Search results for ""Basic Health Publications""
Basic Health Publications Your Daily Diary and Health Journal: Helping You Live Your Best Life
Books about health and nutrition often recommend keeping a daily record of various types of information-from possible food reactions, morning body temperature, activities, and mood and energy levels. No matter what one needs to keep track of, or even if one simply wants to jot down some thoughts, "Your Daily Diary & Health Journal" provides the necessary space. As users write in their journals, they will be presented with helpful health tips and inspirational thoughts from great minds. Journal pages are not dated so there's no need to worry about skipping a day! "Your Daily Diary & Health Journal" also makes a great gift for family or friends, and for all occasions, including birthdays, wedding showers, births, graduations, confirmations, holidays, or just to say thank you.
Basic Health Publications Raw Nutrition: Restore Your Health by Eating Raw and Eating Right
People who consume only processed foods and fail to eat raw fruits and vegetables may be starving and overeating. While this might seem like a contradiction, it's true. More people die from overeating than under eating. If you are not eating an enzyme-rich, plant-based diet, your body may be stealing enzymes from your pancreas and heart just to digest. This activity of "robbing Peter to pay Paul" can cause diabetes and heart disease. Eating a green salad daily can make a healthy difference in how you look and how you feel every day. Research confirms that raw plant enzymes reverse aging. In RAW NUTRITION you will learn: · How food addictions are industry-inspired and emotionally created · How you can overcome these food addictions by reclaiming your power and recognizing how blocked emotions can lead to weight issues. · How, by following a raw vegan diet, most people lose at least ten pounds (4.5 kg) a month eating all they want. No one teaches us what we need to eat every day to achieve optimal health and prevent disease. Eating organic, raw vegetables and fruit eliminates many of the antigens that cause allergic reactions and subsequent disease.
Basic Health Publications Our Toxic Legacy: How Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, and Cadmium Harm Our Health
Lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium are major toxic metals. All are environmental pollutants that can inflict harm on humans and other living creatures as well as adversely affect our air, water, soil and food supply. Two of them - lead and mercury - are neurotoxins. They can poison not only us but, also, our progeny developing in the womb. The other two - arsenic and cadmium - have some carcinogenic forms. All four metals can break down the body's basic functions. Metal toxicity is more prevalent than commonly recognised. If we regularly eat certain fish or foods and beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, have amalgam dental fillings, drink contaminated tap water, take over-the-counter drugs or use lipstick or hair dye, chances are that our bodies have already accumulated significant amounts of toxic metals. These poisonous substances are present in hundreds of other everyday consumer products. And if we work in certain industries or in agriculture, our chronic exposure is inevitable. OUR TOXIC LEGACY describes the unique characteristics of each of these four major toxic metals and identifies the likely sources of our exposures. It offers in-depth evidence-based information on subtle as well as serious health problems each metal induces, methods to test for its presence and therapies to rid it from our bodies. The book offers new and important information on what we can do to help limit these toxic metals in our environment. OUR TOXIC LEGACY shows that, while much remains to be done, we can take measures now to protect ourselves as well as ensure the health of future generations and the planet.
Basic Health Publications Vitamin Cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: How to Prevent and Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation
Most people's diets are woefully inadequate for providing proper nutrition. Even good diets fail to deliver sufficient levels of nutrients. The Vitamin Cure book series highlights the safe and clinically effective use of vitamin supplements for a variety of illnesses. Research continues to prove the immense value of vitamins for maintaining health and fighting disease. The Vitamin Cure books, written by authors who are recognised experts in their field, give you authoritative, up-to-date and practical information on taking vitamins for particular health problems. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an elusive, difficult-to-treat condition in which the entire human organism has gone out of kilter. Symptoms include fatigue, muscle and joint pains, feeling unwell after exercise and unrefreshing sleep and memory/concentration problems. A combination of factors is implicated in the development of CFS: allergies, nervous system dysfunction, environmental toxins, immune dysfunction and oxidative stress. Unfortunately, mainstream medicine relies on a piecemeal and inadequate approach to the problem. This ground breaking book directly addresses the myriad causes of CFS and offers restorative vitamin and other treatments capable of safely reducing symptoms. Orthomolecular (megavitamin) therapy encompasses common over-the-counter vitamins, sound medical and scientific evidence. These natural treatments can provide profound relief for those with chronic fatigue.
