Search results for ""Author Zoë Clarke""
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Summer Coat, Winter Coat - Green: Galaxy
Just like us, animals change their coats when the seasons change. Some animals grow thicker fur coats in winter and shed them in spring. Others completely change the colour of their coats in the winter to blend in with their surroundings. Read about these facts and more in this fascinating information book. Summer Coat, Winter Coat is part of the Galaxy range of books from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy provides captivating fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. The rich collection of highly decodable books immerses children in a range of cross-curricular topics and genres. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet Rocket Phonics First Steps Hot Frogs Lilac Plus
Oxford University Press Essential Letters and Sounds Essential Phonic Readers Oxford Reading Level 5 The Beasts Have a Feast
Engaging fiction and non-fiction fully aligned to each week of Essential Letters and Sounds, allowing children to consolidate their phonic knowledge through reading in context. These fully decodable readers are 100% matched to the phonic progression of Essential Letters and Sounds. Essential Letters and Sounds is a systematic synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department for Education. These readers complement your existing decodable readers from Oxford University Press and can be used alongside them to support the teaching of Essential Letters and Sounds. The Beasts Have a Feast allows children to apply their phonics learning from Year 1, Autumn 2, Week 1 of Essential Letters and Sounds.
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - In the Park - Pink A: Galaxy
There are lots of things to do in the park: running, jumping, hopping and cycling! What activities will you do in the park? In the Park is part of the Galaxy range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy offers a rich collection of highly decodable fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. Children will broaden their knowledge and widen vocabulary through a diverse range of books which are ideal for cross-curricular reading. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet Rocket Phonics First Steps Bug Hug Lilac Plus
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Night Sky Spy - Gold: Galaxy
Galaxy reading books are a wonderful collection of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and plays to capture the interest of every child, helping to develop a life-long love of reading. Stars, planets, galaxies, comets and meteors ... It’s time to be a night sky spy and find out more about the amazing things we can discover out in space!Reading age: 6-7 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet Rocket Phonics First Steps Bugs and Slugs Lilac Plus
Scholastic The Carved Rock Garden Set 07
This title is part of a series that includes phonically decodablediverse and inclusive stories and topics, accompanied by age appropriatecontemporary photographs and humorous illustrations thatwill engage and inspire striving readers.
Scholastic The Big Pit Set 03
This title is part of a series that includes phonically decodablediverse and inclusive stories and topics, accompanied by age appropriatecontemporary photographs and humorous illustrations thatwill engage and inspire striving readers.
Oxford University Press Essential Letters and Sounds Essential Phonic Readers Oxford Reading Level 7 Beachcombers
Engaging fiction and non-fiction fully aligned to each week of Essential Letters and Sounds, allowing children to consolidate their phonic knowledge through reading in context. These fully decodable readers are 100% matched to the phonic progression of Essential Letters and Sounds. Essential Letters and Sounds is a systematic synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department for Education. These readers complement your existing decodable readers from Oxford University Press and can be used alongside them to support the teaching of Essential Letters and Sounds. Beachcombers allows children to apply their phonics learning from Year 1, Summer 2, Week 4 of Essential Letters and Sounds.
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet Rocket Phonics First Steps Help Lilac Plus
Scholastic Ice Rescue Set 11
Oxford University Press Essential Letters and Sounds Essential Phonic Readers Oxford Reading Level 7 My City
Engaging fiction and non-fiction fully aligned to each week of Essential Letters and Sounds, allowing children to consolidate their phonic knowledge through reading in context. These fully decodable readers are 100% matched to the phonic progression of Essential Letters and Sounds. Essential Letters and Sounds is a systematic synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department for Education. These readers complement your existing decodable readers from Oxford University Press and can be used alongside them to support the teaching of Essential Letters and Sounds. My City allows children to apply their phonics learning from Year 1, Summer 2, Week 6 of Essential Letters and Sounds.
