Search results for ""Dogma""
Original Falcon Press Dogma Daze
Linkgua Ediciones Dogma socialista
Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp Dragons Dogma 2
Eulogia Verlags GmbH Dialog statt Dogma
UniBuch Verlag Glauben ohne Dogma
Verlag Herder Dogma Im Wandel: Wie Glaubenslehren Sich Entwickeln
Merlin Unwin Books Fish Feel Pain!: Scrutiny of a Dogma
The University of Chicago Press Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent
When should I change my mind? What can I believe and what must I doubt? In this new "philosophy of good reasons" Wayne C. Booth exposes five dogmas of modernism that have too often inhibited efforts to answer these questions. Modern dogmas teach that "you cannot reason about values" and that "the job of thought is to doubt whatever can be doubted," and they leave those who accept them crippled in their efforts to think and talk together about whatever concerns them most. They have willed upon us a "befouled rhetorical climate" in which people are driven to two self-destructive extremes—defenders of reason becoming confined to ever narrower notions of logical or experimental proof and defenders of "values" becoming more and more irresponsible in trying to defend the heart, the gut, or the gonads. Booth traces the consequences of modernist assumptions through a wide range of inquiry and action: in politics, art, music, literature, and in personal efforts to find "identity" or a "self." In casting doubt on systematic doubt, the author finds that the dogmas are being questioned in almost every modern discipline. Suggesting that they be replaced with a rhetoric of "systematic assent," Booth discovers a vast, neglected reservoir of "good reasons"—many of them known to classical students of rhetoric, some still to be explored. These "good reasons" are here restored to intellectual respectability, suggesting the possibility of widespread new inquiry, in all fields, into the question, "When should I change my mind?"
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Microfoundations Delusion: Metaphor and Dogma in the History of Macroeconomics
In this challenging book, John King makes a sustained and comprehensive attack on the dogma that macroeconomic theory must have 'rigorous microfoundations'. He draws on both the philosophy of science and the history of economic thought to demonstrate the dangers of foundational metaphors and the defects of micro-reduction as a methodological principle. Strong criticism of the microfoundations dogma is documented in great detail, from some mainstream and many heterodox economists and also from economic methodologists, social theorists and evolutionary biologists. The author argues for the relative autonomy of macroeconomics as a distinct 'special science', cooperating with but most definitely not reducible to microeconomics. The Microfoundations Delusion will prove a stimulating and thought-provoking read for scholars, students and researchers in the fields of economics, heterodox economics and history of economic thought.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Absolutization: The Source of Dogma, Repression, and Conflict
What do dogma, repression, and conflict have in common? They all result from human judgement blocked from wider understanding by a false assumption of completeness. This book puts forward a theory of absolutization, bringing together a multi-disciplinary understanding of this central flaw in human judgement, and what we can do about it. This approach, drawing on Buddhist thought and practice, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, embodied meaning and systems theory, offers a rigorous introduction to absolutization as the central problem addressed in Middle Way Philosophy, which is a synthetic approach developed by the author over more than twenty years in a series of books. It challenges disciplinary boundaries as well as offering a substantial framework for practical application.
Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag Dogma und Pastoral neu vernetzt Aufbruch zu einer Angewandten Theologie
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Progress in Preventing AIDS?: Dogma, Dissent and Innovation - Global Perspectives
Originally published in the "International Quarterly of Community Health Education", this work presents twenty-one chapters about the state of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in a global context.
Floris Books Free from Dogma: Theological Reflections in the Christian Community
The Christian Community is a religious movement which draws on the help and inspiration of Rudolf Steiner. One way in which it differs from other churches is that it does not demand adherence to any creed or view of the world from its members. Nevertheless, spiritual, philosophical and religious questions arise, and by thinking about and discussing them, members can become part of the spiritual conversation that has been underway for the last 2000 years, since human beings have grappled to understand what they experience in Jesus Christ. This book, the first of its kind to explore the theology of The Christian Community in a systematic way, asks such questions and offers many insights into religious life and experience. In the first half, Tom Ravetz addresses questions about God, the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Holy Spirit and evil. In the second half, he traces humanity's journey from oneness, to multiplicity, and to a new oneness through community.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Microfoundations Delusion: Metaphor and Dogma in the History of Macroeconomics
In this challenging book, John King makes a sustained and comprehensive attack on the dogma that macroeconomic theory must have 'rigorous microfoundations'. He draws on both the philosophy of science and the history of economic thought to demonstrate the dangers of foundational metaphors and the defects of micro-reduction as a methodological principle. Strong criticism of the microfoundations dogma is documented in great detail, from some mainstream and many heterodox economists and also from economic methodologists, social theorists and evolutionary biologists. The author argues for the relative autonomy of macroeconomics as a distinct 'special science', cooperating with but most definitely not reducible to microeconomics. The Microfoundations Delusion will prove a stimulating and thought-provoking read for scholars, students and researchers in the fields of economics, heterodox economics and history of economic thought.