Basic Health Publications The Big Book of Family Eye Care: A Contemporary Reference for Vision and Eye Health
A reader-friendly guide to how eyes function, common and serious eye problems, the best options for vision maintenance, and easy ways to preserve eye health.
Basic Health Publications Mackie Shilstone's Body Plan for Kids: A Weight Loss Resource for Parents and Kids (8-12) from One of America's Leading Health and Fitness Dynamos
Mackie Shilstone is famous for helping world-class athletes achieve the body, drive, stamina and performance they need to win. Now, with four decades of health and fitness expertise, he focuses on providing solutions to the problem of childhood obesity. Today, one in three children are overweight. If no intervention is made, 80 percent of them will stay overweight as adults, which can put them at risk of medical problems (for example, type-2 diabetes, heart disease and asthma) and make them more susceptible to low self-esteem and depression. MACKIE SHILSTONE'S BODY PLAN FOR KIDS is a comprehensive guide to gaining control of your child's weight and the first book on weight loss in children to offer specific strategies for eating healthily, getting fit and feeling good about yourself, targeted to eight- to twelve-year-olds. Current research on overweight and obese children indicates that at this formative age, parents are a child's strongest role model and best able to affect positive eating and lifestyle changes. Research shows also that unsatisfactory role modeling by overweight parents with poor nutrition and sedentary habits are major causes of childhood obesity. Because of this, you, as parent and role model, are key to making the Body Plan for Kids work. Now Mackie trains you to become a trainer to your own family. Features of the plan include, how to: · Take height and weight measurements and determine body-fat percentage to accurately assess and monitor weight status; · Work with your child's doctor to determine an ideal target weight and a pounds safe to lose per week and much more. - Make better food choices and involve kids in label reading, shopping for healthy foods and meal planning and preparation; · Increase daily physical activity with the more than two-dozen games and activities included; · Track eating, exercise and weight loss electronically, upload photos; see quick stats and other visual motivators. Complete with age-specific advice from a pediatrician, nutritionist, clinical psychologist and other specialists, 50 recipes and more than 100 online and print resources for information on food and nutrition, physical fitness, weight-related issues, BODY PLAN FOR KIDS gives you the solutions and tools to bring about effective weight loss in your child (and you) with the goal of keeping it off as they become teenagers and adults.
Basic Health Publications Infectious Connections: How Short-Term Foodborne Infections Can Lead to Long-Term Health Problems
Many food borne diseases are newly emerging, while others, long with us, have become more virulent. INFECTIOUS CONNECTIONS focuses on more than a dozen major food borne diseases and demonstrates how the short-term infections that they inflict may lead to a wide range of long-term chronic health disorders or increase the severity of existing health problems. Food borne pathogens, such as Salmonella and Listeria, enter the body through the intestinal tract where they cause temporary upsets. However, if they go from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream, they can invade other organs, systems and structures, where they inflict damage such as some forms of heart disease, arthritis and cancer. The general public has become aware of the rising incidence of food borne illness from many well-publicised outbreaks from contaminated beef, spinach, tomatoes and numerous other foods. Factors involved in food contamination include radical changes in agricultural practices, global warming, vast amounts of imported foods and poor personal hygiene practiced in fields, slaughterhouses, food-processing plants, institutions, restaurants and homes. The regulatory agencies responsible for food inspection and safety are woefully inadequate for the task. INFECTIOUS CONNECTIONS discusses the current dilemma and suggest ways in which the food regulators, the food chain 'from farm to fork,' and we, the consumers, can achieve a safer food supply.
