Search results for ""Belvedere""
Troubador Publishing Hotel Belvedere
Hotel Belvedere is a Belle Epoque hotel in Montreux on the shores of Lake Geneva. It was built by the Krugers and, in the last months of the 20th Century, it is still owned and run by the family: Vanessa, the grande dame and former opera singer; her daughter, the somewhat ailing Candice, and practical husband Thierry; Philippe, their playboy son, and Paloma the wayward daughter. Nearby, the rival Excelsior is owned by Karl Mercier, whom Candice “should have married”. There resides Dr DeBraye, a suave provider of medical services to society ladies. Below stairs in the Belvedere are Fosse the housekeeper, Concierge, Cook, and waiters and chambermaids. As the novel opens, a goatherd’s daughter, Odile, comes down from the mountain to become a chambermaid. She faces the swirling emotions of management and staff with simple alpine good sense, and her future seems bright. But a secret from 30 years earlier emerges, when English waiter, Noel, moves from the Excelsior to the Belvedere. The hotels work towards the Millennium celebrations, as rivalries mount, mysteries surface, and romance springs. The crisis is reached as Storm Lothar descends on the lake, and one death brings clarity and resolution.
De Gruyter Park Belvedere
Der südlich von Weimar von Herzog Ernst August nach 1728 angelegte Park von Belvedere wurde um 1820 durch seine Pflanzenvielfalt weit über die Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannt. Goethe und Herzog Carl August nutzten Park und Orangerie für botanische Studien. Der Band erzählt die Geschichte der ursprünglich barocken Anlage und deren Erweiterung durch Elemente des englischen Landschaftsgartens mit Parkarchitekturen und Schmuckplätzen bis in die Gegenwart; seit 1998 gehört Belvedere zu den UNESCO-Welterbestätten. Ein Rundgang durch den Park beginnt am Lustschloss, dem architektonischen Zentrum der Anlage. Hier ist ein Museum des Kunsthandwerks und der adeligen Lebenskultur des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts untergebracht. Auch die Orangerie und das historische Gärtnerwohnhaus sind mit Ausstellungen für Besucher geöffnet.
Editorial Pre-Textos El Belvedere
Ahora que es demasiado tarde para todocontemplemos qué ha sido nuestra vida:colección de mentiras alentadaspor la luz de quinqué de los fracasos,manos disueltas en domingos fúnebres,barniz de la tristeza ardiendo en los tabiquesde oscuros mediodías, uñas rotas del gozoen los suelos mentales del deseo.Qué hemos sido, truncadosexploradores de marchitas sendasque se estrellaban en espejos sin respuestas.Aquí en el Belvedere, bajo el relámpago concisodel miedo, recordemos los gestos disecadosque nos sostienen todavía,contemplemos el antiguo temblor del firmamento,en paz con la astillas de los seresque no pudimos alcanzar a ser.Digamos que valió la pena el tránsitoaunque no ahorramos futuro suficiente,y escuchemos los himnos que el silenciofragua en las fondas subterráneasdel corazón, con su elocuente idiomaerguido en la conciencia del olvido,que nos obliga a conformarnos con saberque mereció la
Olympia Publishers The Lords of Belvedere
Arcadia Publishing Tiburon and Belvedere Then Now Arcadia
De Gruyter Das Belvedere. 300 Jahre Ort der Kunst
Anniversary publication of the Belvedere The Belvedere in Vienna epitomizes the changes that have taken place over the course of three centuries in the concept of what constitutes a museum. Originally built by Prince Eugene of Savoy to enhance his prestige as a prince, under Maria Theresa, the Upper Belvedere became one of the world’s first public museums. The idea of presenting Austrian art in an international context, which in 1903 motivated the establishment of the Modern Gallery in the Lower Belvedere, remains the key objective of this world-famous cultural institution. In this critical homage, renowned authors explore enduring questions that transcend the different epochs, such as : What ordering concepts are evident in art presentation ? How contemporary were these presentations in an international context ? What kind of public were they aimed at ? Anniversary publication of the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere: a critical homage to a place of art with a diverse history spanning centuries Exhibition until January 7, 2024 With contributions from Johanna Aufreiter, Björn Blauensteiner, Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Christiane Erharter, Nora Fischer, Anna Frasca-Rath, Antoinette Friedenthal, Martin Fritz, Thomas W. Gaehtgens, Sabine Grabner, Katinka Gratzer-Baumgärtner, Cäcilia Henrichs, Alice Hoppe-Harnoncourt, Christian Huemer, Georg Lechner, Stefan Lehner, Gernot Mayer, Monika Mayer, Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber, Georg Plattner, Matthew Rampley, Luise Reitstätter, Stella Rollig, Claudia Slanar, Franz Smola, Nora Sternfeld, Silvia Tammaro, Wolfgang Ullrich, Leonhard Weidinger, Christian Witt-Dörring, Luisa Ziaja, and Christoph Zuschlag
De Gruyter The Belvedere: 300 Years a Venue for Art
Anniversary publication of the Belvedere The Belvedere in Vienna epitomizes the changes that have taken place over the course of three centuries in the concept of what constitutes a museum. Originally built by Prince Eugene of Savoy to enhance his prestige as a prince, under Maria Theresa, the Upper Belvedere became one of the world’s first public museums. The idea of presenting Austrian art in an international context, which in 1903 motivated the establishment of the Modern Gallery in the Lower Belvedere, remains the key objective of this world-famous cultural institution. In this critical homage, renowned authors explore enduring questions that transcend the different epochs, such as : What ordering concepts are evident in art presentation ? How contemporary were these presentations in an international context ? What kind of public were they aimed at ? Anniversary publication of the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere: a critical homage to a place of art with a diverse history spanning centuries Exhibition until January 7, 2024 With contributions from Johanna Aufreiter, Björn Blauensteiner, Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer, Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Christiane Erharter, Nora Fischer, Anna Frasca-Rath, Antoinette Friedenthal, Martin Fritz, Thomas W. Gaehtgens, Sabine Grabner, Katinka Gratzer-Baumgärtner, Cäcilia Henrichs, Alice Hoppe-Harnoncourt, Christian Huemer, Georg Lechner, Stefan Lehner, Gernot Mayer, Monika Mayer, Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber, Georg Plattner, Matthew Rampley, Luise Reitstätter, Stella Rollig, Claudia Slanar, Franz Smola, Nora Sternfeld, Silvia Tammaro, Wolfgang Ullrich, Leonhard Weidinger, Christian Witt-Dörring, Luisa Ziaja, and Christoph Zuschlag
