Search results for ""author enrique vila-matas""
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Esta bruma insensata / This Senseless Fog
Punto de Lectura Dietario voluble
Libros, viajes, música, paseos... Enrique Vila-Matas nos acerca a su universo más íntimo.Llevando al límite la estela de su obra, Enrique Vila-Matas acaba con toda distinción entre narrativa y ensayo en esta maravillosa suerte de diario.Los artículos aparecidos en El País, combinados con las notas del cuaderno personal del autor, van confirmándonos que leerle es emprender una larga conversación donde el escritor barcelonés pone en juego los innumerables recursos de su apasionado compromiso literario.Vila-Matas, siempre a caballo entre lo real y lo ficcional, diluidos uno en el otro, logra aquí asir sus obsesiones e ideas como si de hilos se tratara, y teje con ellos un tapiz deslumbrante, fruto de una de las miradas más lúcidas de la literatura contemporánea.Reseñas:Es uno de los mejores dietarios que he leído nunca. Que he leído, que releo estos días, en la cama, en el bus, en el café mientras espero. Está lleno de ideas, de momentos felices e inqu
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Bartleby y compañia / Bartleby and Company
La tentación del fracaso
Desde finales de los años cuarenta el gran escritor peruano Julio Ramón Ribeyro fue dando forma a un diario personal que lo acompañó durante multiples viajes y estancias en España, Francia, Alemania, Bélgica y Perú. Obra colosal, originariamente no destinada a su publicación, se proyecta como uno de los testimonios más intensos y conmovedores del itinerario vital y creativo de un escritor.
Editorial Seix Barral Bartleby y compañía la pregunta de Florencia
Un libro clave para entender la obra de Enrique Vila-Matas. El narrador es un rastreadorde bartlebys, esos seres que se niegan a escribir, llevados por la pulsión negativa e inspirados en el famoso oficinista del relato de Herman Melville que, ante cualquier requerimiento, responde siempre diciendo: Preferiría no hacerlo.En sus notas a una novela nunca escrita, este explorador del mal endémico de las letras contemporáneas habla de Rulfo, de Rimbaud, de Salinger, de Kafka, de las razones que los llevaron al silencio y de las historias reales e inventadas que bordean el laberinto del No.
Pepitas de calabaza Paraguas en llamas
Errata Naturae Editores S.L. Mad Men o La frágil belleza de los sueños en Madison Avenue
Martes, 5 de abril de 2015Estimados lectores y admiradores de SCDP:A vosotros no hace falta convenceros de que Mad Menes irresistible. Sabéis bien que más allá de su aparienciasexy, es una serie que nos habla de las cosas que deverdad nos importan: nuestra ansia contemporáneade felicidad, nuestra difícil búsqueda de la libertad,nuestra maltrecha construcción de la identidad. Y detodo esto trata también este libro.Comienza con una extensa y reveladora entrevistainédita en la que Matthew Weiner, creador de MadMen, nos confiesa sus filias, fobias e influencias, y nosdesvela el verdadero origen de esta producción. A continuación,Enrique Vila-Matas recupera un inquietanteepisodio juvenil para hablarnos del eje secreto de la seriey de cómo ésta lo reconcilió con el corazón invisiblede todo relato. A ellos se suman un conjunto de autoresque analizan de forma ágil y lúcida los principales temasde Mad Men: de los claroscuro
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Montevideo
Whitechapel Gallery Cabinet d'amateur, an oblique novel: Enrique Vila-Matas
New Directions Publishing Corporation Never Any End to Paris
This brilliantly ironic novel about literature and writing, in Vila-Matas’s trademark witty and erudite style, is told in the form of a lecture delivered by a novelist clearly a version of the author himself. The “lecturer” tells of his two-year stint living in Marguerite Duras’s garret during the seventies, spending time with writers, intellectuals, and eccentrics, and trying to make it as a creator of literature: “I went to Paris and was very poor and very unhappy.” Encountering such luminaries as Duras, Roland Barthes, Georges Perec, Sergio Pitol, Samuel Beckett, and Juan Marsé, our narrator embarks on a novel whose text will “kill” its readers and put him on a footing with his beloved Hemingway. (Never Any End to Paris takes its title from a refrain in A Moveable Feast.) What emerges is a fabulous portrait of intellectual life in Paris that, with humor and penetrating insight, investigates the role of literature in our lives.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Bartleby & Co.
