Search results for ""author adrian daub""
The University of Chicago Press The Dynastic Imagination: Family and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Adrian Daub’s The Dynastic Imagination offers an unexpected account of modern German intellectual history through frameworks of family and kinship. Modernity aimed to brush off dynastic, hierarchical authority and to make society anew through the mechanisms of marriage, siblinghood, and love. It was, in other words, centered on the nuclear family. But as Daub shows, the dynastic imagination persisted, in time emerging as a critical stance by which the nuclear family’s conservatism and temporal limits could be exposed. Focusing on the complex interaction between dynasties and national identity-formation in Germany, Daub shows how a lingering preoccupation with dynastic modes of explanation, legitimation, and organization suffused German literature and culture. Daub builds this conception of dynasty in a syncretic study of the literature, sciences, and history of ideas into the twentieth century. As early modernism discovered a standpoint from which to critique the nuclear family, remnants of dynastic ideology kept their hold variously on Richard Wagner, Émile Zola, Stefan George, and Sigmund Freud. At every stage of cultural progression, Daub reveals how the relation of dynastic to nuclear families inflected modern intellectual history.
The University of Chicago Press Uncivil Unions: The Metaphysics of Marriage in German Idealism and Romanticism
"What a strange invention marriage is!" wrote Kierkegaard. "Is it the expression of that inexplicable erotic sentiment, that concordant elective affinity of souls, or is it a duty or a partnership...or is it a little of all that?" Like Kierkegaard a few decades later, many of Germany's most influential thinkers at the turn of the eighteenth century wondered about the nature of marriage but rejected the easy answers provided by biology and theology. In "Uncivil Unions", Adrian Daub presents a truly interdisciplinary look at the story of a generation of philosophers, poets, and intellectuals who turned away from theology, reason, common sense, and empirical observation to provide a purely metaphysical justification of marriage. Through close readings of philosophers like Fichte and Schlegel, and novelists like Sophie Mereau and Jean Paul, Daub charts the development of this new concept of marriage with an insightful blend of philosophy, cultural studies, and theory. The author delves deeply into the lives and work of the romantic and idealist poets and thinkers whose beliefs about marriage continue to shape ideas about gender, marriage, and sex to the present day.
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc What Tech Calls Thinking: An Inquiry into the Intellectual Bedrock of Silicon Valley
Adrian Daub’s What Tech Calls Thinking is a lively dismantling of the ideas that form the intellectual bedrock of Silicon Valley. Equally important to Silicon Valley’s world-altering innovation are the language and ideas it uses to explain and justify itself. And often, those fancy new ideas are simply old motifs playing dress-up in a hoodie. From the myth of dropping out to the war cry of “disruption,” Daub locates the Valley’s supposedly original, radical thinking in the ideas of Heidegger and Ayn Rand, the New Age Esalen Foundation in Big Sur, and American traditions from the tent revival to predestination. Written with verve and imagination, What Tech Calls Thinking is an intellectual refutation of Silicon Valley's ethos, pulling back the curtain on the self-aggrandizing myths the Valley tells about itself. FSG Originals × Logic dissects the way technology functions in everyday lives. The titans of Silicon Valley, for all their utopian imaginings, never really had our best interests at heart: recent threats to democracy, truth, privacy, and safety, as a result of tech’s reckless pursuit of progress, have shown as much. We present an alternate story, one that delights in capturing technology in all its contradictions and innovation, across borders and socioeconomic divisions, from history through the future, beyond platitudes and PR hype, and past doom and gloom. Our collaboration features four brief but provocative forays into the tech industry’s many worlds, and aspires to incite fresh conversations about technology focused on nuanced and accessible explorations of the emerging tools that reorganise and redefine life today.
