Search results for ""Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO)""
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Waar de geschiedenis begon: Nederlandse onderoekers in de ban van spijkerschrift, hiërogliefen en aardewerk. Uitgave naar aanleiding van het 75-jarig bestaan van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1939-2014
De oude culturen van Egypte en het Nabije Oosten zijn onze voorlopers. Hier ontwikkelden zich o.a. het alfabet, godsdienstige voorstellingen, literatuur en wetten, die de wortels van onze beschaving vormen. In Nederland is de studie van onze oudste geschiedenis al 75 jaar lang verbonden met het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO). Ter gelegenheid van dit jubileum beschrijven de auteurs van dit boek de veelzijdige werkzaamheden die zijzelf of andere Nederlandse onderzoekers verrichten bij opgravingen in Egypte en het Nabije Oosten en de studie van de oude culturen aan Nederlandse universiteiten. Ook komen de rijke museumcollecties in Nederland aan de orde. Het is voor het eerst dat de archeologen en onderzoekers zelf de ontwikkelingen in hun vakgebied beschrijven, en zo laten zien wat de Nederlandse bijdrage is geweest bij de studie van de landen waar de geschiedenis begon.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Constructing Communities: Clustered Neighbourhood Settlements of the Central Anatolian Neolithic, ca. 8500-5500 Cal. BC
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Die Tempelanlage Amenemhets III. in Hawara: Das Labyrinth. Bestandsaufnahme und Auswertung der Architektur- und Inventarfragmente
Die Tempelanlage Amememhets III. (ca. 1853-1805 v.Chr.) in Hawara gilt als sagenumwoben. Es wird skeptisch betrachtet, wenn man versucht diese Vorstellung zu widerlegen. Das Fehlen eines geeigneten historischen Kontexts bietet viel Raum für die unterschiedlichsten Interpretationen, und es ist schwierig, die Anlage einzuordnen. Verschiedene griechische und römische Autoren, die in Kapitel 1 der Publikation ausführlich erwähnt werden, beschreiben den Tempelkomplex Amenemhets III. südlich der Pyramide in Hawara und nennen ihn, in Anlehnung an Herodot, das 'Labyrinth'. Die Anlage und ihr genauer Standort geraten in Vergessenheit bis die ersten europäischen Reisenden und Gelehrten zum Ende des 17. und Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts nach Ägypten kommen, um sie wiederzufinden. In Kapitel 2 wird anhand der Analyse der 215 Architektur- und Inventarfragmente, die in einem Katalogteil vereint sind, versucht, den Tempel von 'innen nach außen' wiederherzustellen. In Form einer fortlaufenden Geschichte, in der die meisten Stücke aus dem Katalog mittels ihrer Nummern genannt werden, soll ein Eindruck des Aussehens der Tempelanlage Amenemhets III. in Hawara vermittelt bzw. eine Aussage zu deren Funktion gemacht werden. Vor allem soll der Bezug der Stücke untereinander verdeutlicht werden. Am Ende seiner ca. 45-jährigen Regierungszeit gibt es vermutlich eine Koregenz zwischen Amenemhet III. und seinem Nachfolger Amenemhet IV. (ca. 1807/06-1798/97 v.Chr.), dessen Anwesenheit und Tätigkeiten in Hawara aber bis jetzt nicht zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen werden können, wie in Kapitel 3 dargelegt wird. Nach zehnjähriger Regierungszeit besteigt die Tochter Amenemhets III., Nefrusobek, den Thron und regiert ca. drei Jahre (ca. 1798/97-1794/93 v.Chr.). Die Pyramidenanlage Amenemhets III. in Hawara scheint aber noch lange bis in die 13. Dynastie in Betrieb zu sein, bis der Kult für den König aufgegeben bzw. erheblich eingeschränkt wird. In Kapitel 4 wird schließlich das Material, woraus die Architektur- und Inventarfragmente angefertigt wurden, systematisch aufgelistet und mit Informationen zu Entstehung, Vorkommen und Farbe versehen. Die verschiedenen Steinsorten werden geologisch sinnvoll, d.h. nach Art der Erstehung und Vorkommen in Ägypten, behandelt. Die Publikation enthält eine CD mit s/w-Abbildungen aller 215 Katalogstücke sowie eine Faltkarte in einer Einschubtasche.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Donkeys at Deir el-Medîna
Donkeys played a substantial role in the life of the necropolis workmen of Deir el-Medina. Based on a corpus of administrative texts consisting of 124 ostraca and 3 papyri, this work focuses on the economic aspect and the function of donkeys as means of transport. After a detailed study of all texts, separate chapters are devoted to the treatment and the work of the animals; their owners, hirers and buyers; the price of hire; and the vocabulary and the formulae used in these texts.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Village Varia: Ten Studies on the History and Administration of Deir el-Medina
In "Ten Studies on the History and Administration of Deir el-Medina" the author discusses various subjects pertaining to the community of necropolis workmen at Thebes during the New Kingdom. Some illustrate particular aspects of their life in general, such as the sources of and the rights to their provisions or their free time, others deal with individual texts or events and their relations with the authorities.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) A Muslim Principality in Crusader Times: The Early Artuqid State
