Search results for ""National Council of Teachers of Mathematics""
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Navigating Through Discrete Mathematics in PreKGrade 5 Navigations
Provides hands-on activities that focus on systemantic counting, vertex-edge graphs and iterative and recursive processes.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Classics in Mathematics Education Research
Focuses on themes surrounding evolving conceptions of learning and teaching. In the last three decades, research in mathematics education has undergone dramatic changes. The articles selected for this volume offer perspectives on the development of these themes, some of which include the process-product paradigm, gender and mathematics, problem solving, students' thinking and the role of cultural practises in the acquisition of mathematical concepts and procedures.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Algebra in a Technological World
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Focus in High School Mathematics: Fostering Reasoning and Sense Making for All Students
No matter what the mathematics class, infusing reasoning and sense making into the daily mathematical experience of all high school students is crucial. ""All high school students"" includes low-performing students; gifted students; students of different racial, sociolinguistic and socioeconomic status; students with disabilites and students who are mathematically talented. The writers of this volume hope to further the dialogue about how to create for all students empowering mathematical experiences that incorporate reasoning and sense making.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Navigating Discrete Mathematics 6-12
This book offers ways of presenting and developing three topics emphasised in Principles and Standards for School Mathematics: counting, vertex-edge graphs and iterative and recursive processes.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Statistics: Modeling with Data
The Modeling with Data Casebook was developed as the key resource for participants’ Developing Mathematical Ideas seminar experience. The twenty-eight cases, written by teachers describing real situations and actual student thinking in their classrooms, provide the basis of each session’s investigation of specific mathematical concepts and teaching strategies.Reading and discussing the cases under the guidance of the facilitator actively engages participants in their own learning enterprise as they—• learn to recognize the key mathematical ideas with which students are grappling;• consider the types of classroom settings and teaching strategies that support the development of student understanding;• become aware of how core mathematical ideas develop across the grades;• work on mathematical concepts and gain better understanding of mathematical content; • deepen their own understanding of the Common Core standards for mathematical practice and how to engage their students in them; and• discover how to continue learning about children and mathematics.The casebook is composed of eight chapters: the first seven consist of classroom cases spanning the elementary grades; chapter 8 is an essay providing an overview of the research related to the situations described in the first seven chapters. The chapters are as follows:Chapter 1 Getting started with dataChapter 2 Designing a data investigation: What do you want to find out?Chapter 3 Categorical data: Representing and describing the resultsChapter 4 Numerical data: What do the numbers mean?Chapter 5 Comparing data setsChapter 6 Average: Developing ideas about “middle”Chapter 7 Average: Understanding the meanChapter 8 Highlights of related research
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Access and Equity Promoting HighQuality Mathematics in Grades 35
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom: Creating and Sustaining Productive Learning Environments
How can you maximize your students learning as they engage in mathematics? What does the latest research reveal about developing mathematically strong and engrossing math instruction?Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom presents a comprehensive systems approach to examining mathematics teaching. It synthesizes and illustrates current research on the essential elements of mathematics teaching and learning, unpacking each component the classroom physical space; mathematical discourse, tasks, assessments; and families and communities and providing concrete practical strategies and tools teachers can apply directly to their work. In addition, tips on using technology to assess and enhance learning are embedded throughout the book.Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom delivers proven techniques and real classroom examples written or videotaped to address these and other important questions and concerns with which teachers grapple: How can I encourage collaborative problem solving during group work? How do I establish norms, routines, and ground rules for group and whole-class math discourse? How can I build on existing textbook problems to make them more rigorous, relevant, and accessible? What technologies help elicit and extend students mathematical thinking? How do I assess students in their development of knowledge of procedures, concepts, and mathematical practices? How can I transform parental involvement to collaborative partnerships and joint engagement? Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom is a resource to explore individually, to share with a colleague, or to discuss as part of a study group. Professional development tools, such as those described below, are woven throughout the text, with supplementary materials (math problem worksheets, conversational prompts, purposeful questions, videos, and so forth available on NCTM s More4U website.Classroom cases in each chapter provide real-life scenarios of the research-based practices and guiding principles articulated in the chapter. Math examples from a range of grade levels focus on concepts that students have traditionally struggled to understand conceptually. Cases include reflection questions to guide in the analysis and implementation of these ideas in your own teaching practice. Every chapter ends with a bulleted list of strategies to help you follow through on that chapter's main theme in your own classroom.Reimagining the Mathematics Classroom is as practical as it is inspirational. It is sure to be a valuable addition to your professional library.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Developing Essential Understanding of Expressions, Equations, and Functions for Teaching Math in Grades 6-8
