Search results for ""author clemence dupont""
Prestel A Brief History of Life on Earth
It’s difficult to grasp the enormous changes life on Earth has undergone since it first came into existence, but this marvelously illustrated book makes learning about our planet’s fascinating history easy and entertaining. In an accordion style, the series of pages take readers through every major geological period, with bright artwork and detailed drawings. Opening on lava-filled oceans and smoking volcanoes, the book unfolds, era by era, to show how life evolved from tiny protozoa and crustaceans to dinosaurs and mammals. Fully expanded to 8 meters (26 feet), this spectacular visual timeline is a very impressive panorama that reveals evolution in all its glory. Each page is brimming with illustrations that readers will turn to again and again. A celebration of life, this extraordinary and beautiful book illuminates the history of Earth for young readers in an unforgettable and delightful way.
Los animales salvajes
* Groarrr! Grrr! El león ruge para demostrar su fuerza. Sabes dónde vive? Levanta las solapas para descubrir la sabana y todos los animales que viven en ella.* Y el tucán? Vive en la jungla! Y el delfín? Sabes a dónde va cuando se zambulle?* Brrr! Brrr! El reno camina sobre la nieve. Sabes qué animales viven en el Polo Norte y en el Polo Sur?Un libro ilustrado con solapas para despertar la curiosidad de los más pequeños y ayudarles a aprender sus primeras palabras.
Pajama Press When Elephants Listen With Their Feet: Discover Extraordinary Animal Senses
Explore the wild and wonderful world of animal senses with a dynamic work of children’s nonfiction. Humans experience the world through sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. But what if you had the compound eyes of a fly, the whiskers of a cat, or a whale’s ability to sense magnetic north? There’s a whole world of surprising senses out there, and fascinating adaptations that have allowed animals to make use of them. We can’t interpret the faint vibration of an elephant’s faraway stomp, but learning how they keep in touch with family across the wide savannah helps us understand that we are more alike than different. Featuring accessible text from Emmanuelle Grundmann, inviting art from Clémence Dupont, and informational sidebars, a glossary, an index of animals, and a standard index, When Elephants Listen with their Feet is a lively nonfiction book that encourages curiosity about—and respect for—the animals with which we share our planet.