Basic Health Publications Pomegranate: The Ultimate Health Food
If you're wondering why an entire book is devoted to one fruit, the pomegranate, wonder no more. With its complex qualities, including its highly concentrated supply of antioxidants, its ability to regulate hormones and its anti-bacterial, antifungal and antiviral qualities, this fruit stands out in high profile, even among all the marvels of contemporary natural medicine and therapeutic nutrition. This book investigates why the pomegranate deserves to be called the "Ultimate Health Food" and discusses how pomegranate can help: Reduce the risk of various cancers Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke Slow or prevent the harmful effects of chronic inflammation and oxidation Prevent postmenopausal conditions in women, and prostate problems in men Maintain brain function, joint health and a strong immune system Prevent Alzheimer's disease, osteoarthritis, and infection This book, also, reveals the natural slimming properties of pomegranate and its beneficial effect on the appearance and elasticity of the skin. POMEGRANATE gives specific advice on how consumers can get the most comprehensive results from this complex fruit. After many centuries in which the pomegranate's medical usefulness was revered but then forgotten in the stampede of pharmaceuticals, the pomegranate is again approaching center stage as a modern-day fountain of health.
Basic Health Publications Ampalaya: Natures Remedy for Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is on the increase. And it is largely due to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Diabetes is related to inheritance, poor diet and lifestyle choices and being a couch potato. The end result is cardiovascular disease, stroke, loss of eyesight, damaged kidneys and amputations. The current buzz word concerning the cause of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease is metabolic syndrome, previously called Syndrome X.
Basic Health Publications The Health Benefits of Ribose: The All-Natural Energy Booster
Discusses the importance of ribose, a naturally occurring sugar produced in the body from glucose.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Natural Hormone Replacement
With the health risks associated with conventional hormone-replacement therapy, women are searching for safe and effective ways to reduce hot flashes, prevent osteoporosis, and reduce the risk of heart disease during menopause. In this User's Guide, health writer Kathleen Barnes describes a variety of natural and safe options for navigating the biological changes that come with mid-life. She suggests vitamins, herbs, and other supplements that scientific studies have found helpful in easing a natural transition and for lowering the long-term risk of age related diseases.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Treating Hepatitis Naturally
Hepatitis is a common causes of illness and death. Many types of hepatitis are caused by viruses, whereas other types result from the liver being overwhelmed by toxins, including alcohol and drugs. In this User's Guide, Dr. MacKay describes the most common forms of hepatitis, their causes, and ways to reduce your risk of contracting or developing them. He also describes vitamins, herbs, and other supplements that can help you reduce symptoms of hepatitis, including elevated liver enzymes, so you can lead a healthier life.
Basic Health Publications The Power of Yoga
The yoga exercises in the book are based on Hatha yoga for exercise and relaxation, and Kalari yoga for preparing the mind and body for meditation. The physical, mental, health, and Ayurvedic benefits of each asana (yoga posture) are clearly explained. In short, "The Power of Yoga provides readers with all they need to know not only to perform the postures well, but also to understand their underlying purpose and what benefits to expect.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Antioxidant Supplements
Covering a wide range of popular alternative medicine and health issues, User's Guides are written by leading experts and science writers and are designed to answer the consumer's basic questions about disease, conventional and alternative therapies, and individual dietary supplements.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Stress-Busting Nutrients
In this User's Guide, nutrition author RoseMarie Gionta Alfieri describes the most important supplements for improving mood, reducing irritability, and preventing depression. Among these supplements are the B-complex vitamins, GABA, and St. John's wort. These and other nutrients have been shown scientifically to help people deal effectively with stress.
Basic Health Publications The Pilates Difference
Pilates is one of the most effective forms of exercise for improving stamina, coordination, strength, general health, vitality, and concentration. This book brings this unique system of exercise into the reader's own home. Full-color illustrations throughout.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Herbal Remedies
In this overview of the most popular herbs, Hyla Cass, M.D., describes the top ten herbal supplements. Among them are echinacea to boost the immune system during cold and flu season, ginseng to increase energy levels, St. John's wort to elevate mood, and saw palmetto to prevent prostate disease. Dr. Cass also provides clear guidelines for how to safely use herbal remedies.
