Search results for ""author ariel andrés almada""
Cuento de Luz SL Walking Through a World of Aromas
Annie spends her days cooking with her grandmother and, although she can't see, she has the gift of being able to feel other people's deepest emotions. She brings those emotions to life with her magical cooking, which helps the townspeople overcome their physical and emotional ailments. But one day, she meets someone who awakens a boundless affection in her and who will introduce her senses to a completely unknown world. This is a beautifully illustrated story about a young girl who successfully shapes her very own place in the world and finds love and acceptance along the way.
Cuento de Luz SL Filla
Cuento de Luz SL El faro de las almas The Lighthouse of Souls
Winner at the 2015 International Latino Book Awards. Follow the light that this lighthouse emits and let yourself be guided by the most distant seas in search of hope.It''s Leo''s birthday, and his grandfather gives him an old, faded lighthouse as a present. A real lighthouse. Excited and full of doubts, Leo follows his grandpa to the lighthouse he has taken care of for many years, only that now it no longer serves ships and seafarers. In a night full of emotions, grandfather and grandson will light the lighthouse and send a message of hope, help, and enthusiasm to all those souls who need it.The Lighthouse of Souls is not only a tender tale of the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren, but also between all of those who look for something they share in common: a light that guides them towards hope.Ganador en los International Latino Book Awards. Sigue la luz que emite est
Cuento de Luz SL El miedo de Iván (Ivan's Fear)
The sea, mist, loud noises...Ivan's afraid of everything! And with all those frights and shivers, his dreams of having great adventures and visiting far-away places seem more and more unlikely. But could an unexpected visitor help him overcome his deepest fears? Could an old African song change his life forever? El miedo de Ivan is an inspiring tale about the bravery we need in order to live our lives with joy and happiness. It is a journey to the very center of our hearts, which will give us the courage and bravery to face up to any obstacle that stands in our way. Lexile Level 850L
Cuento de Luz SL Fill
Cuento de Luz SL Little One
Winner of the 2020 Independent Publisher Book Awards. Thousands of families around the world have loved this magnificent picture book Little One.Since its launch, Little One has garnered the most incredible reviews from readers and specialized media, becoming an instant bestseller on digital platforms and in bookstores. This book addresses important topics such as emotions, hesitation, the challenges of child development, and also the desire to discover, as a family, all the wonders of an infinite world. This book is perfect for girls who are yet-to-be-born, for toddlers, and also for those mothers who will always see their daughters, no matter how old they are, as their little one.With delicate words and lightsome illustrations that invite you to dream, Daughter is the book you need in your little offspring's library. A thrilling story to reread again and again as girls grow up.
Ediciones Pirámide Microemprendedores una guía paso a paso para construir tu propio negocio
Se cuentan por millones y creciendo. Están en todas partes. A tu alrededor en una cafetería, consultando su tablet mientras esperan en la consulta del médico, o con sus teléfonos inteligentes haciendo transacciones mientras viajan en el metro. No tienen jefes ni quieren tenerlos. No tienen horarios de oficina. De hecho, no saben realmente qué es una oficina. Son nómadas que viajan física o virtualmente por todo el mundo haciendo negocios. Y valoran mucho su tiempo. Su tiempo libre en el que dan rienda suelta a sus otras pasiones. Pero su trabajo también lo es todo para ellos. Es su manera de contribuir al mundo. Y por favor, no te equivoques. A pesar de no llevar traje y corbata pueden ganar literalmente apretando un botón lo mismo que un ciudadano medio a lo largo de todo un año. Tienes que conocerlos. Porque quizá tú también estés destinado a convertirte en uno de ellos. Son los microemprendedores. Y sus planes no son pequeños. Están construyendo sus propios negocios.Algo más con
Cuento de Luz SL Família (Family)
A heartening addition to the awarded series Family Love. An unbreakeable bond and a red thread that connects us to our loved ones will guide us into this magical love story.Family means a world of colors, scents, moments and shared dreams. It is our refuge, our home, a place where everything can be solved with love. From the creators of this award-winning saga (Daughter and Son) comes this new emotional yet funny picture book Familia. The perfect read for the little ones in the house (and the not so little ones!) to recognize themselves in the colorful, magical illustrations created by the German artist Sonja Wimmer. Family is one of those treasures to keep in our libraries, and to read and reread over again as a way of expressing grattitude to the universe for having united us in this life.An inclusive book for all types of family constellations. It has been made with great care and delicacy in order to contemplate the different families that exist in the world, and is designed to highlight the unconditional love and gratitute towards life.Llega una nueva entrega de la serie Amor de Familia, Familia. Un vínculo inquebrantable y un hilo rojo que nos une a nuestros seres queridos nos guiarán en esta mágica historia de amor.La familia es un mundo de colores, aromas, momentos y sueños compartidos. Es nuestro refugio, nuestro hogar, donde todo con amor se puede solucionar. De los creadores de esta premiada saga (Hija e Hijo) llega Familia, un álbum ilustrado que nos hará emocionarnos y reír al mismo tiempo, mientras los pequeños de la casa (¡y los no tan pequeños!) se reconocen en las ilustraciones llenas de color y magia creadas por la artista alemana Sonja Wimmer. Familia es uno de esos tesoros para guardar en nuestras bibliotecas, y para leer y releer como forma de dar gracias al universo por habernos unido en esta vida. Esta historia sobre amor incondicional y gratitud hacia la vida os llenará los corazones de ternura y creará un entorno seguro donde poder compartir la magia y el amor con los niños.Un libro inclusivo para todo tipo de constelaciones familiares. Ha sido realizado con sumo cuidado y delicadeza para contemplar las diferentes familias que existen en el mundo, y está pensado para resaltar ese vínculo esencial que es el amor por la vida que se nos presenta y por aquellas personas que, con su compañía, la hacen aún más especial.