This book deals with the history of Eastern Anatolia in the first half of the 12th century. It includes an edition of part of the unpublished manuscript of the Tarikh Mayyafariqin (BL.Or. 5803 and 6310, kept in the British Library) of the 12th century historian Ibn al Azraq, and English translation of the text and an extended commentary on it - a historical and historiographical introduction - genealogical tables and indices. The book will be of interest to historians of Eastern Turkey as well as those interested in Mediaeval Arabic historiography, the later Seljuks and the Gazira at the time of the first and second crusades. It will also be relevant to Arabists on account of the pecularities of the Middle Arabic used by the author.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Studies in Persian History: Essays in Memory of David M. Lewis
This volume contains thirteen studies on aspects of Achaemenid Persian History ranging from the Persian heartland to Asia Minor. The papers cover social, economic, political, linguistic, historiographical and artistic problems of Achaemenid History, in which David Lewis had a particular interest.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) The Book of the Dead of Gatseshen: Ancient Egyptian Funerary Religion in the 10th Century BC
This volume is devoted to the analysis of the magical contents of a funerary papyrus belonging to the so-called “Book of the Dead” genre. The papyrus of Gatseshen, daughter of the High Priest of Amon Menkheperra (middle XXIst Dynasty), consists of almost 18 meters of beautifully written hieratic text and colourful vignettes. The author has attempted to reconstruct the history of composition and arrangement of this document, by investigating in detail the thematic connections between the different spells and vignettes. By comparing the layout of this papyrus with those produced in the same area and period, a new view of the funerary religion at Thebes during the XXIst Dynasty is outlined. The overall picture which can be gained by this comparative study is that of an innovative and lively tradition of funerary scrolls, which were used not only to protect the deceased during his journey in the netherworld, but also in order to express the religious ideas of its owners. A cd-rom containing colour photos of the papyrus is supplied with the volume.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Writing in a Workmen's Village: Scribal Practice in Ramesside Deir el-Medina
Four studies on the daily practice of the scribes of Deir el-Medina. Under the heading "duplication", the first chapter looks into the use of drafts or mother copies, and the second deals with the work of five individual scribes. Under the heading "classification", the third chapter presents a survey of the words used by the scribes when referring to their products, the documents, and the fourth looks at the method of reconstructing ancient classifications by the clustering of texts with identical headings. Together, these chapters reconstruct the individual and collective habits of those who have produces the mass of texts found at Deir el-Medina, the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) The Coffin of Djedmonthuiufankh in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden I: Technical and Iconographic/Iconological Aspects
This book is an in-depth study of a XXIst-early XXIInd Dynasty anthropoid coffin. It is modelled on a combination of D.L. Clarke's analytical and E. Panofsky's iconographic/iconological approaches to archaeological and art historical data respectively. The introductory chapter is followed by an "Analytical Description" which consists of two parts. In "Technical Aspects" the data are handled typologically and statistically, and the coffin's place among its corpus is established. In "Iconographic Description and Analysis" all decorative motifs and individual (often unique) vignettes are studied in detail. The "Preliminary Iconological Synthesis" in which the coffin and its corpus are placed in the broad cultural-historical framework at Thebes, concludes this volume. The book contains tables, diagrams, and over 500 illustrations.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) The Teachings of Sylvanus (Nag Hammadi Codex VII, 4)
