Search results for ""Author Thomas Merton""
El silencio la dicha Seleccin de escritos de Thomas Merton Caminos Spanish Edition
En estos días de distracción mecánica y absurda, necesitamos imperiosamente encontrar razones convincentes que nos muevan a apagar nuestros teléfonos y reconectar con nuestro verdadero yo espiritual. Editado con motivo del 50 aniversario de la muerte de Thomas Merton, El silencio, la dicha es una invitación a aminorar el paso y aflojar el ritmo, respirar hondo, reservar un espacio para el silencio y abrirnos de par en par a la dicha.Poeta, monje, consejero espiritual y crítico social, Merton es una figura única e irrepetible del siglo XX -querido de una forma igualmente única y excepcional- y este pequeño rosario de devociones reúne sus poemas y prosa más queridos. Extraídas de clásicos como Nuevas semillas de contemplación (1962) y El camino de Chuang Tzu (1965) además de otros escritos menos famosos, las páginas que figuran en El silencio, la dicha ofrecen al lector una quietud profunda y sosegada, raptos de alabanza extática, palabras intemporales de sabiduría y una jovialidad amabl
University of Notre Dame Press Faith and Violence: Christian Teaching and Christian Practice
In Faith and Violence, Thomas Merton offers concrete and pungent social criticisms grounded in prophetic faith about such issues as Vietnam, racism, violence, and war.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Zen and the Birds of Appetite
"Zen enriches no one," Thomas Merton provocatively writes in his opening statement to Zen and the Birds of Appetite—one of the last books to be published before his death in 1968. "There is no body to be found. The birds may come and circle for a while... but they soon go elsewhere. When they are gone, the 'nothing,' the 'no-body' that was there, suddenly appears. That is Zen. It was there all the time but the scavengers missed it, because it was not their kind of prey." This gets at the humor, paradox, and joy that one feels in Merton's discoveries of Zen during the last years of his life, a joy very much present in this collection of essays. Exploring the relationship between Christianity and Zen, especially through his dialogue with the great Zen teacher D.T. Suzuki, the book makes an excellent introduction to a comparative study of these two traditions, as well as giving the reader a strong taste of the mature Merton. Never does one feel him losing his own faith in these pages; rather one feels that faith getting deeply clarified and affirmed. Just as the body of "Zen" cannot be found by the scavengers, so too, Merton suggests, with the eternal truth of Christ.
SPCK Publishing The Seven Storey Mountain
The complete and unedited edition of Thomas Merton's famous autobiography, one of the greatest works of spiritual pilgrimage ever written. Travelling in his early years with his artist father in the United States, France and England, Thomas Merton prided himself on his worldly accomplishments. His year at Clare College, Cambridge, was indulgent, and although Columbia University to which he went next suited his temperament better, it did nothing to assuage his restlessness. Gradually Merton recognized his need for faith and became a Catholic. With his baptism he began entertaining thoughts of monasticism but his desire to enter the priesthood in a Franciscan monastery came to nothing, and he remained a lay teaching member of the order for some time. However, when he was twenty-seven he made a retreat to a Trappist monastery in Kentucky. This momentous experience convinced him that the silence of the Cistercian Order was what he craved. The Seven Storey Mountain tells the story of Merton's search for faith and peace in a world which first fascinated and then appalled him. It is written with the profound insight of a man who has seen himself clearly. ‘The Seven Storey Mountain is a book one reads with a pencil so as to make it one’s own.’ Graham Greene ‘A remarkable book, a classic of its kind, written in a vivid, rich and alert style which ranges from crisp vernacular to passionate eloquence, full of picturesque incident and passing at times into religious ecstasy.’ The Times Literary Supplement ‘A book which may well prove to be of permanent interest in the history of religious experience.’ Evelyn Waugh
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Wisdom of the Desert
The personal tones of the translations, the blend of reverence and humor so characteristic of him, show how deeply Merton identified with the legendary authors of these sayings and parables, the fourth-century Christian Fathers who sought solitude and contemplation in the deserts of the Near East. The hermits of Screte who turned their backs on a corrupt society remarkably like our own had much in common with the Zen masters of China and Japan, and Father Merton made his selection from them with an eye to the kind of impact produced by the Zen mondo.