De Gruyter Gartengebäude Charlottenburg: Belvedere, Mausoleum und Neuer Pavillon
In the extensive grounds of the garden of Schloss Charlottenburg, three buildings invite visitors: the Belvedere, the Mausoleum, and the Neuer Pavillon. The Belvedere was erected in 1788–89 based on plans by Carl Gotthard Langhans. As its function and name, "schöne Aussicht," already reveal, the tower-like building once provided a broad panorama over the city. The Mausoleum, the burial site of Queen Luise of Prussia, draws the most visitors until today. Friedrich Wilhelm III chose the end of a dark avenue of fir trees as the location to lay his deceased young wife to rest. The Neuer Pavillon, an Italianate villa, is located close to the Spree. Karl Friedrich Schinkel designed this masterpiece of neoclassical architecture as a private refuge for Friedrich Wilhelm III.
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Learning How to Let It Go in the Shadow of the Belvedere
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Learning How to Let It Go in the Shadow of the Belvedere
Belvedere Inglaterra su Inglaterra
Belvedere Rebecca y Rowena
Belvedere El hotel encantado
BELVEDERE EDITORIAL Historia secreta de la ocupacin inglesa de Egipto
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Werner Feiersinger. Overturn
The most recent work of renowned Austrian sculptor and photographer Werner Feiersinger is an artistic intervention at the Belvedere 21, Austria's national museum for contemporary art, located in the former Austrian Pavilion for the 1958 Brussels World's Fair that had been transferred to Vienna in 1962. For this extensive sculptural work, Feiersinger took cues from the building's history and architectural details. As is characteristic of his work, the Belvedere 21 intervention combined the artist's deep and broad knowledge of design and architectural history with a laconic, minimalist formal vocabulary. Werner Feiersinger. Overturn documents this ambitious project with drawings and photographs, essays, and an insightful interview with the artist. Together, they shed light on the ways in which the Belvedere 21 intervention reimagines the Pavilion as an autonomous object that nonetheless speaks to fundamental questions about sculpture. In doing so, it undermines conventional ways of seeing. Text in English and German.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management addresses the most relevant topics of operations and supply chain management from the perspective of sustainability. The main focus is to provide a step-by-step guide for managerial decisions made along the product life cycle, following a path made up of the following steps: product design, sourcing, manufacturing, packaging and physical distribution, reverse logistics and recovery. Guidance is provided on understanding traditional operations and supply chain management approaches, tools and techniques such as production planning, stock management, quality management and performance measurement, which can be adapted to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability. Key features: Repositions the main operations and supply chain management decisions developed in the perspective of the Life Cycle Analysis (Cradle-to-Cradle approach) and the Triple Bottom Line approach (economic, environmental and social sustainability) Covers sustainability and future trends, sustainable operations as a competitive factor as well as performance measurement and control Explores five main areas of operations and supply chain management; design for environment, procurement, manufacturing, packaging and distribution and reverse supply chain Provides a case study within each chapter to further the reader’s understanding along with numerous examples and real-world problems The book will be valuable for students at undergraduate and graduate levels in management and engineering schools, as well as for practitioners working in operations and supply chain management functions.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Quaderno Imerese II
Kerber Verlag ars viva 2024: Atiéna R. Kilfa, Daniel Lie, caner teker
Since 1953, the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e. V. has awarded the annual ars viva prize for visual arts to outstanding young artists based in Germany. The award honours work that demonstrates a distinct language of form and an awareness of contemporary issues. This year’s award includes exhibitions at the Rudolf-Scharpf-Galerie of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museum in Ludwigshafen, and at the Belvedere 21 in Vienna, as well as an artist residency on Fogo Island, Canada. The ars viva prize 2024 will be awarded to Atiéna R. Kilfa (b. 1990), Daniel Lie (b. 1988) and caner teker (b. 1994). Text in English and German.
Forma Edizioni GONG: Eliseo Mattiacci
Eliseo Mattiacci (Cagli, 1940) is considered a leading figure in modern and contemporary Italian art. He is a widely exhibited sculptor known as an early proponent of Arte Povera and a pioneer of the late-Sixties avant-garde. His work revolves around ideas of the spatial and conceptual relationships between art and nature, and between man and the environment. Mattiacci's cosmological iconographies embody the ideas that have occupied him throughout his career: how the cosmos, the planets, and magnetic fields affect the material world. This important retrospective exhibition of twenty sculptures and nearly 80 drawings has been installed both inside and in the gardens of the recently renovated Forte di Belvedere in Florence. The catalogue features numerous critical essays and extensive on-site photographs of the installation.
