Search results for ""Rúa""
PalmArtPress RUA 17
Editorial Caminho Os da Minha Rua
Eyewear Publishing Death on Rua Augusta
Ases Da Literatura Na rua com a Nessie
Bod Third Party Titles Memórias da Rua do Ouvidor
Dalen (Llyfrau) Cyf Tintin: Taisce Raga Rua (Tintin in Irish)
Edições Nosso Conhecimento Valor Nutricional Da Comida de Rua
El doctor Miguel Rúa no ha tenido una vida fácil, pero sí mucha intuición y paciencia.Cuando abandonó la clínica en Barcelona, se mudó a Madrid para vivir con su madre y su hermana, pues estaban muy preocupadas por el bajo estado anímico en el que se sumió tras la pérdida de su esposa.Un día, mientras desayunaba en una cafetería y consultaba la prensa diaria, se topó con el anuncio de una oferta de empleo que llamó su atención. Había oído hablar de aquel lugar y despertó su curiosidad.La carta de un conocido y el objeto del interior serán el detonante para que el doctor Rúa ponga rumbo a ese misterioso balneario que guarda un secreto por descubrir.
Clube de Autores Múltiplas Faces Da População Em Situação De Rua
KS Omniscriptum Publishing Implementação da tecnologia de estacionamento inteligente no estacionamento de rua
Madra Rua Publishing The Little Bat Who Loved Halloween
New York University Press Critical Dialogues in Latinx Studies: A Reader
**WINNER, D. Scott Palmer Prize for Best Edited Collection, given by the New England Council of Latin American Studies** Introduces new approaches, theoretical trends, and understudied topics in Latinx Studies This groundbreaking work offers a multidisciplinary, social-science oriented perspective on Latinx studies, including the social histories and contemporary lives of a diverse range of Latina and Latino populations. Editors Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas and Mérida M. Rúa have crafted an anthology that is unique in both form and content. The book combines previously published canonical pieces with original, cutting-edge works created for this volume. The sections of the text are arranged thematically as critical dialogues, each with a brief preface that provides context and a conceptual direction for the scholarly conversation that ensues. The editors frame the volume around the “humanistic social sciences,” using the term to highlight the historical and social contexts under which expressive cultural forms and archival records are created. Critical Dialogues in Latinx Studies masterfully sheds light on the diversity and complexity of the everyday lives of Latinx populations, the political economic structures that shape enduring racialization and cultural stereotyping, and the continuing efforts to carve out new lives as diasporic, transnational, global, and colonial subjects.
New York University Press Critical Dialogues in Latinx Studies: A Reader
**WINNER, D. Scott Palmer Prize for Best Edited Collection, given by the New England Council of Latin American Studies** Introduces new approaches, theoretical trends, and understudied topics in Latinx Studies This groundbreaking work offers a multidisciplinary, social-science oriented perspective on Latinx studies, including the social histories and contemporary lives of a diverse range of Latina and Latino populations. Editors Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas and Mérida M. Rúa have crafted an anthology that is unique in both form and content. The book combines previously published canonical pieces with original, cutting-edge works created for this volume. The sections of the text are arranged thematically as critical dialogues, each with a brief preface that provides context and a conceptual direction for the scholarly conversation that ensues. The editors frame the volume around the “humanistic social sciences,” using the term to highlight the historical and social contexts under which expressive cultural forms and archival records are created. Critical Dialogues in Latinx Studies masterfully sheds light on the diversity and complexity of the everyday lives of Latinx populations, the political economic structures that shape enduring racialization and cultural stereotyping, and the continuing efforts to carve out new lives as diasporic, transnational, global, and colonial subjects.
Editorial Sargantana El mago Vicentn
Vicentín había tomado la decisiónmás importante de su vida:De mayor sería mago!
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. El espectro autista intervención psicoeducativa
Concepto de trastornos generalizados del desarrollo; el trastorno; el espectro; otros trastornos generalizados del desarrollo; hipótesis explicativas del espectro autista: la Teoría de la Mente; modelo explicativo basado en la hipótesis de la disfunción ejecutiva; diagnóstico del espectro autista; programas psicoeducativos en estudiantes con trastornos generalizados del desarrollo, Programa de Intervención Psicoeducativa (PIP); resultados; y conclusiones.