This posthumously published book was finished by the late Dr. Jan Zandee, Professor-Emeritus in Egyptology and the history of ancient religions. The 'Teachings' had indeed his interest for many years of his scholarly life. In the present book, a magnum opus, his earlier and latest findings are summarized. This Nag Hammadi-tractate, a pseudepigraphon using the name of the companion of St. Paul, is written in the form of the ancient sapiential literature. The Greek original may date from the early third century, the Coptic codex VII was created about A.D. 340. The theme of the writing is the battle of the soul against evil and the final victory with the additional and decisive help of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. The author gives the Coptic text with translation and a rich commentary. Summaries, six excursusses and two indices (Greek and Coptic words) complete this fine book, a testimony of great learning.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Trade and Finance in Ancient Mesopotamia: Proceedings of the First MOS Symposium (Leiden 1997)
The first in a series of publications related to the Dutch project "The Economy of Ancient Mesopotamia", this volume contains nine contributions, most of which were presented during an international symposium in 1997. The focus is on the factors that enabled this region to acquire the goods it needed by means of imports. The period dealt with comprises the Third Dynasty of Ur up until the Achaemenid period. Topics include the formation of capital, the assets enabling merchants to conduct trade in a private or institutional context, and the availability and use of commodities that functioned as money. Contributors: A.C.V.M. Bongenaar, J.G. Dercksen, G. van Driel, F. Joannès, H. Neumann, M.A. Powell, K. Radner and K.R. Veenhof.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Through Travellers' Eyes: European Travellers on the Iranian Monuments
From the early fourteenth century European travellers were intrigued by Iranian antiquities, particularly those at Persepolis and Pasargadae. Increasing sophistication in reporting, recurring prejudices, and illuminating insights characterize this fascinating history of discovery as highlighted by the articles in this volume.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) The Ottoman Empire and the Dutch Republic: A History of the Earliest Diplomatic Relations, 1610-1630 (revised edition)
This eminently readable book is the first extensive monograph dealing with the early history of the diplomatic relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Netherlands based on Western as well as Turkish sources and secondary literature. Its aim is to present a balanced bilateral account of both the Turkish and the Dutch viewpoint. The statesmanship of the Ottoman admiral and grand vizier Khalil Pasha, who took the diplomatic initiative in 1610 is studied in detail as is the diplomatic activity of Cornelis Haga, the first Dutch ambassador to the Porte. Their successful negotiations led to the grant of capitulations by the Sultan Ahmed I in 1612. This document formed the basis of 400 years of political and economic relations of the Netherlands with Turkey. An edition of the text and an integral translation are also given.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Anatolia and the Jazira during the Old Assyrian Period
Anatolia and the Jazira collects the proceedings of a symposium held at Leiden University in December 2005. It contains 11 studies on the geography, history and linguistic complexity of Central Anatolia and Northern Syria during the period of Old Assyrian commercial involvement.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Dating Late XIXth Dynasty Ostraca
Since many ostraca from the environs of Deir el-Medina lack specific regnal year dates, dating them precisely is a tricky business. This volume attempts to provide comparative datings for 78 ostraca (and papyri) from the late XIXth dynasty. The method draws explicitly on the division of the gang into two sides and, crucially, makes full use (for the first time) of the specific ordering of workmen’s names to be found in documentation from this period. The archaeological context of the important body of late XIXth dynasty material from the Valley of the Kings is investigated and it is shown that the datings proposed here on comparative grounds correlate strongly with the grouping of the ostraca by excavation and find-site. The work is supported by a comprehensive index of the workmen by source and a concordance comparing the datings suggested here with those from other standard reference resources.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Achaemenid Anatolia: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Anatolia in the Achaemenid Period, Bandirma, 15-18 August 1997