De Gruyter Schloss und Garten Charlottenburg
Die Einzigartigkeit dieses Ensembles liegt sowohl in den enormen Ausmaßen von Schloss und Park als auch in ihrer unverwechselbaren Architektur und kostbaren Ausstattung. Die prachtvollen Räume und Säle des Schlosses mit hochkarätigen Werken französischer Malerei bieten den Rahmen für eine sichtbare höfische Kulturgeschichte im Wechsel der Zeiten. Der Bau, der 1699 als Schloss Lietzenburg für Königin Sophie Charlotte entstand, wurde nach ihrem Tod in Charlottenburg umbenannt. Zahlreiche Schlosserweiterungen und herausragende Architekturen wie die Orangerie, der Neue Flügel, das Belvedere, das Mausoleum mit dem Sarkophag der beliebten Königin Luise oder der Neue Pavillon von Schinkel hoben die Bedeutung und Schönheit des Komplexes weiter. Peter Joseph Lenné wandelte den ohnehin natürlichen und abwechslungsreichen Park in einen beispielhaften Landschaftsgarten. Der Zweite Weltkrieg hinterließ auch hier große Schäden, doch konnten viele Bereiche wieder rekonstruiert werden.
De Gruyter Castello di Charlottenburg
Die Einzigartigkeit dieses Ensembles liegt sowohl in den enormen Ausmassen von Schloss und Park als auch in ihrer unverwechselbaren Architektur und kostbaren Ausstattung. Die prachtvollen Raume und Sale des Schlosses mit hochkaratigen Werken franzoesischer Malerei bieten den Rahmen fur eine sichtbare hoefische Kulturgeschichte im Wechsel der Zeiten. Der Bau, der 1699 als Schloss Lietzenburg fur Koenigin Sophie Charlotte entstand, wurde nach ihrem Tod in Charlottenburg umbenannt. Zahlreiche Schlosserweiterungen und herausragende Architekturen wie die Orangerie, der Neue Flugel, das Belvedere, das Mausoleum mit dem Sarkophag der beliebten Koenigin Luise oder der Neue Pavillon von Schinkel hoben die Bedeutung und Schoenheit des Komplexes weiter. Peter Joseph Lenne wandelte den ohnehin naturlichen und abwechslungsreichen Park in einen beispielhaften Landschaftsgarten. Der Zweite Weltkrieg hinterliess auch hier grosse Schaden, doch konnten viele Bereiche wieder rekonstruiert werden.
De Gruyter Fortunata Neapolis: Kunst- und Kulturtransfer zwischen Neapel, Wien und Mitteleuropa
Neapel und Süditalien wurden in den Jahren 1707–1734 von Österreichischen Vizekönigen regiert. In diesen Jahren fanden Hauptwerke der neapolitanischen Kunst ihren Weg in die Wiener Residenzen der Vizekönige Wirich Philipp Graf Daun und Aloys Thomas Raymund Graf Harrach, aber auch ins Obere Belvedere des Prinzen Eugen und die Sammlungen Kaiser Karl VI. Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen, dass der intensive Austausch zwischen Neapel, Wien und Mitteleuropa tatsächlich sehr viel mehr Akteure umfasste und vom früheren 17. bis ins 19. und sogar 20. Jahrhundert reicht. Dabei sind Hauptwerke von Paolo de Matteis, Francesco Solimena oder Filippo Falciatore genauso Gegenstand der Analyse wie aufwendige Tischdekorationen und ephemere Apparate.
Verso Books Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art
The definitive statement on aesthetics and the history of modernism from one of France's most renowned philosophers. Composed of a series of scenes that defined modernism, Aisthesis takes its reader from Dresden in 1764 to New York in 1941. Along the way, we view the Belvedere Torso with Winckelmann, accompany Hegel to the museum and Mallarmé to the Folies-Bergère, attend a lecture by Emerson, visit exhibitions in Paris and New York, factories in Berlin, and film sets in Moscow and Hollywood. Rancière uses these sites and events to ask what becomes art and what comes from it. This incisive study provides a history of artistic modernity far removed from the conventional postures of modernism.
Familius LLC Going on Nine
A child swipes her mother's ring, snatches her sister's nightgown, and runs outside to play "bride." She soon loses the ring, rips the gown, correctly assumes it's about to rain daggers, and runs away from home to find a better family. What happens next is a summer-long journey in which Grace Townsend rides shotgun in a Plymouth Belvedere, and hunkers in the back of a rattletrap vegetable truck, crawls into a crumbling tunnel, dresses up with a prom queen, and keeps vigil in the bedroom of a molestation victim. There are reasons why Grace remembers the summer of 1956 for the rest of her life. Those are just a few. Through the eyes of a child and the mature woman she becomes, we make the journey with Grace and discover important truths about life, equality, family, and the soul-searching quest for belonging.
Saqi Books Parastou Forouhar: Art, Life and Death in Iran
This publication presents a selection of her most startling work so far, created in response to the dramatic social and political upheaval that she experienced after the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the murder of her parents in Tehran. Though the inspiration behind Forouhar's subject matter may be tragic, her work has a great emotional range: the results are sometimes macabre, occasionally darkly humorous and often purely joyful. Published to coincide with artist's first solo show in the UK at Leighton House Museum, London, in October 2010, this is the first English-language monograph of her work. The Artist's work is in the permanent collections of The Queensland Art Museum, Queensland; Belvedere, Vienna; Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe; Musem of Modern Art, Frankfurt; and the Deutsche Bank Art Collection. Rose Issa provides a forword and there are essays by the curator and film-maker Lutz Becker and the author and art critic Russell Harris.
