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Documenta Universitaria Léxic i neologia
Encuadernación: Rústica con solapasColección: MonografiesTextos en catalán, francés y español.Aquesta recopilació d'articles reuneix una vintena d'estudis sobre diversos aspectes de la neologia lèxica escrits per membres de l'Observatori de Neologia (IULA, UPF) des de 1989 fins al 2001: des de textos sobre aspectes metodològics, socials, textuals i tecnològics de la neologia lèxica fins a textos sobre aspectes lingüístics i pragmàtics dels neologismes catalans i castellans, tant des de plantejaments cognotivistes com morfològics.
Documenta Universitaria Música experimental de John Cage en adelante
Michael Nyman (1944) va escriure Música experimental. De John Cage en adelante l?any 1974. La seva defensa brillant i raonada de la música experimental i dels seus principals autors (John Cage, Philip Glass, Morton Feldman... etc.) aviat es va convertir en un estendard d?aquest moviment, que lluitava per fer-se un lloc al costat de l?ortodòxia avantguardista encapçalada per Pierre Boulez i Karlheinz Stockhausen. Tal com afirma el mateix Michael Nyman en el seu pròleg a la segona edició, ?el llibre era constantment robat de les biblioteques i canviava de mans a preu de colleccionista?. Aprofitant la recent reedició del llibre en anglès (Cambridge University Press, 1999), tenim el goig de poder oferir una versió catalana d?una de les obres d?assaig musical més celebrades de la segona meitat del segle XX.
Documenta Universitaria La praxis de la psicologa y sus niveles episteolgicos segn Santo Toms de Aquino
Die zeitgenössische Psychologie scheint sich seit ihren Anfängen durch die Vielfalt ihrer Inhalte sowie durch die beinahe endlose Fragmentierung in sich entgegengesetzte Strömungen zu charakterisieren. Dies führt zu bedeutenden Schwierigkeiten, nicht nur für diejenigen, die nur eine erste Annäherung an sie wünschen, sondern auch für die Experten, die häufig, weder was die erkenntnistheoretische Natur der Psychologie noch was die Einheit dieser Disziplin betrifft, zu keiner ausreichend klaren Meinung gelangen. Ohne das Problem im Ganzen zu vernachlässigen, konzentriert sich dieses Werk besonders auf die psychologische Praxis, die Psychotherapie und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen. Das Hauptaugenmerk gilt einer kritischen Betrachtung der Psychoanalyse, die ein (in positivem oder negativem Sinne) unvermeidbarer Referenzpunkt für die Mehrheit der psychotherapeutischen Strömungen ist. Dieser Versuch einer erkenntnistheoretischen und praktischen Erläuterung wird zudem von einem originellen Bli
Documenta Universitaria Terra protoindústria i població a Igualada c. 16801829 una via catalana de transició al capitalisme
Documenta Universitaria Normalización aplicada al dibujo industrial I
Documenta Universitaria Eduqumonos para educar una gua parara la educacin emocional de los docentes
Learning to resolve conflict is an opportunity to educate yourself emotionally. Emotions are at the basis of any conflict, therefore, its management asks to intervene in the emotions rather than in the conflict itself. I think we have often fallen into the trap of directly managing the conflict without considering whether or not we were helping to bring about a change in the emotional management of the people involved in the conflict. Let me explain it best with an example:Carla says that Laura does not leave her bike and that she loves her Laura says that Carla always loves her and never lets her. ... the teacher tells them that they have to understand that there is only one bike and that they have to agree and go for a while each time.As for Laura and Carla they are still clinging to the bicycle and not letting it go. They agree, she will take the bike, both of them still get the bike stronger, wanting to take the other one, the teacher tells them that as there are no ways, she pi
Documenta Universitaria Usos transnacionals del discurs sobre lholocaust i el colonialisme Transnational uses of holocaust and colonialism discourse
Obsessions with the past are, after all, not limited to traumatic events and their often symptomatic and pathological effects. As critics of the culture industry will argue, any past can be used, commodified, distorted, marketed, reworked, displaced, indicted, prosecuted, judged and?forgotten. But even the discourse of forgetting, as sociology and psychology have shown, still contains traces and residues of the past. Culture and heritage industries create retro-fashions, repro-furniture, restaurations, remakes and repurchase markets?all terms in our vocabulary that have replaced the celebration of the new, the avant-gardist, the revolutionary, the promise of alternative futures.
Documenta Universitaria New scenarios for the touristic European maritime coast
Documenta Universitaria Movimientos indígenas y territorialidad en América Latina
Encuadernación: RústicaEls moviments indígenes recents han centrat les seves reivindicacions en la defensa de la territorialitat i d'uns drets ètnics dins d'uns estats que no sempre han estat proclius a reconèixer el pluralisme dels seus ciutadans. Comprendre aquesta realitat exigeix una mirada pluridisciplinària, de manera que aquest volum combina la voluntat de pensar històricament amb la reflexió sobre les dinàmiques d'aquest, el dret constitucional i l'antropologia.
