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GEDISA El ser neoliberal
Un libro brújula recomendado para quienes buscan orientarse en un mundo complejo donde las instituciones aparentemente intocables de la democracia occidental han demostrado ser frágiles, sometidas a fuerzas superiores y tal vez poco transparentes. Un m
Dominar estudio sobre la soberanía del Estado de Occidente
Podría parecer que la única manera de afrontar el declive de la soberanía del Estado-?nación y desafiar al globalismo neoliberal sería restablecer la verticalidad del Estado y su autoridad. Pierre Dardot y Christian Laval, en contra de esta ilusión todavía demasiado extendida entre la izquierda, emprenden este largo viaje por la compleja y singular historia del Estado moderno occidental y ponen al descubierto los resortes de una dominación sobre la sociedad que es fundamentalmente una cuestión de fe: los misterios del Estado, el culto a su continuidad, la sacralidad de la que gustan rodearse sus representantes? Ciertos elementos pueden haber cambiado de forma, pero permanece el principio de su poder.Al rastrear esta genealogía, los autores pretenden demostrar que no podemos responder a los retos de la globalización capitalista y el cambio climático sin cuestionar esta herencia. Para hacer frente a estos desafíos, es imprescindible atacar ese régimen de irresponsabilidad política que
Verso Books Never Ending Nightmare: The Neoliberal Assault on Democracy
How do we explain the strange survival of the forcesresponsible for the 2008 economic crisis, one of the worst since 1929? How do we explain the fact that neoliberalism has emerged from the crisis strengthened? When it broke, a number of the most prominent economists hastened to announce the 'death' of neoliberalism. They regarded the pursuit of neoliberal policy as the fruit of dogmatism.For Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval, neoliberalism is no mere dogma. Supported by powerful oligarchies, it is a veritable politico-institutional system that obeys a logic of self-reinforcement. Far from representing a break, crisis has become a formidably effective mode of government.In showing how this system crystallized and solidified, the book explains that the neoliberal straitjacket has succeeded in preventing any course correction by progressively deactivating democracy. Increasing the disarray and demobilization, the so-called 'governmental' Left has actively helped strengthen this oligarchical logic. The latter could lead to a definitive exit from democracy in favour of expertocratic governance, free of any control.However, nothing has been decided yet. The revival of democratic activity, which we see emerging in the political movements and experiments of recent years, is a sign that the political confrontation with the neoliberal system and the oligarchical bloc has already begun.
Verso Books The New Way of the World: On Neoliberal Society
Exploring the genesis of neoliberalism, and the political and economic circumstances of its deployment, Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval dispel numerous common misconceptions. Neoliberalism is neither a return to classical liberalism nor the restoration of "pure" capitalism. To misinterpret neoliberalism is to fail to understand what is new about it: far from viewing the market as a natural given that limits state action, neoliberalism seeks to construct the market and make the firm a model for governments. Only once this is grasped will its opponents be able to meet the unprecedented political and intellectual challenge it poses.
Verso Books The New Way of the World: On Neoliberal Society
Exploring the genesis of neoliberalism, and the political and economic circumstances of its deployment, Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval dispel numerous common misconceptions. Neoliberalism is neither a return to classical liberalism nor the restoration of "pure" capitalism. To misinterpret neoliberalism is to fail to understand what is new about it: far from viewing the market as a natural given that limits state action, neoliberalism seeks to construct the market and use it as a model for governments. Only once this is grasped will its opponents be able to meet the unprecedented political and intellectual challenge it poses.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Common: On Revolution in the 21st Century
Around the globe, contemporary protest movements are contesting the oligarchic appropriation of natural resources, public services, and shared networks of knowledge and communication. These struggles raise the same fundamental demand and rest on the same irreducible principle: the common. In this exhaustive account, Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval show how the common has become the defining principle of alternative political movements in the 21st century. In societies deeply shaped by neoliberal rationality, the common is increasingly invoked as the operative concept of practical struggles creating new forms of democratic governance. In a feat of analytic clarity, Dardot and Laval dissect and synthesize a vast repository on the concept of the commons, from the fields of philosophy, political theory, economics, legal theory, history, theology, and sociology. Instead of conceptualizing the common as an essence of man or as inherent in nature, the thread developed by Dardot and Laval traces the active lives of human beings: only a practical activity of commoning can decide what will be shared in common and what rules will govern the common’s citizen-subjects. This re-articulation of the common calls for nothing less than the institutional transformation of society by society: it calls for a revolution.