Search results for ""author elinor wyn reynolds""
Cyhoeddiadau Barddas Anwyddoldeb
Cyfrol gyntaf o gerddi gan Elinor Wyn Reynolds. Os mai taith yw bywyd, yna cyfrol yw Anwyddoldeb sy'n cerdded llwybr bywyd gan sylwi ar y profiadau a'r dewisiadau ddaw i'n rhan, ac aros weithiau ar hyd y ffordd.
Rack Press Your Careful Heart: Dy Galon Ofalus
Firefly Press Ltd Campau Campus: 1. Pêl-Droed Penigamp
The second title in the Campau Campus series. Perhaps the best description of these titles is a kind of 'Horrible Histories' about various sports. This title deals with football and is a Welsh adaptation by Elinor Wyn Reynolds of Stupendous Sports: Fantastic Football.
Parthian Books Tai a'r Throl Tremorfa
Tai lives in Tremorfa. He likes fishing and the Troll who lives at the bottom of Mrs Griffiths garden. He's never told anyone about the troll. Illustrated by a Welsh International Sportswoman, this is the first in a trilogy of "Troll" books. In an age of I-pods and downloadable movies there is a refreshing air of the simplicity and excitement in a days fishing and pure imagination. This work will appeal to any little boy with a pocket full of shells, pebbles and elastic bands.
Rily Publications Ltd Breuddwydia’n Fawr! / Dream Big!
You can do anything put your mind to it. Dream BIG believe that you can do it! Meet inspirational animals who embrace the power of positivity by keeping big dreams in their hearts and minds. A bilingual text.