Forma Edizioni Ytalia: Energy Thought Beauty. All is connected.
The Belvedere Fortress is the main location for this exhibition involving the whole city and including the Uffizi Gallery, Boboli Gardens, Palazzo Vecchio, Palazzo Pitti, Basilica of Santa Croce, Museo Novecento, and Museo Marino Marini. Each location exhibits the works of some of Italy's most important contemporary artists. The 12 protagonists are: Giovanni Anselmo, Marco Bagnoli, Domenico Bianchi, Alighiero Boetti, Gino De Dominicis, Luciano Fabro, Jannis Kounellis, Mario Merz, Nunzio, Mimmo Paladino, Giulio Paolini and Remo Salvadori. The catalogue narrates this widely varied exhibition with contributions by recognised international art critics. Comprehensive data sheets provide detailed descriptions of the works by each artist on show. Extensive iconographic material, including images from archives and photos of the works on show, each in their respective location, will complete the narrative of this important event.
Cranthorpe Millner Publishers The Faraway People
A cult hellbent on death and destruction. A troubled family with a twisted web of secrets and lies. An ancient forest swarming with ungodly abominations. When Hattie and Richard Penrose take their family on a 'staycation' to the Cornish village of Bodhmall's Rest, cracks in their unsettled marriage start to appear, as does the truth about Hattie's fling with a co-worker and Richard's burgeoning money problems. As the family members battle their own individual demons, strange creatures are sighted in the woods, and the ghost of the mysterious Red Man appears in the attic. When an undercover SOCA agent uncovers links with a criminal organisation known as The Belvedere Saints, things start to unravel at a terrifying pace. Little do the Penrose family know that Glanna Cormoran and the members of her pagan cult are keeping a close eye on them. And the Terrible Babies. They're watching too.
Coffee House Press Little Boxes
What happens when television is part of your cultural DNA? Twelve writers talk about their influences, and they're more Magnum PI that Marcel Proust. This is cultural criticism from an enthusiast's point of viewtaking sitcoms and dramedies and very special episodes seriously, not because they're art, but because they matter to us. Little Boxes is TV writing not as Why I Loved Parker Lewis Can't Lose” but What Is Up with Everyone in the 80s Having a Domestic: The Different Strokes/Gimme a Break/Mr. Belvedere/Charles in Charge Story.”From Edan Lepucki’s My Monster”:What I remember: a dead girl wrapped in plastic, and another one half-alive and stumbling along train tracks, her body covered in cuts and bruises, her clothes torn. Letters tweezed from beneath fingernails. The dead girl blue-white like a vein. Her name is Laura Palmer. There’s also a lady cradling a log, and a beautiful woman who knots cherry stems with her tongue. Handsome Agent Cooper with his hair slicked back. The name Peggy Lipton lingering across the screen as the eerie theme song sluices through my veins.
Damiani Matthew Leifheit: To Die Alive
To Die Alive conjures a hedonistic fever dream of Fire Island’s historic gay communities. The book contains 77 photographs by New York artist Matthew Leifheit taken by night over the past five years. The pictures show a world of desire layered in history, including the Ice Palace bar’s infamous underwear party, the men-only Belvedere Guesthouse, clandestine encounters in the Meat Rack, and landscapes in all seasons of the island’s delicate maritime forest. The wide-ranging subjects of Leifheit’s portraits are the intergenerational community who come to the island for refuge or employment, ranging from sugar daddies to bartenders and sex workers. The series takes the form of a tragedy, combining many nights and many histories to form an endless night of sex, death, and evolution towards new definitions of queerness. As homosexuality gains mainstream acceptance, many queer Americans no longer need to go to geographic extremes like Fire Island, Provincetown, Palm Springs or Key West to express themselves. But what is the cost of assimilation? To Die Alive is both romantic and grotesque, challenging the sun-bleached history of homoerotic representation on this fragile island, which itself is under constant threat of erosion into the sea.
Sourcebooks, Inc The Holiday Trap
For fans of Alexandria Bellefleur and Alexis Hall comes a charming, hilarious, and heartwarming LGBTQIA+ romcom about two separate couples finding love over the holidays from acclaimed author Roan Parrish! Greta Russakoff loves her tight-knit family and tiny Maine hometown, even if they don't always understand what it's like to be a lesbian living in such a small world. She desperately needs space to figure out who she is.Truman Belvedere has just had his heart crushed into a million pieces when he learned that his boyfriend of almost a year has a secret life that includes a husband and a daughter. Reeling from this discovery, all he wants is a place to lick his wounds far, far away from New Orleans.Enter Greta and Truman's mutual friend, Ramona, who facilitates a month-long house swap. Over the winter holidays, each of them will have a chance to try on a new life...and maybe fall in love with the perfect partner of their dreams. But all holidays must come to an end, and eventually Greta and Truman will have to decide whether the love they each found so far from home is worth fighting for.
O'Brien Press Ltd Taking Sides: A Boy. A Girl. A Nation Torn Apart.
