Search results for ""Author TALI""
University of Texas Press The Design of Protest: Choreographing Political Demonstrations in Public Space
Public protests are a vital tool for asserting grievances and creating temporary, yet tangible, communities as the world becomes more democratic and urban in the twenty-first century. While the political and social aspects of protest have been extensively studied, little attention has been paid to the physical spaces in which protests happen. Yet place is a crucial aspect of protests, influencing the dynamics and engagement patterns among participants. In The Design of Protest, Tali Hatuka offers the first extensive discussion of the act of protest as a design: that is, a planned event in a space whose physical geometry and symbolic meaning are used and appropriated by its organizers, who aim to challenge socio-spatial distance between political institutions and the people they should serve.Presenting case studies from around the world, including Tiananmen Square in Beijing; the National Mall in Washington, DC; Rabin Square in Tel Aviv; and the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, Hatuka identifies three major dimensions of public protests: the process of planning the protest in a particular place; the choice of spatial choreography of the event, including the value and meaning of specific tactics; and the challenges of performing contemporary protests in public space in a fragmented, complex, and conflicted world. Numerous photographs, detailed diagrams, and plans complement the case studies, which draw upon interviews with city officials, urban planners, and protesters themselves.
Little, Brown Book Group The Optimism Bias: Why we're wired to look on the bright side
Winner of the British Psychological Society Book Award for Popular PsychologyPsychologists have long been aware that most people tend to maintain an irrationally positive outlook on life. In fact, optimism may be crucial to our existence. Tali Sharot's original cognitive research demonstrates in surprising ways the biological basis for optimism. In this fascinating exploration, she takes an in-depth, clarifying look at how the brain generates hope and what happens when it fails; how the brains of optimists and pessimists differ; why we are terrible at predicting what will make us happy; how anticipation and dread affect us; and how our optimistic illusions affect our financial, professional, and emotional decisions.With its cutting-edge science and its wide-ranging and accessible narrative, The Optimism Bias provides us with startling new insight into how the workings of the brain create our hopes and dreams.
Random House USA Inc The Optimism Bias: A Tour of the Irrationally Positive Brain
Pantheon Die Meinung der anderen
Little, Brown Book Group The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others
Selected as a best book of 2017 by Forbes, The Times, Huffington Post, Bloomberg, Greater Good Magazine, Stanford Business School and more.'A timely, intriguing book' Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Originals and Give and Take'This profound book will change your life. An instant classic' Cass R. Sunstein, bestselling co-author of NudgePart of our daily job as humans is to influence others; we teach our children, guide our patients, advise our clients, help our friends and inform our online followers. We do this because we each have unique experiences and knowledge that others may not. But how good are we at this role? It turns out we systematically fall back on suboptimal habits when trying to change other's beliefs and behaviors. Many of these instincts-from trying to scare people into action, to insisting the other is wrong or attempting to exert control-are ineffective, because they are incompatible with how the mind operates.
Little, Brown & Company MonsTABOO, Vol. 1
Ever since a monster killed her mother, Maruka has recklessly sought them out with a death wish. But when the first monster she runs into defies her expectations, not only does Maruka end up fighting alongside him—she asks him to be her boyfriend!
University of Texas Press Violent Acts and Urban Space in Contemporary Tel Aviv: Revisioning Moments
Violent acts over the past fifteen years have profoundly altered civil rituals, cultural identity, and the meaning of place in Tel Aviv. Three events in particular have shed light on the global rule of urban space in the struggle for territory, resources, and power: the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin in 1995 in the city council square; the suicidal bombing at the Dolphinarium Discothèque along the shoreline in 2001; and bombings in the Neve Shaanan neighborhood in 2003. Tali Hatuka uses an interdisciplinary framework of urban theory and sociopolitical theory to shed light on the discourse regarding violent events to include an analysis of the physical space where these events take place. She exposes the complex relationships among local groups, the state, and the city, challenging the national discourse by offering a fresh interpretation of contesting forces and their effect on the urban environment. Perhaps the most valuable contribution of this book is its critical assessment of the current Israeli reality, which is affected by violent events that continually alter the everyday life of its citizens. Although these events have been widely publicized by the media, there is scant literature focusing on their impact on the urban spaces where people live and meet. In addition, Hatuka shows how sociopolitical events become crucial defining moments in contemporary lived experience, allowing us to examine universal questions about the way democracy, ideology, and memory are manifested in the city.