HarperCollins Publishers The Witches’ Blade (The Five Crowns of Okrith, Book 2)
The addictive second novel in the Five Crowns of Okrith series brings us into a new part of the world as the fae princess Rua joins forces with a truly unlikely ally – all with romance and adventure readers have come to expect from the viral sensation!! A magic sword. A powerful curse. An untested fae princess. And a continent on fire… Eighteen-year-old Ruadora Dammacus now possesses the Immortal Blade, a powerful artefact that might be enough to overthrow the cruel oppression threatening the land. Yet when Rua discovers the Northern Court King’s uncle is not only alive but has cast a curse on the blue witch army, she realises that the battle has only just begun. Venturing into the enemy’s court, Rua finds herself working closely with the young king. Her problems are mounting, and the handsome – and perhaps evil – royal is only one of them. With the eyes of her new-found family on her, Rua must prove herself worthy of the Immortal Blade if she is to break the spell over the blue witches. But the greatest challenge she will face is her growing connection to the Northern King and what it could mean for her people…and her heart.
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. Autismo relatos de vida
Las características intrínsecas de las personas con Trastornos de la Comunicación Social hacen que sea completamente necesario desarrollar un diseño educativo y social debidamente secuenciado, que facilite el acceso de dichas personas a la adquisición de las competencias y habilidades para una vida autónoma. En este sentido, las historias sociales, historias de vida o estudios de caso único pueden constituir técnicas eficaces para expresar, de forma estructurada, programas psico-socio- educativos, que se convierten en un reflejo de las competencias-objetivo de vida, con carácter funcional, sobre el que poder apoyarse para la elaboración de otros programas específicos adaptados a cada necesidad individual.Este libro facilita, pues, un programa reflejo de la historia de vida de Nacho, un niño con Trastorno del Espectro Autista, cuyo objetivo general es permitir la descripción y comprensión de su comportamiento global en las distintas acciones de la vida cotidiana, tanto en relación c
Ediciones Pirámide Programa Relatea desarrollo de categorías conceptuales en estudiantes con trastornos del espectro autista
El programa RELATEA está diseñado para facilitar el desarrollo perceptivo-cognitivo de las personas con trastornos del espectro autista, a través del aprendizaje de nuevos conceptos, la formación de categorías conceptuales que los engloban y el desarrollo de relaciones interconceptuales, cuyos objetivos generales son: facilitar la atribución de significados de los conceptos o desarrollo de la memoria semántica, codificar los nuevos conceptos con criterios de significados. asociar los aprendizajes conceptuales con nexos o relaciones identificativas, relacionar los nuevos conceptos en relación con los aprendizajes previos, a través de las relaciones correspondientes, construir categorías a partir de las unidades conceptuales aprendidas, agrupar los contenidos aprendidos en categorías conceptuales, relacionar los elementos pertenecientes a las nuevas categorías, construir relaciones entre las categorías construidas, establecer relaciones entre diferentes categorías conceptuales y, por últ
?Brais y su guitara? relata la historia de Brais, un chico de 14 años, al que le costaba mucho iniciar relaciones sociales con sus iguales... Es un cuento universal, dirigido a todas las niñas y niños y adolescentes, pues en todos ellos despierta las sensaciones de colaboración y convivencia que cada uno tenemos dentro; pero, está especialmente adaptado para que las personas con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) adquieran una comprensión semántica rápida de su contenido significativo. Para ello, el cuento sigue una metodología altamente estructurada, realizando una síntesis progresiva de cada concepto, el cual se complementa con una imagen representativa, de modo que les es posible percibir y codificar sin esfuerzo el contenido propuesto y almacenar en la memoria permanente una imagen asociada del mismo, la cual actúa a modo de nodo o nexo relacional con dicho contenido, lo que facilita la recuperación de la información para relacionarla con el siguiente concepto y facilitar, en con
Intervencin de las familias y profesionales en personas con trastornos del espectro autista