In the Dublin of 1922 with Civil War about to break out, working class Annie Reilly is thrilled to win a scholarship to Eccles Street Convent School. A little frozen out by her old friends, yet not wholly accepted by all of her new classmates, she is pleased to be befriended by Susie O'Neill an easy-going girl from a much more comfortable background. Through Susie's brother, Annie meets Peter Scanlon, a neighbour of the O'Neill's and a pupil at Belvedere college. Having been radicalised by the execution of Kevin Barry, another Belvedere pupil, Peter becomes involved with the rebels who oppose the Treaty with Britain, and who are in conflict with the forces of the newly formed Irish Free State. As families and friends across the nation are forced to choose sides, and with Peter's conservative parents unaware of the dangerous role their son is adopting, Annie and Peter find their friendship coming under strain. Torn socially between her old friends and the exciting opportunities her new school presents, Annie is further confused when fighting breaks out on the streets of the city, with Irishmen now fighting other Irishmen. When Peter comes under suspicion from the police he asks Annie to cover for him. Reluctantly she provides him with an alibi, knowing that this also places her at risk of arrest - and with it the loss of her vitally-important scholarship. While all of the friends try to enjoy normal life - engaging in after-school classes, sports and concerts - there is no escaping the conflict that is rocking the country. Annie and Peter argue, but despite disagreeing with his secret activities as a messenger for the Die Hards, Annie keeps his secret. Annie's father, who drives a hackney that is often used by government officials, is targeted by the rebels, and Annie is kidnapped at gunpoint to force her father to co-operate in an assassination bid. Knowing that both sides have become increasingly brutal and ruthless, Peter is horrified when he learns of the danger that Annie now faces. Torn between his convictions and the debt that he owes to Annie, Peter has a stark choice to make. And when he risks everything for his friend, Annie too has to struggle with loyalty and the notion of informing on a friend, when other peoples' lives are in the balance.
Jacaranda Books Art Music Ltd Creatures of Passage
Longlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction 2022.Nephthys Kinwell is a taxi driver of sorts in Washington, DC, ferrying ill-fated passengers in a haunted car: a 1967 Plymouth Belvedere with a ghost in the trunk. Endless rides and alcohol help her manage her grief over the death of her twin brother, Osiris, who was murdered and dumped in the Anacostia River.Unknown to Nephthys when the novel opens in 1977, her estranged great-nephew, ten-year-old Dash, is finding himself drawn to the banks of that very same river. It is there that Dash-reeling from having witnessed an act of molestation at his school, but still questioning what and who he saw-has charmed conversations with a mysterious figure he calls the "River Man," who somehow appears each time he goes there.When Dash arrives unexpectedly at Nephthys's door one day bearing a cryptic note about his unusual conversations with the River Man, Nephthys must face both the family she abandoned and what frightens her most when she looks in the mirror.Creatures of Passage beautifully threads together the stories of Nephthys, Dash, and others both living and dead. Morowa Yejidé's deeply captivating novel shows us an unseen Washington, D.C., filled with otherworldly landscapes, flawed super-humans, and reluctant ghosts, and brings together a community intent on saving one young boy in order to reclaim themselves.
Jacaranda Books Art Music Ltd Creatures of Passage
Longlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction 2022.Nephthys Kinwell is a taxi driver of sorts in Washington, DC, ferrying ill-fated passengers in a haunted car: a 1967 Plymouth Belvedere with a ghost in the trunk. Endless rides and alcohol help her manage her grief over the death of her twin brother, Osiris, who was murdered and dumped in the Anacostia River.Unknown to Nephthys when the novel opens in 1977, her estranged great-nephew, ten-year-old Dash, is finding himself drawn to the banks of that very same river. It is there that Dash-reeling from having witnessed an act of molestation at his school, but still questioning what and who he saw-has charmed conversations with a mysterious figure he calls the "River Man," who somehow appears each time he goes there.When Dash arrives unexpectedly at Nephthys's door one day bearing a cryptic note about his unusual conversations with the River Man, Nephthys must face both the family she abandoned and what frightens her most when she looks in the mirror.Creatures of Passage beautifully threads together the stories of Nephthys, Dash, and others both living and dead. Morowa Yejidé's deeply captivating novel shows us an unseen Washington, D.C., filled with otherworldly landscapes, flawed super-humans, and reluctant ghosts, and brings together a community intent on saving one young boy in order to reclaim themselves.
