Search results for ""author elizabeth sherill""
John Murray Press The Happiest People On Earth
The amazing life of the Armenian dairyman who founded the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, a unique ministry to men and women in the business world. It is a story to make you laugh, to make you cry and to build faith.Today, with several thousand chapters around the world, the Fellowship reaches more than a billion people a year with the life-changing message of Christ's love. This book brings the story of its founder and those around him into vivid colour and will inspire all those who read it.
John Murray Press God's Smuggler
With over ten million copies sold, God's Smuggler has thrilled and inspired readers for more than forty years. It tells the true story of how a young Dutchman risked his life to bring faith and hope to believers behind the Iron Curtain.Now updated with new material from interviews with Brother Andrew, he tells of his adventures as his ministry took him to the Middle East, Africa, China, Israel, Pakistan and other places of great danger and extraordinary opportunities. With new relevance, and at such a poignant time for persecuted Christians, this book is set to inspire a whole new generation of readers.
John Murray Press The Hiding Place
The #1 testimony book that every Christian needs to read. As the Nazi madness swept across Europe, a quiet watchmaker's family in Holland risked everything for the sake of others, and for the love of Christ. Despite the danger and threat of discovery, the ten Boom family courageously offered shelter to persecuted Jews during the Nazi occupation of Holland. Then a trap brought about the family's arrest. Could God's love shine through, even in Ravensbruck?