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Birkhauser Planning Landscape: Dimensions, Elements, Typologies
A unique planning tool for landscape architects When developing a design concept in a realizable plan, landscape architects oscillate between two different levels of criteria: the tangible design task in context with the planning typology of the park, playground, outdoor swimming pool, or sports facilities, and the individual elements such as steps, ramps, pathways, fenced-in enclosures, outdoor furniture, and so on. Planning Landscapes is a well-conceived tool for the planner, which focuses on the two main aspects of "elements" and "typologies." The planner can flexibly shift between these two according to the specific criterion. The publication presents all information relevant to the planning in a detailed, clear, and cohesive manner. These two main chapters are flanked by an introductory chapter explaining the basics and determining factors of designing in open spaces at the front of the book, and the "reference work" at the end of the book where general dimensions and units, specifications and norms are all clearly compiled.
Birkhauser Constructing Landscape: Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
Constructing Landscape is a systematic introduction to technical and constructional open space planning, with all the relevant topics, from the most common materials and surfaces to the construction of open space elements and the use of plants. For landscape architects and architects it is an indispensable guide to correct and professional execution planning as well as to preparing solid and well-thought-out requests for proposal. Constructing Landscape is divided into two sections, Materials and Surfaces and Building Construction and Building Elements. The first section provides an overview of the various building materials of landscape architecture and their specific characteristics. It also explains the qualities of surfaces and the different approaches to treating them. The second section begins with an introductory chapter explaining the principles of statics, the connections of load-bearing elements, and the various approaches to anchoring building compo-nents and supporting structures. The subsequent chapters use drawings and text to present the constructional principles and techniques associated with the various building elements. Each chapter concludes with a collection of sample projects, illustrated with photographs and technical drawings.
Birkhauser Landschaft planen: Dimensionen, Elemente, Typologien
Bei der Ausformulierung eines Entwurfskonzeptes in eine realisierbare Planung bewegen sich Landschaftsarchitekten permanent zwischen zwei Betrachungsebenen: der konkreten Entwurfsaufgabe im Kontext der Planungstypologie wie Park, Spielplatz, Freibad oder Sportanlage und dem einzelnen Planungselement wie Treppen, Rampen, Wege, Einfriedungen, Freiraummöbel etc. Konsequent gibt Landschaft planen dem Planer ein durchdachtes Planungsinstrument an die Hand, in dem sich zwei Hauptteile gegenüber stehen: „Elemente“ und „Typologien“, zwischen denen der Planer je nach Betrachtungsmaßstab flexibel hin und her wechseln kann. Alle planungsrelevanten Informationen werden hierfür detailliert, übersichtlich und im Zusammenhang präsentiert. Flankiert werden diese beiden Hauptkapitel durch ein Einleitungskapitel, das die Grundlagen und Rahmenbedingungen für das Entwerfen im Freiraum erläutert, und dem „Nachschlagewerk“ am Schluss des Buches, in dem allgemeine Maße und Einheiten, Vorschriften und Normen übersichtlich zusammengestellt sind.
Birkhauser Constructing Landscape: Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
Constructing Landscape is a systematic introduction to technical and constructional open space planning, with all the relevant topics, from the most common materials and surfaces to the construction of open space elements and the use of plants. For landscape architects and architects it is an indispensable guide to correct and professional execution planning as well as to preparing solid and well-thought-out requests for proposal. Constructing Landscape is divided into two sections, Materials and Surfaces and Building Construction and Building Elements. The first section provides an overview of the various building materials of landscape architecture and their specific characteristics. It also explains the qualities of surfaces and the different approaches to treating them. The second section begins with an introductory chapter explaining the principles of statics, the connections of load-bearing elements, and the various approaches to anchoring building compo-nents and supporting structures. The subsequent chapters use drawings and text to present the constructional principles and techniques associated with the various building elements. Each chapter concludes with a collection of sample projects, illustrated with photographs and technical drawings.
Birkhauser Elements in Landscape: Areas, Distances, Dimensions
Designing the outdoor environment is a complex process. Landscape architects must take into account various factors such as space, distance and movement. This volume is a practical reference work for students as well as professionals. It provides all the key dimensions for vertical planning, vegetation and public spaces – everything one needs to design functional and use-specific landscapes.
Birkhauser Planning Landscape: Dimensions, Elements, Typologies
When developing a design concept in a realizable plan, landscape architects oscillate between two different levels of criteria: the tangible design task in context with the planning typology of the park, playground, outdoor swimming pool, or sports facilities, and the individual elements such as steps, ramps, pathways, fenced-in enclosures, outdoor furniture, and so on. Planning Landscape is a well-conceived tool for the planner, which focuses on the two main aspects of “elements” and “typologies”. The planner can flexibly shift between these two according to the specific criterion. The publication presents all information relevant to the planning in a detailed, clear, and cohesive manner. These two main chapters are flanked by an introductory chapter explaining the basics and determining factors of designing in open spaces at the front of the book, andan appendix at the end of the book where general dimensions and units,directives and norms are all clearly compiled.