Amazon Publishing Betraying the Crown
Intrigue and scandal threaten to rock the monarchy in wartime Britain… Windsor, 1943. Britain is in the grip of war and treachery is afoot. The body of controversial former courtier Lord Blackwater is found in the abandoned Fort Belvedere, once the country bolthole of the King’s wayward brother. And all signs point to murder. Royal confidant Guy Harford is called in to solve the mystery quickly and quietly, before any hint of scandal reaches the public. Investigating with the help of Rodie, his roguish burglar girlfriend, his enquiries lead him into the world of the Royal Ballet, where on-stage glamour hides an undercurrent of off-stage deceit. And when the ballet company’s newest recruit turns up dead, it’s clear there’s more to this murder than meets the eye. Meanwhile, news reaches the Palace that the King’s brother—already under strict orders to stay out of trouble—is threatening to undermine both Crown and country by taking US citizenship. Harford must do his royal duty. It’s up to him to catch the killer and save the monarchy from crisis in wartime. Before any more heads roll…
Red Lightning Books How to Be a Vodka Snob
Do you know your Moscow Mule from your White Russian? Your Stoli from your Belvedere? Micron filtering from charcoal filtering? No matter how you take your vodka, it is time to embrace your inner vodka snob.How to Be a Vodka Snob is the perfect read for drinking novices as well as connoisseurs, beginning with vodka's humble history as a medicinal liquor and accompanying it on its rise to stardom with high-end vodka appreciators and mixologists. Pairing fascinating stories, tidbits, and recipes with a step-by-step guide to becoming a vodka snob, Brittany Jacques offers a beginner's guide to proper glassware, equipment needed for the home bar, and the all-important vodka lingo. Ever wanted to order a filthy martini, stirred, extra wet? How to Be a Vodka Snob is the perfect book for you. How to be a Vodka Snob features more than 50 recipes with everything from James Bond's favorite Martini to Dwight's Beets Over Rocks from The Office, as well as accompanying nibbles and side dishes. With Brittany Jacques as your guide, your journey to becoming a vodka snob starts here.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary: Art and Empire in the Long Nineteenth Century
This important critical study of the history of public art museums in Austria-Hungary explores their place in the wider history of European museums and collecting, their role as public institutions, and their involvement in the complex cultural politics of the Habsburg Empire.Focusing on institutions in Vienna, Cracow, Prague, Zagreb, and Budapest, The Museum Age in Austria-Hungary traces the evolution of museum culture over the long nineteenth century, from the 1784 installation of imperial art collections in the Belvedere Palace (as a gallery open to the public) to the dissolution of Austria-Hungary after the First World War. Drawing on source materials from across the empire, the authors reveal how the rise of museums and display was connected to growing tensions between the efforts of Viennese authorities to promote a cosmopolitan and multinational social, political, and cultural identity, on the one hand, and, on the other, the rights of national groups and cultures to self-expression. They demonstrate the ways in which museum collecting policies, practices of display, and architecture engaged with these political agendas and how museums reflected and enabled shifting forms of civic identity, emerging forms of professional practice, the production of knowledge, and the changing composition of the public sphere.Original in its approach and sweeping in scope, this fascinating study of the museum age of Austria-Hungary will be welcomed by students and scholars interested in the cultural and art history of Central Europe.
Kerber Verlag Doug Fogelson 2012-2022: Chemical Alterations
Chemical Alterations presents a photographic series by Doug Fogelson (b. 1970) that reflects the range of impacts caused by climate change around the planet. Using a process that combines traditional landscape photography with a chemical bath of toxic cleaning products to alter the original analogue film, Fogelson illustrates what are often invisible changes to the environment. Such changes culminate as disastrous events like fire, flood, drought, increasingly powerful storms, and overall global warming. Images of natural spaces that include mountains, deserts, volcanoes, jungles, oceans, rivers, and forests become represented in a state of flux. Through the processing of the film, traces such as bubbles, crystals, fingerprints, and dust are integrated into the images, probing the borderline of abstraction. The Chemical Alterations series has been in-progress over a decade and exhibited through various iterations internationally at both galleries and museums including: The Royal Geographic Society, United Kingdom, Museum Belvedere, Netherlands, The Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, Alpenium Produzentengalerie, Luzern, SFO Museum, San Francisco, The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Sasha Wolf Projects, NYC, Klompching Gallery, NYC, The Arts Club of Chicago and others. It has been covered by The Brooklyn Rain, Humble Arts Foundation, Ain’t Bad, The OD Review, Great Lakes Writers Corps, and others.
Coach House Books Asbestos Heights
Winner of the 2015 Quebec Writers' Federation's A.M. Klein Prize for Poetry If you tore off the tops of canola -- yellow canola flowers -- would you jump in a tub of canola margarine just to make the best of despair? Implored by concerned readers to be 'classy' and 'real' for once, David McGimpsey has composed a sequence of canonical note-books on all things 'poetic' and 'poetical.' Birds! Flowers! History! Sad leaders! The word 'aubade'! They're all here, in a serial, State Fair--bound collection of lyrics set in the working-class belvedere of Asbestos Heights. Among the refreshing lemon-lime sodas of the world and the rousing lyrics to 'Bootylicious,' Asbestos Heights amps up McGimpsey's trademark sideswiping of formal rhetoric and prosody with pop savoir faire to ?nd his boldest collection. Imagine Petrarch in a Tweet war about where to buy a good pair of dad jeans. Imagine Yeats but with a lot fewer swans. Imagine a poet who was told long ago that nothing good ever comes out of a place like Asbestos Heights. 'David McGimpsey is unfuckwithable, poetry-wise, and I'll stand on John Ashbery's coffee table in my cowboy boots and say that.' -- Michael Robbins David McGimpsey is the author of several books of poetry and short fiction. His poetry has been shortlisted for the Governor General's Literary Award and the A.M. Klein Prize. He is also a musician, a fiction editor for Joyland, and his travel writing is a regular feature of enRoute magazine. He lives in Montreal, where he teaches creative writing and literature at Concordia University.
Princeton University Press Magnificent Buildings, Splendid Gardens
Magnificent Buildings, Splendid Gardens returns to print some of the most important works of David Coffin, a leading authority on Renaissance architecture who, as one of the first scholars to apply the tools of art history to the study of gardens, became a founder of the discipline of garden and landscape studies. These essays span the wide range of Coffin's work, from Italian Renaissance architecture, garden design, sculpture, and drawings to English gardens and landscape designers of the seventeenth to early nineteenth centuries. Coffin's approaches are as varied as his subject matter. Some of these essays present the results of his archival research, including his discovery of crucial documents on the Emilian architect Giovan Battista Aleotti and the only documentary evidence identifying Vignola as the architect of the Villa Lante at Bagnaia. Other essays take a much broader cultural view, investigating, for example, the phenomenon of public access to private Renaissance gardens, elucidating the evolving meaning of images of the goddess Venus in English gardens, and identifying the significance of the decorative programs of monuments as diverse as the Villa Belvedere in Rome and the eighteenth-century gardens at Rousham in Oxfordshire. The book also includes a commentary on each essay, written by one of Coffin's former students; a full analytical index; and a complete bibliography of Coffin's work.