Basic Health Publications Where it Hurts and Why: Effective Do-it-Yourself Pain Relief
Pain is the number-one reason American visit their doctors, Back pain, muscle aches, arthritis affect millions of people daily, limiting their activities and costing billions in medical care. Much of this suffering is unnecessary. Where It Hurts and Why can help readers take charge of their pain and become proactive in their own recovery. Individual chapters provide detailed recommendations for specific areas of the body, and also instructions for immediate treatment of acute pain.
Basic Health Publications Maitake Gold 404: The Ultimate Immune Supernutrient
Maitake mushrooms have long been prized in Japan for their medicinal properties. For maintaining immunity and healing a variety of acute conditions, maitake mushrooms are highly versatile and highly effective. Even more powerfully healing is the maitake-based superimmune product, formulated and patented by Dr. Hiroaki Nanba of Japan's Kobe Pharmaceutical University, MaitakeGold 404. MaitakeGold 404 fights cancer by: protecting healthy cells from becoming cancerous helping prevent metastasis of cancer from one area of the body to another slowing or stopping growth of tumors ameliorating side effects of chemotherapy, while boosting its positive effects
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Natural Allergy Relief
An estimated 40 million Americans-and countless others around the world-suffer from allergies and allergylike symptoms. Many of these symptoms can be reduced through dietary changes and taking nutritional supplements. This User's Guide to Natural Allergy Relief explains allergies in simple terms, as well as the steps you can take to ease your symptoms.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Polycosanol and Other Cholesterol-Lowering: Learn About the Many Safe Ways to Reduce Your Cholesterol and Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
Millions of people have elevated blood levels of cholesterol, a major risk factor for coronary heart disease. Yet many supplements and foods can effectively - and safely - reduce cholesterol levels. This User's Guide to Policosanol and Other Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol explains what you have to do to reduce your risk of heart disease.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Food Fats and Bad Fats
Nearly everyone seems confused about dietary fats. Not all fats are bad for your health. In fact, some fats are essential for optimal health. This User's Guide to Good Fats and Bad Fats helps you understand the difference. You'll learn how to avoid unhealthy fats hidden in many foods, while learning about the benefits of good fats.
Basic Health Publications Peak Performance - Body and Mind: Make Your Body Last a Lifetime
Your body is a highly complex machine and you are in control - or should be. How you manage your body, how you take care of it, and how well you know it will determine how well and how long you survive. Peak Performance draws from the fields of kinetics, biomechanics and physiology. The authors present a highly systematic approach to life that will bring you to a much higher level of comfort, satisfaction and accomplishment. You'll actually experience a sense of exhilaration as you learn to eat walk and breathe in ways that can avoid negative environmental impact.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Chromium
Explains everything you need to know to make this nutrient work for you.
Basic Health Publications Oxygen to the Rescue: Oxygen Therapies and How They Help Overcome Disease Promote Repair and Improve Overall Function
Throughout the world -- in China, Japan, Cuba, Canada, Russia, and more -- healing therapies using oxygen, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide are commonly used to treat a wide array of diseases, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, and arthritis. However, in the United States, where the mainstream medical community is dependent upon funding from the pharmaceutical industry for research and medical training, these highly effective and relatively inexpensive therapies have been largely ignored. Dr. Pavel Yutsis, medical director of the CAM Institute for Integrative Therapies, has been using these biooxidative techniques for more than twenty years, since beginning his career in his native Russia. In Oxygen to the Rescue, Dr. Yutsis explains the difference between oxygenation and oxidation, and describes the four main types of oxygen therapy -- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy, Ozone Therapy, and Photoluminescence, or Ultraviolet Irradiation of Blood (UVIB) -- and how these therapies are administered. Dr. Yutsis also discusses conventional uses versus experimental uses for each of these therapies. For example, HBOT is typically used by mainstream medicine to promote healing of burns and skin grafts, as well as to treat carbon dioxide poisoning and smoke inhalation. However, HBOT has healing potential beyond its conventional applications, such as in the treatment of stroke and vascular dementia. Oxygen to the Rescue provides both the findings of scientific research and anecdotal evidence demonstrating that these underused therapies deserve to be acknowledged among frontline medicine in the United States.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Coenzyme Q10
Explains what you need to know when using coenzyme Q10 to boost your health.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to St. John's Wort
Building on the tremendous interest in health, alternative medicine, and nutritional supplementation, the User's Guide to Nutritional Supplements Series is designed to answer the consumer's basic questions about diseases, conventional and alternative therapies, and individual dietary supplements.Written by leading experts and science writers, The User's Guide to Nutritional Supplements Series covers a range of popular alternative medicine and health issues, including specific major diseases, alternative therapies, and vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutritional supplements.The User's Guide to St. John's Wort describes the herb's traditional uses and the remarkable science demonstrating its benefits in treating depression.