Stanford University Press The Cancel Culture Panic
Fear of cancel culture has gripped the world, and it turns out to be an old fear in a new get-up.In this incisive new work, Adrian Daub analyzes the global spread of cancel culture discourse as a moral panic, showing that, though its object is fuzzy, talk of cancel culture in global media has become a preoccupation of an embattled liberalism. There are plenty of conservative voices who gin up worries about cancel culture to advance their agendas. But more remarkable perhaps is that it is centrist, even left-leaning, media that have taken up the rallying cry and really defined the outlines of what cancel culture is supposed to be.Media in Western Europe, South America, Russia, and Australia have devoted as muchin some cases moreattention to this supposedly American phenomenon than most US outlets. From French crusades against le wokisme via British fables of the loony left to a German obsession with campus anecdotes to a global revolt against gender studies: coun
University of California Press The Doctor Faustus Dossier: Arnold Schoenberg, Thomas Mann, and Their Contemporaries, 1930-1951
Arnold Schoenberg and Thomas Mann, two towering figures of twentieth-century music and literature, both found refuge in the German-exile community in Los Angeles during the Nazi era. This complete edition of their correspondence provides a glimpse inside their private and public lives and culminates in the famous dispute over Mann’s novel Doctor Faustus. In the thick of the controversy was Theodor Adorno, then a budding philosopher, whose contribution to the Faustus affair would make him an enemy of both families. Gathered here for the first time in English, the letters in this essential volume are complemented by diary entries, related articles, and other primary source materials, as well as an introduction by German studies scholar Adrian Daub that contextualizes the impact these two great artists had on twentieth-century thought and culture.
The University of Chicago Press The Dynastic Imagination: Family and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Germany
Adrian Daub’s The Dynastic Imagination offers an unexpected account of modern German intellectual history through frameworks of family and kinship. Modernity aimed to brush off dynastic, hierarchical authority and to make society anew through the mechanisms of marriage, siblinghood, and love. It was, in other words, centered on the nuclear family. But as Daub shows, the dynastic imagination persisted, in time emerging as a critical stance by which the nuclear family’s conservatism and temporal limits could be exposed. Focusing on the complex interaction between dynasties and national identity-formation in Germany, Daub shows how a lingering preoccupation with dynastic modes of explanation, legitimation, and organization suffused German literature and culture. Daub builds this conception of dynasty in a syncretic study of the literature, sciences, and history of ideas into the twentieth century. As early modernism discovered a standpoint from which to critique the nuclear family, remnants of dynastic ideology kept their hold variously on Richard Wagner, Émile Zola, Stefan George, and Sigmund Freud. At every stage of cultural progression, Daub reveals how the relation of dynastic to nuclear families inflected modern intellectual history.
The University of Chicago Press Tristan`s Shadow – Sexuality and the Total Work of Art after Wagner
Das Rheingold, Die Walkure, and Siegfried. Parsifal. Tristan und Isolde. Both revered and reviled, Richard Wagner conceived some of the nineteenth century's most important operatic productions - and created some of the most indelible characters ever to grace the stage. But over the course of his polarizing career, Wagner also composed nearly twenty volumes of writing on opera. His influential concept of Gesamtkunstwerk - the "total work of art" - famously and controversially offered a way to unify the different media of an opera into a coherent whole. Less well-known, however, are Wagner's strange theories on sexuality - like his ideas about erotic acoustics and the metaphysics of sexual difference. Drawing on the discourses of psychoanalysis, evolutionary biology, and other developing fields of study that informed Wagner's world, Adrian Daub traces the influence of Gesamtkunstwerk and eroticism from their classic expressions in Tristan und Isolde into the work of the generation of composers that followed, including Zemlinsky, d'Albert, Schreker, and Strauss. For decades after Wagner's death, Daub writes, these composers continued to grapple with his ideas and with his overwhelming legacy, trying in vain to write their way out from Tristan's shadow.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Goethe Yearbook 22
