Search results for ""author daniel alarcon""
Alfaguara Ciudad de payasos
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: LiteraturasChino, un joven periodista, se enfrenta a la muerte de su padre al tiempo que escribe una crónica sobre payasos callejeros, tristes personajes que deambulan por una Lima violenta y corrupta.Este relato de Daniel Alarcón, incluido en su primer libro, Guerra a la luz de las velas, adquiere ahora, en colaboración con la artista Sheila Alvarado, una nueva dimensión. El formato de novela gráfica, sus viñetas e imágenes, sus oscuridades y silencios, parecen encajar idealmente con el tono de la historia original. Con Lima como protagonista, y utilizando un audaz lenguaje visual, Ciudad de payasos genera un impacto entrañable.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El rey siempre está por encima del pueblo / The Is Always Above The people: Stories
Ediciones Babylon La Bella y la Bestia
La Bella y la bestia (La Belle et la Bête en el original) es uno de los cuentos de hadas tradicionales más populares de la historia. Sus orígenes se remontan a la tradición francesa, y aunque con el transcurso de los siglos la historia ha sido plasmada e
HarperCollins Publishers Inc War by Candlelight: Stories
Orion Publishing Co The Book of Emma Reyes: A Memoir in Correspondence
In this startlingly original memoir, composed of twenty-three letters written over the course of thirty years, Emma Reyes describes in vivid, painterly detail the remarkable courage and limitless imagination of a young girl growing up with nothing. Hailed as an instant classic when first published in Colombia in 2012, nine years after the death of its author, the portrait that emerges from this clear-eyed account inspires awe at the stunning early life of a gifted writer and artist who was encouraged in her writing by Gabriel García Márquez, but whose talent remained hidden for far too long.
Dalkey Archive Press American Odysseys: Writings by New Americans
American Odysseys is an anthology of twenty-two novelists, poets, and short-story writers drawn from the shortlist for the 2011 Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Literature. Including Ethiopian-born Dinaw Mengestu, the recipient of the Prize; Yugoslavian-born Téa Obreht, the youngest author to receive the Orange Prize in Fiction; and Chinese-born Yiyun Li, a MacArthur Genius grantee, what these authors all have in common—and share with US Poet Laureate Charles Simic, who has contributed a foreword—is that they are immigrants to the United States, now excelling in their fields and dictating the terms by which future American writing will be judged by the world. Running the gamut from desperate realism to whimsical fantasy—from Miho Nonaka’s poetry, inspired by fourteenth-century Noh theater, to Ismet Prcic’s wrenching stories set in the aftermath of the Bosnian war—American Odysseys is proof, if any be needed, that the heterogeneity of American society is its greatest asset.