Why do some equations have one solution, others two or even more solutions and some no solutions? Why do we sometimes need to ""switch"" the direction of an inequality symbol in solving an inequality? What could you say if a student described a function as an equation?How much do you know...and how much do you need to know?Helping your students develop a robust understanding of expressions, equations and functions requires that you understand this mathematics deeply. But what does that mean?This book focuses on essential knowledge for teachers about expressions, equations and functions. It is organised around five big ideas, supported by multiple smaller, interconnected ideas - essential understandings. Taking you beyond a simple introduction to expressions, equations and functions, the book will broaden and deepen your mathematical understanding of one of the most challenging topics for students - and teachers. It will help you engage your students, anticipate their perplexities, avoid pitfalls and dispel misconceptions. You will also learn to develop appropriate tasks, techniques and tools for assessing students' understanding of the topic.Focus on the ideas that you need to understand thoroughly to teach confidently.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Navigating through Measurement in Grades 9–12
Throughout history, the need for more sophisticated measurements has led to the discovery of more sophisticated mathematics. This book highlights this important idea in activities that help students explore an array of measurement strategies and techniques. Investigations probe ancient methods for performing such tasks as measuring the speed of ships at sea and estimating the distance of the sun from the earth. Students apply simple formulas to measure complex shapes, explore iterative processes that lead to measurement formulas and develop an original formula for measuring the size of a tree. They also discover how to use advanced technology to make measurements and mathematical models of complex real-world phenomena. The supplemental CD-ROM features interactive electronic activities, master copies of activity pages for students and additional readings for teachers.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. On the Money: Math Activites to Build Financial Literacy in K-Grade 5
On the Money: Mathematics Activities to Build Financial Literacy, K– Grade 5 provides elementary teachers with the opportunity to integrate lessons into their classroom that use mathematics to model financial literacy concepts and skills, while also using financial concepts and skills to appropriately model mathematics. Its seventeen chapters help students develop their mathematical and financial knowledge through activities such as sorting coins, saving money, sticking to a budget, and starting to earn money of your own. Each activity is aligned with the relevant Common Core Standards and the Jump$tart Financial Literacy Standards.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. A Fresh Look at Formative Assessment in Mathematics Teaching
Formative assessment is a powerful pedagogical tool whose purpose is to inform learning as it takes place, with the goal of moving learning forward on the basis of matching instruction to the edge of a student’s current understanding. A Fresh Look at Formative Assessment in Mathematics Teaching takes this frequently overlooked and often misunderstood methodology from a generic set of techniques to a potent, efficient, and effective course of action by explicating its role in effective mathematics teaching and learning, describing what it looks like in practice, and demonstrating how teachers can be supported in developing the knowledge and skills needed for its successful implementation.The book is specifically intended for educators who wish to improve mathematics teaching and learning. In particular, it is designed to provide mathematics teacher educators and professional development specialists with examples of where and how formative assessment can be integrated into a variety of professional learning efforts to support its effective use as a critical component of daily instructional decision-making. The chapters within A Fresh Look at Formative Assessment in Mathematics Teaching illustrate how formative assessment is deeply connected to many other instructional frameworks, tools, and approaches with which mathematics teachers and teacher educators are familiar, such as cognitively guided instructions (CGI) and the mathematical tasks framework, among others.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Focus in Grade 2: Teaching with Curriculum Focal Points
Focus in Grade 2: Teaching with Curriculum Focal Points describes and illustrates learning paths for the mathematical concepts and skills of each grade 2 Focal Point as presented in Curriculum Focal Points for Prekindergarten through Grade 8 Mathematics. It includes representational supports for teaching and learning that can facilitate understanding, stimulate productive discussions about mathematical thinking and provide a foundation for fluency with the core ideas. This book also discusses common student errors and misconceptions, reasons the errors may arise and teaching methods or visual representations to address the errors.Because learning paths cut across grades, some discussion of related Focal Points at grades 1 and 3 have been included to describe and clarify prerequisite knowledge and show how the grade 2 understandings build on what went before.Focus in Grade 2, one in a series of grade-level publications, is designed to support teachers, supervisors and coordinators as they develop and refine the mathematics curriculum.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. One Hundred Problems Involving the Number 100
