular disease, you can count on this atlas for dependable advice.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers The Art and Science of Cardiac Physical Examination
The Art and Science of Cardiac Physical Examination is the latest edition of this essential guide to identifying the signs and symptoms of heart diseases. The book is divided into 14 chapters, initially covering different types of pulse and the measurement of blood pressure. A chapter on heart sounds is followed by a three-part discussion on heart murmurs, including the use of recordings of heart sounds and video recordings of jugular pulsations. The signs and symptoms of cardiac disease are covered in detail, and the manifestations of cardiovascular disease are described. The book concludes with two chapters on electrocardiography (ECG). Finally, the book provides a self-assessment chapter, with clinical scenarios which use history and clinical findings from actual patients. Enhanced by nearly 100 full colour images and illustrations and edited by a team of cardiology experts based in Toronto and Chicago, The Art and Science of Cardiac Physical Examination is ideal for cardiologists and general physicians wishing to keep their knowledge of examination for heart disease up to date. Key Points Latest edition of guide to signs and symptoms of heart diseases Previous edition published 2006 (9780673997661) Edited by a team of US and Canada based cardiology experts 97 full colour images and illustrations Includes interactive CD ROM