Little, Brown & Company MonsTABOO, Vol. 2
Maruka has fallen in love at first sight with Mochizuki, a rabbit-shaped monster knownas a Groan-Up. The two are recruited into the Academy Game, an app where playerscompete by hunting Groan-Ups, by the mysterious university student Gaku Saitou.While Mochizuki is concerned about their safety, Maruka gets hooked on the dangerousgame, diving head-first into battle...
Little, Brown & Company MonsTABOO, Vol. 3
During a decisive battle, Maruka’s rabbit-shaped boyfriend, Mochizuki, met his end, and now Maruka is on a spiral of self-destruction. Lured in by Gaku Saitou’s tempting words, she forms an alliance with her greatest enemy, taking their power to new heights and beginning a Groan-Up massacre. Amidst shifting power levels and interconnecting plots, what will happen next in the Academy Game?
Little, Brown & Company MonsTABOO, Vol. 4
Academy Game mastermind, Gaku Saitou, has fallen for Maruka. His forbidden love transforms him into a Groan-Up befitting of his true nature…and sends him on a rampage destroying everyone and everything standing in his way. Can the students stop him before Maruka falls into his clutches? Or will they have no choice but to face despair? Find out in this epic final volume.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Childhood, Youth and Religious Minorities in Early Modern Europe
This edited collection examines different aspects of the experience and significance of childhood, youth and family relations in minority religious groups in north-west Europe in the late medieval, Reformation and post-Reformation era. It aims to take a comparative approach, including chapters on Protestant, Catholic and Jewish communities. The chapters are organised into themed sections, on 'Childhood, religious practice and minority status', 'Family and responses to persecution', and 'Religious division and the family: co-operation and conflict'. Contributors to the volume consider issues such as religious conversion, the impact of persecution on childhood and family life, emotion and affectivity, the role of childhood and memory, state intervention in children's religious upbringing, the impact of confessionally mixed marriages, persecution and co-existence. Some chapters focus on one confessional group, whilst others make comparisons between them.
U.S. Games Chrysalis Tarot Deck and Book Set
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Practical Tarot Techniques: Your Essential Tool Kit for Better Readings
Master the cards and develop your own unique style with this fun, practical guidebook on becoming a confident and accurate tarot reader. Providing numerous spreads, exercises, and interpretation strategies, Practical Tarot Techniques is your key to unlocking essential skills and methods of tarot. Based on over thirty years of tarot reading experience and an extensive survey of readers, this easy-to-follow tool has everything you need to perform insightful readings in everyday situations. Tarot experts Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin bring you face to face with the cards in a variety of ways, from party games to magical applications. Whether you re an aspiring learner or a master of the craft, this amazing guide provides tarot-reading techniques for any occasion with friends, family, or professional clients.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot: The True Story of the World's Most Popular Tarot
Combining never-before-seen material, an exploration of A. E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith's personal lives, and practical guidance to interpreting the cards, this ground-breaking book introduces you to a new understanding of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot presents the fascinating origins of one of the world's most widely used tarot systems. Unlock the symbols and intentions of the cards with Waite's unpublished writings. Explore comparisons between the Court cards and the stage characters that influenced Smith's art. With this thoroughly researched guide, you'll discover Waite and Smith's true wisdom while developing your tarot skills like never before.
