Search results for ""MP-CSP Canadian Scholars""
MP-CSP Canadian Scholars Gendered Bodies and Public Scrutiny Womens Stories of Staring Strangers and Fierce Resistance
Explores what it means to exist in a body that is constantly on display and subjected to public scrutiny. Victoria Kannen examines the interplay of many ways our bodies express identity, such as gender, race, sexuality, disability, body modification, and age, and how public scrutiny of those expressions can impact our public and private selves.
MP-CSP Canadian Scholars Becoming Girl Collective Biography and the Production of Girlhood
Located within the interdisciplinary field of girlhood studies, this collection demonstrates how memories can be used to investigate the ways in which girlhood is culturally, historically, and socially constructed. Narrative vignettes of memory are produced and investigated to explore relations of power, longing, and belonging, and to critically examine the ways in which girlhood is constituted.
MP-CSP Canadian Scholars Gender Sex and Tech An Intersectional Feminist Guide
In this timely collection, gender, sex, and technology are explored through an intersectional and interdisciplinary lens. Gender, Sex, and Tech! provides insight into the ways that technology affects, and is affected by, cultural perceptions of gender and sex.
MP-CSP Canadian Scholars Dissonant Disabilities Women with Chronic Illnesses Explore Their Lives
Examines the key issues in the lives of women with chronic illnesses. The authors explore how society reacts to women with chronic illness and how women living with chronic illness cope with the uncertainty of their bodies in a society that desires certainty. Issues surrounding women with chronic illness in the workplace and the impact of chronic illness on women's relationships are also covered.
MP-CSP Canadian Scholars Working Women in Canada An Intersectional Approach
Weaves together the contributions of accomplished and diverse scholars to offer an expansive and critical analysis of women's work in Canada. Students will use an intersectional approach to explore issues of gender, class, race, immigrant status, disability, sexual orientation, Indigeneity, age, and ethnicity in relation to employment.
MP-CSP Canadian Scholars Feminist Counselling Theory Issues and Practice
The evolution of feminist therapy involves the reconstruction of therapeutic goals, values, frameworks, and theory, as well as an acknowledgement that there is no single reality, no one “right” feminist theory or epistemological position about women. This collection of original articles addresses a range of topics relevant to understanding contemporary Canadian women's experiences.
MP-CSP Canadian Scholars Ravensong A Novel
Set along the Pacific Northwest Coast in the 1950s, Ravensong tells the story of an urban Native community devastated by an influenza epidemic. In this passionate story about a young woman's quest for answers, author Lee Maracle speaks unflinchingly of the gulf between two cultures.