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DK Did You Know? Animals: Amazing answers to more than 200 awesome questions!
From penguins to elephants and snakes to sharks, let your budding zoologist discover incredible facts about animals big and small. Ever wondered why ducks float or how a spider makes a web? This fascinating animal book reveals the answers to more than 200 intriguing questions children ask about their favorite animals. Let’s explore them all!Inside the pages of this first encyclopedia about animals, you’ll find: • Five chapters covering mammals, birds, marine life, creepy-crawlies, and reptiles and amphibians. • Information that is presented in bite-sized chunks and images that are clearly captioned and annotated. • Stunning photography of animals in their natural surroundings. • Answers more than 200 questions about animals, like “Can dogs see color?” or “Why do tigers have stripes?” in an engaging question and answer format. • “Quick quiz” boxes that allow the reader to test their friends and family on trivia about the animal kingdom. This fact-packed nature book for kids takes young readers on an epic adventure of exploring the animal kingdom! It’s organized by group and covers all areas of the animal kingdom, from mammals and birds to insects, reptiles and fish. Each page asks a new question and answers it with clear, simple text alongside amazing pictures, providing engaging information to help kids understand all about animal life and behavior. Created in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution, this updated animal encyclopedia is the perfect addition to any in-school or home library. It features a fresh and simple design approach that keeps the pages clear and easy to navigate. It’s the perfect gift for kids ages 7-9 who are interested in animals and the natural world!Get your child learning with DK's Did You Know? series of children’s educational books. It’s packed with fantastic facts for curious minds! Look out for Did You Know? Human Body and learn about all aspects of the human body.
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Mikrokosmos Wunderwelt der kleinsten Lebewesen
DK ¿Dónde viven los animales? (Through the Animal Kingdom): Animales asombrosos y sus extraordinarios hábitats
13 hábitats extraordinarios, 13 historias inolvidablesDonde viven los animales te invita a recorrer los continentes en busca de los animales que los habitan. No pierdas el rastro al águila americana mientras surca majestuosamente los picos de las Montañas Rocosas; sigue la migración del ñu africano a través del parque nacional Serengueti mientras trata de cruzar peligrosos ríos bajo la mirada atenta de hambrientos depredadores; sigue el rastro del solitario leopardo del Amur (el felino más extraño del planeta) mientras acecha silenciosamente a su presa a través de los helados bosques de Siberia.Entrañables imágenes invitan al lector a sumergirse en cada página. Las inolvidables historias en el texto narrativo le animan a pasar las páginas. Pequeñas unidades de texto informativo se aseguran de que el lector aprende mientras se divierte.Donde viven los animales es un regalo ideal para niños de 4 a 8 años amantes de la naturaleza y la ecología, así como para inspirarles en su tareas escolares y a aprender de manera independiente en casa.
DK ¿Sabías qué? Animales (Did You Know? Animals): Respuestas geniales a preguntas sorprendentes
¿Cómo se hincha el pez globo? ¿Por qué el cangrejo camina de lado? ¿Qué hace llorar al cocodrilo? ¿Por qué el pingüino no se congela en la nieve? En las páginas de este libro, los más pequeños encontrarán las respuestas a estas y otras muchas más preguntas. Descubre un reino animal escamoso, peludo, viscoso... ¡y totalmente salvaje!- Más de 200 preguntas y respuestas curiosas sobre aves, mamíferos, reptiles, insectos, peces, etc.- Formato interactivo con preguntas cortas para mantener el interés y animar a los a los niños a buscar las respuestas por sí mismos- Impactantes fotografías de todo tipo de animales y de las partes de su cuerpo: leones rugiendo, peces globo inflados, ardillas voladoras, escarabajos peloteros, serpientes siseando…La curiosidad es imprescindible en todas las etapas de la infancia, por lo que es importante que los niños se mantengan motivados y con ganas de aprender. ¿Sabías qué? Animales es una útil herramienta con la que descubrirán nuevos datos del mundo que les rodea, desarrollarán su capacidad de observación y saciarán su hambre de saber. —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From penguins to elephants and snakes to sharks, let your budding zoologist discover incredible facts about animals big and small.Ever wondered why ducks float or how a spider makes a web? This fascinating animal book reveals the answers to more than 200 intriguing questions children ask about their favorite animals. Let’s explore them all!Inside the pages of this first encyclopedia about animals, you’ll find:- Five chapters covering mammals, birds, marine life, creepy-crawlies, and reptiles and amphibians.- Information that is presented in bite-sized chunks and images that are clearly captioned and annotated.- Stunning photography of animals in their natural surroundings.- Answers more than 200 questions about animals, like “Can dogs see color?” or “Why do tigers have stripes?” in an engaging question and answer format.This fact-packed nature book for kids takes young readers on an epic adventure of exploring the animal kingdom! It’s organized by group and covers all areas of the animal kingdom, from mammals and birds to insects, reptiles and fish. Each page asks a new question and answers it with clear, simple text alongside amazing pictures, providing engaging information to help kids understand all about animal life and behavior.
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Supertiere Die 100 grten schnellsten gefhrlichsten Tiere der Welt
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Kids The Ocean Book: Explore the Hidden Depth of Our Blue Planet
Dive into the unexplored depths of the deep blue sea and discover its secrets with this trusty and beautifully-illustrated guide by Lonely Planet Kids. Meet the amazing animals, birds and plants that live in our oceans, the habitats in which they live, then learn about the harmful effects climate change, oil spills and plastic waste can have on them - plus, what you can do to help future generations!From the odd-shaped head of the great hammerhead shark to the hairy strips of baleen in a baleen whale’s mouth, meet some of the ocean’s oddest creatures and discover how they have evolved to live and thrive under the sea. Journey from the colourful coral reefs of the Indian Ocean to the wild waves of freezing Antarctica, covering everywhere from sandy beaches, deserted open seas and mile-deep trenches in-between. Learn all about the history of how the oceans came to be, as well as the sunken cities that were claimed by them, then understand just how powerful the force of water can be as you explore tides, waves, tsunamis and currents. After dropping anchor like the pirate Jack Sparrow on tropical, palm-fringed islands, end with a lesson on how humans have been using and abusing our oceans throughout the years, and what we can do to help protect them for the future. About Lonely Planet Kids: Lonely Planet Kids – an imprint of the world’s leading travel authority Lonely Planet – published its first book in 2011. Over the past 45 years, Lonely Planet has grown a dedicated global community of travellers, many of whom are now sharing a passion for exploration with their children. Lonely Planet Kids educates and encourages young readers at home and in school to learn about the world with engaging books on culture, sociology, geography, nature, history, space and more. We want to inspire the next generation of global citizens and help kids and their parents to approach life in a way that makes every day an adventure. Come explore!
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Through the Animal Kingdom: Discover Amazing Animals and Their Remarkable Homes
Go on a journey that spans every corner of our planet. What do freezing mountain peaks, vast deserts, lush forests, and the deepest, darkest oceans have in common? They're all places that incredible animals call home.Through the Animal Kingdom invites you on a journey through these habitats to discover the secret lives of the animals that live there. Track a bald eagle as it soars majestically over the Rocky Mountains, follow migrating wildebeests across the Serengeti as they attempt a dangerous river crossing under the watchful eyes of hungry predators, or trace the tracks of the solitary amur leopard - the rarest cat on Earth - as it silently stalks its prey through the icy forests of the Siberian wilderness.