Stanford University Press From Heresy to Dogma: An Institutional History of Corporate Environmentalism. Expanded Edition
This is a pathbreaking account of how the environmental movement has led to profound changes in the perceptions and practices of large-scale corporations, as shown here in the chemical and petroleum industries. The book traces how market, social, and political pressures drive corporations to respond to environmental issues, analyzes the cultural frames that organizations use to come to terms with these external influences, and describes the resulting changes in organizational culture and structure. For this expanded edition, the author has written a new chapter that brings his original assessment up to date, expands and modifies the model and data used in the original edition, and offers a broad picture of the current state of corporate environmentalism and where it is going.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Sexes in Science and History: An Inquiry Into the Dogma of Woman's Inferiority to Man
The object of this book is to set forth the principal data brought forward by naturalists bearing on the subject of the origin and development of the two lines of sexual demarcation, and by means of the facts observed by explorers among peoples in the various stages of development, to trace, so far as possible, the effect of such differentiation upon the individual, and upon the subsequent growth of human society.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Kirche und Dogma im Werden: Aufsätze zur Geschichte und Theologie des frühen Christentums
Der Band versammelt vierzehn Aufsätze Hübners aus den Jahren 1972-2017, darunter eine neue, bislang ungedruckte Abhandlung über monarchianische Hintergründe der Johannessakten. Die anderen Studien behandeln u.a. die Anfänge kirchlicher Ämter, die Ignatianen des 2. Jahrhunderts, die ursprüngliche Bedeutung des Ausdrucks "Katholische Kirche", das Problem der Hellenisierung, verschiedene dem Apolinarius von Laodicea zuzuschreibende Texte und Ideen, die Schrift Gregors von Nyssa über ousia und hypostasis, den Beitrag des Basilius zur Trinitätslehre und den Weg zur Zweinaturenlehre von Chalcedon. So erforderlich, schließen sich teils ausführliche Addenda et Corrigenda an. Eine neu geschriebene Einleitung Hübners arbeitet Zusammenhänge zwischen den Aufsätzen heraus und bietet Überlegungen zur neueren und künftigen Forschung. Der abschließende Aufsatz skizziert auf dem Hintergrund der Arbeiten des Autors seine Sicht des Weges zur christologischen Zweinaturenlehre.
New Trends Publishing Inc,US The Yoga of Eating: Transcending Diets and Dogma to Nourish the Natural Self
The Yoga of Eating is a practical and inspiring manual that offers original insights on the physical and spiritual functions of sugar, fat, meat, and other foods; fasting, dieting, processing, willpower, and the deeper principles of self-nurture. This book appeals to a higher authority your own body and shows how to access and trust the wisdom your body has to offer.
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Der Jude Jesus Und Die Zukunft Des Christentums: Zum Riss Zwischen Dogma Und Bibel. Ein Losungsvorschlag
Pour Le Merite Kein Dogma Kein Verbot Kein Tabu Dem Historiker gehrt die Geschichte Parlament und Justiz mgen schweigen
The University of Chicago Press The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 4: Reformation of Church and Dogma (1300-1700)
This penultimate volume in Pelikan's acclaimed history of Christian doctrine—winner with Volume 3 of the Medieval Academy's prestigious Haskins Medal—encompasses the Reformation and the developments that led to it. "Only in America, and in this case from a Lutheran scholar, could we expect an examination so lacking in parti pris, a survey so perceptive, so free—and, one must say, the result of so much immense labor, so rewardingly presented."—John M. Todd, New York Times Book Review"Never wasting a word or losing a plot line, Pelikan builds on an array of sources that few in our era have the linguistic skill, genius or ambition to master."—Martin E. Marty, America"The use of both primary materials and secondary sources is impressive, and yet it is not too formidable for the intelligent layman."—William S. Barker, Eternity
Dogma Mozart in Wien
Dogma München und seine Bauten
Dogma Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Dogma Meeresfische
Dogma Eine abgekürzte Therapie
Dogma Fridtjof Nansen
Dogma The Aquarium
Dogma Tales from the Alhambra
DOGMA Verlag Spreng und Zndstoffe
DOGMA Verlag Die Nonna
DOGMA Verlag Die Jagdtiere Mitteleuropas Naturgeschichte und Charakterschilderung der zur hohen Jagd gehrigen Tiere