In Bartleby & Co., an enormously enjoyable novel, Enrique Vila-Matas tackles the theme of silence in literature: the writers and non-writers who, like the scrivener Bartleby of the Herman Melville story, in answer to any question or demand, replies: "I would prefer not to." Addressing such "artists of refusal" as Robert Walser, Robert Musil, Arthur Rimbaud, Marcel Duchamp, Herman Melville, and J. D. Salinger, Bartleby & Co. could be described as a meditation: a walking tour through the annals of literature. Written as a series of footnotes (a non-work itself), Bartleby embarks on such questions as why do we write, why do we exist? The answer lies in the novel itself: told from the point of view of a hermetic hunchback who has no luck with women, and is himself unable to write, Bartleby is utterly engaging, a work of profound and philosophical beauty.
Hanuman Editions Insistence as a Fine Art
And Other Stories Vampire in Love
Gathered for the first time in English and spanning his entire career, Vampire in Love offers a selection of the Spanish master Enrique Vila-Matas’s finest short stories. An effeminate, hunchbacked barber on the verge of death falls in love with a choir boy. A fledgling writer on barbiturates visits Marguerite Duras’s Paris apartment and watches his dinner companion slip into the abyss. An unsuspecting man receives a mysterious phone call from a lonely ophthalmologist and visits his abandoned villa. The stories in Vampire in Love, selected and brilliantly translated by Margaret Jull Costa, are all told with Vila-Matas’s delightful erudition and wit, and his provocative questioning of the interrelation of art and life.
Debolsillo Extraña forma de vida
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: ContemporáneaLa historia de un hombre dividido entre dos amores y entre dos actividades parecidas, la de escritor y la de espía.Cyrano es escritor de oficio y heredero de la afición ancestral e incontenible del espionaje que, durante generaciones, ha cultivado su familia. Parapetado tras su gabardina, sus gafas de sol y sus paraguas espía a su padre, a su abuelo, a los vecinos del barrio para documentar la novela en la que está trabajando. Al mismo tiempo, recuerda obsesivamente el que fuera el día más importante de su vida, aquel en el que tuvo que elegir entre un amor eterno y uno pasajero, entre una existencia conservadora u otra extrañamente revolucionaria.
Editorial Seix Barral El mal de Montano
Encuadernación: Rústica con solapasColección: Biblioteca Breve
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Mac und sein Zwiespalt
Editorial Seix Barral Marienbad eléctrico
Enrique Vila-Matas y Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster se han reunido durante años en el café Bonaparte de París para compartir ideas, proyectos e intereses. De ahí nace una obra que explora el misterio de la creación, un libro cautivador, escrito a petición de la artista con motivo de su gran exposición retrospectiva en el Centro Pompidou, en el que uno de los autores más relevantes de la literatura contemporáneavuelve a caminar en la frontera entre el arte contemporáneo y la literatura, y en el que destaca el humor y la ligereza que ya desplegó en Kassel no invita a la lógica.