Cuento de Luz SL Hermanos (Brothers and Sisters)
Following on from the success of Hija and Hijo, from the same creative team comes Hermanos. This lyrical, stunning picture book is a warm-hearted tribute to siblings and their magical bond, with stunning art by award-winning illustrator Sonja Wimmer.It’s true that sometimes we fight when we want to play with the same toys. But when night falls, we snuggle up together and fall asleep while we read fairy tales to each other. We’re similar in so many ways! And we’re different in others. But one thing is for sure, and that is that we’ll always be there to help each other out. It doesn’t matter if stormy nights or evening shadows come to visit us. As long as we are together, we will get through them. We’ve learned so many things together, and discovered that the day and the night, even though they seem so different, form a part of the same melody.Hermanos is an inclusive picture book, both for boys and girls, for brothers by blood and for brothers of life. Both sisters and brothers appear in this magic tale that will delight the little ones in the house.Tras el éxito de Hija e Hijo, llega Hermanos, un cuento que nos llenará el corazón. Un tributo a los hermanos y al vínculo tan especial que existe entre ellos, ilustrado por la galardonada ilustradora Sonja Wimmer.Los hermanos y hermanas juegan juntos, se pelean, se abrazan, ríen y lloran. Pero, por encima de todo, permanecen unidos por un lazo invisible que los acompaña en el camino de la vida. De los creadores de esta premiada saga (Hija e Hijo) llega esta tierna historia que nos hace vivir el día a día de las hermanas y los hermanos, sus sueños, sus desafíos, sus problemas y sus reencuentros. Una delicia para que los niños se lean entre ellos, o para que se queden dormidos con una sonrisa mientras lo escuchan de las voces de sus mamás y papás. Una declaración de amor universal a ese mágico vínculo que ha sido creado en las mismísimas estrellas.Hermanos es un libro inclusivo, tanto para niños, como para niñas, para hermanos del mismo vientre y para hermanos de la vida. En las ilustraciones y en el texto aparecen tanto hermanas como hermanos, y hará las delicias de los peques de la casa.
Cuento de Luz SL Germans
Following on from the success of Filla and Fill, from the same creative team comes Germans. This lyrical, stunning picture book is a warm-hearted tribute to siblings and their magical bond, with stunning art by award-winning illustrator Sonja Wimmer.It’s true that sometimes we fight when we want to play with the same toys. But when night falls, we snuggle up together and fall asleep while we read fairy tales to each other. We’re similar in so many ways! And we’re different in others. But one thing is for sure, and that is that we’ll always be there to help each other out. It doesn’t matter if stormy nights or evening shadows come to visit us. As long as we are together, we will get through them. We’ve learned so many things together, and discovered that the day and the night, even though they seem so different, form a part of the same melody.Germans is an inclusive picture book, both for boys and girls, for brothers by blood and for brothers of life. Both sisters and brothers appear in this magic tale that will delight the little ones in the house.Després de l'èxit de Filla i Fill, arriba Germans, un conte que ens omplirà el cor. Un tribut als germans i al seu vincle tan especial, amb les il·lustracions de la guardonada il·lustradora Sonja Wimmer.És cert que a vegades ens barallem quan volem jugar amb les mateixes joguines, però quan cau la nit sempre ens abracem i ens quedem adormits mentre llegim històries sobre follets. Ens assemblem en tantes coses! I en d’altres som tan diferens… Tanmateix, estic segur d'una cosa: sempre hi serem l’un per l’altre. En les tardes de tempestes o davant les ombres de la nit més fosca ens farem costat. Hem après tantes coses plegats… Hem descobert que la nit i el dia, tot i semblar tan diferents, formen part d'una mateixa melodia.Els germans juguen junts, es barallen, s’abraçen, riuen junts i s’enfaden. Però, per damunt de tot, continuen units per un llaç invisible que els acompanya al llarg del camí de la vida.
