Search results for ""Author William Faulkner""
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Knights Gambit
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El ruido y la furia / The Sound and the Fury
Absaln Absaln
William Faulkner, galardonado con el premio Nobel de Literatura de 1949, es uno de los escritores más aclamados e influyentes de la literatura norteamericana del siglo pasado. Su obra transita los caminos más complejos con maestría técnica y un avasallador talento narrativo, capaz de generar un universo en torno al pequeño y apócrifo condado de Yoknapatawpha, trasunto de su Mississippi natal, a través de la combinación de un profundo desarrollo de los personajes y de un innovador repertorio de recursos expresivos que alcanza su cima en " Absalón, Absalón! "Hoy nadie pone en duda que " Absalón, Absalón! " es una obra maestra y una novela clave en la literatura universal. Un texto ambiguo en que el lector, siguiendo las voces de distintos personajes, se adentra en el difuso tiempo del recuerdo, y cuyo relato entretejido sirve para exponer la esquiva y elusiva naturaleza de la verdad, siempre a la sombra de una esclavitud a la que el mismo Faulkner se refirió como la " maldición " del
Ediciones Ctedra El ruido y la furia
Random House USA Inc Mosquitoes
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Licht im August
Random House USA Inc Collected Stories of William Faulkner
Dover Publications Inc. Soldiers' Pay
Vintage Publishing Requiem for a Nun
'The past is never dead. It's not even past.'Nancy, a black nursemaid, is about to be hanged for killing her mistress's baby. The mother, Temple Drake, knows the reason why. The night before the execution, a lawyer pleads with Temple to intercede, but will the past allow for justice or absolution in the present? Switching between narrative prose and play script, this is Faulkner's haunting sequel to his earlier bestseller, Sanctuary.
Vintage Publishing Collected Stories
This is a collection of the very best of William Faulkner’s short stories. Included are classics of short-form fiction such as ‘A Bear Hunt’, ‘A Rose for Emily’, ‘Two Soldiers’ and ‘The Brooch’. Faulkner’s ability to compress his epic vision into narratives of such grace and tragic intensity defines him as one of the finest and most original writers America has ever produced.
Vintage Publishing Sanctuary
Spolit, feckless Temple Drake, the daughter of a judge, runs away from school with an unsuitable man. Abandoned by him with a gang of moonshiners, Temple falls into the clutches of the psychotic Popeye, one of the most grotesque characters of Faulkner's imagination. A compelling, shocking tale of perverted justice in the Deep South, Sanctuary is also a moving plea for courage in the darkest of circumstances.
Capitán Swing Libros S.L. Ensayos y discursos
Random House USA Inc The Reivers
Random House USA Inc The Wild Palms
Random House USA Inc The Unvanquished
Random House USA Inc Light in August
Vintage Publishing Light in August
VINTAGE CLASSICS' AMERICAN GOTHIC SERIESSpine-tingling, mind-altering and deliciously atmospheric, journey into the dark side of America with nine of its most uncanny classics.A landmark in American fiction, Light in August explores Faulkner's central theme: the nature of evil. Joe Christmas - a man doomed, deracinated and alone - wanders the Deep South in search of an identity, and a place in society. After killing his perverted God-fearing lover, it becomes inevitable that he is pursued by a lynch-hungry mob. Yet after the sacrifice, there is new life, a determined ray of light in Faulkner's complex and tragic world.
Nórdica Libros Miss Zilphia Gant
Miss Zilphia Gant, escrita probablemente en 1929 y publicada en 1932 por el Book Club of Texas, pertenece a la primera época literaria de Faulkner, en la que escribía bajo la influencia formal de Joyce y Anderson. Además de ser un relato excepcional, es especialmente interesante por ser el embrión del estilo narrativo de sus obras más importantes.A lo largo de las páginas de este breve texto recorreremos las vidas enteras de Zilphia Gant y de su madre, dos personajes típicamente faulknerianos que reflejan el carácter sureño, mezcla de represión y de inflexible dignidad.El relato comienza con el abandono de la familia por parte del padre, hecho que obsesionará a la madre e influirá sin remedio en la vida de Zilphia, que verá cómo la historia se repite... en la eterna cadencia de la vida en el Sur.
Ediciones Ctedra Desciende Moises Go Down Moses Letras Universales
Alianza Editorial Absalón Absalón
A la vez fuente de inspiración literaria y materia de reflexión ética e histórica, el Sur de los EE UU transmite su abigarramiento y complejidad a la gran saga que constituye la obra de William Faulkner (1897-1962), en la que el condado de Yoknapatawpha (mítica transposición de la región norteña del estado de Mississippi) constituye, más que el escenario de la fabulación, su propio objeto. En ?Absalón, Absalón!? (1936), Quentin Compson ?vástago del linaje cuya ruina se describe en ?El ruido y la furia?? recrea, con la ayuda de su compañero de habitación de Harvard, los obstinados esfuerzos de Thomas Sutpen para regir una gran plantación y fundar una dinastía. La destrucción y el fracaso son la conclusión final de una historia de violencia, orgullo, incesto y crimen.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG New Orleans Skizzen und Erzhlungen Arno Schmidt Piporakemes
Random House USA Inc Intruder in the Dust
Random House USA Inc Absalom, Absalom!
