Search results for ""George Braziller""
George Braziller George Inness Writings and Reflections on Art and Philosophy
George Braziller A World Between
George Braziller An Embarrassment of Tyrannies
George Braziller The Bride Price
George Braziller Grammar is A Gentle, Sweet Song
George Braziller Piranesis Dream
George Braziller You're Not Edith: Autobiographical Essays
George Braziller Get Real Real Time Art Theory Practice History
George Braziller Let America Be America Again
George Braziller The MargaretGhost
George Braziller Making the Skeleton Dance
George Braziller Bridges and Boundaries
George Braziller The Reef
George Braziller Erotik Im Fernen Osten Oder
George Braziller Wounded Vietnam to Iraq
George Braziller Sweet Fire Tullia DAragonas Poetry of Dialogue and Selected Prose
George Braziller Changing Changing Story and Collages
George Braziller Hammerklavier
George Braziller Joys of Motherhood
George Braziller The Donner Party
George Braziller Songs of Ancient Journeys Animals in Rock Art
George Braziller Radio Free Queens Poems
George Braziller The Adaptable Man
George Braziller Selected Poems
George Braziller Inc Encounters: My Life in Publishing
George Braziller Inc At Night, beneath the Trees
George Braziller Inc Michelangelo: On and Off the Sistine Ceiling
George Braziller Inc Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School
George Braziller Inc General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications
George Braziller Inc Poetry of the American Renaissance
First published in 1995 and out of print for several years, this is a comprehensive anthology comprised of the most important American poets who produced work during the half century between 1820-1870. Paul Kane has included not only the well-known masters, like Thoreau, Dickinson, Poe, and Whitman, but also African-American, Native American and female poets, making his book one of the most thorough and well-researched anthologies available today. Kane's critical introduction offers historical context, along with informative head notes and helpful resources in a convenient and accessible format. There is an extensive reference section located in the back of the book, providing information for students and academics interested in further reading. AUTHOR: Paul Kane is a poet and critic who has published six collections of poems and a dozen other books. He has received a Fulbright award, Guggenheim and NEA Fellowships and grants from the Mellon Foundation. He is general editor of The Braziller Series of Australian Poets, and is currently Professor of English and Environmental Studies at Vassar College. He lives in Warwick, New York. SELLING POINTS: .Ideal for anyone interested in the history of American poetry and its context in the global practice of poetry
George Braziller Inc Origins of Modern Sculpture
What is sculpture's primordial nature, its essence, and how should it be redefined? Should sculpture serve society? Why not objects, rather than the human figure, as sculpture's subject? How and what do we see? Why the pedestal? What determines proportion? How can sculpture be meaningfully united with the real world of objects? These were only a few of the questions being asked after 1905questions that led to the revolutionary premises of modern sculpture. In this work, Elsen explores the radical changes that transformed sculpture between roughly 1890 and 1918, signaling the emergence of modern sculpture. He demonstrates how Rodin and his younger venturesome contemporaries changed the look and focus of sculpture, thereby initiating its continual process of redefinition. The result is a fascinating and thought-provoking book. 168 black-and-white illustrations.
George Braziller Inc The Guilty: Stories
George Braziller Inc The Architecture Reader: Essential Writings from Vitruvius to the Present
George Braziller Inc The Travels
George Braziller Inc Farnese Hours
George Braziller Inc Mona Minim and the Smell of the Sun
George Braziller Inc Viennese Design & the Wiener Werkstatte
At the turn of the twentieth century, Vienna emerged as a great cultural centre that stood at the forefront of developments in music, psychology, and the natural sciences. Equally influential, and still tremendously popular today, are the designs of the Wiener Werkstatte, or Vienna Workshop, a group that was at the heart of the city's cultural scene and whose collaborators included such luminaries as the architect Josef Hoffman, the designer Koloman Moser, and the painters Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka, and Egon Schiele. This guide to the arts and crafts of fin-de-siecle Vienna is an excellent introduction to their work in all media - from architecture, furniture, ceramics, and glass, to silver, fashion, and textiles, bookbinding, toys, painting, and the graphic arts - as well as a survey of the cultural development of this pivotal period.
