Search results for ""Clinical Press Ltd""
Clinical Press Ltd Jobs for the Women: The Stories Behind the Stanton St. Quintin WAAF Memorial Window
In a small church in rural Wiltshire a stained glass memorial window commemorates the Womens Auxiliary Air Force 'other ranks' who were stationed at RAF Hullavington during World War II Schoolgirls of the Great Depression they were uprooted from their peaceful lives and proved their mettle in a variety of technical trades, taking on roles traditionally reserved for men.
Clinical Press Ltd Fake News: An Approximately True Analysis of Fake News
Is lying a sin? Is Theresa May a robot or a shape changing lizard? Is there such a thing as an inalienable human right? What will happen if Jacob Rees-Mogg does embrace his freedom and stand on his own two feet? These questions and many more are addressed in Paul R Goddards latest book, Fake News, or to give the book its full title An Approximately True Analysis of Fake News. The book is a short paperback packed full of scurrilous ideas and cartoons. It is subtitled The Book of Lying and Propaganda due to the fact that fake news has been with the human race ever since its inception. This book explains why we lie, suggests ways to spot lies and describes the history of propaganda and spin. It touches on difficult subjects such as fakery in medicine, science, politics and religion and is illustrated throughout by Goddards self-penned cartoons. From the Foreword by Chris Beetles: This book is worthless and subversive and deserves to be shredded. Resist temptation to give it as a jolly present to your friends All right, all right, have it your way enjoy this very funny book if you must, read it three times a day after meals, but dont say I didnt warn you when you feel a whole lot better.
Clinical Press Ltd Ghost Train: An Anthology of Past, Present and Future Short Stories
Who fired the bullet in the locked room? Who is the conductor on the train? Why is Holmes lecturing about upholstery? Can a person live on a diet of cheese and Mars bars? Why is the choir singing so disturbingly well? What should you do with a killer rabbit? Explore the possible and impossible worlds of Paul R Goddard in this compendium of short stories of the unsuspecting. Suspend your disbelief and let your imagination roam: from Sherlock Holmes to Santa Claus, from Pernod the detective to Randulph the Leprechaun, from the heroic Canadian troops in World War One to the fabled pleasure dome of Xanadu, read on....
Clinical Press Ltd Life on Mars: And in the Cosmos
A NASA-funded team of scientists has announced that there is evidence of previous life on Mars. This book analyses the results from the meteorite ALH84001, critically interprets the information from the Vikings 1 and 2 space probes to Mars and looks at the evidence of organic material in the Cosmos. The overwhelmingly most likely explanation and by far the simplest interpretation of all the findings is that life is a cosmic phenomenon seeding the Earth and Mars.
Clinical Press Ltd History of Medicine, Money & Politics: Riding the Rollercoaster of State Medicine
60 years of the UK's National Health Service and the NHS is treating more people than ever and the population is living longer, healthier lives. That's the good news. But what about the bad news? Most histories of medicine concentrate on 'who invented what' or on the lives of great medical figures. This history looks at the effect on medical science of politics, religion, money supply and social mores. Illustrated throughout by the very coins with which the the medical staff may have been paid this book is a reminder that medicine has never been free. Someone has to pay for it and in most developed countries that someone is, at least in part, the taxpayer. Are we getting value for money and would another system provide a better service? Having examined the history of State Medicine the book looks in depth at the problems facing the NHS and compares them with healthcare delivery in other developed nations from around the world. State medicine with all its warts! Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the NHS in a critical but balanced manner!
Clinical Press Ltd A Thru' Z of MR
Much MRI literature assumes that the reader is conversant with the specialised terms that have developed with the subject. For beginners this is often not the case, and this false assumption may hinder the reader's assimilation of information. The aim of this glossary is to explain these terms in plain language without assuming that the reader has a Ph.D. in physics!
Clinical Press Ltd Secondary Opinions In Internal Medicine
The problem of time wasting, unnecessary referral to specialists by primary care practitioners is universal. This book provides young doctors with a series of cases from which they can develop their judgement of whether to refer or not.
Clinical Press Ltd Lecture Notes on the Physics of Radiology
All radiologists need a thorough understanding of the principles of physics underlying the equipment the use. Radiodiagnosis embraces a range of equipment using ever more sophisticated physical properties. Increasing emphasis is being placed on physics in all postgraduate examinations in radiology. This book provides in a concise and comprehensive format the principles of physics necessary for an understanding of modern radiodiagnosis. It is an examination oriented book intended for all studying for postgraduate examinations in radiodiagnosis.