Galaxia Gutenberg, S.L. Fuera de aquí conversaciones con André Gabastou
En la estela de su admirado Marcel Duchamp, que nos legó un extraordinario volumen de conversaciones, en Fuera de aquí, Enrique Vila-Matas, incitado por su traductor al francés y amigo, André Gabastou, repasa la gestación y el inagotable anecdotario que se esconde detrás de cada uno de sus libros y traza una inimitable panorámica de su poética singular, desde sus narraciones juveniles hasta su producción última aún pendiente de publicarse. Dotando al diálogo de un sentido nuevo que permite conocer los entresijos de toda su obra, Vila-Matas se nos muestra como el creador de mundos de los shandys o los bartlebys, explorador de nuevos conceptos, como el mal de Montano, inventorde personajes inolvidables como el doctor Pasavento, revisitador de ciudades como París, Veracruz, Lisboa o, tras su salto inglés, de ese Dublín joyciano, que tanto ha marcado el curso de esa enorme aventura que es su obra literaria. Al mismo tiempo, sin perder la solapada ironía siempre presente en sus escritos, no
Chet Baker piensa en su arte Ficcin crtica
En Chet Baker piensa en su arte, texto que propone un nuevo género (la ficción crítica), Enrique Vila-Matas se autorretrata como un escritor de personalidad escindida, como un ensayista mitad doctor Jekyll y mitad míster Hyde, mitad doctor Finnegans y mitad monsieur Hire. Esta historia narra la noche de un crítico literario que, encerrado por unas horas en un hotel de Turín, busca el punto de unión entre la literatura radical encarnada por el último Joyce ?el de Finnegans Wake? y la literatura tradicional de calidad representada por Simenon: dos tendencias sólo aparentemente irreconciliables, que el protagonista tratará de ensamblar en un ansiado texto-monstruo de orden franskensteiniano.
Debolsillo Paris no se acaba nunca
Nórdica Libros El da sealado
Galaxia Gutenberg, S.L. La infancia de Liuvers El salvoconducto Poesías de Yuri Zhivago
Será difícil encontrar un personaje tan disparatado e imprevisible como el protagonista de la primera de las historias recogidas en este volumen, la que da título al mismo. El personaje tiene una existencia atrabiliaria y desnortada, que suscita continuamente la atracción de la sorpresa y el peligro. Se trata de una vida incendiaria, en la que el descaro y el humor pueden, si nos descuidamos, hacernos arder las pestañas. El contraste es enorme con la segunda historia, en la que un tío invita a comer a dos sobrinos en un lujoso restaurante, y allí los muchachos descubrirán la existencia misteriosa de un hombre que confunde las ensoñaciones con los recuerdos. Una historia tan inquietante como emotiva y una atmósfera que no sólo marca la intensidad del relato sino la propia tonalidad con que está escrito. En la tercera historia, conocemos a dos seres que contraponen entre sí, con la tensión de un debate de ideas y sensaciones, algo tan secreto y sutil como puede ser el gusto de la infelic
Dalkey Archive Press Best European Fiction 2015
For the past five years, this anthology has stirred reactions around the globe, exciting readers, critics, and publishers alike. Bringing new names and work of European writers to an international audience has shown the vitality of writing from Europe at a time when the number of translations has dramatically shrunk in the United States and England, thereby depriving readers of access to some of the best writing being done in the world today. As in past volumes, special attention is paid to writers from the smaller countries who are usually overlooked (Albania, the Ukraine, Belarus, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, and many others) in favor of the major languages. This tradition continues with the present volume. With a preface by the internationally known Enrique Vila-Matas, "Best European Fiction 2015" takes it place among the first five volumes in bringing important voices to the English-speaking world.
New Directions Publishing Corporation A Brief History of Portable Literature
An author (a version of Vila-Matas himself) presents a short “history” of a secret society, the Shandies, who are obsessed with the concept of “portable literature.” The society is entirely imagined, but in this rollicking, intellectually playful book, its members include writers and artists like Marcel Duchamp, Aleister Crowley, Witold Gombrowicz, Federico García Lorca, Man Ray, and Georgia O’Keefe. The Shandies meet secretly in apartments, hotels, and cafes all over Europe to discuss what great literature really is: brief, not too serious, penetrating the depths of the mysterious. We witness the Shandies having adventures in stationary submarines, underground caverns, African backwaters, and the cultural capitals of Europe.