George Braziller Inc Book Art of Richard Minsky: My Life in Book Art
Richard Minsky, founder of the Center for Book Arts in New York City, is known for his conceptual approach to hand bookbinding and his commitment to changing the perception of the book arts from craft to fine art. He combines a background in economics with an innovative use of traditional methods and new materials to create sculptural, often political, bookworks. Minsky's blending of an eclectic mix of interests, from musical and theatre performance to social issues and virtual worlds, remains a hallmark of his career. This collection showcases his editioned (non-commissioned) bookworks alongside selections from the Richard Minsky Archive, which documents the history of his career and his working process.
George Braziller Inc Afternoon in the Central Nervous System: A Selection Of Poems
This new title in the Braziller Series of Australian Poets features a poet whose work has been instrumental to the evolution of Australian poetry. By turns philosophical, comic, elegiac and witty, Wallace-Crabbe has forged an utterly unique voice in contemporary poetry. His delight in language is sheer pleasure for the reader, and his wry wisdom indispensable. The Sunday Times called his work "poetry of fine technical resource, precise observation, and sly wit." Wallace-Crabbe is one of Australia's most celebrated poets.
George Braziller Inc Imagery of Chess
The Imagery of Chess Revisited recovers a celebrated and extraordinary moment in art history: the 1944-45 exhibition The Imagery of Chess, held at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York City. The exhibit was a legend in its own time and has been considered a singular event in the history of art exhibitions ever since. The show's organizersthe influential art dealer Julien Levy, the Surrealist painter Max Ernst, and Dada leader Marcel Duchamp, himself a serious chess playerinvited a virtual "who's who" of artists and members of the cultural avant-garde to redesign the standard chess set or otherwise explore chess imagery and its symbolism in bold new ways. Participants included famous European expatriates and soon-to-be famous American modernists: Andre Breton, Duchamp, Alexander Calder, Ernst, Man Ray, Isamu Noguchi, and Yves Tanguy are among those who contributed chess sets; John Cage and Vittorio Rieti created original musical scores; and Dorothea Tanning, Arshile Gorky, David Hare, Man Ray, Matta, Robert Motherwell, and others produced pivotal chess-related paintings, sculptures, and photographic works. Featuring new color photographs as well as rarely seen archival images, recollections by participants and their descendants, and period reviews, The Imagery of Chess Revisited includes previously unpublished works. Among them are Andre Breton and Nicolas Calas's wine-glass chess set and Alexander Calder's chess set made of found materials, in addition to thirty-five of Calder's chess-related drawings. An essay by Larry List explores the chess designs as visual objects and pivotal creations in the context of participating artists' lives and work. Lowell Cross and Paul B. Franklin examine the two musical scores included in the show; and Ingrid Schaffner provides an introduction to the art-world milieu in which The Imagery of Chess took place. 50 illustrations in color, 80 in black and white.
George Braziller Inc Daylight Saving: A Selection of Poems
George Braziller Inc Tres Riches Heures: One of the Miracles of Art History
"The Tres Riches Heures" is the most luxurious and most famous examples of manuscript illumination in late medieval Europe. Commissioned by the influential patron, Jean de Berry, in the early years of the fifteenth century, this masterpiece was executed by the three Limbourg brothers, the greatest miniaturists of the time. Their beautifully presented texts are accompanied by lush illustrations, in which the artists' imaginative and decorative genius are fully revealed. Their elegant images influenced the course of painting in France and all of Northern Europe; but, as Millard Meiss comments, 'no painter could match the smooth perfection of their surface, their limpid colour and complex simplicity. Their art could capture the delicate transitory beauty of a newly opened flower.' This edition reproduces each of the miniatures in "The Tres Riches Heures" to scale and in full colour, capturing both the subtle colour and minute detail of these historic images.
George Braziller Inc Second Class Citizen
George Braziller Inc Jazz
George Braziller Inc George Inness and the Visionary Landscape
This eloquent examination of Innes's most important paintings illuminates the artist's philosophical and religious preoccupations. It provides an overview of his life and situates Inness within the contexts of key issues in American history, such as the Hudson River School, Transcendentalism, Swedenborgianism, and the work of William James. It explains for the first time how Inness treated landscape painting as a form of philosophical inquiry that could communicate his holistic belief in the unity of nature and spirit. "Bell's handsomely illustrated, eloquently written, and well-documented text considerably expands previous scholarship...[A] firstrate study. Highly recommended." Choice
George Braziller Inc Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error
George Braziller Inc Bibliography of Meyer Schapiro