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Knights Gambit
Gavin Stevens, the wise student of crime and folkways of Mississippi's Yoknapatawpha county, plays the major role in these six stories of violence.
University Press of Mississippi Knights Gambit
Vintage Publishing As I Lay Dying
The death and burial of Addie Bundren is told by members of her family, as they cart the coffin to Jefferson, Mississippi, to bury her among her people. And as the intense desires, fears and rivalries of the family are revealed in the vernacular of the Deep South, Faulkner presents a portrait of extraordinary power - as epic as the Old Testament, as American as Huckleberry Finn.
Vintage Publishing Absalom, Absalom!
This postbellum Greek tragedy is the perfect introduction to Faulkner’s elaborate descriptive syntax.Quentin Compson and Shreve, his Harvard roommate, are obsessed with the tragic rise and fall of Thomas Sutpen. As a poor white boy, Sutpen was turned away from a plantation owner's mansion by a black butler. From then on, he was determined to force his way into the upper echelons of Southern society. His relentless will ensures his ambitions are soon realised; land, marriage, children, his own troop to fight in the Civil War... but Sutpen returns from the conflict to find his estate in ruins and his family collapsing. Secrets from his own past threaten to ruin the lives of his children and destroy everything he has worked for.
Vintage Publishing Wild Palms
'Between grief and nothing I will take grief'In New Orleans in 1937, a man and woman embark on a headlong flight into the wilderness of illicit passion, fleeing her husband and the temptations of respectability. In Mississippi ten years earlier, a convict sets forth across a flooded river, risking his one chance at freedom to rescue a pregnant woman. From these separate stories Faulkner composes a symphony of deliverance and damnation, survival and self-sacrifice, a novel in which elemental danger is juxtaposed with fatal injuries of the spirit.
Vintage Publishing Soldier's Pay
A group of soldiers travel by train across the United States in the aftermath of the First World War. One of them is horribly scarred, blind and almost entirely mute. Moved by his condition, a few civilian fellow travellers decided to see him home to Georgia, to a family who believed him dead, and a fiancée who grew tired of waiting. Faulkner's first novel deals powerfully with lives blighted by war.
Bartleby Editores Poesía reunida El fauno de mármol Una rama verde Poemas de Misisipi Helen Un cortejo
Debolsillo Intruso en el Polvo
Random House USA Inc Go Down, Moses
Random House USA Inc Selected Short Stories
Random House USA Inc The Sound and the Fury
Everyman The Sound And The Fury
This narrative chronicles the decline of the American South through the experiences of Benjy Compson, who struggles to articulate his vision of life. William Faulkner is the author of "As I Lay Dying" and "Sanctuary" and he won the Nobel Prize in 1949.
Vintage Publishing Intruder in the Dust
Set in the deep south that provided the backdrop for all of Faulkner's finest fiction, Intruder in the Dust is the novel that marks the final phase of its author's outstanding creative period. The chronicle of an elderly black farmer arrested for the murder of a white man and under threat from the lynch mob is a characteristically Faulknerian tale of dark omen, its sole ray of hope the character of the young white boy who repays an old favour by proving the innocence of the man who saved him from drowning in an icy creek.
Vintage Publishing Light in August
A landmark in American fiction, Light in August explores Faulkner's central theme: the nature of evil. Joe Christmas - a man doomed, deracinated and alone - wanders the Deep South in search of an identity, and a place in society. After killing his perverted God-fearing lover, it becomes inevitable that he is pursued by a lynch-hungry mob. Yet after the sacrifice, there is new life, a determined ray of light in Faulkner's complex and tragic world.
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group The Hamlet
Alianza Editorial Desciende Moiss
Novela episódica o conjunto de relatos que se integran finalmente en una imagen unitaria que trasciende la anécdota y la peripecia biográfica de los personajes, " Desciende, Moisés " (1942) narra la saga de la familia McCaslin, en la cual se funden las razas blanca y negra, con las complejas y cambiantes relaciones que se dan entre sus miembros. En este conjunto narrativo, que puede verse como un emblema de la historia del Sur de los Estados Unidos, William Faulkner (1897-1962) entrelazó algunos de los motivos recurrentes de su obra y que hacen de él una de las más grandes figuras de la literatura de todos los tiempos, como la relación del hombre con la tierra, el efecto corrosivo del progreso y el materialismo, y la compleja naturaleza moral del hombre ante sí y frente a aquello que lo rodea.
Debolsillo Sartoris / In Spanish
Debolsillo Santuario / Sanctuary
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Als ich im Sterben lag
WW Norton & Co Soldiers' Pay
Faulkner’s debut novel, Soldiers’ Pay (1926), is among the most memorable works to emerge from the First World War. Through the story of a wounded veteran’s homecoming, it examines the impact of soldiers’ return from war on the people—particularly the women—who were left behind.
WW Norton & Co Mosquitoes
A fascinating glimpse of the author as a young artist, Faulkner’s sophomore novel, Mosquitoes (1927), introduces us to a colorful band of passengers on a boating excursion from New Orleans. This engaging, high-spirited tale—which Faulkner wrote “for the sake of writing because it was fun”—provides a delightful accompaniment to his canonical works.
Random House USA Inc Soldiers' Pay
HarperCollins Publishers Inc William Faulkner