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Emerald Publishing Limited Transitions
This volume focuses on the "Transitions" that take place at major points of potential discontinuity in students' developmental trajectories and across contexts at a given time point. The development literature, for example, has examined how children's motivation and achievement are affected by the shift from pre-school to school. And a topic that has received considerable attention in the achievement motivation literature is the transition from elementary to middle school. There is less information about the middle to high school transition. The transition from high school to college or school to work represents another important inflection point. Other transitions concern switching from one culture to another over time (e.g., immigration and acculturation), or at a given time point, such as when students shuttle between a dominant school culture and a minority home culture, or foreign students at colleges and universities who may study and socialize with other students from their home culture as well as those from the host culture.
Emerald Publishing Limited Motivational Interventions
Advances in Motivation and Achievement, as the premier series in its field, explores current issues at the cutting edge of motivational science and reflects the richness and variety that exists across achievement and motivation research today. It brings together researchers in motivation from around the world to address new directions in measures and methods for motivational research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Decade Ahead: Applications and Contexts of Motivation and Achievement
Volume 16 of "Advances in Motivation and Achievement" is presented in two books. In both books, leading researchers in the field review the current state of the knowledge in their respective sub-disciplines and offer their prognostications about where the research is likely to proceed in the decade ahead. In this book, "Volume 16B", chapters examining the associations between motivation and other constructs, such as emotion and self-regulation, are presented. In addition, "Volume 16B" includes chapters examining sociocultural approaches to the study of motivation, the motivation of African American students and teachers' motivation, the application of motivation research in classrooms, and the policy implications of motivation research. In the first book, "Volume 16A", seven prominent theories of motivation are examined, including research on self-efficacy, achievement goal theory, expectancy-value theory, self-determination theory, self-concept research, implicit motives, and interest. By providing chapters that both summarize and look forward, the two books in this volume offer a useful roadmap for the future of motivation research in a variety of areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Decade Ahead: Theoretical Perspectives on Motivation and Achievement
Volume 16 of "Advances in Motivation and Achievement" is presented in two books. In both books, leading researchers in the field review the current state of the knowledge in their respective sub-disciplines and offer their prognostications about where the research is likely to proceed in the decade ahead. In this book, Volume 16A, seven prominent theories of motivation are examined, including research on self-efficacy, achievement goal theory, expectancy-value theory, self-determination theory, self-concept research, implicit motives, and interest. In the second book, Volume 16B, chapters examining the associations between motivation and other constructs, such as emotion and self-regulation, are presented. In addition, Volume 16B includes chapters examining sociocultural approaches to the study of motivation, the motivation of African American students and teachers' motivation, the application of motivation research in classrooms, and the policy implications of motivation research. By providing chapters that both summarize and look forward, the two books in this volume offer a useful roadmap for the future of motivation research in a variety of areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Remembering the Life, Work, and Influence of Stuart A. Karabenick: A Legacy of Research on Self-Regulation, Help Seeking, Teacher Motivation, and More
This volume contains an Open Access Chapter Stuart A. Karabenick was a prolific scholar and a co-editor of the Advances in Motivation and Achievement book series. At the time of his passing on August 1st, 2020, he was a Professor Emeritus at Easter Michigan University and a Research-Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan. Throughout his long career in Educational Psychology, Dr. Karabenick conducted research in several areas, and with dozens of collaborators. This volume memorializes Dr. Karabenick by asking some of his collaborators and former students to contribute chapters in the research topic that they worked on with him. The collection begins with a reprint of an article that was published just before Dr. Karabenick passed away, sharing the wisdom he had acquired during his long and distinguished career. The book contains three chapters about help- seeking – one of the topics that Dr. Karabenick examined most frequently in his research – followed by three chapters about teacher motivation and professional development. Next, there are chapters about self-regulation, another of Dr. Karabenick’s favorite research topics. The volume culminates with chapters on a variety of topics: uses of technology to help foster student self-regulation, defining, measuring, and fostering a sense of relevance among students, and improving research through high-quality cognitive pretesting procedures. Volume 22 provides insights into the many contributions that Dr. Karabenick made to the field of Educational Psychology and the important role he played in the lives of his students, collaborators, and friends.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Psychological Perspectives
In 1984, the "Advances in Motivation and Achievement" series was launched with Martin Maehr serving as one of the series editors. Professor Maehr has remained a constant in the series that has evolved through this, the 15th volume, and the last on which he will serve as an editor. Over its 25 year history, the series has consistently highlighted the work of top scholars in the field of motivation research, and this volume continues that tradition. The theme of Volume 15 is social-psychological approaches to the study of motivation and achievement, and the chapters herein cover a broad range of topics, from the influence of peers to the influence of color, on motivation and achievement. The contributors include a range as well, from some of the most well-respected veterans in motivation research to influential new voices. The emphasis on excellent and groundbreaking research that Professor Maehr has cultivated in this series is well represented in the current volume, a must-have for motivation researchers.