Clinical Press Ltd PANDEMIC: Conspiracies and Cover-ups!
The 2nd edition of PANDEMIC (Clinical Press 2021) updates the history of plagues and provides extra chapters concentrating on the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic, treatment, vaccination and the effect of lockdowns. As one furloughed doctor said the first edition sorted out my mind. We are very lucky to be living in the 21st century and comparison with the many plagues of the past puts the Covid-19 pandemic in its place. The second edition continues this cathartic exercise and puts into some order the origin, the prevention and the treatment of the condition. Historical records show that people who work with viruses are often prone to accidental escapes from their laboratories like the one giving origin to COVID-19. The lessons of history are heavily in favour of the lab-leak theory compared with the now-discredited theory of zoonotic origin. Interspersed with the serious history are true personal anecdotes and a few ridiculous cartoons. The author points out: Laughing at the things we fear is one of the best ways of putting those fears into perspective.
Clinical Press Ltd Bristol Medico-Historial Society Proceedings: Volume 7 -- 2012-2016
The Bristol Medico-Historical Society are pleased to announce the publication of their seventh volume of proceedings. This covers a large variety of topics ranging from Medical Fraud to X-ray pioneers, Childbed Fever to Old Age Pensions, Inebriety to Royal Operations. The contributors are experts in their field and include doctors, dentists, professors and medical physicists. The society was set up in 1986 by Prof John Clamp and Mr Michael Wilson. It is dedicated to the research and discussion of all aspects of medical history.
Clinical Press Ltd Voyage to the Interior: The Paintings of Gary M James
A Kenyan upbringing is the ticket to this voyage into a remarkably real created world entered via carved, integrating frames. Twice TVs pick of the show at the Royal Academies and with crowds and fan mail at a third RA Summer Exhibition, James remains a virtual unknown in his own country. A production rate averaging just one painting a year may account for this, but in an Art World where price is all, his output is sufficient to net him a viable living selling internationally. Also introducing the remarkable paintings of his artist son Alexander James. Together their art is akin to a vigorous breath of fresh air in a stuffy room.
Clinical Press Ltd Witch Armageddon? (Book 2)
Witch Armageddon? is the second book in The Witch, The Dragon and The Angel Trilogy. Jimmy Scott is in bad trouble in New York and Josh has joined a youth club that has some very strange members. Once again the family have to save the world from total destruction in this fast moving fantasy of witchcraft and supernatural phenomena.
Clinical Press Ltd Evolution & a Creator
Darwin's theory has become so much part of science that for many it has the standing of biological law. This book challenges the basis of the Darwinian theory of evolution and brings together many discoveries from a variety of fields which cast serious doubts on Darwinian theory. The book has been written to enable non-scientists to assess the validity of the findings for themselves.
Clinical Press Ltd Colour Atlas of Paediatric Facial Diagnosis
This is a most valuable contribution to paediatric diagnosis which highlights the importance of this essentially visual method in the study of practical paediatric problems. Each topic consists of a concise, informative and scholarly text supported, where appropriate, by key references, many giving a historical perspective. There are over 400 high quality colour plates with descriptive legends, many of which analyse in some detail the individual features of a face regarded as abnormal or dysmorphic, often a necessary practical prerequisite to establishing a definitive diagnosis. The importance of recognising subtle expressive changes and 'facial signals' is considered in relation to emotional disorders. Throughout, the book is leavened by tables listing important diagnostic clues, cranio-facial or otherwise.
Clinical Press Ltd Respiratory System
Most postgraduate examinations now include radiographic interpretation. This may be presented as a slide show of as a film-viewing session. Radiographs and other imaging modalities are also used ubiquitously in the viva' section of most such examinations including those of the American Boards and professional societies and universities worldwide. This series of Clinical Film Viewing will assist candidates to prepare for this process. Each book examines a particular system or technique followed by profusely illustrated cases typical of those presented in postgraduate examinations.