Este libro ofrece las pautas organizativas y estructurales que son necesarias para adecuar el contexto ambiental ajustado a las necesidades de las personas con TEA. Para ello, se ofrecen, en primer lugar, las medidas urgentes personales iniciales para afrontar la relación interactiva y comunicativa entre las personas con TEA y sus interlocutores y, finalmente, aquellas otras acciones que requieren cambios profundos en los procesos organizativos correctores de las interacciones y los contextos, de acuerdo con sus necesidades específicas. Durante el desarrollo de este proceso se tienen en cuenta todos los factores que intervienen directamente a lo largo de las sucesivas interacciones en el medio, es decir, el ámbito familiar, el escolar, el sanitario y el social, con la finalidad de responder a los objetivos generales como fomentar la relación intra e interpesonal, facilitar la recepción de la información procedente del exterior, así como su codificación y posterior recuperación, mejorar
Ediciones Nowtilus Aro el guerrero lobo
El destino del mundo se dirime en Iberia, los romanos y los cartagineses pugnan por el control del Mediterráneo. Pero el Imperio es insaciable y necesita el dominio de la península, Aro el guerrero lobo, acaudillará a los vacceos para oponerse a las todopoderosas legiones romanas. Año 210 a. C. Aro mira al futuro con optimismo: la cosecha vuelve a ser abundante por primera vez en mucho tiempo, sus rebaños son cada vez más grandes y su esposa Coriaca está a punto de parir a su primer hijo. Pero pronto reciben noticias preocupantes: los romanos, en su guerra contra los cartagineses, han desembarcado en la tierra de los ilergetas. Aro presiente que el bando vencedor no volverá a su país. Y teme que, al contrario, quieran conquistar toda la tierra que tienen por delante.Sus presagios se cumplen cuando Roma vence a Cartago y decide adueñarse de Hispania. Pasarán años antes de que se acerquen al territorio vacceo, pero finalmente los carpetanos, que viven al sur de los vacceos, les piden
Berbay Publishing King of the Castle
"The power of imagination is given a refreshing treatment in Ruá’s disarmingly simple story of a child’s trip to the beach. While Guridi's illustrations tell us what is reality (down to sunscreen bottle!), the text takes us into the creative mind of the boy (it’s magic cream, applied by a witch), turning a day at the shore into a grand adventure."--Art of the Picture BookWhen a creative young boy goes to the beach, he sees it as a blank canvas for imagination and adventure. What starts as a sand castle becomes much, much more…
E ti que faras por min INFANTIL E XUVENIL PEQUENO MERLN Albums
Malta e Marqués viven na rúa. Cada vez cústalles máis atopar comida e teñen que buscar no vertedoiro. Marqués non se atreve a merterse no lixo, pero faille promesas a Malta: Se fose bolboreta regalaríache... Se fose xílgaro contaríache... Se fose lúa... E Malta, que fai por Marqués?
Editorial CCS Don Bosco encuentra a los jóvenes el secreto del sistema educativo salesiano
El secreto del sistema educativo salesiano. Presentación del método educativo a través de la vida y el ejemplo concreto de un educador santo. El libro narra el encuentro de Don Bosco con 30 muchachos. Entre ellos Miguel Rua, Pablo Álbera y Felipe Rinaldi. Hay santos, beatos, fundadores y grandes emprendedores de actividades eclesiales y misioneras. Todos tuvieron un denominador común: se encontraron con Don Bosco y Don Bosco marcó su vida para siempre de una u otra manera.
Profile Books Ltd The Book of Disquiet
Sitting at his desk, Bernardo Soares imagined himself free forever of Rua dos Douradores, of his boss Vasques, of Moreira the book-keeper, of all the other employees, the errand boy, the post boy, even the cat. But if he left them all tomorrow and discarded the suit of clothes he wears, what else would he do? Because he would have to do something. And what suit would he wear? Because he would have to wear another suit. A self-deprecating reflection on the sheer distance between the loftiness of his feelings and the humdrum reality of his life, The Book of Disquiet is a classic of existentialist literature.
Non fales o que non debes Galician Edition
En Non fales o que non debes, a aparencia ten pouco que ver coa realidade. Xanete, o gato do maxistrado xuíz do Xulgado de Instrución número 1 está desconcertado porque o corpo do seu dono xace morto na rúa. O vehículo de emerxencias, a policía, o forense e a titular do Xulgado número 3 están a carón do cadáver, que o observa todo. Nos informativos dábanse detalles da Operación Táchira que debían estar baixo segredo de sumario. Ao tempo, un xornalista que asina como Vagalume parece disposto a todo con tal de obter información. Que se agocha detrás da vida de cadaquén? Ten iso algo que ver co sentido ético? Os personaxes desta novela presentan distintos rostros dependendo da mirada. Pero a verdade acaba por aboiar se penetramos nos seus segredos.
