Search results for ""Author Wolfgang Fleischer""
Motorbuch Verlag Feldwagen in Uniform
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Motorized Artillery and Panzer Artillery in World War II
With over 260 images, this new volume is a concise, illustrated history of Germany's World War II artillery, its units and operations. Photos include both the towed and self-propelled weapon types. Also included are detailed unit organizational charts and line schematics of artillery rounds.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Anti-Tank (Panzerjäger) Troops in World War II
With over 260 images, this new volume is a concise, illustrated history of Germany's World War II anti-tank weapons, units and operations. Photos include both the towed and self-propelled weapon types. Also included are detailed unit organizational charts and line schematics of anti-tank rounds.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The German Sturmgeschütze in World War II
This book is a detailed look at the World War II German assault gun in all its variants. Everything from design and construction, to ammunition, tactics, and operations on all war fronts is presented. War era photos show up-close details, as well as combat use throughout World War II.
Pen & Sword Books German Artillery 19141918 Fact File
Motorbuch Verlag Militärtechnik des Ersten Weltkriegs
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The German Army Medical Corps in World War II
This is the only book in English to present a detailed look at the German medical corps in World War II. Among the topics covered are training, structure of the corps, equipment, transport, medical care in a variety of combat zones, and a selection of personal memoirs from veterans.
Greenhill Books T-34: An Illustrated History of Stalin's Greatest Tank
The T-34 was one of the most remarkable tanks of the Second World War. Although the Red Army suffered continual heavy tank losses, the rugged and reliable T-34 was an immense success story and was ultimately instrumental in turning the tide of the war. This photographic history follows the story of this exceptional armoured vehicle from its disastrous first action during Operation Barbarossa to its miraculous defence of Moscow, its envelopment of the Axis forces at Stalingrad and victory at Kursk, and finally, the advance to the gates of Warsaw then on to Berlin. Packed with a wealth of images, including rare archive photographs and photographs of surviving examples, this is an extraordinary record of both the tank and its personnel. The accompanying text features an in-depth technical evaluation outlining the differences in the myriad of models, including detailed plans of each type, alongside a gripping breakdown of the tank's entire operational history.
Motorbuch Verlag Panzerkampfwagen Technik Tanks und Taktik im Ersten Weltkrieg
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Russian Tanks and Armored Vehicles 1917-1945: An Illustrated Reference
This book describes in excellent detail and striking photos, many unpublished, the development and amassing of Russia’s armored vehicles from World War I through World War II. Included in this text are those models that did not make it to production, and also the history behind Russia’s tank development, including the numerous foreign models that it based its designs on. This book is a superb reference for historians and modellers.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Heavy 24 cm Cannon: Development and Operations 1916-1945
Provides a detailed account of the use and the design of the German heavy 24 cm cannon.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Wehrmacht Weapons Testing Ground at Kummersdorf
The name Kummersdorf is inextricably linked with a wide variety of German weapons, vehicles and equipment. Kummersdorf was involved in every stage of military technical development: research, development, testing and the mass employment of military technology.
Helios Verlagsges. Militrarchologie des Zweiten Weltkrieges Basiswissen und Episoden militrhistorischer Feldforschung
Schiffer Publishing Ltd An Illustrated Guide to German Panzers 1935-1945
This concise history of Germany's panzers and panzerkorps features a generous selection of period photos showing the variety of German tank types used during World War II - from Panzer 1 to Maus. Included is analysis of the technical and operational use of German armor on a variety of war fronts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Military Vehicles of the Reichswehr
The military vehicles, trailers, and towed equipment as used by the German military in the 1920s and early 1930s.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Tiger I in Combat
An all new collection of photos of the famous German Tiger I shown on a variety of fronts.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Captured Weapons and Equipment of the German Wehrmacht 1938-1945
Covers the variety of captured weapons and equipment used by the Wehrmacht.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German Trench Mortars & Infantry Mortars 1914-1945
Shown are the various caliber mortars used by the German infantry during World Wars I & II.
Peter Lang AG Kleine Enzyklopaedie - Deutsche Sprache
De Gruyter Wortbildung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache
In einer grundlegenden Überarbeitung der 3. Auflage von 2007 bietet das Werk unter Einbeziehung der neuesten Forschungsliteratur eine aktualisierte Gesamtdarstellung der Wortbildung der deutschen Sprache des 20. und des beginnenden 21. Jahrhunderts. Herausgearbeitet werden die Grundzüge der Wortbildung des Substantivs, Adjektivs, Verbs und Adverbs, wobei sowohl die strukturell-morphologischen als auch die semantischen Parameter der Bildungsmodelle in analytischer und synthetischer Sicht behandelt werden. Im Vordergrund steht das Prinzip synchroner Beschreibung, ggf. ergänzt um sprachhistorische Erklärungen. Neu aufgenommen wurden Kapitel zur Stellung der Wortbildung in der Grammatik sowie zum Verhältnis zwischen Wortbildung und Lexikon. Einige Grundfragen wurden neu entschieden, z. B. die Gliederung der Wortbildungsarten, der wortbildungsmorphologische Status der Verbzusätze und die Gruppierung wortbildungsmorphologischer Paradigmen. Morphosyntaktische Bezüge der Wortbildungsmodelle bekommen ein stärkeres Gewicht. Erweitert wurden das Textkapitel sowie die Darstellung der Fremdwort- und der Kurzwortbildung. Zeitgemäße Beispiele aus journalistischen und belletristischen Quellen sowie aus elektronisch verfügbaren Korpora wurden ergänzt. Ein Sach- und ein Formenregister, beide verbessert, erleichtern die Orientierung im Text.