Cutting-edge scholarly articles on diverse aspects of Goethe and the Goethezeit, featuring in this volume a special section on environmentalism. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 22 features a special section on environmentalism, edited by Dalia Nassar and Luke Fischer, with contributions on: the metaphor of music in Goethe's scientific work and its influence on Deleuze, Merleau-Ponty, Uexküll, and Zuckerkandl (Frederick Amrine); his conceptualization of modern civilization in Faust (Gernot Böhme); a non-anthropocentricvision of nature in his writings on the intermaxillary bone (Ryan Feigenbaum); his geopoetics of granite (Jason Groves); the historical antecedents of biosemiotics in "Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen" (Kate Rigby); and the conceptof the "Dark Pastoral" in Werther (Heather I. Sullivan). In addition, there are articles on Goethe as a spiritual predecessor of phenomenology (Iris Hennigfeld); concepts of the "hermaphrodite" in contributions to theEncyclopédie by Louis de Jaucourt and Albrecht von Haller (Stephanie Hilger); on Goethe's poem "Nähe des Geliebten" (David Hill); on the link between commerce and culture in West-östlicher Divan (Daniel Purdy); on Goethe's thoughts on collecting and museums (Helmut Schneider); and on intrigues in the works of J. M. R. Lenz (Inge Stephan). Contributors: Frederick Amrine, Gernot Böhme, Ryan Feigenbaum, Luke Fischer, Jason Groves, Iris Hennigfeld, Stephanie M. Hilger, David Hill, Dalia Nassar, Daniel Purdy, Kate Rigby, Helmut J. Schneider, Inge Stephan, Heather I. Sullivan. Adrian Daub is Associate Professor of German at Stanford. Elisabeth Krimmeris Professor of German at the University of California Davis. Book review editor Birgit Tautz is Associate Professor of German at Bowdoin College.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Goethe Yearbook 25
Cutting-edge scholarly articles on diverse aspects of Goethe and the Goethezeit, featuring in this volume a special section on acoustics around 1800. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 25 features a special section on acoustics around 1800, edited by Mary Helen Dupree, which includes, among others, contributionson sound and listening in Ludwig Tieck's Der blonde Eckbert (Robert Ryder) and on the role of the tympanum in Herder's aesthetic theory (Tyler Whitney). The volume also contains essays on Goethe and stage sequels(Matthew Birkhold), on figures of armament in eighteenth-century German drama (Susanne Fuchs), on the dialectics of Bildung in Wilhelm Meister (Galia Benziman), on the Gothic motif in Goethe's Faust and "Von deutscher Baukunst" (Jessica Resvick), on Goethe and Salomon Maimon (Jason Yonover), on Goethe's "Novelle" (Ehrhard Bahr), and on Schiller's Bürger critique (Hans Richard Brittnacher). Contributors: Ehrhard Bahr, Galia Benziman, Matthew H. Birkhold, Hans Richard Brittnacher, Linda Dietrick, Mary Helen Dupree, Susanne Fuchs, Deva Kemmis, Jessica C. Resvick, Robert Ryder, Patricia Anne Simpson, Chenxi Tang, Tyler Whitney, Jason Yonover, Chunjie Zhang. Adrian Daub is Associate Professor of German at Stanford University. Elisabeth Krimmer is Professor of German at the University of California Davis.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Goethe Yearbook 24
Cutting-edge scholarly articles on diverse aspects of Goethe and his age, featuring in this volume a special section on the poetics of space in the Goethezeit. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 24 features a special section titled "The Poetics of Space in the Goethezeit," co-edited by John Lyon and Elliott Schreiber, with contributions on blind spots in Goethe's Elective Affinities; on the topography and topoi of Goethe's autobiographical childhood; on disorientation and the subterranean in Novalis; on selfhood, sovereignty, and public space in Die italienische Reise and Dichtung und Wahrheit; on Goethe's theater of anamnesis in Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre; and on spatial mobilization in Kleist's Berliner Abendblätter. There are also articles on the horror of coming home in Caroline de la Motte Fouqué's "Der Abtrünnige" and on Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi's Eduard Allwills Papiere. Contributors: Colin Benert, Stephanie Galasso, Tove Holmes, Edgar Landgraf, Sara Luly, John B. Lyon, Anthony Mahler, Monika Nenon, Joseph O'Neil, Elliott Schreiber, Inge Stephan, Gabriel Trop, Christian P. Weber. Adrian Daub is Associate Professor of German at Stanford. Elisabeth Krimmer is Professor of German at the University of California Davis. Book review editor Birgit Tautz is Associate Professor of German at Bowdoin College.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Goethe Yearbook 21