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Bright Sun and Silver River - Yellow Plus: Rocket Phonics
Bright Sun and Silver River live together on the land and fill a pond with all kinds of beautiful fish. But one day, Bright Sun's coat of hot summer sunlight gets too wet and she has to fly high into the sky! Bright Sun and Silver River is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - My Arctic Blog - Gold: Galaxy
In this information text, children chase icebergs with an intrepid explorer and blogger. Travelling from the Arctic Circle to Newfoundland, there's lots of wildlife to see along the way including walruses, polar bears and whales! My Arctic Blog is part of the Galaxy range of books from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy provides captivating fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. The rich collection of highly decodable books immerses children in a range of cross-curricular topics and genres. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 6-7 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Richard and the Lions - Orange: Galaxy
In this information book children learn how young Masaai boy, Richard Turere, solved a huge problem for his people when he came up with an invention to prevent lions attacking cattle. Richard and the Lions is part of the Galaxy range of books from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy provides captivating fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. The rich collection of highly decodable books immerses children in a range of cross-curricular topics and genres. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Play Outside - Blue: Galaxy
What activities can we play outside? This book provides plenty of fun ideas for interesting things children can do and games they can play outside with simple items they find around them. Play Outside is part of the Galaxy range of books from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy provides captivating fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. The rich collection of highly decodable books immerses children in a range of cross-curricular topics and genres.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Picnic on Windmill Rock - Red A: Rocket Phonics
Jack, Will and Dad have a fantastic day out by the sea at Windmill Rock. Join them as they fish for crabs, skim stones, run on the sandbanks and have a delicious picnic on the rock. Picnic on Windmill Rock is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Hodder Education Reading Planet: Rocket Phonics – Target Practice – Bird Boy – Green
One day, after a storm, Arlo rescues a tiny bird that looks like a hairy green sprout. At first, Arlo finds the bird a bit greedy and annoying. But when it recovers and flies back into the wild, he starts to miss the quirky creature! (Letter-sounds featured: long /oo/ ew /y+oo/ ew /ur/ ir er /ou/ ou /oi/ oy).Bird Boy is part of the Rocket Phonics teaching and learning programme from Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics ensures that every child achieves phonics success. This fully-decodable Target Practice reading book provides focused practice of a small group of letter-sounds. The book also includes useful notes and activities to support reading in school and at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding.Reading age: 5-6.
HarperCollins Publishers Hum Hum: Level 5 (Collins Big Cat Arabic Reading Programme)
Collins Arabic Big Cat is a guided reading series for ages 3 to 11. The series is structured with reference to the learning progression of Arabic at nursery and primary schools researched especially for Collins. This carefully graded approach allows children to build up their reading knowledge of Arabic step by step. Level 5 books are for children who are ready to read stories with more challenging word patterns or non-verbal sentences with 2 or 3 words, and with total support through illustrations and extensive use of repetition. Double spacing is used between words to ensure children see where each new word in a sentence begins and ends to ensure the focus remains on reading core words. One snail, two beetles, three worms, four spiders and five flies – the frog eats them all, with hilarious consequences. But who will be next on the menu? This humorous story is brilliantly illustrated by Sandra Aguilar. A story map on pages 14–15 allows children to recap the story and discuss each stage.
HarperCollins Publishers The Modern Pentathlon: Band 04 Blue/Band 16 Sapphire (Collins Big Cat Progress)
At the 2012 Olympics, the modern pentathlon will be 100 years old. This photographic non-fiction report shows the events that are included in the pentathlon and the extraordinary skills needed to compete in this challenging event. Collins Big Cat Progress builds confidence, helping struggling pupils not only to read, but to love reading Dual-banded books provide age-appropriate interest level material matched with a lower reading ability level Every book is levelled by reading expert Cliff Moon to ensure precise, systematic, measurable progression to help close the ability gap The books use a range of reading strategies: phonic, graphic, syntactic and contextual to build confident, accurate, fluent readers Designed to build speaking and listening skills, as well as reading skills, the books are highly visual and include incredible illustrations and photographs Every book has a Key Stage 2 look-and-feel to engage older pupils and avoid stigmatisation Topics are relevant for children in years 3-6 and connected to the curriculum and framework objectives for these years to support inclusion Progress titles contain a Reader Response page to encourage the pupil to respond to and recall what they have read. This offers an ideal opportunity to check comprehension Ideas for Reading, written by primary literacy expert Gill Howell are included in the back of every book to help you support the reading needs of each child This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - The Stone Troll - Blue: Rocket Phonics
Anna likes to read her book while her goats graze on the hillside, but one day she notices that goats keep disappearing! She follows their tracks and finds them up the top of a steep hill – where they have been taken by a troll. Can Anna save the goats before the troll eats them for dinner? The Stone Troll is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Rocket Night! - Red B: Galaxy
Ravi does not like loud noises but he really wants to watch the fireworks. When he sees some road workers from his bedroom window he has an idea. Will Ravi go to Rocket Night after all? Rocket Night! is part of the Galaxy range of books from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy provides captivating fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. The rich collection of highly decodable books immerses children in a range of cross-curricular topics and genres. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Lots to Spot - Red A: Rocket Phonics
A boy and a girl have fun looking at the clouds in the sky and watching as they change shape into lots of amazing things. In their imaginations they see lots of different animals and a rocket that transports them all into space! Lots to Spot is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Miss Red - Pink B: Rocket Phonics
Miss Red goes to visit her grandma in the forest and brings lots of treats to share. But when she arrives, Grandma is lying in bed and not feeling well ... Or is it really Gran? Find out what happens next in this amusing retelling of the Red Riding Hood story.Miss Red is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - No Gas! - Pink A: Rocket Phonics
What happens when there is no gas at home? There is no heating, no-one can cook and there is no hot water to wash with. Who can fix this problem? The gas man, of course! No Gas! is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Oxford University Press Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Phonic Readers: Oxford Reading Level 3: Is It A Garden?