Arbor Verlag Sich fr die Welt entscheiden
Diogenes Verlag AG Im Einklang mit sich und der Welt Contemplation in a Word of Action
New Directions Publishing Corporation Selected Poems of Thomas Merton
Poet, Trappist monk, religious philosopher, translator, social critic: the late Thomas Merton was all these things. This classic selection from his great body of poetry affords a comprehensive view of his varied and progressively innovative work. Selected by Mark Van Doren and James Laughlin, this slim volume is now available again as a wonderful showcase of Thomas Merton’s splendid poetry.
Harvest Books No Man is an Island
Houghton Mifflin The Seven Storey Mountain
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Turning Toward the World
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Oh corazón ardiente poemas de amor y de disidencia
No es posible comprender la figura y la obra de Thomas Merton sin el conocimiento de su poesía. Merton necesitaba poner voz a lo que no cabe en palabras, y para ese caudal no le bastaba el cauce de la prosa.La relevancia de su poesía radica en que establece un diálogo continuo con el mundo, haciéndose así heredera no solo de la tradición bíblica veterotestamentaria, sino también de una amplia corriente de denuncia. Los poemas de amor y de disidencia de Merton se manifiestan como creación pero también como acción política, como una voz intempestiva y liberadora en sus hipótesis y evocaciones, metáforas y correspondencias.Esta antología bilingüe recoge una amplia selección de los poemas escritos por Merton entre 1940 y 1966, reflejos de la búsqueda de amor redentor que se cuentan, al mismo tiempo, entre los más poderosos instrumentos de subversión.
Desclée De Brouwer Paz en tiempos de oscuridad el testamento profético de Merton sobre la guerra y la paz
Biblioteca Autores Cristianos La sabiduría del desierto
El cristianismo del siglo IV, que finalmente había salido del anonimato social de las catacumbas, se acomodó rápidamente a la sociedad pagana por la que ahora se extendía. El estilo de vida evangélico se iba desvirtuando. Como reacción a todo esto, surge un modo de vida austero y solitario. Un buen número de hombres y mujeres acuden a los desiertos de Egipto, Palestina, Arabia y Persia para vivir su fe radicalmente. Alejándose de un mundo que los absorbe y los separa de Dios, buscan un lugar tranquilo donde encontrarse a solas con el Absoluto de sus vidas. En sus muchas horas de silencio y meditación aprendieron una sabiduría que en modo alguno resulta hoy desfasada. Aquellas circunstancias de su época, similares en algunos aspectos a nuestra vida vertiginosa en las grandes ciudades, continúan siendo hoy un reclamo para la paz interior, la relativización de las mediaciones y el encuentro con el único Absoluto. En esta pequeña obra se recoge una breve muestra de aquella gran enseñanza.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Contemplative Prayer
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Life and Holiness
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander
HarperCollins Publishers Entering the Silence Becoming a Monk and a Writer Journals of Thomas Merton 2
Mensajero, S.A. Diarios. 19391968
Construida a base de textos tomados de los abundantes diarios escritos por su autor, esta autobiografía describe paso a paso el itinerario espiritual recorrido por el inquieto monje y prolífico autor que fue Thomas Merton.Cultivó diferentes géneros (cartas, poemas, novelas, ensayos de literatura y de temas sociales o estrictamente espirituales, diarios) y se convirtió en uno de los autores espirituales más importantes del siglo XX, cuya vida sigue siendo relevante para nosotros.
Orbis Books (USA) Cold War Letters
Farrar, Straus and Giroux Thoughts in Solitude
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Dialogues with Silence
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Inner Experience
New Directions Publishing Corporation Silence, Joy
In this day of mindless distraction, we’re desperate for reasons to put down our phones and reconnect with our spiritual selves. In time for the 50th anniversary of Thomas Merton's death in 1968, Silence, Joy is an invitation to slow down, take a breath, make a space for silence, and open up to joy. Poet, monk, spiritual advisor, and social critic, Thomas Merton is a unique—and uniquely beloved—figure of the twentieth century, and this little rosary brings together his best-loved poems and prose. Drawn from classics like New Seeds Of Contemplation and The Way Of Chuang Tzu as well as less famous books, the writings in Silence, Joy offer the reader deep, calming stillness, flights of ecstatic praise, steadying words of wisdom, and openhearted laughter. Manna for Merton lovers and a warm embrace for novices, this slim collection is a delightful gift.