Documenta Universitaria Tècniques danàlisi turística
This book is a selection of tourist standard investigative techniques, current and easy to assimilate, and sets out in sufficient detail so that students can apply independently and critically. The choice devotes a large part of the project to the statistical method. Includes descriptive statistics and univariate and bivariate inferential statistics for numeric variables and qualitative. It also includes the decomposition of time series. However, the statistic is only part of a much broader process of the research design, data collection, analysis and interpretation. It is the common expression "garbage in garbage out" to say that the poor quality of data is always passed to the results. This book teaches how to obtain quality data through surveys. The main innovation of the authors avoid the mathematical complexity. Explain the statistical inference by replacing the intuitive mathematical reasoning, and probability for simulation. This does not mean that the inference manege with
Documenta Universitaria Els remences la senyoria de lAlmoina de Girona als segles XIV i XV
The book you have in your hands uses an unusually complete source, the books of accounts and the administrative documentation of the ?Almoina del Pa de la Seu de Girona?. In her study about the Almoina of Girona as owner of peasants, Rosa Lluch focuses our attention on the particularities of the conditions that affect the peasants of the area of girona and at the same time offers a detailed vision of how the ?remença? system worked at the end of the Middle Age. This study builds on previous discoveries based on the extraordinarily numerous documents about the relationships between the masters of the diocese of Girona and their lieutenants legally not free but surprisingly full of means. On one hand, the density of peasants is nowhere as large as it is in the North-east of the old part of Catalunya. On the other hand, there are rarely peasants without economical possibilities or social mobility: they are able to change domain, move to cities and have enough money as to enrich their mast
Documenta Universitaria Reflexions sobre antropologia i anarquisme Reflections on anthropology and anarchism
Throughout history, Kropotkin argued, ?sorcerers, prophets, priests and heads of military organizations? have endeavoured to establish their power and authority over the common people, and people have always resisted. Thus in a sense, Kropotkin concluded, govern mentalists and the common people as anarchists, have co-existed throughout Human history.
Documenta Universitaria Guía del autoestopista salutogénico camino salutogénico hacia la promoción de la salud
In the late 70's Aaron Antonovsky introduced the concept of promoting salutogenesis look of the concept of positive health. Antonovsky turned the concept of health stating that: "We must look at what creates health rather than to the limitations and causes of diseases. " But despite the theoretical similarities with the intentions described in 1986 in the Ottawa Charter and health promotion, has not yet been sufficiently explored the potential of the salutogenic theory. Is a need to focus on health rather than disease-centered approach.
Documenta Universitaria Desde Vygotski a la psicología macrocultural obras escogidas de Carl Ratner
Carl Ratner is certainly one of the most prominent voices, productive and critic in the field of cultural psychology. His emphasis is on the political organization of culture as fundamental explanatory mechanism for psychological functioning, exploring the scientific and political implications of a special approach called â??macrocultural Psychologyâ? rooted in Vygotskian psychology and Bronfenbrenner approach. The vast variety and richness of texts included in this book reflects its position as well as his intellectual. From analysis by Vygotksiâ??s psychology, Ratner uses as a theoretical basis to support its macrocultural psychology, the relationship between biology, psychology and culture, emotions, your proposed methodology (qualitative), analysis and criticism of cultural psychology and cultural or final section includes political and social improvement . One of the merits of Psychology macrocultural is the way how it fits with macro issues and psychological functioning factors
Documenta Universitaria AH
The first general and etymological dictionary of Catalan Sign Language has a repertoire of 3,350 entries commonly used signs and more than 4,800 meanings, contains 2700 glyphs and enriches him a wealth of etymological information showing that the signs have their history, evolve and relate to each other forming true families.
Documenta Universitaria Música experimental de John Cage en endavant
Michael Nyman (1944) wrote Música Experimental. De John Cage en edavant in 1974. His brilliant and argued defense of experimental music and of its main authors (John Cage, Philip Glass, Morton Feldman, etc.) soon became a banner for this movement, which was fighting to establish itself next to the vanguard orthodoxy, led by Pierre Boulez and Karlheinz Stockhausen.
Documenta Universitaria La idea dun film
Introductory studies of Àngel Quintana and Pere Alberó
Documenta Universitaria Metafsica dialctica i reflexi la meva trajectria filosfica en el context de la filosofia desprs de 1945
Translation: Mònica Carbó. Introduction and monitoring of the translation: Jörg Zimmer.
Documenta Universitaria Canvi ambiental global una perspectiva multiescalar
This book is the culmination of the International Seminar on Environment titled "Global Environmental Change: A multiscale perspective" was held at the Faculty of Sciences of the university of Girona on 9 and 10 September 2008, and organized by Institut de Medi Ambient (IMA-UdG). These seminars were born with the will to deepen environmental awareness and also disseminate key topics related to issues within contemporary society. In this line we have addressed issues such as forest fires, responsible consumption of water management or just to set some examples.