Basic Health Publications Breathe for Life: How to Reduce Stress and Enhance Your Fitness
Explains the benefits of good breathing and presents step-by-step directions for breathing exercises and techniques, amply illustrated with photos and diagrams.
Basic Health Publications Dr.Earl Mindell's Russian Energy Secret
Learn how to use herbs to prevent disease, enhance health and well-being, increase the ability to cope with stress, and slow down the aging process.
Basic Health Publications Exercise for Your Muscle Type
People are often dissatisfied with the success of their exercise programmes or activities, but they may simply have been the wrong programmes for their muscular structure. Exercise For Your Muscle Type eliminates this frustration by showing readers how they are built and by helping them put together an appropriate personalised comprehensive exercise programme. With a better understanding of ones own body, anyone can achieve his or her fitness goals more quickly.
Basic Health Publications The Supplement Pyramid: How to Build Your Personalized Nutritional Regimen
Like traditional food pyramids that help us design and follow a healthy diet, the Supplement Pyramid is an educational tool that can be personalized to meet anyone's specific nutritional needs.
Basic Health Publications The Vitamin Cure for Digestive Disease: How to Treat and Eliminate Digestive Problems Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation
Most people's diets are woefully inadequate for providing proper nutrition. Even good diets fail to deliver sufficient levels of nutrients. The Vitamin Cure book series highlights the safe and clinically effective use of vitamin supplements for a variety of illnesses. Research continues to prove the immense value of vitamins for maintaining health and fighting disease. The Vitamin Cure books, written by authors who are recognised experts in their field, deliver authoritative, up-to-date and practical information on taking vitamins for particular health problems. Those that think that they are not affected by digestive issues may consider them less serious than many other health problems. This is far from the case, as those who suffer from them can report. And digestive health has a direct impact on many, very serious illnesses aside from those directly apparent, such as indigestion, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and ulcers. Digestive health is critical to your health in general and has a direct impact on all of the systems and organs in your body. This readable guidebook will assist anyone suffering from digestive issues or those who just want to make sure that they are providing optimal nutrition to their bodies. It explains the major digestive systems, describes their structure and functions, discusses the health problems that can develop in each system and their causes and addresses available medical treatments. It covers a wide range of problems from canker sores to GERD, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, gluten allergies, and gallstones to cancer and more. The focus is to give readers straightforward, clear explanations on how and when to treat digestive issues with healthy, natural nutrition and vitamin therapies.