Clinical Press Ltd The Origin of the Virus: The hidden truths behind the microbe that killed millions of people
Ground-breaking, evidence-based book asks how many lives were lost because of Chinas negligence about lab-leaked SARS-CoV-2. In a disturbing reconstruction of events by two of the most reputable scientists in the world, a new book reveals for the first time how Chinese authorities and elite Wuhan scientists knew about SARS-CoV-2s menacing biological features from the start but remain silent to this day. In The Origin of the Virus (Clinical Press) Dr Steven Quay and Prof Angus Dalgleish, working with Italian reporter Paolo Barnard, show how China engaged in lies, omissions and obfuscations to cover up the laboratory origin of the virus. Had they immediately alerted the international community and policymakers of the extremely pathogenic molecular machinery present in SARS-CoV-2's genome, very large numbers of lives may have been spared, argue Quay, Dalgleish and Barnard. The authors provide a shocking account of the extreme experiments that led to the outbreak of the worst pandemic since the 1918 Spanish influenza. They broaden the censure to explain why some American and British scientists thwarted a proper investigation of the origin of COVID-19. Despite its impeccable scientific grounding the book is both a readable and gripping account that, for the first time, allows the public to partake in what lies at the heart of the many scandals surrounding the birth of the most deadly virus in modern times.
Clinical Press Ltd Make Your Own Slide Guitar: The Dr Jazz Workshop Manual
How to make your own slide guitar. Every stage explained in detail with self-explanatory photographs, diagrams and clear text. The guitar can be made using hand tools only.
Clinical Press Ltd National Elf Service: ...Not the NHS
Paul R Goddard, a retired consultant radiologist, has taken a Swift-like move and penned a slim satirical cartoon book. A former President of various medical societies including the Radiology Section of the Royal Society of Medicine, the Bristol Medico Chirurgical Society and the MRRA (UK), Professor Goddard is no stranger to controversy. His witty cartoons will cause much merriment amongst the workers in the National Elf Service, apart, perhaps, from some of the less discerning management and political acolytes (the more discerning will undoubtedly also enjoy the book!). There is an Elf Service in Cloud Cuckoo Land, a place that is sometimes known as Faerie and Elfdom. It is strange how the National Elf Service seems to mirror our own wonderful NHS but is peculiarly our system the patients are not cranked in on a giant conveyor belt such that a new patient arrives even as the last is leaving the surgery....and there is no huge physical gulf between the managers and the clinical staff as management try to pull the doctors over the cliff edge onto the rocks of despair! (Are you sure? ed.) In Faerie (Cloud Cuckoo Land?) the Right Horrible Jellybean Shunt is in different from our own world but eerily similar. He seems to think that the junior dwarves (doctors?) can work ten days a week. To find out what happens you will have to either purchase the book or steal one from some unsuspecting NHS worker who has placed his copy within easy reach. This book will make a great present for anyone who works in the health services... perhaps as a birthday or Christmas gift for a real worker or as a retirement present for a higher management acolyte?
Clinical Press Ltd Change
Change is an exciting parable of magical realism. The story is a fantasy set in Bristol and the South West of England and combines a police search for missing people and modern day fairy tales. It imagines a world in which the spirits of the rivers and seas could fight back against us and our despoiling ways.
Clinical Press Ltd Essential Management of Obstetric Emergencies
This, the 30th anniversary 5th edition, has been completely revised and updated but continues to provide the clear, concise and practical guidance necessary to manage the obstetric emergencies that confront those on the frontline of the labour ward. The advice, drawn from the author's extensive experience, is authoritative and unequivocal. The book is illustrated and fully indexed with selected references for further reading. Written for trainee and practising obstetricians, midwives and obstetric nurses.
Clinical Press Ltd Further MCQs for Part 1 FRCR
Preparing for the Royal College of Radiologists MCQ Exams? You need the MCQ Book for the FRCR from Clinical Press. Sitting these mock examinations is an excellent method of testing your ability, preparing for the real event and revising at the same time!
Clinical Press Ltd Time & Space: The Conceptual Answer
A thesis on physics and cosmology ptoviding the necessary building blocks for a grand unified theorem.
Clinical Press Ltd Infantile Celebral Palsy
In this book the author shares a lifetime's experience in the subject of Infantile Cerebral Palsy. She outlines the history of cerebral palsy and discusses the various types of handicap. Treatment options and outcomes are explored in frank and honest detail.
Clinical Press Ltd Evolution in Dental Care
High quality oral health care is an increasingly important aspiration in most parts of the world. However, the world is an ever-changing place and change in dentistry is occurring very rapidly indeed. The rapid growth in knowledge or oral diseases, the change in disease prevalence and distribution, and the continued improvement in world communication, make this a challenging time in modern dentistry. There is a clear need to move from a system of piecemeal dental treatment to one of oral health care as a whole. These and many other issues are dealt with in this book. This a book for all involved in dental care, be they providers or consumers.