The problems in One Hundred Problems Involving the Number 100 celebrate the “Goldilocks” charm of 100—a number not too small, not too large, but just right to challenge students without intimidating them. It’s used in myriad ways within the problems: as an exponent, product, area, or perimeter; a constant in an equation; the number of items in a series or sequence; or as a physical value, such as a stack of 100 coins, a deck with 100 cards, or a jug that holds 100 ounces.One Hundred Problems Involving the Number 100 is not just a list of problems. The problems are designed to promote classroom discourse, allow students to think deeply about mathematical concepts, and learn problem-solving strategies, as well as to make connections between different topics in mathematics. The purpose of the problems is to promote a variety of problem-solving strategies. A range of mathematical topics from patterns, conversions, and sums and series to number theory, functions, probability and statistics, and geometry are covered. The problems are aligned to Common Core State Standards for content and math practices. The chart in Part 3 lets teachers find problems at an appropriate level of difficulty for their students. For each problem, there is a description of how the problem might be used in the classroom, suggestions for how to provide assistance to students without divulging the answer or even exposing a solution strategy, and possible extensions. You’ll find both practical information and inspiration in these pages as well as a treasure trove of meaningful mathematical tasks to engage and excite your students.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Five Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematical Discussion
The same five practices teachers know and love for planning and managing powerful conversations in mathematics classrooms, updated with current research and new insights on anticipating, lesson planning, and lessons learned from teachers, coaches, and school leaders. This framework for orchestrating mathematically productive discussions is rooted in student thinking to launch meaningful discussions in which important mathematical ideas are brought to the surface, contradictions are exposed, and understandings are developed or consolidated. Learn the 5 practices for facilitating effective inquiry-oriented classrooms: Anticipating what students will do and what strategies they will use in solving a problem Monitoring their work as they approach the problem in class Selecting students whose strategies are worth discussing in class Sequencing those students′ presentations to maximize their potential to increase students′ learning Connecting the strategies and ideas in a way that helps students understand the mathematics learned
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Connecting the NCTM Process Standards and the CCSSM Practices
Since their release in 2010, the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) has had a profound impact on educational reform. The adoption of these standards represents an opportunity to support teachers in the common goal of helping students achieve a high-quality education.The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics will affect almost every K-12 student and the majority of the US’s teachers over the next decade. Although the CCSSM was created through a top-down approach, spearheaded by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School officers, the primary audience and the ultimate users of the standards are classroom teachers.The focus of this book is on the Standards of Mathematical Practice outlined in the CCSSM. Although the CCSSM features these standards prominently, they are not described in detail and are not integrated into CCSSM's Standards for Mathematical Content. As a result, they are easy to overlook or ignore.The ideas in the Standards for Mathematical Practice are not new but linked to previous practices and standards articulated by other groups, including the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). For example, problem solving and reasoning are at the core of all practices outlined in CCSSM, just as they have been at the core of NCTM's vision for mathematics education since the publication of An Agenda for Action in 1980. Subsequent NCTM curriculum recommendations, emphasized and elaborated the role and place of mathematical processes and practices.The Standards of Mathematical Process outlined in CCSSM, and explored in greater detail in this book, reaffirm the significance of habits of mind, mathematical processes, and proficiency as crucial aspects of learning mathematics. Although the terms and emphasis may be new to teachers, the main ideas have existed a long time and remain unchanged. Intended for classroom teachers, this book makes explicit connections between these related ideas and the CCSSM Standards for Mathematical Practice. By connecting the CCSSM to previous standards and practices, the book serves as a valuable guide for teachers and administrators in implementing the CCSSM to make mathematics education the best and most effective for all students.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. Annual Perspectives in Mathematics 2018: Rehumanizing Mathematics for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx Students
Mathematics education will never truly improve until it adequately addresses those students whom the system has most failed. The 2018 volume of Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) series showcases the efforts of classroom teachers, school counselors and administrators, teacher educators, and education researchers to ensure mathematics teaching and learning is a humane, positive, and powerful experience for students who are Black, Indigenous, and/or Latinx. The book’s chapters are grouped into three sections: Attending to Students’ Identities through Learning Professional Development That Embraces Community Principles for Teaching and Teacher Identity To turn our schools into places where children who are Indigenous, Black, and Latinx can thrive, we need to rehumanize our teaching practices. The chapters in this volume describe a variety of initiatives that work to place these often marginalized students—and their identities, backgrounds, challenges, and aspirations—at the center of mathematics teaching and learning. We meet teachers who listen to and learn from their students as they work together to reverse those dehumanizing practices found in traditional mathematics education. With these examples as inspiration, this volume opens a conversation on what mathematics educators can do to enable Latinx, Black, and Indigenous students to build on their strengths and fulfill their promise.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,U.S. The Living Tree of Mathematics: Mathematics of Middle School Curriculum through the Lens of History
