Search results for ""author eduardo galeano""
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. El cazador de historias
El siglo XXI no est? resultando ser un gran siglo. Los abusos de un sistema formado por ricos cada vez m?s ricos y jodidos muy jodidos est?n a la orden del d?a. Siguen so?ando las pulgas con comprarse un perro y los nadies con salir de pobres. En esta obra, que termin? un a?o antes de morir, Eduardo Galeano sale a cazar en esa jungla para mostrarnos ?con crudeza, con humor, con ternura? el mundo en que vivimos, desnudando ciertas realidades que, pese a estar al alcance de la mano, no todos llegan a ver.Pero, como sugiere su t?tulo, El cazador de historias devela tambi?n al narrador que acecha detr?s de todos los relatos. Y as?, aunque siempre fue reticente a hablar de s? mismo, Galeano cierra este libro con un pu?ado de bellas y poderosas historias que sorprenden tanto porque ofrecen pistas de su biograf?a, de sus a?os de infancia y juventud, de los primeros viajes por Am?rica Latina, de las personas que marcaron su vida y su escritura, como porque expresan sus ideas
Siglo XXI de Espaa Editores, S.A. Patas arriba la escuela del mundo al revs
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Nosotros decimos no crónicas 19631988
"Entre todos, el que mejor interpretó la circunstancia de la crisis y lo que ella abría, fue el camino recorrido por Galeano. Un escritor refinado, de delicada sensibilidad, por momentos un esteta, formado en la lectura de la narrativa norteamericana contemporánea (Hemingway, McCullers, Salinger, Updike), acucioso periodista como algunos de los narradores grandes de la América Latina actual (García Márquez), sagaz analista de asuntos políticos y documentado estudioso de la vida americana, Galeano habría de asomarse a una totalidad social que superaba la compartimentación característica de las clases medias educadas y avizoraría otro universo."Ángel Rama (1973).
Peter Hammer Verlag GmbH Kinder der Tage
Unionsverlag Der Ball ist rund
Penguin Books Ltd Football in Sun and Shadow
'Football is a pleasure that hurts'This unashamedly emotional history of football is a homage to the romance and drama, spectacle and passion of a 'great pagan mass'. Through stories of superstition, heartbreak, tragedy, luck, heroes and villains, those who lived for football and those who died for it, Eduardo Galeano celebrates the glory of a game that - however much the rich and powerful try to control it - still retains its magic.'The Uruguayan whose writing got right to the heart of football ... readers were never in doubt of the warmth of the blood running through his veins' Guardian'Galeano can run rings round our glamorous football intelligentsia' When Saturday Comes'Stands out like Pele on a field of second-stringers' New Yorker
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Das y noches de amor y de guerra
Mixture of autobiography and social critique. Includes collection of thoughts, essays and stories.
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Espejos una historia casi universal
Tras cuatro años, Galeano publica esta nueva obra en la cual revisa la historia de la humanidad hasta hoy, y lo hace desde la óptica de los hechos y de las personas menos conocidas, de los que no figuran en los diarios ni en las fotos. Como dice el subtítulo del libro, se trata de una historia casi universal, de un inventario general del mundo que aparece iluminado por este escritor capaz de enlazar lo cotidiano, lo poderoso y la denuncia con lo más sencillo, con el humor o con la más exquisita ironía.En este libro se entremezclan los relatos que nos llevan, como sus propios títulos indican, desde la Fundación del machismo, la Resurrección de Jesús, Las edades de Juana la Loca o La educación en tiempos de Franco hasta Los derechos civiles en el fútbol.
Peter Hammer Verlag GmbH Frauen
Peter Hammer Verlag GmbH Die offenen Adern Lateinamerikas Neuausgabe
Little, Brown Book Group Hunter of Stories
'Not since Guy de Maupasant has the short literary form been imbued with such grace, elegance and poignancy . . . these quintessential and often poetic pearls astonish, inspire reflection and entertain' Morning StarThe internationally acclaimed last work by the bestselling Latin American writerMaster storyteller Eduardo Galeano was unique among his contemporaries (Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Mario Vargas Llosa among them) for his commitment to retelling our many histories, including the stories of those who were disenfranchised. A philosopher poet, his nonfiction is infused with such passion and imagination that it matches the intensity and the appeal of Latin America's very best fiction.Published here for the first time in an elegant English translation by long-time collaborator Mark Fried, Hunter of Stories is a deeply considered collection of Galeano's final musings on history, memory, humour, tragedy and loss.Written in his signature style - vignettes that fluidly combine dialogue, fables, and anecdotes - every page displays the original thinking and compassion that made Galeano one of the most original and beloved voices in world literature.
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. La cancin de nosotros
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Vagamundo y otros relatos
?Un libro pequeño para tanta vida ancha que corre por sus páginas.? Osvaldo Soriano, La Opinión, Argentina?Los gritos y susurros de América Latina.? Marcelo Pichon-Rivière, Panorama, Argentina?Hermoso y terrible.? Jorge Ruffinelli, Marcha, Uruguay?Voces subterráneas, mundos escondidos: una pasión extraordinaria.? Gabriel Saad, Le Monde Diplomatique, Francia
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Bocas del tiempo
Este libro ofrece una multitud de pequeñas historias que cuentan, juntas, una sola historia.Es una travesía por los temas más diversos: el amor, la infancia, el agua, la tierra, la palabra, la imagen, la música, el éxodo, el poder, el miedo, la guerra, la indignidad, la indignación, el vuelo...Sus protagonistas aparecen y se desvanecen para seguir viviendo, historia tras historia, en otros personajes que les dan continuidad. Tejidos por los hilos del tiempo, ellos son tiempo que dice: son bocas del tiempo.