Clinical Press Ltd Cardiovascular System
Most postgraduate examinations now include radiographic interpretation. This may be presented as a slide show of as a film-viewing session. Radiographs and other imaging modalities are also used ubiquitously in the viva' section of most such examinations including those of the American Boards and professional societies and universities worldwide. This series of Clinical Film Viewing will assist candidates to prepare for this process. Each book examines a particular system or technique followed by profusely illustrated cases typical of those presented in postgraduate examinations. The Cardiovascular System is aimed at candidates for postgraduate examinations in all specialties and especially those doctors with some training in cardiovascular disease who need to assess their knowledge of the subject. This book is particularly applicable to candidates for postgraduate examinations in radiology.
Clinical Press Ltd You don't have to be a genius: Biography of a medical student/doctor in London at the dawn of the permissive age
At the dawn of the permissive age Diana is a medical student in swinging London. Revel in the fascinating characters that she meets, the medical students, doctors and patients and see what made the little girl into the woman she is now. Funny and moving and based on a true story.
Clinical Press Ltd The Dog Comes With The Practice: Tales of a Junior Doctor in Ireland and Canada: Expanded Second Edition
Tom Baskett's The Dog Comes With The Practice is a memoir that is in turns both deeply touching and laugh-out-loud funny. He recalls his early years working as a junior hospital doctor and as a locum general practitioner in Northern Ireland in the mid 20th century, before specializing and providing consultant obstetrical and gynaecological services in Canada's remote Arctic communities. His writing about technical medical matters is crystal clear, his humour typically Irish and self-deprecatory, his concern for his patients as individuals and his willingness to expose his own fears and regrets shine through.Now in a new and expanded version with 10 more chapters!
Clinical Press Ltd Losing Eldorado, Searching for the Soul of America
It is July 4th 2002, two musical British brothers have just touched down in the United States. Mythologised in popular song it is the birthplace of the blues, jazz, soul and rock and roll. In search of their own version of El Dorado, instead of the promise of ubiquitous gold, the prize they seek is great music. The brothers have hatched a plan on how to achieve this, they are going to motor from New England to New Orleans, visiting the great music towns and venues that have shaped America. There is one problem though, they need a car. It has to be a special vehicle, one that taps into the rich cultural heritage they seek. Enter their saviour, Rufus', a used '82 Cadillac Eldorado, the last in a long lineage, and the dream car of a generation. The brothers have very little money, know nothing about car mechanics and have no fixed address in the USA. Can they secure the car and where will the road lead them?For two months they live, breathe, sweat and imbibe the complex cocktail of American musical heritage... Where will the soul of America be found? On the open road? At Al Green!s Gospel Church? At the gates of Graceland? Or in a Downtown Chicago nightclub? Or is the El Dorado they seek lost already? Losing Eldorado - Searching for the Soul of America is the remarkable new book that tells the true story of this epic road trip and the music that made America.
Clinical Press Ltd PANDEMIC: Plagues, Pestilence and War: a personalised history
A frank and amusing account of pandemics including covid-19. This book is incredibly timely .....The author has the surprising ability to grab the readers interest........simultaneously informative and amusing.** -- From the foreword by Professor Angus Dalgleish
Clinical Press Ltd This Medical Life
"Unparalleled in British medical history James Owen Drife charted his reactions to the medical world in which he worked and published them, initially in World Medicine and then the British Medical Journal (BMJ). This book is sometimes painfully frank, at other times disturbing or very funny but always entertaining. It provides an important insight on the life and times of a doctor working in the NHS."
Clinical Press Ltd Arthurs Favourite Hymns
This book is in commemoration of my father who died in February this year. It is a hymn-book and I have entitled it Arthurs Favourite Hymns. Easy to play versions of favourite hymns including spirituals, carols, sacred songs and well-known hymns. Arranged for piano and guitar with full words and Thoughts for the Day by Arthur Goddard, edited and arranged by Paul R Goddard with a foreword by Revd Rod Symmons, vicar of Redland Parish Church. 35 hymns and sacred songs
Clinical Press Ltd Parables from Parallel Places
Cats that are both alive and dead, levitating shoes, gods of war, gods of love and discarded gods. Allegorical tales of weird worlds where the leaders are elected on the basis of reality shows and worlds where carnivorous plants can mimic the appearance of a naked human being. Welcome to the disturbing poetry of Paul R Goddard. This anthology is an expanded version of the Number 1 worldwide Amazon download e-book of the same title with many extra illustrations and nine more poems.