O militante
A verdade tranquiliza ou desacouga?Martiño Domínguez, destacado militante nacionalista e líder sindical, dez anos despois de deixar a política activa por desavinzas, volve ter un cargo importante: presidente da Comunidade de Propietarios da rúa do Con n 68 da cidade da Oliva.Desde o seu novo posto descríbenos os problemas sociais da veciñanza e lembra os principais episodios económico-políticos nos que participou como dirixente nacionalista e como presidente do Comité de Empresa de Caixasur. Para Martiño, a súa vida e a de milleiros de cidadáns da Oliva sería totalmente distinta se non saldasen Caixasur, pois foi aí onde comezaron a maioría dos problemas.Este libro está escrito para aquelas persoas que queren saber, seguindo a máxima de John Berger de que a imaxinación non é a capacidade de inventar, senón a capacidade de desvelar o que existe.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Festina Lente Feast Lens Edicion Literarianarrativa
Devagar, un carro baixa chirlando polo Preguntoiro ateigado de libros prohibidos e expurgados polo Santo Oficio. Estamos en Compostela no ano do Noso Señor de 1627 e este é o colofón do códice que, caderniño a caderniño, o encadernador Ambrosio Cavaleiro coseu na soidade do seu obradoiro da rúa da Armada dende que era un aprendiz canda o seu mestre. As campás, tristeiras, repenican a defunto, o vento zoa nas rúas e esparexe o capítulos todos da súa existencia. As páxinas de pergamiño, como faíscas, danzan sobre os tellados e os campanarios furtando á voraz desmemoria as lembranzas fuxidías, os acenos, mecos e rostros dunha vida. O coñecemento, como a pedra gravada polos arxinas a cicel e maceta dende a noite dos tempos, permanece no alento dunha idade incerta asolagada polo silandeiro andazo da intolerancia. Festina lente é a primeira novela para público adulto de Marcos S. Calveiro, unha das maiores descubertas da narrativa galega recente. Novela histórica, ambientada na Compostela do
The Mercier Press Ltd Sive
Sive is a young and beautiful orphan who lives with her uncle Mike, his wife Mena and his mother Nanna. A local matchmaker, Thomasheen Seán Rua, wants Sive to marry an old man called Sean Dóta. Thomasheen convinces Mike and Mena to organise the marriage. They will receive a sum of two hundred pounds as soon as she marries him. However, Sive is in love with a young man, Liam Scuab. But Liam is not suitable and is refused permission to marry Sive. Sive is distraught but is forced to do the will of her uncle and his bitter wife. Faced with an unthinkable future she takes the only choice left to her. Set against the harsh poverty and difficult times of 1950s Ireland, Sive caused considerable controversy on its debut in February 1959. Since then it has become an established part of Ireland's theatrical canon.
Prestel Great Streets of the World: From London to San Francisco
What makes a street interesting? Is it the architecture, the landscape, the people, the businesses, or the history? In this collection of sixteen charmingly detailed illustrations, kids can discover the answer for themselves. Spanning nearly every continent to explore a fantastic variety of cities, sixteen double- page spreads come alive with color and activity. In San Francisco, people and vehicles make their way up and down Lombard Street’s twists and turns. On Hotagayo Street in the quiet, wintry Japanese town of Shirakawa, snow slides off the deeply pitched roofs, while in Bamako, Mali, the massive and crowded marketplace shimmers with heat. Kids will delight in the quirky architecture of Prinsengracht Street in Amsterdam and try to identify all the neon lights of Broadway. Whether looking down the dizzying slope that is the Rua da Bica in Lisbon or zooming on a motorbike through Hanoi, Agusti Sousa’s irresistible illustrations capture each location’s unique vibe. Mia Cassany’s texts will spark discussion about what makes a place special, while encouraging readers to wonder what’s happening on the streets of their own hometowns.