H. SANCISI-WEERDENBURG: The Problem of the Yauna; P. BRIANT: Remarques sur sources épigraphiques et domination achéménide en Asie Mineure; A. LEMAIRE: Les inscriptions araméennes de Daskyleion; G. GROPP: Sassen die Skudra wirklich in Thrakien? Ein Problem der Satrapienverteilung in Kleinasien; K. STROBEL: Phryger - Lyder - Meder: politische, ethnische und kulturelle Grössen Zentralanatoliens bei Errichtung der achaimenidischen Herrschaft; D. KAPTAN: On the satrapal center in northwestern Asia Minor. Some Evidence from the Seal Impressions of Ergili/Daskyleion; M.B. GARRISON: Anatolia in the Achaemenid Period. Glyptic Insights and Perspectives from Persepolis; B. JACOBS: Kultbilder und Gottesvorstellung bei den Persern zu Herodot; A.D.H. BIVAR: Magians and Zoroastrians. The Religions of the Iranians in Anatolia; O.P.V. L'VOV BASIROV: Achaemenian Funerary Practices in western Asia Minor; Y. TUNA-NÖRLING: Attic Pottery from Dascylium; G. POLAT: Das Grabdenkmal des Autophradates; J. BORCHHARDT and P. RUGGENDORFER: Neufunde zur reliefierten Basis des Reiterstandbildes von Zêmuri; S. ATESLIER: Observations on an Early Classical Building of the Satrapal Period at Daskyleion; T. BAKIR: Die Satrapie in Daskyleion; I. GEZGIN: Defensive Systems in Aiolis and Ionia Regions in the Achaemenid Period.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Das Archiv des Bel-Remanni
The book presents a comprehensive treatment of a family archive originating from Neo-Babylonian Sippar complete with editions and handcopies of the texts. Among the subjects treated in the commentary are the prebendary system of the Ebabbar temple, various dues and taxes, and agriculture. The archive is shown to exhibit strong traces of the activity of apprentice scribes; it can in fact be considered to be a 'school archive,' the setting of the 'school' being the archive owner's family. It is only part of a larger group, the other part of which is an archive of medical texts (also consisting mostly of school tablets) studied by Irving Finkel.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Veenhof Anniversary Volume: Studies Presented to Klaas R. Veenhof on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday
During his career Klaas Veenhof has worked on numerous aspects of Mesopotamian society. This volume containing forty-four articles contributed by his colleagues pays tribute to his broadness. The subjects of the articles cover a period of more than two millennia, and deal with Ancient Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Israel.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Tell Sabi Abyad II: The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Settlement: Report on the Excavations of the National Museum of Antiquities Leiden in the Balikh Valley, Syria
Tell Sabi Abyad II is a small prehistoric mound located in the steppe region of northern Syria. The large-scale excavations have revealed eight main levels of occupation mainly represented by multi-roomed rectangular buildings. These levels are dated between 7550 and 6850 cal B.C., i.e. in the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period. This extensive and well-illustrated interim report deals with respectively stratigraphy and architecture, flint and obsidian industries, small finds, early pottery found in the topmost level, plant remains and animal remains. In the conclusions the main results of the excavations are summarized, and the site is being discussed in its wider context.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) An Archaeological Ethnography of a Neolithic Community: Space, Place and Social Relations in the Burnt Village at Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria
In this second volume about Tell Sabi Abyad in northern Syria a detailed spatial analysis of one of the Later Neolithic settlements in the tell, the so-called Burnt Village (dated at c. 5200 B.C.), is presented. The aim of this analysis is to write an `archaeological ethnography’, by which is meant a comprehensive reconstruction of the life of the inhabitants of this settlement. The book consists of seven chapters, which respectively deal with research objectives, theoretical perspectives on the study of space, architecture and finds, formation processes, functions of artefacts, distributions of artefacts and use of buildings, and social and economic structure and ritual practices. In this well-illustrated and well-documented volume the author makes a substantial contribution to scholarship and the extraordinary potentials of the Near Eastern Neolithic archaeological record. In particular the innovative research presented has yielded new insights in human interactions in the Later Neolithic of northern Mesopotamia. Furthermore, the theoretical perspectives about material culture, space and rituals are of interest for all those interested in archaeological theory and methodology.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Ottoman Izmir: Studies in Honour of Alexander H. de Groot
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Women at Deir el-Medina: A Study of the Status and Roles of the Female Inhabitants in the Workmen's Community during the Ramesside Period
The non-literary Deir el-Medîna ostraca texts form the main source material for this study of the women of the royal workmen's community. The life-span of the household provides the frame within which women's social roles and status are discussed by examining women's titles, actions, circumstances, as well as opinions voiced by and about women.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea: Studies in the History of Assyria and Babylonia in Honour of A.K. Grayson