Basic Health Publications Vitamin Cure for Infant and Toddler Health Problems: How to Prevent and Treat Young Children's Health Problems Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation
Most people's diets are woefully inadequate for providing proper nutrition. Even good diets fail to deliver sufficient levels of nutrients. The Vitamin Cure book series highlights the safe and clinically effective use of vitamin supplements for a variety of illnesses. Research continues to prove the immense value of vitamins for maintaining health and fighting disease. The Vitamin Cure books, written by authors who are recognised experts in their field, deliver authoritative, up-to-date and practical information on taking vitamins for particular health problems. Most paediatricians are so certain of what is "proper" care that they are super-sensitive about a parent telling them (or even suggesting) what to do. This is where this book is truly different - it is written by a paediatrician who actively supports empowering parents and who, also, strongly advocates nutritional medicine for babies and small children. THE VITAMIN CURE FOR INFANT AND TODDLER HEALTH PROBLEMS provides commonsense approaches to many of the problems parents face with young children. Topics include colic, ear infections, diarrhoea, fever, breastfeeding, solid foods, respiratory infections and flu, nappy rash, fretfulness, allergies, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), pertussis (whooping cough) and a clear-cut, holistic discussion of vaccinations. Plus, the book discusses paediatric visits, child rearing, vitamin supplements, high-dose vitamin C therapy and much, much more. Common sense, let's-use-fewer-drugs healthcare worked back when Dr. Campbell was first in practice-and it works now. This book favours a three-tiered approach for healthier children: (1) Good diet and a multivitamin, at a minimum; (2) Special dietary considerations and vitamin supplements for special needs and (3) appropriately high orthomolecular doses of nutrients when there is illness. Say Dr. Campbell: "I learned valuable things from the genius doctor I first practised with about calming children, and parents. I always attempted to determine the reason for crying and treated accordingly, without drugs." Here is the much-awaited sequel to Drs. Ralph Campbell and Andrew W. Saul's very popular previous work, The Vitamin Cure for Children's Health Problems.
Basic Health Publications Hardwired for Fitness: The Evolutionary Way to Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Improve Body Composition - Naturally
It is estimated that at any given time almost half the adult population is dieting. Unfortunately, research shows that people who diet regularly are more likely to experience weight gain. Clearly, weight loss alone is not the key to long-lasting fitness. But neither is exercise. Most people who begin an exercise programme drop out after just a short time. Our ancestors were fit out of necessity; they didn't have to work at it. And that's why most diets and exercise programmes are not successful in the long term. We just aren't hardwired for rigid exercise routines and restrictive dieting. Fortunately, there is a simple way to achieve lasting overall fitness and, in HARDWIRED FOR FITNESS, John Ivy and Robert Portman explain that because the body is naturally inclined to be fit, there is no good reason for anyone to be overweight or out of shape. Everything a person needs for optimal fitness is stored within his or her DNA and all it takes is learning how to turn on the circuits. As readers will discover in HARDWIRED FOR FITNESS, the fitness circuitry in the human body is a remarkable, integrated piece of engineering. This circuitry worked incredibly well for our ancestors, and it can work for anyone who implements a few simple measures to reconnect the circuitry. When these circuits are functioning in harmony, they can activate the body's metabolic machinery far more effectively and safer than any commercial product. All it takes is a minimal lifestyle change to reprogramme these switches and reconnect the circuits to give anyone the level of fitness he or she has always wanted.
Basic Health Publications Younger Today: The Cell Solution to Youthful Aging and Improved Health
Dr. Vincent Giampapa, co-author of Younger Today, and his research team at Rutgers University nominated for a 2014 Nobel Prize in the area of Stem Cell Research. With this eye-opening book in hand, readers will learn to forget everything they think they know about aging and to stop blaming their genes for their health issues. There's no reason to live another day feeling tired and worn down. There's finally a natural way to recapture youth and YOUNGER TODAY provides the road map - no gadgets, gimmicks or unnatural solutions required. In YOUNGER TODAY, readers will discover the anti-aging secret that's been within our bodies all along: cellular health. When our body's cells are healthy, we're healthy and Dr. Vincent Giampapa and Carol Alt are here to show readers how to make it happen. With a medical doctor and supermodel as their guides, readers will tap into an all-natural, cell-boosting lifestyle that restores that youthful glow and minimises the signs of premature aging today. Filled with simple nutrition, exercise and meditation strategies that slow aging at its roots, YOUNGER TODAY is the ultimate resource for improved health at any age. Readers are urged to dive into YOUNGER TODAY to: · Learn what cell-healthy foods to eat and when to eat them · Discover the all-natural nutrients that can slow down aging · Discover an exercise routine that benefits the body in minutes · Learn why stress ages us and how to alleviate anxiety naturally · Look and feel younger now!