Tan irresistiblemente tú. Tan tú tan nosotros 1
Nunca me han gustado los hombres más jóvenes que yo ?no por nada, sino porque no son mi tipo? y, por supuesto, nunca me han gustado los niñatos insolentes a medio hacer ?tampoco por nada, sino porque a mí me van más los maduritos interesantes?. Sin embargo, todo eso cambió un maldito bucólico fin de semana en el que él se cruzó en mi camino, con su pelo rubio, revuelto, sus ojos azules y esa sonrisa desdeñosa cargada de arrogancia que me ponía mala. Sí, en pasado, porque no sé en qué momento eso empezó a cambiar y pasé de verlo como a un crío descarado a pensar en él como en mi chico de anuncio.Vaya por delante que me toca mucho las narices todo lo que siento cuando estoy a su lado, y ni te cuento lo que me joroba que me haga gracia o que no deje de pensar que es un encanto, porque, en serio, no quiero nada con él.Me llamo María Eugenia de la Rúa, voy a ser la diseñadora de Dior y esta es mi historia; bueno, en realidad, nuestra historia, por mucho que me fastidie reconocerlo.
Tan insoportablemente nosotros. Tan tú tan nosotros 2
Nunca me gustaron los hombres más jóvenes que yo, hasta que él apareció y mi vida se llenó con los colores de su mirada y con todo lo que me hacía sentir cuando estaba a su lado. Sin embargo, lo que yo creía que iba a ser un para siempre terminó siendo un adiós rotundo, sin explicaciones ni contemplaciones.Por qué? No lo sé. Podría decirte que yo era de las que pensaban que es necesario saber por qué te dejan, pero cuando te hacen tanto daño, el motivo es lo de menos y lo único realmente importante es lo que te duele, tus lágrimas y lo perdida que te sientes.Ahora tengo que reconstruir mi vida desde cero, he de buscar otros colores y emplear otros trazos, y sé que no va a ser fácil. Una vez dije que lo evidente y lo sencillo era para todos, y lo difícil y lo arriesgado, para mí. Ha llegado el momento de demostrarlo, aunque ahora esté llorando... Voy a coger aire, a superarlo y a seguir.Me llamo María Eugenia de la Rúa, voy a ser la diseñadora de Dior y esta es mi historia.<
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
Volume 33 contains articles on the economic history of Europe, America and Asia and brings new analysis, and newly created datasets to address issues of interest. Two papers focus on the US and contribute to our understanding of the Great Depression. In "Reexamining the Origins of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act", Beaudreau argues industrialists used the plight of farmers to raise tariffs on manufactured goods. And Jalil and Rua show in "Inflation Expectations in the U.S. in Fall 1933” that shifts in inflationary expectations could be responsible for the patterns in output witnessed in 1933: an expansion in the early part of the year which stalled by the Fall. Two papers present new data. "First Cabin Fares from New York to the British Isles, 1826-1914" by Dupont, Keeling and Weiss extends their work on understanding early tourism by creating a new series to examine the time path of first class travel over the 19th century. "Reforms and Supervisory Organizations: Lessons from the History of the Istanbul Bourse, 1873–1883" by Hanedar, Hanedar, Torun and Çelikay data newly collected from the Istanbul Bourse to better understand how investors respond to different types of reforms. And finally, Field in "The Savings and Loan Insolvencies and the Costs of Financial Crisis" gives a reinterpretation of the Savings and Loan Crises of the late 1980s and early 1990s in light of the subsequent, much more severe crisis of 2007/08.
Permuted Press Hendo: The American Athlete
A riveting memoir by the first MMA double champion and two-time Olympic wrestler who cut a polarizing path as a firebrand figure and went on to become a legend.“Dan Henderson is a savage. He came from a pure, wrestling background with very little striking training, and he went and became one of the most dangerous, one-punch knockout artists in the history of the sport.” —Joe Rogan Dan “Hendo” Henderson was the first fighter in MMA history to become a double champion, winning championships in PRIDE Fighting Championships and Strikeforce. He faced the biggest names in MMA, on his unparalleled run through the early days of MMA through its remarkable rise in popularity, squaring off against the likes of Fedor Emelianenko, Anderson Silva, Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, Wanderlei Silva, Michael Bisping, Vitor Belfort, and Renzo Gracie. Henderson’s first fight against Mauricio “Shogun” Rua in 2011 is considered one of the greatest fights in UFC history. In this no-holds-barred look back on his life, Henderson provides context and insight into the biggest fights of his career, while reflecting on the wholly unique upbringing that shaped him into the warrior he needed to be to win. With his trademark humor, he sheds light on his two trips to the Olympics, his transformative time training in Europe and Russia, and his up-and-down relationship with Dana White. Hendo: The American Athlete is a thrilling window into the life and mind of a true legend. There will never be another fighter like Hendo.