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) The World of the Coffin Texts: Proceedings of the Symposium Held on the Occasion of the 100th Birthday of Adriaan de Buck, Leiden, December 17-19, 1992
The proceedings of this symposium offer contributions by leading experts working on the ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts, i.e., the texts written on coffins of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom (c. 2000-1750 B.C.). The volume provides a cross-section of current research activities in this field of study. Apart from progress reports on lexicographical and other projects, the volume contains presentations of 'new' material (e.g. from Lisht or Qâw al-Kabîr), typological assessments of coffin material, text-critical studies of groups of spells, grammatical studies, and discussions of theological and ritual aspects of the texts. The volume is of interest to Egyptologists and historians of religion.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Jurisdiction in the Workmen's Community of Deir el-Medîna
One of the best known villages of antiquity, the artisan's community of Deir el-Medîna on the west bank of Thebes which had its floruit in the Ramesside period, has also yielded a wealth of information on the social and juridical systems. A great number of ostraca, papyri and inscriptions form the base on which the main outlines of the system of administering law can be reconstructed. This richly documented monograph tries to find answers to problems like: who were the members of the village council (the knb.t)? Which cases did it deal with by itself and which were rather put before the village oracle? And, finally, what juridical cases occupied the minds of the villagers which fell out of the scope of these two main means to regulate the social life of community?
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) The Vignettes of the Book of the Dead of Neferrenpet
The present volume is an inquiry into the illustrations found with practically every spell in the Book of the Dead of Neferrenpet, a sculptor from Deir el-Medîna who lived in the early nineteenth dynasty. After an attempt to recover the correct relation to the accompanying text, each vignette of the papyrus Neferrenpet is compared with parallels in older, contemporaneous and younger documents in order to establish the specific position of this Book of the Dead in the iconographical development as it becomes manifest in this type of funerary literature. The Brussels part of the papyrus, published by Louis Speleers in 1917, could be complemented with a hitherto unpublished Book of the Dead from the University Museum in Philadelphia. Neferrenpet's Book of the Dead (as far as preserved now) is photographically reconstituted on 42 plates. The extant sheets of a duplicate papyrus in the British Museum follow on six additional plates.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) The Ilipinar Excavations II
This second volume on the excavations at Ilıpınar in Northwestern Anatolia comprises studies on the pottery of Ilipinar's early farming period, e.g. the phases X through VB. Various authors present accounts of the architectural remains of phases VI through VB scattered along the west flank of the mound, while a full record is given of the radiocarbon dates, covering the whole preshistoric occupation of this multiperiod mound. In addition to reports on the chipped stone industry, a study is included on vegetational remains from this Neolithic-Early Chalcolithic settlement in the framework of Late Quarternary vegetation of Western Turkey.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Through the Legation Window 1876-1926: Four Essays on Dutch, Dutch-Indian and Ottoman History
Based on research in the Dutch State and Foreign Office archives, these essays examine the impact of banditry in western Anatolia on local Dutch communities, Dutch relations with Armenia (1913-1923), 'pan-Islamism' and Dutch colonialism, and Dutch visits to Ottoman ports.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) A Survey in Northeastern Syria
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) The Ezida Temple of Borsippa: Priesthood, Cult, Archives
This book provides an insight into the world of the priests of the Ezida temple in Borsippa, covering the period when this sanctuary dedicated to the god Nabû was Babylonia’s second most important place of worship (c. 750-484 BC). The backbone of the book is the extensive corpus of cuneiform texts that these priests have left behind. Discovered in the 19th century, these archives have largely remained unstudied. Apart from offering an edition of the texts (Part II), this study reconstructs the professional and social lives of Nabû’s priests, and outlines the workings of the cult of a major Babylonian deity (Part I). A dvd-rom with digital photographs of edited texts is included.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) A Persian Perspective: Essays in Memory of Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Persepolis Seal Studies: An Introduction with Provisional Concordances of Seal Numbers and Associated Documents on Fortification Tablets 1-2087
