Search results for ""author esther menon""
Pearson Education Skills for Writing Student Book Pack Units 1 to 6
Pearson Education Limited A Writer's Cauldron
These outstanding stories enable students to investigate and compare the features of different genres and how authors conform to or deviate from established conventions.
Pearson Education Limited Fifty-Fifty Tutti-Frutti Chocolate Chip & Other Stories
This collection spans cultures as diverse as South Africa, India, New Zealand and Northern Ireland. The stories enable students to investigate a wider range of genres, compare first and third person accounts, and explore different story structures.
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Lower Secondary English Learners Book 7 with Digital Access 1 Year
Pearson Education Limited Edexcel GCSE English 2018 Core Student Book: Edex GCSE Eng 2018 SB
Supporting students throughout the Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) English Language course, our student book is your go-to resource for papers 1 and 2. After listening to your feedback after the first GCSE (9-1) results this student book has been carefully developed to provide a complete course, based on proven methodology, which focuses on the areas where students need the most support. It’s bursting with activities to develop skills, understanding and confidence around 19th, 20th and 21st century texts. Authored by Esther Menon, Martin Philllips, Emma Clark, and David Grant.
Oxford University Press AQA GCSE English Language: Targeting Grade 5 Revision Workbook
Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: AQA Level and Subject: GCSE English Language First teaching: 2015 First exams: 2017 This revision workbook is ideal for students who want to independently practise key skills and check their knowledge during their GCSE studies. With guidance aimed at students aiming for grade 5, this full colour write-in workbook takes students through the individual exam questions and provides extensive practice opportunities, sample student answers, revision tips and sample exam papers. Structured around a self-assessment skills checklist, students take control of their learning through this confidence-boosting resource, written by an experienced and trusted author.
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Lower Secondary English Workbook 7 with Digital Access 1 Year
Oxford University Press AQA GCSE English Language in a Year Student Book
Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: AQA Level and Subject: GCSE English Language First teaching: 2015 First exams: 2017 This Student Book comprehensively covers all elements of the GCSE English Language specification and exam. Written at exactly the right level for students who need to get to grips with the skills and test their knowledge, to boost their confidence. Using engaging themes to expore the specification, there are regular opportunities assessments throughout, and targeted exam preparation. This books offers step-by-step supported activities and accessible teaching texts. An embedded focus on SPAG and sample responses will help to improve students' basic literacy skills and prepare them for their exams.
Pearson Education Limited Edexcel GCSE (9-1) English Language Text Anthology: Edxcl GCSE(9-1) EngLang Anthology
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel Level: GCSE Subject: English Language First teaching: September 2015 First exams: June 2017 This Text Anthology is written specifically to address the demands of the English Language GCSE (9-1) and will help you: improve your writing skills so that you can write in a sustained, technically accurate and effective way develop confidence and resilience when responding to challenging unseen texts prepare for the new style of assessments.
Pearson Education Limited Skills for Writing Student Book Units 3-4
Skills for Writing is a unique new digital, print and training solution, developed in partnership with Professor Debra Myhill and her team from the University of Exeter. Skills for Writing embeds the principles of the Grammar for Writing pedagogy - trialled and proven to accelerate the rate of writing progress significantly.
Oxford University Press AQA GCSE English Language: Student Book 1: Establishing the Skills for Learning and Assessment
Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: AQA Level: GCSE Subject: English Language First teaching: 2015 First exams: 2017 This Student Book focuses on establishing students' basic reading and writing skills and is ideal for the start of the GCSE English Language course. Structured around engaging themes in the context of the Assessment Objectives, with regular formative and summative assessments, this books offers step-by-step supported activities and accessible teaching text. With an embedded focus on SPAG, this book also features writing models and an explicit focus on basic writing skills.