Michelin Editions des Voyages Streetwise Lisbon Map - Laminated City Center Street Map of Lisbon, Portugal: City Plan
REVISED 2023 Streetwise Lisbon Map - Laminated City Center Street Map of Lisbon, Portugal. The accordion-fold pocket size travel map includes an integrated surface tram & metro stations. Coverage includes: Main Lisbon Map 1:8,000 Belem Inset Map 1:8,000 Central Lisbon North Map 1:8,000 Lisbon Area Map 1:46,000 Lisbon Regional Map 1:340,000 Portugal Map 1:3,000,000 Dimensions: 4" x 8.5" folded, 8.5" x 32" unfolded Lisbon, benefiting from an influx of funding from the EU, has reemerged on the world stage as a destination for those seeking the cultural experience of Southern Europe. While it still has a patina of wear and retains an air of shabby chic, renovation and new development are mixing the past with the present to create an alluring juxtaposition of hip boutique hotels in old medieval quarters. The magnificent Praça do Commercial by the river Tejo is the center of the city and reflects the atmosphere of this historic maritime center. Heading east, you'll walk through the Alfama with its Moorish past, and up the rising hillside to the dominating presence of the castle of St. George. The pastel houses of the Bairro Alto line up like sunwashed Easter eggs. There's a terrific panoramic view from the park on Rua de San Pedro that shouldn't be missed. Additional must see visits are to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, with one of the best art collections in Europe, and to Bélem to see the Cultural Centre, and the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, the monastery commemorating Portugal s seagoing superiority. Take the metro D line or a taxi up to the Parque das Naçoes, home of Expo 98 and now a splendid outdoor vista with shops, restaurants and one of the most stunning Aquariums on earth, the Oceanarium. The STREETWISE® Lisbon map, including the Lisbon Area map, pulls all of these sites plus hotels, and metro stations together to help you navigate and enjoy your visit to Lisbon. The Lisbon Region map will guide you on day trips west of the city along the beautiful Costa Estoril to Cascais, Estoril and Sintra. And finally, a map of Portugal facilitates further exploration of the beautiful countryside. Our pocket size map of Lisbon is laminated for durability and accordion folding for effortless use. To enhance your visit to Lisbon, check out the Michelin Green Guide to Portugal which details sites and attractions using the famed Michelin star-rating system so you can prioritize your trip based on your time and interest. For a selection of the best restaurants and hotels, buy the red MICHELIN Guide Main Cities of Europe. For driving or to plan your trip to and from Lisbon, use the Michelin Portugal Road and Tourist Map No. 733.
Heartwood Publishing Madeira Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Let Marco Polo Madeira guide you around this beautiful island. Explore Madeira with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the island's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place. Let Marco Polo show you all this wonderful island has to offer… Madeira is an island with varied landscapes almost like no other. See spectacular coasts, green valleys, ancient juniper forests and impressive summits. But it isn't just nature lovers who'll find Madeira a paradise: in the capital, Funchal, shopping and culture are both at large, while beaches and lidos are ideal for relaxing… Your Marco Polo Madeira Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips – we show you the hidden gems and little known secrets that offer a real insight into this beautiful island. Enjoy art in the Zona Velha where local artists have created striking designs for the doors of Rua Santa Maria, sip cocktails at the Mill or discover the hills and beaches of Porto Santo on horseback, our Insider Tips reveal authentic Madeira Best of – find the best things to do for free, the best ‘only in’ Madeira experiences, the best things to do if it rains and the best places to relax and spoil yourself Sightseeing – all of the top sights are organised by areas of the island so you can easily plan your trip Discovery Tours – 5 specially tailored tours that will get you to the heart of Madeira either on foot or by car. Strap on your boots and discover panaromic views along the north coast, or hire a car and see the highlights of Madeira in just one day Madeira in full-colour – Marco Polo Pocket Guide Madeira includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the island to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip Get in the holiday mood – before even leaving home, get in to the holiday mood with Marco Polo’s spotify playlist featuring songs related to the travel destination along with the best apps, blogs, film and book recommendations Pull-out map – we’ve included a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour Useful Portuguese phrases – the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Madeira to show you around this fabulous Portuguese island. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything Madeira has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.