Search results for ""Author Thomas A. Kempis""
Ediciones Librería Argentina (ELA) Imitación de Cristo
Este tratado de mística formado por cuatro libritos, nos guía a través de diversos pensamientos y meditaciones hacia l figura de Cristo.Fue escrito hace más de 500 años, por el monje alemán Tomás de Kempis y aunque sus destinatarios eran los monjes de principios del Siglo XV, ha servido de alimento espiritual a multitud de cristianos a lo largo de más de cinco siglos. Hasta tal punto, que es el libro más vendido y del que más ediciones se han hecho, después de la Biblia, ya que se tienen registradas unas 3100 ediciones hasta hoy en día, y en casi todos los idiomas.Su autor, defiende el estudio de los textos fundamentales de la Cristiandad para llegar a una relación directa e interna con Dios. En aquella época muchos cristianos deseaban la reforma de la Iglesia Católica, para que volviera a ser más fervorosa y más santa, pero Tomás de Kempis sintió que el primer paso para reformar la Iglesia, era empezar cada uno por sí mismo y así luego toda la Iglesia se iría reformando poco a
Catholic Book Publishing The Imitation of Christ: Thomas A. Kempis
Saint Benedict Press Meditations on Death: Preparing for Eternity
Hendrickson Publishers Inc The Imitation of Christ
Saint Benedict Press Solitude and Silence: The Cloister of the Heart
Outlook Verlag The Imitation of Christ: in large print
Dover Publications Inc. The Imitation of Christ
Catholic Courses My Imitation of Christ
Dover Publications Inc. The Imitation of Christ
Catholic Courses The Imitation of Christ - Zippered Cover
Catholic Book Publishing Favorite Prayers from Imitation of Christ: Arranged in Accord with the Liturgical Year and in Sense Lines for Easier Understanding and Use
Pauline Books & Media Imitation of Christ
Jewish Lights Publishing The Imitation of Christ: Adapted from John Wesley's the Christian's Pattern Selections Annotated & Explained
Next to the Bible, THE IMITATION OF CHRIST is the most widely read devotional work within the Christian community. Thought to be compiled by fifteenth-century cleric Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380-1471), this spiritual classic focuses the contemporary God-seeker on a religion of the heart - a vital connection with God in our innermost being. It advocates the cultivation of virtues, like humility and purity of intention, by inviting the spirit of Jesus to dwell richly in our lives. It emphasises the need to translate that life of love into daily action. Now you can experience the timeless wisdom of this spiritual classic with no previous knowledge of late mediaeval Christianity. This SkyLight Illuminations edition, based on John Wesley's popular 1741 abridgment, renders these meditations on the life and teachings of Jesus in a way that is accessible to the contemporary reader. A substantive introduction and facing-page commentary places the work in its original context; clarifies the text's roots in the Bible, the early Church and mediaeval mysticism and explains its influence - spanning five hundred years - on spiritual luminaries from saints to popes and its continuing significance today.
Saint Benedict Press Humility and the Elevation of the Mind to God
Catholic Book Publishing Imitacion de Cristo
Catholic Book Publishing Imitation of Mary
12th Media Services The Imitation of Christ
St. Martin's Essentials The Imitation of Christ: The Complete Original Edition
Catholic Book Publishing Imitation of Christ
John Murray Press The Imitation of Christ (Hodder Classics)
Let it be our chief occupation to think upon the life of Jesus Christ.THE IMITATION OF CHRIST is one of the great classics on spiritual devotion. It has been influential since it was first written over five centuries ago, with people such as John Wesley and John Newton profoundly touched by it at their conversions. Written by a German monk, it is essentially a manual on the pursuit of holiness and deep communion with God, with its key theme that the study of Jesus is the Christian's highest ideal. This new edition includes an introduction by the translator and a new foreword by J. John.
Paraclete Press The Complete Imitation of Christ
Penguin Books Ltd The Imitation of Christ
One of the most influential and well-loved books of Christianity, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis appears here in Penguin Classics in a new translation by Robert Jeffery, with an introduction by Max Von Habsburg, notes, a chronology and further reading.The Imitation of Christ is a passionate celebration of God's love, mercy and holiness, which has stimulated religious devotion for over five hundred years. With great personal conviction and deep humanity, Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471) demonstrates the individual's reliance on God and on the words of Christ, and the futility of a life without faith, as well as exploring the ideas such as humility, compassion, patience and tolerance. Thomas spent some seventy years of his life in the reclusive environment of monasteries, yet in this astonishing work he demonstrates an encompassing understanding of human nature, while his writing speaks to readers of every age and every nation.Thomas à Kempis was born at Kempen near Dusseldorf in 1380. He received the priesthood in 1413. Thomas wrote many other devotional works besides The Imitation of Christ, his masterpiece, as well as biographies of Gerald Groote and Florentius Radewyn. He died in 1471.The Very Revd Robert Jeffery was born in 1935 and ordained in 1959. He has written on matters of Church history, spirituality, mission and ecumenism. In 1978, he became Archdeacon of Salop, and was Dean of Worcester from 1987-96 and subsequently Canon and Sub-Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. He retired in 2002 and is an Hon Doctor of Divinity of Birmingham University.Max von Habsburg is the author of Catholic and Protestant Translations of the Imitatio Christi 1425-1650 (2011).