Search results for ""author aleksei v. bogoviz""
Springer International Publishing AG Big Data in Information Society and Digital Economy
This book redefines the essence of the information society and the digital economy, offering a new approach to their management and organization based on big data. The novelty of the new approach is that it ensures the use of the advanced technological capabilities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to accelerate socio-economic development. The success of the new approach is based on progressive social institutions and advanced big data technology. Theoretical issues, methodological developments, and the author’s applied recommendations are consistently presented in forty chapters distributed in five sections. The book contains cases that reveal the practical experience of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The intended readership of the book is scientists. The book is interesting and useful for them because it presents an innovative model of information society and digital economy development driven by big data.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding Industry 4.0: AI, the Internet of Things, and the Future of Work
Everywhere you look, there are signs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. R&D on leading digital technologies is conducted around the world, exploring novel technologies aimed at cyber-physical systems, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, 3D Printing, Virtual Reality, AI, and many more. With these rapid changes in technology comes social evolution and the potential for future social crises. Understanding Industry 4.0: AI, the Internet of Things, and the Future of Work looks to determine the most probable oncoming changes in key areas of the economy, to highlight the most important professions of the future, and to offer recommendations for their correct selection and successful mastering. Including sections on careers in education, medicine, R&D, and agriculture, among others, economics experts Bruno S. Sergi, Elena G. Popkova, Aleksei V. Bogoviz, and Tatiana N. Litvinova explore the vastly changing modern workplace and offer a guide to navigating through and adapting to this evolution. For researchers and students of management, economics, and business, this is an unmissable exploration of the new frontier of Industry 4.0.
De Gruyter The Institutional Foundations of the Digital Economy in the 21st Century
The development of the Digital Economy has been a landmark breakthrough for economic systems in the 21st century, as it opens up opportunities for the full-scale implementation of new digital technologies and the optimization of economic activities. While the conceptual essence and specific features of the digital economy are described in detail in the existing literature, the practical foundations of its formation are poorly studied. In this book, the digital economy is studied from the perspective of neo-institutional economic theory. This allows for the tracking of the process of formation (institutionalization) of the digital economy, determining the basic institutions that are necessary for its formation and that exist in modern economic practice, and analyzing scenarios for the future development of the digital economy in the 21st century.
De Gruyter The Economic and Legal Foundations of Managing Innovative Development in Modern Economic Systems
Innovation is of critical value in the modern global economy, as it performs several important economic functions. The first is related to supporting the sustainability of socio-economic systems, preventing the emergence of crises and, if they do occur, providing solutions to overcome their consequences. Secondly, innovation allows for the activation of economic growth and social progress through the rationalization of economic activities. Thirdly, innovation supports the global competitiveness of economic systems, allowing for the specialization of production and sales of unique goods that are in high demand in both domestic and global markets. At the same time, innovational development in economic systems is required to mitigate the high levels of risk and requires both effective management and a reliable normative and legal foundation. This book studies the economic and legal foundations of managing the innovational development of economic systems from an interdisciplinary perspective, bringing together the thoughts of international scholars in management, economics and law.
De Gruyter Strategies for the Global Economic System for 2030
Against the background of continuing crises in the world’s economy, the question of what future awaits it in the third decade of the 21st century has become urgent. According to the paradigm model of long waves, the next global economic crisis is expected to transpire somewhere around 2030. This book defines the basic conditions for the development of the modern global economy, analyzing future scenarios for its long-term development, and providing applied recommendations for the practical implementation of the optimal scenario. The book first explores the conceptual vision of the future and the priorities for the strategic development of the global economic system until 2030. It then formulates the requirements for entrepreneurship to achieve the priorities of the strategic development of the global economic system including long-term industry solutions for entrepreneurship and markets. Third, it outlines the guidelines for state regulation of the global economic system in the interest of achieving the priorities of its strategic development in the period up to 2030.