Vintage Publishing The Illogic of Kassel
A puzzling phone call shatters a writer’s routine. An enigmatic female voice extends an invitation to take part in Documenta, the legendary contemporary art exhibition held every five years in Kassel, Germany. The writer’s mission will be to transform himself into a living art installation, by sitting down to write every morning in a Chinese restaurant on the outskirts of town. Once in Kassel, the writer is surprised to find himself overcome by good cheer. As he strolls through the city, spurred on by his spontaneous, quirky response to art, he begins to make sense of the wonders that surround him.'A writer who has no equal in the contemporary landscape of the Spanish novel' Roberto Bolaño'Vila-Matas's work made a tremendous impression on me'Paul Auster
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Illogic of Kassel
A puzzling phone call shatters a writer’s routine. An enigmatic female voice extends a dinner invitation, and it soon becomes clear that this is an invitation to take part in the documenta, the legendary exhibition of contemporary art held every five years in Kassel, Germany. The writer’s mission will be to sit down to write every morning in a Chinese restaurant on the outskirts of town, transforming himself into a living art installation. Once in Kassel, the writer is surprised to find himself overcome by good cheer as he strolls through the city, spurred on by the endless supply of energy at the heart of the exhibition. This is his spontaneous, quirky response to art, rising up against pessimism.With humor, profundity, and a sharp eye, Enrique Vila-Matas tells the story of a solitary man, who, roaming the streets amid oddities and wonder, takes it upon himself to translate from a language he does not understand.
Open Letter My Two Worlds
Vintage Publishing Mac and His Problem
LONGLISTED FOR THE 2020 INTERNATIONAL BOOKER PRIZE Enrique Vila-Matas's new novel is perhaps his greatest: 'playful and funny and among the best Spanish novelists' Colm TóibínSixty-something Mac is not writing a novel. He is writing a diary, which no one will ever read. His wife, Carmen, thinks he is wasting his time. But Mac persists, diligently recording his daily walks through the neighbourhood during the hottest summer Barcelona has seen in over a century. But soon he notices that life is exhibiting strange literary overtones, and in the sweltering heat, he becomes ever more immersed in literature - a literature haunted by death but alive with the sheer pleasure of writing.Intricate, erudite and practically fizzing on the page, Mac and His Problem is a masterpiece of metafiction and a testament to the power and playfulness of great literature.'So deeply comical on the one hand, and so deeply poignant on the other, that you just have to give yourself up to it because you're in the hands of a master' Paul Auster'[Vila-Matas] chooses humour in a way that allows him to have big ideas while relentlessly making fun of them' Sunday Telegraph
Deep Vellum Publishing The Art of Flight
"Pitol is unfathomable; it could almost be said that he is a literature entire of himself." -- Daniel Saldana Paris, author of Among Strange Victims The debut work in English by Mexico's greatest and most influential living author and winner of the Cervantes Prize ("the Spanish language Nobel"), The Art of Flight takes the reader on a whirlwind tour of the world's cultural capitals as Sergio Pitol looks back on his well-traveled life as a legendary author, translator, scholar, and diplomat. The first work in Pitol's "Trilogy of Memory," The Art of Flight imaginatively blends the genres of fiction and memoir in a Borgesian swirl of contemplation and mystery, expanding our understanding and appreciation of what literature can be and what it can do. Sergio Pitol Demeneghi (b. 1933 in Puebla), one of Mexico's most acclaimed writers and literary translators, studied law and philosophy in Mexico City, and served for over thirty years as a cultural attache in Mexican embassies and consulates across the globe, which is reflected in his diverse and universal writing. In recognition of the importance of his entire canon of literary work, Pitol was awarded the Juan Rulfo Prize in 1999 (now known as the FIL Literary Award in Romance Languages), and in 2005 the Cervantes Prize, the most prestigious literary prize in the Spanish language world. George Henson is currently completing a PhD in humanities (with an emphasis on literary and translation studies) at the University of Texas at Dallas. He received his BA from University of Oklahoma, and his MA from Middlebury College. His most recent published translations have included new works by Elena Poniatowska and Andres Neuman.