Basic Health Publications Raw Living: Detox Your Life and Eat the High Energy Way
With this new book of raw recipes from a leading advocate of the raw foods lifestyle, adopting a diet that truly nourishes the body and mind couldn't be easier. More than 150 outstanding recipes. An extensive introductory section covers all aspects of the raw lifestyle.
Basic Health Publications Busting Your Butt and Gutt: Minimizing Your Maximum Areas
Getting and staying in shape is neither quick nor easy. The secret to success is not about your daily calories or how often you're exercising. It's not about what gym you belong to, your age, your gender or how busy your day is. It's about a mind-set. It's about getting off your ass and feeling good about it. Marty Tuley shows everyone how to foster the habit of regular exercise. Everyone stores a large percentage of excess body weight on the stomach and hips. The Butt & Gut Programme focuses on those two areas, but it is an overall fitness regimen, not a "spot-reducing" programme. It's not magic, easy or quick. It's work, but only for 20 minutes, 6 days a week, for 120 days. It's an effective fitness programme that can fit into anyone's schedule. Marty lays out an exercise schedule built around squats for the butt, crunches and leg lifts for the gut, and running stairs for conditioning. It will improve your posture, coordination and balance, not to mention the effects on strength, power and conditioning. To keep it interesting, the book includes fifty different butt exercises and fifty different gut exercises. Marty also offers tips on how to adopt healthier eating habits. His "stair-step" approach to dieting makes it simple to incorporate better nutrition. The Butt & Gut Programme needs no weights, no dumbbells, no bench, no exercise balls, no bike and no treadmill. You can do the exercises anywhere - on the road, on vacation, in your office or in your bedroom. You need nothing for this programme but a pulse and an attitude, with Marty as your no-nonsense personal trainer.
Basic Health Publications Atomic Golf: The Alternative to Swing Gurus, Pie-in-the-Sky Theories, Perfect Greens, and Everything Else That's Failed
World-famous bodybuilder Steve Michalik - Mr. USA, Mr. America and M. Universe - and professional golf coach Michael Manavian team up and share their lifetime of knowledge and skill in this powerful new book, ATOMIC GOLF. Their numerous accomplishments and extensive experience led them to develop the concept for the Atomic Gold - a system that joins Michalik's undeniably effective methods of mind-body training with Manavian's unique techniques for creating the perfect golf swing. Be forewarned, this dynamic duo's approach destroys many PGA-perpetuated myths about the way golf is played and won! Michalik and Manavian firmly believe that a clear mind, a fit body and correct technique are equally important to success. The Atomic Gold System trains you to attain all three. Its method compresses the time, energy and training that it would normally take you to improve your game and propels you years' ahead without the detours or dead ends found with traditional instruction. You will be a better, more powerful golfer in a shorter period of time. This comprehensive guide to the psychological, physical, and technical aspects of learning to play golf to your full potential is clearly laid out with a section on each.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Energy-Boosting Supplements
Anyone who feels more tired than they should and winds up feeling fuzzy headed from eating so-called energy foods, will likely benefit from the several supplements that boost energy levels, which are discussed in this User's Guide. Coenzyme Q10, alpha-lipoic acid, and carnitine are vitamin-like nutrients, not stimulants. They work by helping the body burn the foods consumed for sustained energy. This User's Guide also offers eating tips to help readers maintain high energy levels and to avoid feeling tired after meals.