Peter Hammer Verlag GmbH Geschichtenjäger
Penguin Books Ltd Children of the Days: A Calendar of Human History
From Eduardo Galeano, one of Latin America's greatest living writers, author of the Memory of Fire trilogy, comes Children of the Days, a new kind of history that shows us how to remember and how to liveThis book is shaped like a calendar. Each day brings with it a story: a journey, feast or tragedy that really happened on that date, from all possible years and all corners of the world. From Abdul Kassem Ismail, the tenth-century Persian who never went anywhere without his library - all seventeen thousand books of it, on four hundred camels; to the Brazilian city of Sorocaba, which on February 8 1980 responded to the outlawing of public kissing by becoming one huge kissodrome; to July 1 2008, the day the US government decided to remove Nelson Mandela's name from its list of dangerous terrorists, Children of the Days takes aim at the pretensions of official history and illuminates moments and heroes that we have all but forgotten. Through this shimmering historical mosaic runs a common thread, one that joins humanity's darkest hours to its sweetest victories. Children of the Days is the story of our lives.'Passionate and humane ... so funny and so moving' - Philip Pullman'Galeano performs the sort of extraordinary feats of compassion, artistry, and imagination achieved in fiction by his fellow visionary Latin American writers, especially Borges, García Márquez, and Bolaño' - Booklist, starred reviewEduardo Galeano is one of Latin America's most distinguished writers. He is the author of the three-volume Memory of Fire; Open Veins of Latin America; Soccer in Sun and Shadow; The Book of Embraces; Walking Words; Upside Down; and Voices in Time. Born in Montevideo in 1940, he lived in exile in Argentina and Spain for years before returning to Uruguay. His work has been translated into twenty-eight languages. He is the recipient of many international prizes.
PublicAffairs Children of the Days A Calendar of Human History
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Cerrado por fútbol
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Vagamundo y otros relatos
Granta Books Mirrors: Stories Of Almost Everyone
In Mirrors, Galeano smashes aside the narrative of conventional history and arranges the shards into a new pattern, to reveal the past in radically altered form. From the Garden of Eden to twenty-first-century cityscapes, we glimpse fragments in the lives of those who have been overlooked by traditional histories: the artists, the servants, the gods and the visionaries, the black slaves who built the White House, and the women who were bartered for dynastic ends
Bold Type Books Hunter of Stories
New York University Press Days and Nights of Love and War
The personal testimoney of a contemporary political writer. In this journal, the author records the lves of strugegels of the Latin American people under two decades of unimaginable violence and repression. This book alternates between reportage, personal vignettes, interviews and travelogues.
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent
Since its U.S. debut a quarter-century ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural narrative of the highest quality, and perhaps the finest description of primitive capital accumulation since Marx. Rather than chronology, geography, or political successions, Eduardo Galeano has organized the various facets of Latin American history according to the patterns of five centuries of exploitation. Thus he is concerned with gold and silver, cacao and cotton, rubber and coffee, fruit, hides and wool, petroleum, iron, nickel, manganese, copper, aluminum ore, nitrates, and tin. These are the veins which he traces through the body of the entire continent, up to the Rio Grande and throughout the Caribbean, and all the way to their open ends where they empty into the coffers of wealth in the United States and Europe. Weaving fact and imagery into a rich tapestry, Galeano fuses scientific analysis with the passions of a plundered and suffering people. An immense gathering of materials is framed with a vigorous style that never falters in its command of themes. All readers interested in great historical, economic, political, and social writing will find a singular analytical achievement, and an overwhelming narrative that makes history speak, unforgettably. This classic is now further honored by Isabel Allende's inspiring introduction. Universally recognized as one of the most important writers of our time, Allende once again contributes her talents to literature, to political principles, and to enlightenment.
Bold Type Books Soccer in Sun and Shadow
WW Norton & Co We Say No: Chronicles 1963-1991
It eloquently states the case that by saying no to a global system of greed, repression, and exploitation one says yes to the universal values of equality, freedom, and love. All of the thirty-four pieces that comprise this book affirm the elemental struggle of the forgotten and the dispossessed for simple human dignity. From vivid portraits of the "last emperor" Pu Yi, Pele, and Che Guevara to a defense of the political nature of the literary enterprise in Latin America to stinging critiques of the end-of-history thesis and the "celebrations" of Columbus's voyages of discovery (and conquest) to the genesis of Memory of Fire, the pieces in We Say No are united by Galeano's unique ability to blend stirring political commitment, a magical literary facility and a large historical imagination into a seamless web. The result is a volume indispensable to the growing legion of Galeano's American readers and to all concerned with the issues of peace and justice in the Americas and, indeed, in the entire post-Cold War world.
WW Norton & Co The Book of Embraces
Eduardo Galeano's is considered a passionate literary voice. In "The Book of Embraces", he employs parable and paradox, anecdote and dream, and fragments of autobiography to construct a passionate, ironic and joyful world view. The world reveals itself in a multiplicity of voices; what emerges is a brief for love, friendship, courage, perseverance and imagination. Galeano also wrote "Memory of Fire".
St Martin's Press Upside down: a Primer for the Looking-Glass World