Search results for ""Siber Ink, South Africa""
Siber Ink, South Africa Labour Law Rules
This is a thoroughly revised new book, building on the foundations of the first three editions, but expanded and updated to meet the needs of the students using it.This well-established labour law text has been updated to reflect the law as of September 2020. Labour Law Rules provides an accessible and clear discussion of all relevant labour, employment equity, social security and related legislation. The book brings law and practice together. The text is supplemented with visual aids, examples and case law to clarify concepts. The book is aimed principally at students who engage with labour law for the first time during their BCom and LLB studies. The book will also be helpful for HR and IR personnel, project managers, supervisors and union officials. The contents are divided into four parts discussing individual labour law, collective labour law, social security law and other labour laws. The common law contract of employment is the basis of the relationship. The book explains how the Constitution, the BCEA, the NMWA, the LRA as well as the EEA supplement the relationship. The legal protection afforded to employees, including non-standard employees, is clarified. Dismissal, unfair labour practices, discrimination, harassment and the impact of transfers of a business on employers and employees alike are explained with reference to recent statutory and case developments. The book includes an analysis of collective labour law. Aspects such as collective bargaining, collective agreements, bargaining agents (for example, trade unions) and workplace forums are covered. The legal requirements for protected strikes, lock-outs, picketing and protest action are dissected and explained with reference to case law and practical examples. An important aspect of labour law that is often overlooked in the academic context is social security measures that impact on the workplace. The book covers the OHSA, MHSA, COIDA and UIA. The book concludes with an overview of so-called non-core labour legislation such as the Employment Services Act, the Skills Development Act, the Employment Tax Incentive Act, the Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of CommunicationsRelated Information Act and the Protection of Personal Information Act. Additional recommended reading is provided in a separate annexure for the keen reader. This book not only reflects on the rules of labour law but also shows that labour law, in the modern workplace, rules!
Siber Ink, South Africa Effective work place solutions: Employment law from a business perspective
It is very easy to be tripped up on a technicality in the bewildering world of the workplace, where both staff and management have to negotiate the world of employment relations in both the formal sense - contracts, lines of reporting, disciplinary procedures etc - and the informal: team cultures, human relations, co-operative work goals etc. This book brings a cool and calm perspective to bear on the practicalities of labour law, employment relations, and dispute resolution. It is written by two highly experienced practitioners in the field of employment law, employment relations and dispute resolution, uniquely positioned to provide clear SOLUTIONS to the problems that line managers, HR/ER managers and employers are likely to encounter in the workplace. It is indispensable to anyone who plays an active role in the management of the modern South African work environment.
Siber Ink, South Africa Bar, Bench & Bullshifters: Cape Tales 1950 - 1990
This humorous collection of stories from life at the Bar and on the Bench in the Cape takes a look back at four decades, starting at the end of World War Two and finishing with the arrival of democracy in South Africa. These tales and recollections, mostly from Bar members now in their 80s, show what an extraordinary time it was for lawyers. Also, remarkably, how much is of relevance to lawyers practising today. The anecdotes and reminiscences of members of the Bar during this period were collected and edited by Mr Justice Gerald Friedman and Jeremy Gauntlett SC.
Siber Ink, South Africa International Tax 2008: A South African Perspective
This title aims to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of international income tax aspects from a South African perspective. Topics traditionally regarded as highly specialised are dealt with in a practical way, and illustrated by relevant examples. These topics include: controlled foreign companies; foreign dividends; exchange controls; tax havens; intermediate holding companies; double-taxation agreements.
Siber Ink, South Africa The Judicial Institution in Zimbabwe
The situation in Zimbabwe must surely be close to the top of the urgent agenda of the African Union in its bid to uphold good governance and the rule of law. The faculty of law at the University of Cape Town has long played a role as a protagonist of the rule of law and the implementation of democratic rights. Over the past three years, the department of Public Law in particular has undertaken research into the general state of "good governance" in Southern Africa, with the aim of promoting the implementation of democratic rights. This pubication is one the fruits of that work. Prompted by the increasingly desperate situation in Zimbabwe, it was decided early in 2003 that the position of the judiciary in that country should be examined. This report is a record of what has been occurring in the Zimbabwean administration of justice. It reveals a situation that is critical, but does so constructively, with the objective of aiding as rapid a return to democratic governance and the rule of law as possible.