Clinical Press Ltd Tsunami (Book 4)
"I was expecting another trip to the Scottish Isles and to the Faerie realm. The Witch "trilogy" made this realm all so real. This book however is so much more. Goddard delves into the realms of MR James and Edgar Allen Po and in this reviewer's humble opinion is as good as or better than both of those other masters of the horror genre. This is a spine tingling disturbing and truly scary book. I urge you to read this great book. Brilliant Gothic tale handled by a true story telling master." - JJ Mann
Clinical Press Ltd Witch Way Home (Book 1)
Witch Way Home? is the first book in The Witch, The Dagon and The Angel Trilogy. The Scott family are on holiday on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, when disaster strikes. Hurricane force winds destroy their home and a tsunami sweeps the island. Dad, (Jimmy Scott), leads his wife.Sienna, and two children, Josh and Sam, up to an abandoned ancient fort, or broch, on the headland heckled all the time by his mother-in-law, Mary. Jimmy is convinced that Mary ia a witch but before he can confirm this he is plunged into the supernatural world of fairies, elves, werewolves, dragons and a particularly attractive talking rat. Is Jimmy in a coma or is he really in Faerie land? Josh and Sam must help their Mum and Granny survive whilst conditions worsen on their island and supernatural forces start to leak into the normal world. Can the family save the world fom total destruction?
Clinical Press Ltd Heart Failure
This series is intended particularly for young doctors working in hospitals and in primary care and for those involved in training them. The series has been designed to cover growing points in medicine and the authors have been chosen, not just because of their expertise, but also because they are working both in hospitals and the community and are thus sensitive to the problems and needs of doctors in both areas.
Clinical Press Ltd Commonsense Geriatrics
Preventive Medicine and the disappearance of random causes of death in developed countries have led to ageing populations and the consequent need for radical change in health service provision. This book comes at an opportune time as the old-fashioned National Health Service is reformulated to accord better with medical need, most of which concerns the elderly population that is projected to grow until 2025. Dr Thompson's book offers the modern concept of age change to be due to human development, rather than 'decline' or 'degeneration'. The outmoded idea that a disease is something that you either have or don't have is replaced by the modern concept of homoeostatic disturbance producing changes that are at first insidious and indistinguishable from good health arE one end of the scale, but which later advance across the clinical threshold and produce gross organic disturbance. The main function of the GP lies in his longitudinal relationship with parents, requiring understanding of the diseases of ageing and reducing the rate of pathological change, so preventing as far as possible the need for rehabilitation, the function of the hospital officer.
Clinical Press Ltd Psoriasis and Eczema
This series is intended particularly for young doctors working in hospitals and in primary care and for those involved in training them. The series has been designed to cover growing points in medicine and the authors have been chosen, not just because of their expertise, but also because they are working both in hospitals and the community and are thus sensitive to the problems and needs of doctors in both areas.
Clinical Press Ltd This Gynaecological Life: Columns from The Diplomate &The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 1994-2023
From 1994 to 2023, Professor Drife wrote an entertaining column in the journal of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. His sole aim was to amuse colleagues - young and old, female and male - working in a stressful and fast-changing specialty. Using wit, observation of life inside and outside medicine, and a global perspective, he helped them to relax, reflect and sometimes laugh out loud.
Clinical Press Ltd Regaining Bladder Control: For Incontinence on Exertion or Following Pelvic Surgery
This booklet is for those suffering from exertion or 'stress' incontinence. It describes a new approach based on a planned series of exercises aimed at restoring the bladder. The anatomical causes of this type of incontinence are clearly explained and illustrated. There is no substitute for the self-discipline of exercises, but the book also deals with two other important points: correct breathing and balanced diet which will not lead to constipation or to being overweight. There is also a section on preparations for counteracting the incontinence that may result from pelvic surgery. Doctors and physiotherapists will be able to recommend this booklet to their patients.
Clinical Press Ltd The Death of Science: The retreat from reason in the post-modern world
SCIENCE IS ON ITS DEATH BEDLies, specious argument and fraud abound in a variety of scientific endeavours including the treatment and vaccines for Covid-19. Managers and politicians have taken over where previously the scientists were in charge. They have been able to utilise the bizarre language and contradictory processes of political correctness, making themselves into the high priests of a new religion, one which spawns more politically correct managers and despises experts, but there is hope and possible answers are proposed.Recent tragedies have pinpointed how managerial and political control do not advance the pursuit of knowledge. This book analyses the ways in which science has been undermined in areas as diverse as medicine, archaeology, climatology, cosmology and physics.