Engaging fiction and non-fiction fully aligned to each week of Essential Letters and Sounds, allowing children to consolidate their phonic knowledge through reading in context. These fully decodable readers are 100% matched to the phonic progression of Essential Letters and Sounds. Essential Letters and Sounds is a systematic synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department for Education. These readers complement your existing decodable readers from Oxford University Press and can be used alongside them to support the teaching of Essential Letters and Sounds. Is It A Garden? allows children to apply their phonics learning from Reception, Spring 2, Week 6 of Essential Letters and Sounds.
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - The Parrot Tree - Red C: Rocket Phonics
A bright pink parrot gets lost in the wood, looking for a place to sleep. When the rooks won't let him sleep in the best tree, the parrot must find a different tree to rest in. The Parrot Tree is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Big Red Ed - Pink B: Rocket Phonics
When seagulls rip the top of Big Red Ed’s map he chases after them. He huffs and puffs his way through the muck and up the hill. Will he still be able to find the cod bun hut? Big Red Ed is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - The Big Top - Pink A: Galaxy
Roll up! Roll up! It's the Big Top! In this information book children can explore different circus acts, including a strongman, trapeze artists and clowns. The Big Top is part of the Galaxy range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy offers a rich collection of highly decodable fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. Children will broaden their knowledge and widen vocabulary through a diverse range of books which are ideal for cross-curricular reading. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - The Mat - Pink A: Rocket Phonics
There is trouble down on the farm! The two farm dogs - Sam and Tim - both want to sit on the mat. Tim pulls the mat away from Sam. Then Sam rolls Tim up in it! Will they be able to sort out their differences and share the mat? The Map is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Not the Cat! - Pink A: Rocket Phonics
The garden is in a total mess and there is rubbish everywhere! The family work together to put it all into bags to take to the tip, and even the youngest member of the family is helping out ... But does he realise that the cat and dog (however annoying they are being!) are not intended for the tip?! Not the Cat! is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Bear on a Bike - Pink B: Galaxy
Bear packs a net, a step and a long stick on his bike and rides off into the forest. Is that a bees' nest he has seen? Could he be after a taste of the bees' honey? Be careful, Bear! Bear on a Bike is part of the Galaxy range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy offers a rich collection of highly decodable fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. Children will broaden their knowledge and widen vocabulary through a diverse range of books which are ideal for cross-curricular reading. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Ben's Den - Pink B: Galaxy
Ben uses lots of creativity and imagination to build a wonderful den in his home. He is very pleased with it when it is finished ... But what's missing? Yes, of course - some friends to play with in the den! Ben's Den is part of the Galaxy range of books from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy provides captivating fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. The rich collection of highly decodable books immerses children in a range of cross-curricular topics and genres. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Monster Max - Pink A: Galaxy
Big Max the monster has been let loose in the kitchen to bake a cake - what a mess he is making! But will his cake taste yummy in the end, or will it all end in disaster? Monster Max is part of the Galaxy range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy offers a rich collection of highly decodable fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. Children will broaden their knowledge and widen vocabulary through a diverse range of books which are ideal for cross-curricular reading. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - I Can See a Bat - Pink A: Galaxy
Bella is ready for a good night's sleep, but every time she tries to close her eyes, she sees a scary creature in her bedroom! Are these creatures real or are they all in her imagination? I can See a Bat is part of the Galaxy range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy offers a rich collection of highly decodable fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. Children will broaden their knowledge and widen vocabulary through a diverse range of books which are ideal for cross-curricular reading. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Hodder Education Reading Planet: Rocket Phonics – Target Practice - Soap in the Moat - Red B
Yuck! There is a bad smell in the palace. The dogs and the socks are so stinky! The taps in the bathtub and the sink are stuck. Will washing the pups and socks in the moat do the trick? (Letter-sounds featured: ai ee igh oa) Soap in the Moat is part of the Rocket Phonics systematic synthetic phonics programme from Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics ensures that every child achieves phonics success. This fully-decodable Target Practice reading book provides focused practice of a small group of letter-sounds. The book also includes useful notes and activities to support reading in school and at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding.Reading age: 4-5
Hodder Education Reading Planet: Rocket Phonics – Target Practice – The Dance Palace – Orange
Can Gemma bring the old Dance Palace back to life? You (and all of Gemma's friends from her dance class) are invited to find out! (Letter-sounds featured: /s/ c(e) c(i) c(y) se ce /j/ g(e) g(i) g(y) /e/ ea)The Dance Palace is part of the Rocket Phonics teaching and learning programme from Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics ensures that every child achieves phonics success. This fully-decodable Target Practice reading book provides focused practice of a small group of letter-sounds. The book also includes useful notes and activities to support reading in school and at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6.