FrommerMedia Frommer's Vienna day by day
Vienna, Austria is so rich with cultural treasures, so replete with sights and wonders, that visitors are often bewildered by the task of planning a visit. Which of nearly 100 museums to visit? Which of countless theatres and concert halls? With an endless number of celebrated restaurants, cafes, lively taverns, bakeries serving famous pastries, which should one choose? Which classic walks should one take, which suburban palaces and gardens to visit, which of sixteen large and famous parks to stroll? Frommer's Vienna day by day guidebook solves these conundrums. Its author, Margaret Childs, has lived in Vienna for 18 years. The author of a complete guide to Austria, and of various online guides to Vienna and Salzburg, she has also written for numerous travel magazines, and her knowledge of Austria's capital is awesome. This portable, tautly-written guidebook contains: - Itineraries that explore the best of Vienna in one, two, or three days plus thematic tours for to romantics, art fans, architectural enthusiasts, families, film buffs and music lovers. - Walking tours of the city's best-loved neighborhoods like the Stephansdom District, The Belvedere, Schottenring. - Hundreds of evocative photos - Bulleted maps that show you how to get from place to place and a handy fold-out map that comes in a reclosable, attached plastic waller - Opinionated reviews of hotels, restaurants, shopping, and nightlife for all budgets - Exact pricing so there's never any guessing.
McGill-Queen's University Press Then and Now: Collecting and Classicism in Eighteenth-Century England
In the mid-eighteenth century, English gentlemen filled their houses with copies and casts of classical statuary while the following generation preferred authentic antique originals. By charting this changing preference within a broader study of material culture, Joan Coutu examines the evolving articulation of the English gentleman. Then and Now consists of four case studies of mid-century collections. Three were amassed by young aristocrats - the Marquis of Rockingham, the Duke of Richmond, and the Earl of Huntingdon - who, consistent with their social standing, were touted as natural political leaders. Their collections evoke the concept of gentlemanly virtue through example, offering archetypes to encourage men toward acts of public virtue. As the aristocrats matured in the politically fractious realm of the 1760s, such virtue could become politicized. A fourth study focuses on Thomas Hollis, who used his collection to proselytize his own unique political ideology. Framed by studies of collecting practices earlier and later in the century, Coutu also explores the fluid temporal relationship with the classical past as the century progressed, firmly situating the discussion within the contemporaneous emerging field of aesthetics. Broadening the focus beyond published texts to include aesthetic conversations among the artists and the aristocracy in Italy and England, Then and Now shows how an aesthetic canon emerged - embodied in the Apollo Belvedere, the Venus de' Medici, and the like - which shaped the Grand Manner of art.
Key Publishing Ltd Britain's Military Helicopters
A key component in any armed force, helicopters operate in a range of roles not only previously filled by aircraft but also many that are completely new. Thanks to their ability to go anywhere and operate from locations as diverse as landing pads hacked out of the rainforest or the pitching deck of a frigate, the helicopter adds a flexibility unknown to armed forces in the past. Be it antisubmarine operations by a Merlin, fire support from an Apache, stores delivered by a Puma, evacuation of the wounded by a casevac Chinook or rescue by a Sea King, helicopters offer the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force capabilities unheard of in the history of conflict. From its beginnings as a curiosity with little operational use, Britain's armed forces soon embraced the helicopter with the Whirlwind for the Royal Navy and RAF and the Skeeter for the Army Air Corps. Finding these helicopters limited, it was the advent of the turboshaft that revolutionized the helicopter, with the Belvedere, Wessex, Wasp and Scout bringing new capabilities. The next generation, the Puma, Lynx, Sea King and Chinook, all designed for turboshaft power, made the helicopter an essential machine for all the armed forces and have proven their worth to Britain's forces since the 1970s. In Britain's Military Helicopters, Chris Gibson describes the evolution of the helicopter in British service, from their beginnings with the Sikorsky R-4B test flown by Fleet Air Arm pilots in the USA to the latest Wildcat and Apache Guardian. Lavishly illustrated throughout, this book includes original photographs and images from archives, many of which are previously unpublished. 140 illustrations
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The 10th Mountain Division: A History from World War II to 2005
The storied history of the US Army's elite 10th Mountain Division is presented here in precise detail by Dennis Chapman, a former officer in the division. The reader will first learn of the outfit's 1943 activation, then the dramatic story of their famous WWII Italian campaign. After successfully storming the near-vertical slope of Riva Ridge (thought unclimbable by their German opponents) and then seizing the strategic heights of the Mount Belvedere massif, the men of the 10th Mountain Division battered their way through the Apennine Mountains. Breaking out into the Po Valley, the 10th Mountain Division raced across the lowlands to the foot of the Austrian Alps, slamming the door shut on thousands of retreating Axis troops. The reader will also learn about the heroism of the 10th Mountain Division troops at the Battle of the Black Sea in Mogadishu—the famous story of "Black Hawk Down"—as well as its exploits during the early years of the global war on terror. Unlike most books of its kind, this book goes beyond those famous exploits, bringing together all the threads of the division's history. Chapman also recounts the history of the 10th Mountain Division in its Cold War incarnations at Fort Riley, Kansas, and in Germany. He also tells the story of the 87th Infantry Regiment, the last remaining of the division's three original regiments, and the only element of the division to continue in existence from the division's deactivation in 1958 until its reactivation in 1985.