El camino de Chuang Tzu
Estas lecturas de Chuang Tzu, advierte Thomas Merton al lector, son el resultado de años de estudio, anotación y meditación. Las notas acabaron siendo imitaciones libres de los pasajes que llamaron especialmente la atención del monje y poeta. Son aventuras de interpretación personal y espiritual, una intuitiva aproximación a un pensador que es a la vez sutil, entretenido, provocativo y no fácil de captar.Lejos de cualquier intención apologética, Merton quiere trasladar el temperamento filosófico de Chuang Tzu, que se caracteriza por su intento singular de penetrar el corazón de las cosas. Una aprehensión de la realidad que se ofrece en forma de meditaciones y poemas, de historietas, fábulas y anécdotas que, teñidos de humor y de ironía, constituyen una antología del pensamiento que corría por los círculos taoístas en los siglos IV y III antes de Cristo.Pero el camino que aquí se muestra, misterioso por su misma sencillez, es propio de una mentalidad que se encuentra en todas pa
Shambhala Publications Inc Seeds
Shambhala Publications Inc Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing
Shambhala Publications Inc The Pocket Thomas Merton
Fons Vitae,US Meatyard/Merton: Photographing Thomas Merton
Fons Vitae,US Merton & Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness & Everyday Mind
Rowman & Littlefield A Catch of Anti-Letters
To learn more about Rowman & Littlefield titles please visit us at
Plough Publishing House ¿Por qué vivimos en comunidad?
Hoy en día, todos están hablando de “comunidad”. Según Arnold y Merton, se puede vivirla también.En este manifiesto, Arnold y Merton plantean la posibilidad de la vida comunitaria intencional y examinan sus rasgos más destacados: amor, alegría, unidad y la gran aventura de fe, compartidos con otros en el camino. No describen ni prescriben la vida en comunidad; en cambio, ofrecen un ideal para guiar la búsqueda, y un llamado a renovar el compromiso y profundizar la fe.
Random House USA Inc The City of God
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Way of Chuang Tzu
Working from existing translations, Thomas Merton composed a series of his own versions of the classic sayings of Chuang Tzu, the most spiritual of Chinese philosophers. Chuang Tzu, who wrote in the fourth and third centuries B.C., is the chief authentic historical spokesperson for Taoism and its founder Lao Tzu (a legendary character known largely through Chuang Tzu’s writings). Indeed it was because of Chuang Tzu and the other Taoist sages that Indian Buddhism was transformed, in China, into the unique vehicle we now call by its Japanese name—Zen. The Chinese sage abounds in wit and paradox and shattering insights into the true ground of being. Thomas Merton, no stranger to Asian thought, brings a vivid, modern idiom to the timeless wisdom of Tao.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals
Plough Publishing House Plough Quarterly No. 5: Peacemakers
The diverse contributors to this issue of Plough Quarterly focus on what it means to be a peacemaker. Peacemaking, they show, is a riskier and more ambitious undertaking than we may have imagined. Today we must wage peace where thousands of children are being murdered by militias or forced to fight as soldiers. We need peacemakers in divided cities from Paris to Baltimore, peacemakers in a culture with little tolerance for Christian witness, and peacemakers in churches riven by ideological fights and petty grudges, not to mention making peace with our spouses, and with ourselves. Hear from active peacemakers on the frontlines of these battles and explore insights on peacemaking from Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, Badshah Khan, Jeannette Rankin, Charles Spurgeon, André Trocmé, Peace Pilgrim, Albert Schweitzer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Eberhard Arnold. And as always, Plough Quarterly includes world-class art by the likes of Marc Chagall, Egon Schiele, Lisa Toth, Carl Larsson, Ben Shahn, Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, Paul Klee, Antonello da Messina, and others. Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Each issue brings you in-depth articles, interviews, fiction, poetry, book reviews, and art to help you put Jesus’ message into practice and find common cause with others.
Random House USA Inc The City of God