Hodder Education Reading Planet: Rocket Phonics – Target Practice – Smart Shark – Yellow
Mark and Morgan love playing the Smart Shark game on their tablets. One day they bump into each other in the park. How many Smart Sharks can Morgan and Mark collect together? (Letter-sounds featured: ar or ur /ou/ ow) Smart Shark is part of the Rocket Phonics teaching and learning programme from Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics ensures that every child achieves phonics success. This fully-decodable Target Practice reading book provides focused practice of a small group of letter-sounds. The book also includes useful notes and activities to support reading in school and at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5.
Oxford University Press Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Phonic Readers: Oxford Reading Level 3: The Fun Run
Engaging fiction and non-fiction fully aligned to each week of Essential Letters and Sounds, allowing children to consolidate their phonic knowledge through reading in context. These fully decodable readers are 100% matched to the phonic progression of Essential Letters and Sounds. Essential Letters and Sounds is a systematic synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department for Education. These readers complement your existing decodable readers from Oxford University Press and can be used alongside them to support the teaching of Essential Letters and Sounds. The Fun Run allows children to apply their phonics learning from Reception, Autumn 2, Week 6 of Essential Letters and Sounds.
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Dot to Dot Dog - Pink B: Galaxy
Bess hasn't got a pet dog but she would love to have one. She does however have a dot-to-dot pad. Discover what happens when Bess completes a dog in the pad! Dot to Dot Dog is part of the Galaxy range of books from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy provides captivating fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. The rich collection of highly decodable books immerses children in a range of cross-curricular topics and genres. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding.Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Max in Goal - Red B: Rocket Phonics
The children can’t play a football match with only three players. Max the dog takes the team up to six but some of the children aren’t sure about his football abilities – until they see him in action!Max in Goal is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Cat Kit - Pink A: Rocket Phonics
Find out how to make a felt cat by sewing and sticking, in this step-by-step guide. Can you make a cat from a kit?Cat Kit is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Rising Stars UK Ltd Reading Planet - Nits! - Pink B: Galaxy
Poor Nick has nits. His sister, Nell, does not and she teases him as he has his hair sprayed, washed and combed. But will Nick have the last laugh? Nits! is part of the Galaxy range of books from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Galaxy provides captivating fiction and non-fiction for Pink A to White band. The rich collection of highly decodable books immerses children in a range of cross-curricular topics and genres.Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Hodder Education Reading Planet - Thunderbolt and Lightning - Yellow Plus: Rocket Phonics
Oak class are dressing up. Who will Max and Cass be? Thunderbolt andLightning is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 5-6 years
Hodder Education Reading Planet - The Cactus Man - Pink C: Rocket Phonics
Can the cactus man help? The Cactus Man is part of the Rocket Phonics range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics builds a firm foundation in word reading through fresh and fully decodable phonics books for Pink A to Orange band. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and activities to support reading at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding. Reading age: 4-5 years
Hodder Education Reading Planet: Rocket Phonics – Target Practice – Wanda Sky, Space Spy – Orange
Wanda Sky lives on Space Station 4 and is in charge of constellations. When some of the stars go missing in her favourite constellation, will she be able to use her spy skills and solve the mystery? Find out in this exciting comic-strip story! (Letter-sounds featured: /o/ (w)a /sh/ ssi ci ti) Wanda Sky, Space Spy is part of the Rocket Phonics teaching and learning programme from Reading Planet. Rocket Phonics ensures that every child achieves phonics success. This fully-decodable Target Practice reading book provides focused practice of a small group of letter-sounds. The book also includes useful notes and activities to support reading in school and at home as well as comprehension questions to check understanding.Reading age: 5-6.
Oxford University Press Essential Letters and Sounds: Essential Phonic Readers: Oxford Reading Level 3: The Saturn Rocket
Engaging fiction and non-fiction fully aligned to each week of Essential Letters and Sounds, allowing children to consolidate their phonic knowledge through reading in context. These fully decodable readers are 100% matched to the phonic progression of Essential Letters and Sounds. Essential Letters and Sounds is a systematic synthetic phonics programme validated by the Department for Education. These readers complement your existing decodable readers from Oxford University Press and can be used alongside them to support the teaching of Essential Letters and Sounds. The Saturn Rocket allows children to apply their phonics learning from Reception, Spring 2, Week 3 of Essential Letters and Sounds.