Search results for ""Author Thomas Meysen""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Single Parents and Child Support Systems: An International Comparison
Taking a novel approach to child support policy analysis, Single Parents and Child Support Systems locates the transfer of payments between separated parents within a wider social policy ecosystem and compares the political, institutional and administrative dimensions of child support policy enactment across the globe. Featuring contributions from an interdisciplinary collective of researchers in social policy, social work, sociology, economics and law, the book assesses how child support policies align conceptually with other social policies. Single Parents and Child Support Systems begins by setting out how children’s and single parents’ economic welfare is conceived across countries in relation to the triple burden of financial, caring and administrative responsibilities faced by single mothers. Chapters map how post-separation child support policy reinforces or breaks from the gender and family logics that underpin welfare and family policies in 10 different countries spanning corporatist, liberal and Nordic welfare regimes. Offering extensive coverage of a diverse range of international legal provisions and social policies, this stimulating book will be an essential resource for academics and researchers of social policy, social work, family law and gender studies. Its practical insights and suggested avenues for reform will also benefit policy makers, child support administrators and legal professionals.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Frankfurter Kommentar Sgb VIII: Kinder- Und Jugendhilfe
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Gute Kinderschutzverfahren: Tatsachenwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, rechtlicher Rahmen und Kooperation im familiengerichtlichen Verfahren
In Kinderschutzfällen ist es Aufgabe der Jugendämter und Familiengerichte, im Raum stehende Kindeswohlgefährdungen einzuschätzen und gegebenenfalls durch geeignete Hilfen und Maßnahmen abzuwenden. Diese Einschätzungen und Entscheidungen können den weiteren Lebensweg von Kindern und ihren Eltern stark beeinträchtigen. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass die an familiengerichtlichen Kinderschutzverfahren beteiligten professionellen Akteure sich über ihre eigenen Aufgaben und die der anderen im Klaren sind, damit sie gut zusammenarbeiten können.Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt Grundlagenwissen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und bietet damit das Fundament für eine gute interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit. Es enthält tatsachenwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Kindeswohlgefährdungen und deren Abwendung Grundlagenwissen zur kindlichen Entwicklung Orientierung zu den beteiligten Akteuren, Vernetzung und Interdisziplinarität Kenntnisse über die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen Grundzüge zum Ablauf von Kinderschutzverfahren Die Publikation orientiert sich am interdisziplinären Online-Kurs „Gute Kinderschutzverfahren“ ( und bietet allen juristischen, sozialpädagogischen, psychologischen und medizinischen Fachkräften die für qualifizierte Kinderschutzverfahren benötigten vertieften Grundlagenkenntnisse. Es handelt sich um eine Open-Access-Publikation mit freiem und uneingeschränktem Zugang zur elektronischen Ausgabe.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Das Neue Kinder- Und Jugendstarkungsgesetz - Kjsg
Verlag Barbara Budrich Interventions Against Child Abuse and Violence Against Women: Ethics and Culture in Practice and Policy: 1
This book offers insights and perspectives from a study of “Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence” (CEINAV) in four EU-countries. Seeking a deeper understanding of the underpinnings of intervention practices in Germany, Portugal, Slovenia and the United Kingdom, the team explored variations in institutional structures and traditions of law, policing, and social welfare. Theories of structural inequality and ethics are discussed and translated into practice. Using a shared qualitative methodology, space was created to listen to professionals discussing the challenges of intervention and as well to hear voices of women who had escaped domestic violence or trafficking for sexual exploitation and of young people who had been taken into care due to abuse or neglect. Voices of professionals as well as of women and young people who have experienced intervention illuminate how and why practices may differ. The authors examine how existing theories can illuminate complex inequalities or encompass the experiences of minorities against the background of European colonial history, and what streams of ethical theory apply to the dilemmas and challenges of intervention practice. Analytical descriptions of the legal-institutional frameworks for each of the three forms of violence set the stage for comparison. Drawing on a rich store of empirical data, five chapters discuss key issues facing policy-makers and practitioners seeking effective strategies of intervention that can diminish violence while strengthening the agency of women and children. Unique among comparative studies, CEINAV integrated creative art workshops into the research and involved both professionals and survivors of violence in the process. “Reflections” include a discussion of different intervention cultures in Europe, alongside working with different voices and making cultural encounters visible through art. Overall the authors argue that overcoming violence cannot be achieved by standardising procedure but require an ethical foundation, for which they offer a proposal.