Search results for ""Idea Group,U.S.""
Idea Group,U.S. Handbook of Research on Teaching and Learning in K-20 Education
Handbook of Research on Teaching and Learning in K-20 Education provides well-rounded research in providing teaching and learning theories that can be applied to both adults and children while acknowledging the difference between both. This book serves as a comprehensive collection of expertise, research, skill, and experiences which will be useful to educators, scholars, and practitioners in the K-12 education, higher education, and adult education field.
Idea Group,U.S. Managing Big Data in Cloud Computing Environments
Cloud computing has proven to be a successful paradigm of service-oriented computing, and has revolutionized the way computing infrastructures are abstracted and used. By means of cloud computing technology, massive data can be managed effectively and efficiently to support various aspects of problem solving and decision making.Managing Big Data in Cloud Computing Environments explores the latest advancements in the area of data management and analysis in the cloud. Providing timely, research-based information relating to data storage, sharing, extraction, and indexing in cloud systems, this publication is an ideal reference source for graduate students, IT specialists, researchers, and professionals working in the areas of data and knowledge engineering.
Idea Group,U.S. Handbook of Research on Sustainable Development and Economics
With a current world population that exceeds seven billion, resource consumption awareness is more important than ever. Investing in sustainable technologies and renewable resources is a necessary step to ensure the future quality of life of all human beings.The Handbook of Research on Sustainable Development and Economics explores topics such as poverty, gender equality, health, security, and the environment through global empirical studies and fundamental frameworks. With the goal of promoting sustainable techniques for the global future, this handbook is a critical reference for business leaders, educators, policymakers, environmental specialists, and the public at large.
Idea Group,U.S. Handbook of Research on Democratic Strategies and Citizen-Centered E-Government Services
Over the past few years, e-government has been rapidly changing the way governmental services are provided to citizens and businesses. These services improve business and government exchange capability, provide a new way to discover and share information, and play a part in the evolution of future technologies.The Handbook of Research on Democratic Strategies and Citizen-Centered E-Government Services seeks to address which services in e-government should be provided to users and how. This premier reference work gives an overview of the latest achievements in the field of e-government services, provides in-depth analysis of and research on the development and deployment of cutting-edge applications, and provides insight into future trends for researchers, teachers, students, government workers, and IT professionals.
Idea Group,U.S. Bioinformatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
As a result of experimental techniques, the combination of biology and computer science was initiated to classify and process an expanding number of biological observations. Bioinformatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications highlights the area of bioinformatics and its impact over the medical community with its innovations that change how we recognise and care for illnesses. This publication provides significant research and the most recent observations that are useful for researchers, practitioners, and academicians involved in the many aspects of bioinformatics.