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John Wiley & Sons Inc 3D-Printed Body Architecture
Some architects dream of 3D-printing houses. Some even fantasise about 3D-printing entire cities. But what is the real potential of 3D printing for architects? This issue focuses on another strand of 3D-printing practice emerging among architects operating at a much smaller scale that is potentially more significant. Several architects have been working with the fashion industry to produce some exquisitely designed 3D-printed wearables. Other architects have been 3D-printing food, jewellery and other items at the scale of the human body. But what is the significance of this work? And how do these 3D-printed body-scale items relate to the discipline of architecture? Are they merely a distraction from the real business of the architect? Or do they point towards a new form of proto-architecture – like furniture, espresso makers and pavilions before them – that tests out architectural ideas and explores tectonic properties at a smaller scale? Or does this work constitute an entirely new arena of design? In other words, is 3D printing at the human scale to be seen as a new genre of 'body architecture'? This issue contains some of the most exciting work in this field today, and seeks to chart and analyse its significance. Contributors include: Paola Antonelli/MoMA, Francis Bitonti, Niccolo Casas, Behnaz Farahi, Madeline Gannon, Eric Goldemberg/MONAD Studio, Kyle von Hasseln/3D Systems Culinary Lab, Rem D Koolhaas, Julia Kӧrner, Neil Leach, Steven Ma/Xuberance, Neri Oxman/MIT Media Lab, Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello, Gilles Retsin, Jessica Rosenkrantz/Nervous System, and Patrik Schumacher/Zaha Hadid Architects.
Birkhauser Interactive Design: Towards a Responsive Environment
Designers and forward thinkers in the field of interactive design share their reflections and show examples of different models of a responsive future environment. Interactive design has exploded in recent years with a number of inspiring projects that have opened up a new field of research and design. This book brings together some of the most prominent actors and thinkers in the field of interactive design, with theoretical articles highlighting different aspects of this work and describing them through current practices and projects. Supplemented with numerous illustrations, this book offers an overview of the emergence of interactive design and architecture based on the theory of cybernetics. At the same time, it introduces models of interactivity ranging from dynamic and shapechanging materials to wearables, architecture, and transdisciplinary and alternative design methods. History of the development of interactive design Overview of the state of the art and its possibilities Models of interactivity in theory and practice