Search results for ""Little Hare Books""
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing Pink: Little Hare Books
Lily loves all things pink—her boots, her bicycle, the food she eats—but she has no one to share them with. She begs an assortment of animals to play with her, but none of them is quite right. The snail is too slow, the chicken is too silly and the goat eats her clothes. Then along comes a perfect friend … who is perfectly pink, too!
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing Incredibilia: Little Hare Books
Little Georgie is the youngest, and this sometimes means Max and Harriet forget about her. But Georgie is unfazed. She’s armed with a BIG imagination, and soon secures the attention of her neglectful siblings.Libby Hathorn, one of Australia’s literary treasures, and award-winning artist Gaye Chapman have created a stunningly evocative story that celebrates the honesty and attraction of imaginative play.
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing Our Baby: Little Hare Books
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing The Wonderful Whisper: Little Hare Books
Word of the Whisper echoed far and the animals raised their heads to hear... Starting as little more than a sigh in the faraway dark, the Wonderful Whisper sets out on a breathtaking journey through the cosmos. It passes stars, the moon and the sun, and word of its coming echoes afar…
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing Melbourne Word by Word Little Hare Books
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing Sydney Word by Word Little Hare Books
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing A Baby For Loving: Little Hare Books
Join this charming family of bears as they sing and chuckle and snuggle their way through a sunny afternoon. They delight in each other’s company and they delight in the myriad ways a baby can bring joy to everyday life.
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing Weava the Wilful Witch Little Hare Books 6 Little Horrors
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