Cuento de Luz SL Grandparents
Grandparents — The fifth book in the dazzling bestselling saga about family love. A tribute to the lifelong bond between grandparents and grandchildren.“My grandparents are around me in all different ways. I can feel them in the wind, and in the flight of the butterflies”Today I’m going to write a letter straight from the heart, hoping that words can explain what my grandparents mean to me. I’d like to capture on a piece of paper every afternoon we spent in the park, the delicious aromas from grandma's kitchen, the crazy stories I have always been told, and the stories they whispered in my ear at nightfall. I know that when I grow up, those memories will keep on guiding me for many, many years, and I will cherish the tenderness you inspire forever.This story about unconditional love and gratitude towards life will fill your hearts with tenderness and create a safe environment to share a magic moment with your children.
Cuento de Luz SL La niña que caminaba entre aromas (Walking Through a World of Aromas)
Annie spends her days cooking with her grandmother and, although she can't see, she has the gift of being able to feel other people's deepest emotions. She brings those emotions to life with her magical cooking, which helps the townspeople overcome their physical and emotional ailments. But one day, Annie meets someone who awakens a boundless affection in her and who will introduce her senses to a completely unknown world. This is a beautifully illustrated story about a young girl who successfully shapes her very own place in the world and finds love and acceptance along the way. Ana pasa los dias cocinando con su abuela y, aunque no puede ver, tiene la habilidad de sentir las emociones mas profundas de las personas. Ella evoca esas emociones con sus magicas habilidades culinarias, las cuales ayudan a la gente del pueblo a superar sus padecimientos corporales y emocionales. Pero un dia Ana conoce a alguien que despierta en ella una infinita ternura y abre sus sentidos a un mundo totalmente desconocido. Esta es la historia hermosamente ilustrada de una nina quien logra crear su propio lugar en el mundo y encuentra amor y aceptacion mientras lo hace.
Cuento de Luz SL Brothers and Sisters
Following on from the success of Little One and Son, from the same creative team comes Brothers & Sisters. This lyrical, stunning picture book is a warm-hearted tribute to siblings and their magical bond, with stunning art by award-winning illustrator Sonja Wimmer.It’s true that sometimes we fight when we want to play with the same toys. But when night falls, we snuggle up together and fall asleep while we read fairy tales to each other. We’re similar in so many ways! And we’re different in others. But one thing is for sure, and that is that we’ll always be there to help each other out. It doesn’t matter if stormy nights or evening shadows come to visit us. As long as we are together, we will get through them. We’ve learned so many things together, and discovered that the day and the night, even though they seem so different, form a part of the same melody.Brothers & Sisters is an inclusive picture book, both for boys and girls, for brothers by blood and for brothers of life. Both sisters and brothers appear in this magic tale that will delight the little ones in the house.
Cuento de Luz SL Son
Following on from the success of Little One, from the same creative team comes Son, a declaration of love from parents to their son, with stunning art by award-winning illustrator Sonja WimmerThis book is an invitation to transmit to our offsprings the love we have for them, the commitment to accompany them in every step they take in life, and, above all, the pride and privilege that every parent feels for being able to see them grow. From the moment they are born until they grow up, from their first glance cast at us until the moment when they are ready to start flying on their own. Son is the perfect story to read in bed. Our little ones will fall asleep with a smile, protected by the love of their moms and dads.A book that the whole family will want to read again and again, to remind us of the simple joy of traveling along life’s highway together.
Cuento de Luz SL The Lighthouse of Souls
What is a lighthouse of souls? It's the light that guides Leo and his grandpa over distant seas, to discover those who wait every night for a gentle word to help them fall asleep with a smile on their lips. The Lighthouse of Souls is not only a tender tale of the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren, but also between all of those who look for something they share in common: a light that guides them towards hope. Lexile Level 1000L Guided Reading Level P
Cuento de Luz SL Ivan's Fear
The sea, mist, loud noises...Ivan's afraid of everything! And with all those frights and shivers, his dreams of having great adventures and visiting far-away places seem more and more unlikely. But could an unexpected visitor help him overcome his deepest fears? Could an old African song change his life forever? Ivan's Fear is an inspiring tale about the bravery we need in order to live our lives with joy and happiness. It is a journey to the very center of our hearts, which will give us the courage and bravery to face up to any obstacle that stands in our way. Lexile Level 810L Guided Reading Level O
Cuento de Luz SL Family
A heartening addition to the awarded series Family Love. An unbreakeable bond and a red thread that connects us to our loved ones will guide us into this magical love story.Family means a world of colors, scents, moments and shared dreams. It is our refuge, our home, a place where everything can be solved with love. From the creators of this award-winning saga (Daughter and Son) comes this new emotional yet funny picture book Familia. The perfect read for the little ones in the house (and the not so little ones!) to recognize themselves in the colorful, magical illustrations created by the German artist Sonja Wimmer. Family is one of those treasures to keep in our libraries, and to read and reread over again as a way of expressing grattitude to the universe for having united us in this life.An inclusive book for all types of family constellations. It has been made with great care and delicacy in order to contemplate the different families that exist in the world, and is designed to highlight the unconditional love and gratitute towards life.