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Hittite Votive Texts
Votive texts or vows were already a well known religious phenomenon in the 13th century BC, but at that time the Hittites started to expand the genre into an interesting administrative process. Both the temple and the palace sent each other reminders when a promised object had not yet been received or when the god had not yet fulfilled a wish. Vows are a genre of Hittite literature that has hitherto not been treated extensively. This publication contains transcriptions and translations of nearly all votive texts and text fragments that have been published as text copies (ca. 80 texts), as well as fifteen hitherto unpublished text fragments. The general introduction (70 pp.) contains paragraphs on gods and mortals, the places where the vow or dream occur, the gods invoked and the dating of the votive texts. The second part of the volume contains the text transliterations, translations and commentary, arranged according to CTH 583, 584 and 590.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Woodcutters, Potters and Doorkeepers: Service Personnel of the Deir el-Medina Workmen
The community of necropolis workmen of Deir el-Medina was part of the administrative branch responsible for the preparation of the royal tombs. To this department also belonged several groups of service personnel. This volume presents separate studies on three groups of this service staff. Two of these belonged to the so-called smdt, namely the woodcutters and the potters, while the third group occupies a position somewhere in between the workmen and the smdt, the doorkeepers.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium AD: A Tribute to Jac. J. Janssen
This book contains 27 contributions by authors from various countries, all dealing with the ancient Egyptian village of Deir el-Medina. Most contributions focus on the New Kingdom community of Deir el-Medina, when the village was inhabited by the workmen who constructed and decorated the royal tombs of western Thebes. The contributions include publications of unknown texts, new interpretations of published texts, and studies of the archaeological remains, the administration, the economy, the school system, and religious life at Deir el-Medina.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) Zur Chronologie der Kaufmannsarchive aus der Schicht 2 des Karum Kanes: Studien und Materialien
As the title shows, the book is generally divided into two parts. The first chapters provide the reader with an outline towards the general situation of Old Assyrian archival studies followed by a study of 6 of the most important archives under a chronological point of view. Based on their occurrences in dated documents the most prominent members and partners of the firms in discussion are set into the chronological frame as given by the newly published Kültepe eponym lists. It is one of the intents of the study to lay the foundation for further work, e.g. research on the developments of prices, legal documents etc. The second part of the book consists of extensive list with the references of the year- and week-eponyms from the published and numerous unpublished texts of Kārum Kaneš level 2. These are given in clearly arranged tables, with discussion of every single year-eponym. If known the family-relationships of each is given, so that many of the most important families of old Assyrian Assur become far better known than was possible before. Concordances between the Kültepe eponym lists, the Mari eponym chronicle and the new lists in this book are added. The book concludes with a chapter on the week-eponym (etymology, system) followed by the indices.
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) New Discoveries in Nubia: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Nubian Studies, The Hague, 1979
Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) The Gate of Heaven: Wall Paintings with Old Testament Scenes in the Altar Room and the Hurus of Coptic Churches
This book deals with the wall paintings with Old Testament scenes found in the altar room and the khûrus (the transverse space in front of it) of five Coptic churches and chapels dating from the 11th century to c. 1300. Some of the paintings have never before been reproduced. The first part of the book contains descriptions of the architecture of the churches and chapels, the iconographical programme and the murals, and also explores the dating of the architecture and the paintings. The second part is devoted to the question of why these specific themes were chosen and whether or not the paintings belong to an Egyptian iconographical tradition. These issues are examined on the basis of research into the symbolic meaning and function of the altar room and the khûrus, and an iconographical and iconological study of the various Old Testament themes.