Search results for ""Author William King""
Black Library Warhammer Die ChaosWüste
Random House USA Inc Illidan: World of Warcraft: A Novel
The Lilliput Press Ltd A Lost Tribe
A Lost Tribe is a novel that charts the role of the priest in Ireland, from his exalted position to one of an endangered species. The seminarians at St Paul’s are granted permission to watch the opening of Vatican II, transfixed by the procession of bishops ‘vested in flowing robes’. Seduced by the power emanating from Rome and inspired by the vision of the Vatican Council, these young men sacrifice their instincts to a life in the priesthood. The dream collapses when the Irish Church becomes unwilling to evolve with a rapidly mutating world and unable to wield the power it once had. Unable to cope with the pressures of ministry and no longer fulfilled by their call, many abandon their vocation to seek a new life. Mac, a spirited young student, is disillusioned with the inadequacy of his seminary training and is expelled for a tryst, while timid fellow priests share remedies for the collective loneliness of their vocation. King’s daring novel offers an insight into the conflicted life of the priest struggling with the demands of a self-selected lifestyle and the isolation of clerical celibacy. A Lost Tribe is a poignant study of an altered society.
Titan Books Ltd World of Warcraft: Illidan
YOU ARE NOT PREPARED Illidan Stormrage: one of the most powerful beings ever to walk the lands of Azeroth, but also the least understood...Long ago, the night elf sorcerer Illidan infiltrated the demonic Burning Legion to ward off its invasion of Azeroth. Instead of hailing him as a hero, his own kind branded him the Betrayer. For ten thousand years, he languished in prison-vilified, isolated, but never forgetting his purpose. Now the Legion has returned, and there is only one champion who can truly stand against it. Released from his bonds, Illidan prepares for the final confrontation in the alien realm of Outland, gathering an army of grotesque fel orcs, serpentine naga, cunning blood elves, and twisted demon hunters to his side. Yet as before, he is assailed by those who see his schemes as a cynical quest for power, including the night elf Maiev Shadowsong, his former jailor. Warden Shadowsong and her Watchers have pursued the Betrayer to Outland to exact retribution for his crimes, and she will not rest until Illidan is in her custody ...or in his grave.
Ediciones Minotauro Las aventuras de Gotrek y Flix Primer mnibus Matatrolls Mataskavens Matademonios
El destino de Félix Jaeger cambia el día en que Gotrek Gurnisson le salva la vida. Animado por un exceso de vino para celebrar la hazaña, Félix jura que inmortalizará por escrito la gloriosa muerte en combate del enano Gotrek. Algo que paradójicamente no va a ser tan fácil, porque Gotrek es un Matador que ha dado su palabra de combatir contra los monstruos más peligrosos del Viejo Mundo, en un intento de lavar una deshonra que guarda en secreto. Lo único que Gotrek tiene que hacer es morir de forma heroica? y Félix tiene que permanecer vivo para contarlo.
The Lilliput Press Ltd The Strangled Impulse
The Strangled Impulse follows a young curate uprooted from a comfortable parish to serve the pastoral needs of working-class North Dublin. Set against the backdrop of the Church's dwindling influence in 1970s Ireland and an increased scrutiny of priests' personal lives, this is the story of Father O'Neill's battles between the demands of his vocation and his own desires. His loneliness leads him to an attractive yet wounded woman, and together they find a solace they once thought impossible. As O'Neill struggles with the promises he made on ordination day, their newfound intimacy threatens to destro them both.William King's daring first novel offers an insight into the conflicted, political, brotherly world of the priesthood. Re-issued for the first time since its publication in 1997, it is augmented with an afterword by the author reflecting on his work.
Ediciones Minotauro Las aventuras de Gotrek y Flix Segundo mnibus Matadragones Matabestias Matavampiros
El destino de Felix Jaeger cambia el dia en que Gotrek Gurnisson le salva la vida. Felix jura que inmortalizara por escrito la gloriosa muerte en combate del enano Gotrek. Algo que paradojicamente no va a ser tan facil, porque Gotrek es un Matador que ha dado su palabra de combatir contra los monstruos mas peligrosos del Viejo Mundo. Lo unico que Gotrek tiene que hacer es morir de forma heroica... y Felix permanecer vivo para contarlo.
The Lilliput Press Ltd Leaving Ardglass
In 1961, MJ Galvin, an Irish building contractor in London, brings over his kid brother, Tom, to join the family business. Educated, sensitive and naive, and destined for the seminary, Tom witnesses a killing, learns about dead men and the start in Camden Town, experiences drunken brawls and the excitement of dancehall nights in the Galtymore. He faces a decision that will shape his future: will he join his successful brother and make a fortune, or follow an inner voice towards the priesthood? The inner voice prevails, Tom enrolls as a seminarian, goes to Rome, becomes a monsignor and is tipped for a bishopric, only to renounce power and prestige, and be relegated to a quiet country parish disillusioned by the betrayal of principles within his Church as a new century dawns. This powerful family saga evokes the tensions and transformations within a new Ireland as traditional values give way to consumerism and one man’s odyssey becomes everyman’s.