Search results for ""author boris pahor""
Berliner Taschenbuch Verl Nekropolis
La pira al port
Després de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Trieste deixa de pertànyer a l?Imperi austrohongarès i passa a ser annexada a Itàlia, i ben aviat és sotmesa a la virulència del feixisme més belligerant. Aquest recull ens mostra, des de la perspectiva d?un nen, com la cultura eslovena, injustament anorreada, va saber contrarestar la pressió assimiladora.A través de la seva experiència, Boris Pahor, l?últim gran supervivent dels camps nazis, narra un dels episodis més oblidats de la història contemporània, alhora que fa una declaració d?amor a la geografia, humana i física, d?aquesta ciutat del Mediterrani.
Dalkey Archive Press Necropolis
Boris Pahor spent the last fourteen months of World War II as a prisoner and medic in the Nazi camps at Belsen, Harzungen, Dachau, and Natzweiler. His fellow prisoners comprised a veritable microcosm of Europe Italians, French, Russians, Dutch, Poles, Germans. Twenty years later, when he visits a camp in the Vosges Mountains that has been preserved as a historical monument, images of his experiences come back to him: corpses being carried to the ovens; emaciated prisoners in wooden clogs and ragged, zebra-striped uniforms, struggling up the steps of a quarry or standing at roll call in the cold rain; the infirmary, reeking of dysentery and death. Necropolis is Pahor s stirring account of his attempts to provide medical aid to prisoners in the face of the utter brutality of the camps and of his coming to terms with the ineradicable guilt he feels, having survived when millions did not.
Canongate Books Necropolis
Boris Pahor spent the last fourteen months of World War II as a prisoner and medic in the Nazi camps at Bergen-Belsen, Harzungen, Dachau and Natzweiler-Struthof. Twenty years later, as he visited the preserved remains of a camp, his experiences came back to him: the emaciated prisoners; the ragged, zebra-striped uniforms; the infirmary reeking of dysentery and death.Necropolis is Pahor's stirring account of providing medical aid to prisoners in the face of the utter brutality of the camps - and coming to terms with the guilt of surviving when millions did not. It is a classic account of the Holocaust and a powerful act of remembrance.