Search results for ""author francesco petrarca""
Klett-Cotta Verlag Das einsame Leben ber das Leben in Abgeschiedenheit Mein Geheimnis
Kessinger Publishing, LLC Francesco Petrarca A Novara E La Sua Aringa Ai Novaresi 1876
Carcanet Press Ltd Canzoniere
The "Canzoniere" is among Europe's most influential books of lyrics. The focus of this large collection is Petrarch's lifelong love for the mysterious Laura, but the themes he treats are many and various. Although part of the 14th century world, Petrarch expresses perplexities, uncertainties and hesitancies still understandable at the end of the second millennium. This verse translation of the whole of the "Canzoniere" has notes to suggest the many connections between the poems.
Ediciones Cátedra Cancionero II Collection of Poems 122 Letras Universales Universal Writings
A Petrarca se le llama a veces padre del humanismo y sin duda la amalgama de paganismo y cristianismo, erudición clásica y potencial humano que encontramos en sus obras le confiere al término algo de su significado moderno. Hoy en día la poesía amorosa de Petrarca es un bien de la humanidad. Su extraordinaria difusión y poderosa influencia en toda la lírica occidental demuestran que la posteridad ha juzgado sus obras en lengua vulgar con mucha mayor benevolencia de la que el poeta se hubiera atrevido a esperar.
Harvard University Press Invectives
Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive ancient Roman language and literature. Just as Petrarch's Latin epic Africa imitated Virgil and his compendium On Illustrious Men was inspired by Livy, so Petrarch's four Invectives were intended to revive the eloquence of the great Roman orator Cicero. The Invectives are directed against the cultural idols of the Middle Ages--against scholastic philosophy and medicine and the dominance of French culture in general. They defend the value of literary culture against obscurantism and provide a clear statement of the values of Renaissance humanism. This volume provides a new critical edition of the Latin text based on the two autograph copies, and the first English translation of three of the four invectives.
Ediciones Cátedra Mi secreto Epstolas
Batiscafo Remedios Para La Vida
Feltrinelli Guida al viaggio da Genova alla Terra Santa. Itinerarium Syriacum. Testo latino a fronte
Ediciones Cátedra Cancionero Song Book Letras Universales
A Petrarca se le llama a veces padre del humanismo y sin duda la amalgama de paganismo y cristianismo, erudición clásica y potencial humano que encontramos en sus obras le confiere al término algo de su significado moderno. Hoy en día la poesía amorosa de Petrarca es un bien de la humanidad. Su extraordinaria difusión y poderosa influencia en toda la lírica occidental demuestran que la posteridad ha juzgado sus obras en lengua vulgar con mucha mayor benevolencia de la que el poeta se hubiera atrevido a esperar.
Insel Verlag GmbH Canzoniere
Reclam Philipp Jun. Canzoniere 50 Gedichte mit Kommentar
Dieterich'sche Secretum meum Mein Geheimnis Lateinisch Deutsch
University of Notre Dame Press Petrarchs Penitential Psalms and Prayers
Harvard University Press Selected Letters, Volume 2
Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive the cultural and moral excellence of ancient Greece and Rome. This two-volume set contains an ample, representative sample from his enormous and fascinating correspondence with all the leading figures of his day, from popes, emperors, and kings to younger contemporaries such as Cola di Rienzi and Giovanni Boccaccio. The letters illustrate the remarkable story of Petrarca’s life in a Europe beset by war, plague, clerical corruption, and political disintegration. The ninety-seven letters in this selection, all freshly translated, cover the full range of Petrarca’s interests, including the rediscovery of lost classical texts, the reform of the Church, the ideal prince, education in the classics, and the revival of ancient moral philosophy. They include Petrarca’s imaginary correspondence with the ancient authors he loved so well, and his autobiographical Letter to Posterity.
Harvard University Press My Secret Book
Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive literary Latin, the language of the Roman Empire, and Greco-Roman culture in general. My Secret Book (Secretum) records “the private conflict of my thoughts,” in the form of a dialogue between Franciscus and Augustinus in the presence of a beautiful woman, Truth personified. The discussion reveals remarkable self-awareness as Petrarca probes and evaluates the springs of his own morally dubious addictions to Fame and Love.
Harvard University Press Invectives
Francesco Petrarca, one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive ancient Roman language and literature. Petrarch’s four Invectives, written in Latin, were inspired by the eloquence of the great Roman orator Cicero. The Invectives are directed against the cultural idols of the Middle Ages—against scholastic philosophy and medicine as well as the dominance of French culture. They defend the value of literature and provide a clear statement of the values of Renaissance humanism. The new translations in this volume, commissioned for the I Tatti Renaissance Library, include the first English translation of three of the four invectives.