Basic Health Publications Sports Supplement Buyers Guide: Complete Nutrition for Your Active Lifestyle
Readers who are professional athletes, weight lifters, sports enthusiasts or people who are just beginning to work out, have all probably thought about using supplements to enhance training and prevent injuries. But one look at the supplement section at the health food store or at the gym may have caused second thoughts. There are so many sports supplements available today: protein powders, amino acids for muscle building, fat-burner nutrients and so on. You may have wondered do I really need to take supplements? Which ones should I take? And how do I know the good ones from the not-so-good ones? This book will help sort through the array of sports supplements and come up with a supplement regime to fit one's specific needs and goals. For the active person it is vital to maintain good nutrient intake to avoid basic nutritional deficiencies to help prevent injuries to promote the health of specific body systems and for training goals such as building muscle mass or burning fat. The SPORTS SUPPLEMENT BUYER'S GUIDE provides a unique integrated approach to supplementation for athletes. The book: · Stresses the importance of eating a healthy diet of whole foods · Outlines the essential nutrients for building a strong body · Details the supplements required for specific fitness goals: fat loss muscle building increased endurance and hormone control · Gives advice on selecting buying and taking supplements in order to reap the most benefits. · Provides supplement programs tailored to specific sports.
Basic Health Publications Bodywork: What Type of Massage to Get and How to Make the Most of it Revised and Updated Edition
This is the essential guide answering all of the key questions about every different kind of major bodywork therapy, including Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy and more.
Basic Health Publications The Organic Food Handbook: A Consumers Guide to Buying and Eating Organic Food
The Organic Food Handbook examines an important trend and provides a concise, easy-to-follow guide to eating and buying organic food. It clearly explains what organic food is and how it is produced, and where to buy it at the most economical prices. The book, also, covers: how conventional food poses threats to our health and environment; why organic is a healthier, safer choice for us all; how organic certification ensure that organic food is produced to the highest standards; and, how the high costs of conventional foods are hidden in the subsidies we support. As this book shows, organic food clearly benefits our personal health as well as the environment. Eating organic contributes to a more sustainable world and a healthier future.
Basic Health Publications Get off Your Ass: The Definitve Guide to Losing Weight Eating Healthy and Living Longer... for Real People
In a completely revised and updated edition of his best-selling book, Marty Tuley presents a direct, unique, lifestyle-changing programme for weight-loss success for the average person, whom he knows doesn't have a lot of time or energy to waste. The Get Off Your Ass! (GOYA) programme is comprised of three core parts, or 'laps': Education, Exercise, and Nutrition.
Basic Health Publications Healthwise: Personal Medical Record & Diseae Prevention Guide
This book is designed to help readers and their families stay healthy from the moment of birth. It makes it easy to keep track of personal and family medical histories, and includes immunisation charts, recommended schedules for health screenings and checkups, and comprehensive information on nutrients. There is a section for recording visits to doctors, dentists, ophthalmologists, and other healthcare professionals.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Garlic
Covering a wide range of popular alternative medicine and health issues, User's Guides are written by leading experts and science writers and are designed to answer the consumer's basic questions about disease, conventional and alternative therapies, and individual dietary supplements.
Basic Health Publications What'S with Fiber: Enjoy Better Health with a High-Fiber Plant-Based Diet
According to the authors, fibre is not the simple roughage it was once thought to be and it does not come alone. Found in plant foods, fibre is a complex substance and in whole foods it is always accompanied by a number of nutrients, from antioxidants, essential oils, minerals, and proteins, to vitamins and beyond. This book spells out exactly why good health depends on fibre's presence in everyone's diet.
Basic Health Publications User'S Guide to Weight-Loss Supplements
Overweight and obesity have now reached epidemic proportions. However, this guide will teach you how to sort through all the fads and supplements and successfully lose weight. Dr. Dallas Clouatre cuts through the conflicting and confusing information about weight-loss diets and supplements, providing clear advice about what works - the foods and supplements for losing weight and keeping it off.
Basic Health Publications Golden Rule for Vibrant Health in Body Mind , and Spirit
Sickness makes people turn inward and become more self-oriented, and chronic debilitating illness robs them of their ability to enjoy life to its fullest. This expansive book of commonsense rules for a healthy life offers practical information and tools for health-conscious people who are not in optimal health but wish to be.