New essays on topics in the literature of Goethe and the Goethezeit, including contributions by both eminent scholars and new voices. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 21 contains eleven articles, including contributions by leading scholars David Wellbery and Katharina Mommsen; innovative work on the reception of Goethe's works around 1900, on women writers, and on Goethe's contemporary Albrecht von Haller; theoretically sophisticated interpretations, including articles on concepts of space in Alexis and Doraand on notions of sacrifice in Faust; and interdisciplinary pieces ranging from a discussion of contemporary psychological and medical theories of ill humor in relation to Goethe's Werther and an economic reading ofGoethe's Faust to an analysis of illustrations of Goethe's works. The review section collects responses by eminent scholars to a wide swath of recent books on Goethe and his age, both in German and English. Contributors: Liesl Allingham, William H. Carter, Sarah Vandegrift Eldridge, John B. Lyon, Waltraud Maierhofer, Catherine Minter, Katharina Mommsen, David Pan, Michael Saman, Leif Weatherby, David E. Wellbery. Adrian Daub is Associate Professor of German at Stanford. Elisabeth Krimmer is Professor of German at the University of California Davis. Book review editor Birgit Tautz is Associate Professor of German at Bowdoin College.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Goethe Yearbook 23
Cutting-edge scholarly articles on diverse aspects of Goethe and the Goethezeit, featuring in this volume a special section on Goethe and visual culture. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 23 features a special section on visual culture with contributions on the visual aesthetics of Goethe's 1815 production ofProserpina (Bersier); on the Farbenlehre (Lande); on Tableaux Vivants in Goethe's Die Wahlverwandtschaften (Solanki); on the relationship between Goethe and C. G. Carus and their respective views on the representation of nature in art and science (Allert); and on visual and verbal bricolage in Clemens Brentano's Gockel, Hinkel und Gackeleia (MacLeod). There are also articles on Goethe and ancient mystery religions (Amrine); on Goethe's fairy-tale aesthetics (Brown); on the concept of neutrality (Holland); on the concept of the mathematical infinite (Smith); on virginity and maternity in Werther (Nossett); on the Classical aesthetics of Schlegel'sLucinde (ter Horst); and on motherless creations in Faust (Nielsen). Contributors: Beate Allert, Frederick Amrine, Gabrielle Bersier, Jane K. Brown, Jocelyn Holland, Joel B. Lande, Catriona MacLeod, WendyC. Nielsen, Lauren Nossett, John H. Smith, Tanvi Solanki, Eleanor ter Horst. Adrian Daub is Associate Professor of German at Stanford. Elisabeth Krimmer is Professor of German at the University of California Davis. Bookreview editor Birgit Tautz is Associate Professor of German at Bowdoin College.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to the Works of Walter Benjamin
An advanced introduction to Benjamin's work and its actualization for our own times. Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) has emerged as one of the leading cultural critics of the twentieth century. His work encompasses aesthetics, metaphysical language and narrative theories, German literary history, philosophies of history, the intersection of Marxism and Messianic thought, urban topography, and the development of photography and film. Benjamin defined the task of the critic as one that blasts endangered moments of the past out of the continuum of history so that they attain new significance. This volume of new essays employs this principle of actualization as its methodological program in offering a new advanced introduction to Benjamin's own work. The essays analyze Benjamin's central texts, themes, terminologies, and genres in their original contexts while simultaneously situating them in new parameters, such as contemporary media, memory culture, constructions of gender, postcoloniality, and theories of urban topographies. The Companion brings together an international group of established and emerging scholars to explicate Benjamin's actuality from a multidisciplinary perspective. Designed for audiences interested in literary criticism, cultural studies, and neighboring disciplines, the volume serves as a stimulus for new debates about Benjamin's intellectual legacy today. Contributors: Wolfgang Bock, Willi Bolle, Dianne Chisholm, Adrian Daub, Dominik Finkelde, Eric Jarosinski, Lutz Koepnick, Vivian Liska, Karl Ivan Solibakke, Marc de Wilde, Bernd Witte Rolf J. Goebel is Distinguished Professor of German and Chair of the Department of WorldLanguages and Cultures at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.