Clinical Press Ltd A Tale of Two Doctors
Two remarkable doctors, Grandmother and Grand-daughter, tell their stories. The similarities are fascinating but the differences are brutal. Dr Sabrina Skopinska, the grandmother of Dr Monika Blackwell, was born in Warsaw and worked in deprived rural and urban communities. The greatest toll on the health of her patients was tuberculosis... for many, including children and young adults, a death sentence. In 1943, five years after she wrote this diary, she was to die in Warsaw, in a shootout with the Gestapo at her clandestine underground radio station. Dr Monika Blackwell grew up having read the diary as a child. She qualified in medicine in London and worked as an army doctor dealing with bullet wounds and trauma, then, like her grandmother before her, she took up general practice. In the last eighteen months she has continued treating patients during the Covid-19 pandemic. The stories are fascinating and the insights illuminating.
Clinical Press Ltd Losing Eldorado: Searching for the Soul of America
America the beautiful? America the Great! America the promised land? But what is the soul of America, and has that dream died?In the summer of 2002, two young British brothers Jeremy and Mark T Goddard embarked on a road trip that would have elements of an odyssey and a soulful pilgrimage.They went in search of their own version of El Dorado, conjuring visions of a lost city shrouded in the mists of Central America, instead of the promise of ubiquitous gold, the prize they sought was great music. They sailed into the metaphorical unknown to explore the lands that had given birth to rock 'n' roll, soul, jazz and the blues.
Clinical Press Ltd Bristol Medico-Historical Society Proceedings: Volume Eight: 2016-2020
Twenty-two articles from medical history experts with subjects ranging from Agatha Christies use of poison in her novels to John Dunn and the Zulu War and from the Bath War Hospital to Vesalius, the angry father of human anatomy.
Clinical Press Ltd Sir Francis Bacon
A new and controversial biography of Sir Francis Bacon succinctly putting forward the theory that he was one of Elizabeths illegitimate offspring and the writer of Shakespeares plays.
Clinical Press Ltd The Opposite Stone, A Collection of Magical Stories for Children
Wizards that can change cats into frogs, heal the sick and make trains disappear. Fairies dancing over a stream, owls that befriend other creatures and a mystical, magical, bright blue cat. All and more in The Opposite Stone: A Collection of Magical Stories for Children. Written by John Harvey Illustrated in colour and black and white by Eileen Soper, Mark Goddard and Paul Goddard
Clinical Press Ltd Witch Schism & Chaos (Book 3)
Witch Schism & Chaos? is the third and final book in The Witch, The Dragon and The Angel Trilogy. A Lady is being held captive. A dozen different people and beings seeom to think that they are each Jimmy Scott. Which one is the genuine item and will the right one win through to free the captive? Meanwhile something is going very wrong in Downing Street..... Can the Scotts save the world for the third time?
Clinical Press Ltd Resuscitation Greats
This is a very readable and comprehensive historical account of the development of resuscitation techniques by great medical figures over the last two thousand years. Edited by well-known medical brothers Peter and Tom Baskett, the book is based on articles contributed to the journal 'Resuscitation' by 56 authors from 16 countries worldwide. The book not only records the contribution of the 'resuscitation greats' to the medical field but also describes their individual characters, intriguing relationships, multiple talents, illegal behaviour and in one case fatal encounter with the guillotine! RESUSCITATION GREATS paints the historical background to modern resuscitation techniques. It should be read with enjoyment and enlightenment by anybody who may be involved in resuscitation... and that virtually includes everybody!
Clinical Press Ltd British Time Scale: Half A Million Years Illustrated
Imagine the whole of British history laid out in one long line, giving a shape to the mysterious prehistoric past, detailing the major English, Scottish and Welsh rulers (including emperors, kings and queens), prime ministers, important events and battles. To be even more useful such a time scale should be in full colour and include the populations, climate, maps, architectural heritage and technological/scientific advances... and it could cover 500,000 years. Filling a gap left by other reference sources, The British Time Scale is a unique and invaluable production. In a conveniently portable folded book format, the timescale will also expand into a chart of 2 metres in length and includes 25 maps. An illustrated overview including climate, population and maps. Richly detailed and in full colour, this is the easiest way to appreciate the whole sweep of human history of this island/peninsula. It can be used fold by fold, book-fashion, whilst touring or as a wall or table chart. Either way, it makes a convenient and enjoyable work of reference.