This book explores the key concepts of middle school mathematics such as fractions, negative numbers, arithmetical operations, variables, the coordinate plane, and measurement formulas. It also highlights the rarely examined notions of the tree of mathematics and language of mathematics. The practical content knowledge is scaffolded using the history of the concepts in mathematics of various cultures around the world. The rich material for culturally responsive pedagogy is provided by relevant historical vignettes and alternative mathematical approaches.
Redleaf Press More Than Counting, Standards Edition: Math Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten
Make learning count with activities and games that reflect early learning standards from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Combining new activities and favorites from bestselling More Than Counting and Much More Than Counting by the same author team, this edition provides 124 math lessons for young children. Activities are organized by learning standard—number sense and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement and data analysis, and probability. A materials list, modifications for special needs, and a connection to early learning standards are provided for each activity.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics Methods for Elementary and Middle School Teachers
This text provides preservice prekindergarten through grade eight teachers with ideas, techniques, and approaches to teaching mathematics appropriate for the 21st century, and strongly integrates technology with hands-on experience. This is the only text to include practice Praxis II-style test questions to prepare teacher candidates to pass the high-stakes test used for teacher certification. The new sixth edition has been updated with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Curriculum Focal Points, which provide focus on significant concepts for each grade level.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Circus Shapes
Everyday activities such as sharing a meal, sorting socks, and getting ready for school can be part of learning math. In the MathStart series, everyday life is the basis for each entertaining story. Simple math concepts are embedded in each story so that young children intuitively understand them. Adults can use the creative suggestions for activities in the back of each book to extend learning opportunities with children. Developmentally appropriate and correlated to school grade levels and the curriculum standards of the National Council of Teachers Of Mathematics, MathStart can give children a head start!
Scarecrow Press Zoolutions: A Mathematical Expedition With Topics for Grades 4 Through 8
Throughout the working world, mathematical expertise and well-refined research skills are in great demand. Zoolutions creates a fun and interesting way for grade-school students to use research skills and math to solve problems. Featuring animals like mice, tigers and polar bears, Zoolutions provokes children's natural curiosity for problem-solving. Students must locate information on a given animal, read and analyze this information critically, and determine the solution using math and reasoning. In this way, students feel more confident in their ability to use information and ideas, and enjoy using math. Based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Math Puzzles and Brainteasers, Grades 3-5: Over 300 Puzzles that Teach Math and Problem-Solving Skills
Number puzzles, spatial/visual puzzles, cryptograms, Sudoku, Kokuro, logic puzzles, and word games like Frame Games are all a great way to teach math and problem-solving skills to elementary and middle school students. In these two new collections, puzzle master Terry Stickels provides puzzles and brain games that range from simple to challenging and are organized by grade level and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) content areas. Each book offers over 300 brain games that will help students learn core math concepts and develop critical thinking skills. The books include a wide range of puzzle types and cover a variety of math topics, from fractions and geometry to probability and algebra.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Math Essentials, Middle School Level: Lessons and Activities for Test Preparation
Math Essentials, Middle School Level gives middle school math teachers the tools they need to help prepare all types of students (including gifted and learning disabled) for mathematics testing and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards. Math Essentials highlights Dr. Thompson's proven approach by incorporating manipulatives, diagrams, and independent practice. This dynamic book covers thirty key objectives arranged in four sections. Each objective includes three activities (two developmental lessons and one independent practice) and a list of commonly made errors related to the objective. The book’s activities are designed to be flexible and can be used as a connected set or taught separately, depending on the learning needs of your students. Most activities and problems also include a worksheet and an answer key and each of the four sections contains a practice test with an answer key.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Kenken Method - Puzzles For Beginners, The: 150 Puzzles And Solutions To Make You Smarter
KenKen is the world's fastest growing puzzle since sudoku. It was developed in a Japanese Classroom in 2004 by renowned educator, Tetsuya Miyamoto, and was later introduced internationally as both an adult and educational math and logic puzzle in 2008. Originally intended to improve reasoning, creativity, concentration, and perseverance, this simple yet sophisticated puzzle has since expanded beyond the classroom into a global sensation. KenKen can be found daily in The New York Times and is now available in over 200 publications worldwide. Unlimited KenKen puzzles can be accessed on and can also be played on mobile devices via the KenKen Classic app. It is supported by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the world's largest math education organization, and is used by over 30,000 educators worldwide.
