Search results for ""MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press""
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press Laws of Early Iceland Volume 2 Gragas II
The laws of mediaeval Iceland provide detailed and fascinating insight into the society that produced the Icelandic sagas. Known collectively as Gragas (Greygoose), this great legal code offers a wealth of information about early European legal systems and the society of the Middles Ages. This first translation of Gragas is in two volumes.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press Returning to Ceremony Spirituality in Manitoba Metis Communities
Examines Metis spirituality, debunking stereotypes such as ‘all Metis people are Catholic’, and ‘Metis people do not go to ceremonies’. Fiola finds that, among the Métis, spirituality exists on a continuum of Indigenous and Christian traditions, and that Métis spirituality includes ceremonies.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press Decolonizing Discipline Children Corporal Punishment Christian Theologies and Reconciliation
In June 2015, Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission released 94 Calls to Action that urged reform of policies and programs to repair the harms caused by the Indian Residential Schools. This book is a response to Call to Action 6 - the call to repeal Section 43 of Canada's Criminal Code, which justifies the corporal punishment of children.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press Diagnosing the Legacy The Discovery Research and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in Indigenous Youth
Tells the story of communities, researchers, and doctors who faced - and continue to face - something never seen before: type 2 diabetes in younger and younger people. Through dozens of interviews, Krotz shows the impact of the disease on the lives of individuals and families as well as the challenges caregivers faced diagnosing and then responding to the complex and perplexing disease.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press mitoni niya nèhiyaw Cree is Who I Am nèhiyawiskwèw mitoni niya Me I am Truly a Cree Woman
Strong women dominate these reminiscences: the grandmother taught the girl whose mother refused to let her go to school, and the life-changing events they witnessed range from the ravages of the influenza epidemic of 1918-20, to murder committed in a jealous rage, to the abduction of a young woman by underground spirits.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press Gifts from Amin Ugandan Asian Refugees in Canada
The first major oral history project dedicated to the stories of Ugandan Asian refugees in Canada, Gifts from Amin explores the historical context of their expulsion from Uganda, the multiple motivations behind Canada’s decision to admit them, and their resilience over the past fifty years.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press Kayanerenk243wa The Great Law of Peace
Paul Williams, counsel to Indigenous nations for forty years, with a law practice based in the Grand River Territory of the Six Nations, brings the sum of his experience and expertise to this analysis of Kayanerenkó:wa as a living, principled legal system. In doing so, he puts a powerful tool in the hands of Indigenous and settler communities.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press Indigenous Men and Masculinities Legacies Identities Regeneration
Indigenous peoples come from traditions of gender equity, complementarity, and the sacred feminine, concepts that were unimaginable and shocking to Euro-western peoples at contact. This title brings together prominent thinkers to explore the meaning of masculinities and being a man within such traditions, further examining the colonial disruption and imposition of patriarchy on Indigenous men.
MP-MTB University of Manitoba Press I Will Live for Both of Us A History of Colonialism Uranium Mining and Inuit Resistance
Born at a traditional Inuit camp in what is now Nunavut, Joan Scottie has spent decades protecting the Inuit hunting way of life. Scottie's I Will Live for Both of Us is a reflection on recent political and environmental history and a call for a future in which Inuit traditional laws and values are respected and upheld.