Siber Ink, South Africa To the Islands: A creative writing workbook
Discover five imaginary islands that lie waiting for you in the sea of creativity, each with an itinerary specially devised to lead you on writing adventures. Sail to the Island of Wu-Wei, where writing is effortless. Follow your creative intuition around the the Island of Wuzhi and write spontaneously on the Isand of Ziran. Visit the Island of Xin to write from the body and explore creative tension on the Island of Yin-Yang. Using poetry and prose, the 25 excursions in this workbook will encourage you to experiment and cultivate a writing habit, even if you only have half an hour a day to spare. There are many approaches to 'learning' creative writing. The approach that underpins this workbook is inspired by practice. It is founded on the idea that what writers need most is to write. Writers find their feet by writing. They tune their voices by writing. To write frequently and with abandon allows you to explore the palettes and scenery of your creative universe. It is through writing that you discover your own islands. Based on a course designed by acclaimed writing facilitator Anne Schuster, To the Islands is a practical and invaluable sourcebook for individuals, for writing groups and for facilitators of creative learning processes.
Siber Ink, South Africa Corporate Governance
Companies, whether public, private or state owned, their directors and officers, their shareholders and the public are all affected by changes to corporate governance codes, company legislation and regulations. The fourth edition of Corporate Governance - now established as the leading South African work on the subject - will continue to inform on all aspects of corporate governance, while keeping readers up to date with the latest changes and developments. Key additions to the new edition are chapters on types of entities, and a comparison of local and international practice. The first edition of Corporate Governance was published in 2002 shortly after the publication of the 2002 King Report, to help explain the need for corporate governance in the private and public sectors and to provide South African executives and professionals with a practical framework to establish governance systems and practices in their own organisations. The book was revised and updated in 2005 and 2010.
Siber Ink, South Africa Sheena Duncan
The biography of Sheena Duncan is an account of the life of a notable woman, one which reveals the extent of her influence in the quest for justice and peace in South Africa. Its range and depth depict Sheena Duncan's work over four decades in the church, including the South African council of churches, and in civil society organisations such as the Black Sash. Her public life is balanced by her personal story as daughter, wife, mother and friend. Her respect and compassion for others, her faith, her intelligence and her honesty and integrity underpin her opposition to the cruelty of the pass laws and other unjust measures. The book explores her insights into complex issues of rights to land, of militarisation and pacifism, and of devising ways to end violent conflicts - all still of relevance to our society today. Through her own words and the words of others, through vivid memories and stark facts, Sheena emerges as a complex, multidimensional woman - loving, gentle, down-to-earth, flawed, talented, intelligent, strategic, angry, forceful, articulate, hard-working - a product of her ancestry, yet visionary and capable of personal transformation.
Siber Ink, South Africa Consumer Law Unlocked
The recent introduction of the Consumer Protection Act revolutionised consumer rights in South Africa. Along with that, it also fundamentally altered the way in which businesses are required to treat their clients, imposing a new set of obligations - or at least a formalised set of responsibilities - that had been easily circumnavigated or simply ignored before. Marketing campaigns, returns policies, contracts, quality issues, and a host of business practices had to be reviewed and reappraised. Some businesses have done this, while many blithely continue as if nothing has changed, little appreciating the risks of non-compliance and - perhaps more importantly - failing to appreciate that treating consumers fairly is simply a sound business practice. This new work provides a comprehensive overview of consumer law - not just the Act - in a way that follows the typical chain of consumer transactions. It serves to guide, educate and enlighten the professional, the business person and the consumer alike. No business or professional adviser should be without it. Written by a leading specialist in the field, it is simple, clear, comprehensive, authoritative and accessible.
Siber Ink, South Africa The taxation of trusts in South Africa
This title is the first of its kind in South Africa. It comprehensively covers the South African tax and exchange control provisions which apply to local and foreign trusts. In addition to normal discretionary trusts, the taxation of the following types of trusts is covered: business trusts; charitable trusts; BEE trusts; employee share scheme trusts; offshore trusts; special trusts; asset protection; will trusts. The following types of taxes are also discussed in a trust context: Income Tax; CGT; Transfer Duty; Donations Tax; Estate Duty; International Tax; Transfer Pricing; VAT. The first-ever book exclusively covering the direct and indirect taxation of trusts in South Africa, including a chapter on the application of the exchange control regulations to both onshore and offshore trusts.