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Incorporated (TESOL) The Common Core State Standards in Mathematics for English Language Learners, High School
Copublished with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). With a focus on ways to best tailor instruction to captitalize upon the strengths each ELL brings to the classroom, The Common Core State Standards in Mathematics for English Language Learners, High School, explores some of the ways high school mathematics content can be made accessible to ELLs by building from their strengths and scaffolding their opportunities to learn more. The chapters included in this text describe specific lessons and instructional moves teachers may make that will not only support their students in learning the mathematical content, but also the associated English structures that accompany the content. Each chapter also provides Reflection Questions and Action Plans that are useful for practicing teachers, preservice teachers, graduate students, academics, researchers, and professional development providers.
Pearson Education Teaching StudentCentered Mathematics
The late John A. Van de Walle was a professor emeritus at Virginia Commonwealth University. He was a mathematics education consultant who regularly gave professional development workshops for K8 teachers in the United States and Canada. He visited and taught in elementary school classrooms and worked with teachers to implement studentcentered math lessons. He coauthored the Scott ForesmanAddison Wesley Mathematics K6 series and contributed to the Pearson School mathematics program, enVisionMATH. In addition, he wrote numerous chapters and articles for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) books and journals and was very active in NCTM, including serving on the Board of Directors, as the chair of the Educational Materials Committee, and as a frequent speaker at national and regional meetings. Karen S. Karp is at the School of Education at Johns Hopkins University-Baltimore, MD.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Math Teacher's Problem-a-Day, Grades 4-8: Over 180 Reproducible Pages of Quick Skill Builders
From bestselling authors Judith and Gary Muschla, The Math Teacher's Problem-a-Day is a hands-on resource containing 180 handy worksheets, one for each day of the school year, to help students in grades 4-8 acquire the skills needed to master mathematics. These reproducible worksheets are perfect for "sponge activities"—five-minute challenges to start or end a class period—that can also be used as supplemental lessons, homework, or extra credit. With problems based on the Standards and Focal Points of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the book is designed to give students valuable practice in math skills, using specific activities to enhance critical thinking and boost test scores. The topics covered focus on the core math concepts and skills required for middle school students, including: Numbers and Operations Algebra Geometry Measurement Data Analysis Part of the 5-Minute Fundamentals series, The Math Teacher's Problem-a-Day is an important resource that will help today's students understand more concepts, make connections between branches of mathematics, and apply math skills to a variety of real-life problems.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Math Stories For Problem Solving Success: Ready-to-Use Activities Based on Real-Life Situations, Grades 6-12
This second edition of the popular math teaching resource book Math Stories for Problem Solving Success offers updated true-to-life situations designed to motivate teenagers to use math skills for solving everyday problems. The book features intriguing short stories followed by sets of problems related to the stories that are correlated to the standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Each of the easy-to-read stories is followed by three increasingly difficult groups of problem sets. This makes it simple for teachers to select the appropriate problem set for students of different abilities and at different grade levels. To further enhance student involvement, the stories feature recurring characters and can be used either sequentially or out of order. The problems in the book cover many basic math topics, including decimals, fractions, and percents; measurement; geometry; data, statistics, and probability; algebra; and problem solving. In addition to having all the answers, an Answer Key at the end of the book offers explanations and background information about the problems that can be helpful to both teachers and students. Math Stories for Problem Solving Success will help you show students that math is something they are already using every day.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transformational Plane Geometry