Messenger Publications Willie Doyle SJ: Much in the Presence of God
Willie Doyle SJ was born in Dalkey on 3 March 1873 to an affluent Catholic family. Willie entered the Society of Jesus in 1891. taking vows, Fr. Doyle embarked on a period of Jesuit formation known as Regency. Fr. Doyle worked in two Jesuit schools Clongowes Wood College and Belvedere College. He was ordained in 1908. His prayerful nature took him into Retreat Ministry after ordination. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola are a popular way of praying in our time. At the turn of the Twentieth Century, they were almost the exclusive preserve of priests brothers and religious sisters. The Exercises made such a profound impact on Fr. Doyle that he felt they should be available to the largest audience possible. Fr. Doyle also had a great interest in vocations to religious life, and produced two bestselling pamphlets on the priesthood which were published by the Sacred Heart Messenger. In 1915 he volunteered as a Chaplain in the First World War. His time in the war saw him demonstrate great acts of heroism. His death in August 1917 came as a great blow to those who had known him. He died attempting to save injured soldiers from the battlefield at Ypres. His body was initially recovered, but subsequently obliterated by a German shell. Interest in his life was sparked by a book written by Professor Alfred O’Rahilly, which became a bestseller. The book went on to inspire future saints, like Mother Teresa. The desire to have Fr. Doyle declared a saint received much traction in the 1930s, but it lapsed as the Irish Jesuits preferred to give their energies to the cause of Fr. John Sullivan. In recent years the cause has begun to get traction and a lay Association of the Faithful is working to have it promoted.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Vienna
Lonely Planet: The world's number one travel guide publisher Lonely Planet's Vienna is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Visit lavish Schloss Schönbrunn, explore the masterpieces of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, and get a bird's eye view of the Prater from the Riesenrad Ferris wheel - all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Vienna and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet's Vienna: NEW pull-out, passport-size 'Just Landed' card with wi-fi, ATM and transport info - all you need for a smooth journey from airport to hotel Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, cuisine, politics Covers The Hofburg, Stephansdom & the Historic Centre, Karlsplatz & around Naschmarkt, The Museum District & Neubau, Alsergrund & the University District, Schloss Belvedere, Prater & East of the Danube, Schloss Schönbrunn, and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Vienna is perfect for discovering both popular and off-the-beaten-path experiences. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world's number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, video, 14 languages, nine international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveler's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Eyewitness Top 10 Vienna
Vienna may be famous for its monumental palaces and classical music scene, but Austria's capital isn't all about the past - expect contemporary art galleries, cool cafés and buzzing bars galore. Make the most of your trip to this elegant city with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Vienna has to offer and ensuring that you don't miss a thing. Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable; the perfect companion while out and about.Inside DK Eyewitness Top 10 Vienna you will find: - Up-to-date information with insider tips and advice for staying safe.- Top 10 lists of Vienna's must-sees, including Stephansdom, the Hofburg, the Belvedere and Hundertwasserhaus- Vienna's most interesting areas, with the best places for sightseeing, food and drink, and shopping.- Themed lists, including the best art galleries, music venues, Viennese dishes, things to do for free and much more- Easy-to-follow itineraries, perfect for a day trip, a weekend, or a week.- A laminated pull-out map of Vienna, plus 6 full-colour area maps.Looking for more on Vienna's culture, history and attractions? Try our DK Eyewitness Vienna or DK Eyewitness Austria.About DK Eyewitness: At DK Eyewitness, we believe in the power of discovery. We make it easy for you to explore your dream destinations. DK Eyewitness travel guides have been helping travellers to make the most of their breaks since 1993. Filled with expert advice, striking photography and detailed illustrations, our highly visual DK Eyewitness guides will get you closer to your next adventure. We publish guides to more than 200 destinations, from pocket-sized city guides to comprehensive country guides. Named Top Guidebook Series at the 2020 Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards, we know that wherever you go next, your DK Eyewitness travel guides are the perfect companion.
APA Publications The Mini Rough Guide to Vienna (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This pocket-sized travel guide to Vienna is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around the destination. It covers top attractions like Schonbrunn, Stephansdom, Hundertwasserhaus, Jüdisches Museum, the Prater as well as hidden gems, including Grinzing. Our Vienna guide book will save you time and enhance your exploration of this fascinating city. This Vienna travel guide has been fully updated post-COVID-19. This Mini Rough Guide to VIENNA covers: Innere Stadt, the Hofburg, Ringstrasse and its Museums, Outside the Ring, Schonbrunn, Across the Danube, Vienna's suburbs, the Wienerwald, the Danube Valley, to the East.In this guide book to Vienna you will find: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Vienna, from cultural explorations in Alte Universität to family activities in child-friendly places, like Kunsthistorisches Museum or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Stephansdom.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSThis Vienna travel guide covers the destination's top ten attractions not to miss, including the Secession Building, Karlsplatz, the Belvedere, the Hofburg and a Perfect Day itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this guide book to Vienna is the perfect on-the-move companion when you're exploring Ringstrasse.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture of Vienna.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children's activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps of this travel guide to Vienna will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this Vienna guide book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.