Designed for a one-semester course at the junior undergraduate level, Transformational Plane Geometry takes a hands-on, interactive approach to teaching plane geometry. The book is self-contained, defining basic concepts from linear and abstract algebra gradually as needed.The text adheres to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards for School Mathematics and the Common Core State Standards Initiative Standards for Mathematical Practice. Future teachers will acquire the skills needed to effectively apply these standards in their classrooms. Following Felix Klein’s Erlangen Program, the book provides students in pure mathematics and students in teacher training programs with a concrete visual alternative to Euclid’s purely axiomatic approach to plane geometry. It enables geometrical visualization in three ways: Key concepts are motivated with exploratory activities using software specifically designed for performing geometrical constructions, such as Geometer’s Sketchpad. Each concept is introduced synthetically (without coordinates) and analytically (with coordinates). Exercises include numerous geometric constructions that use a reflecting instrument, such as a MIRA. After reviewing the essential principles of classical Euclidean geometry, the book covers general transformations of the plane with particular attention to translations, rotations, reflections, stretches, and their compositions. The authors apply these transformations to study congruence, similarity, and symmetry of plane figures and to classify the isometries and similarities of the plane.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc A Fair Bear Share
Blue Ribbon Blueberry Pie. If the bear cubs gather enough nuts, seeds and blueberries, Mama Bear has agreed to make her special, lip-smacking-good pie. Each time they fill their baskets, the cubs count berries, seeds and nuts by putting them in groups of tens and ones to see if they have enough for pie. Everyday activities such as sharing a meal, sorting socks and getting ready for school can be part of learning math. In the MathStart Series, everyday life is the basis for each entertaining story. Simple math concepts are embedded in each story so that young children can intuitively understand them. Adults can use the creative suggestions for activities in the back of each book to extend learning opportunities with children. Developmentally appropriate and correlated to school grade levels and the curriculum standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, MathStart can give children a head start!Blue Ribbon Blueberry Pie is the best-but do these bear cubs have enough ingredients to bake one? Regrouping their berries, nuts, and seeds by tens and ones reveals that one cub has not done her fair bear share. John Speirs's irresistible bear cubs make this lesson in regrouping one children will enjoy. Blue Ribbon Blueberry Pie is the best-but do these bear cubs have enough ingredients to bake one? Regrouping their berries, nuts, and seeds by tens and ones reveals that one cub has not done her fair bear share. John Speirs's irresistible bear cubs make this lesson in regrouping one children will enjoy.
Brookes Publishing Co Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood
Children who learn math fundamentals in preschool and kindergarten have the best chance of later achievement in school— but too often, children don't get the effective early math instruction that makes all the difference. Now there's a core early childhood textbook that helps current and future educators teach the most critical math concepts to young students while meeting today's national standards for mathematics education.Developed by Sally Moomaw, a nationally respected expert with more than 20 years of classroom experience, this accessible textbook gives readers a solid theoretical understanding of math concepts and standards and the guidance they need to create and implement their own lessons. Highly readable and practical enough for years of use beyond the classroom, this text explicitly aligns with the most current recommendations from the National Research Council's Committee on Early Childhood Mathematics and the focal points of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics helps teachers plan effective lessons—includes more than 50 classroom activities with detailed instructions and helpful photos advances inclusion by giving teachers universal design strategies and adaptations to help them support all learners, including English language learners and students with disabilities targets the critical math skills children will build on for the rest of their lives, including quantification, operations, algebraic reasoning, geometry, spatial sense, measurement, data analysis and probability focuses on the youngest students (including children with special needs) so teachers can implement developmentally appropriate math instruction when it's the most effective gives teachers invaluable guidance on weaving math lessons into everyday routines and conversations makes teacher preparation clear and easy, with student-friendly features such as chapter summaries, reflection questions, vignettes that model key concepts, and a glossary of math terminology Whether used in preservice courses on teaching mathematics or in-service professional development, this comprehensive textbook will help educators give the youngest students a strong foundation of basic math concepts— and prepare them for lifelong academic success.See how this product helps strengthen Head Start program quality and school readiness.