Sourcebooks, Inc The Astrotwins' Love Zodiac: The Essential Astrology Guide for Women
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Momstrology: The Astrotwins' Guide to Parenting Your Little One by the Stars
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Das optimistische Gehirn: Warum wir nicht anders können, als positiv zu denken
Das Gehirn ist die Zuversicht in Person Wie erzeugt unser Gehirn Hoffnung? Wie bringt es uns dazu, positiv in die Zukunft zu blicken? Was geschieht, wenn ihm das nicht gelingt? Wie unterscheiden sich die Gehirne von Optimisten und Pessimisten? Warum ist für die einen das Glas halbvoll, für die anderen halbleer? Tali Sharots These: Optimismus ist so überlebenswichtig für uns, dass er in unserem kompliziertesten Organ, dem Gehirn, fest verankert ist. „Wir haben die rosarote Brille auf, als Acht- wie als Achtzigjährige … Dabei sind wir uns unserer Neigung zum Optimismus oft gar nicht bewusst. Im Grunde ist der unrealistische Optimismus gerade deshalb so machtvoll, weil er – wie viele andere Illusionen – gar nicht vollständig unserer bewussten Entscheidung zugänglich ist.“ Faszinierend … Selbst wenn Sie ein eingefleischter Zyniker sind, werden Sie überrascht sein zu erfahren, dass Ihr Gehirn eine rosarote Brille aufhat, ob Sie das nun mögen oder nicht. National Public Radio Sharot beschreibt ihre Forschung in packenden Geschichten und macht dabei die komplizierte Wissenschaft leicht zugänglich. Ein Buch für alle, die jene biologischen Prozesse verstehen wollen, die unsere Sicht auf die Welt bestimmen. Positive Psychology News Daily Ein intelligent geschriebener Bericht über die Neigung der meisten Menschen, das Leben optimistisch zu sehen. New York Journal of Books ____Die Neurowissenschaftlerin Tali Sharot erkundet in diesem Buch unsere Neigung zum Optimismus, die auf neuronaler Ebene in unserem Gehirn festgeschrieben ist und entscheidend darüber mitbestimmt, wie wir unser Leben leben. Die meisten Menschen besitzen, wie die Psychologie schon lange weiß, eine unverbesserlich positive Weltsicht – auch wenn es ihnen selbst gar nicht bewusst ist. Vielleicht ist Optimismus sogar entscheidend für unsere Existenz. Tali Sharots Untersuchungen und Experimente auf dem Gebiet der Kognitionswissenschaft gewähren uns tiefe Einblicke in die biologischen Grundlagen des positiven Denkens. In ihrem leicht lesbaren Sachbuch zum Thema geht sie vielen spannenden Fragen auf den Grund: warum wir mit unseren Vermutungen darüber, was uns glücklich machen wird, so oft danebenliegen, welche Wirkung es hat, wenn wir Ereignisse vorwegnehmen oder fürchten, wie unser Gehirn Gefühle der Zuversicht und Hoffnung erzeugt und was passiert, wenn es sich irrt, wie sich die Gehirne von Optimisten und Pessimisten unterscheiden, wie Emotionen unser Erinnerungsvermögen beeinflussen oder wie unser unrealistischer Optimismus unsere finanziellen, beruflichen und emotionalen Entscheidungen prägt. Das optimistische Gehirn ist eine wissenschaftlich anspruchsvolle und gleichzeitig unterhaltsame Lektüre, die uns einen neuen Blick auf die Funktionsweise des Gehirns vermittelt.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Around the Tarot in 78 Days: A Personal Journey Through the Cards
Journey into the exciting world of tarot with this comprehensive 78-day course. Uniquely presented in a card-a-day format, this workbook provides a solid foundation in tarot - and offers new ways to enrich your life using the wisdom of the cards. Well-known tarot readers and instructors Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin take you through the symbolic landscape of tarot card by card. Progress through the exercises in sequence or study the cards in whatever order you'd like. Casting traditional interpretation methods in a fresh and modern light, Katz and Goodwin teach you how to interpret spreads by experiencing them as meditations, activities, affirmations, and oracles. You can discover the keywords of each card and how to use them. You can delve even deeper with gated spreads - a series of spreads guiding you toward a powerful experience - and integrative lessons on magick and kabbalistic correspondences.
American Psychological Association Deliberate Practice in Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Deliberate practice exercises allow students and trainees to rehearse foundational dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills and strategies to respond effectively and flexibly to diverse, complex clinical presentations and situations. Each book in the Essentials of Deliberate Practice series contains customized role-playing exercises in which two trainees act as a client and a therapist, switching back and forth under a supervisor's guidance. The trainee playing the therapist improvises appropriate and authentic responses to client statements organized into three difficulty levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—reflecting common issues encountered by DBT practitioners. The first 12 exercises each focus on a single skill, such as validating clients, encouraging commitment to therapeutic goals, teaching problem-solving skills, and working with clients in crisis or expressing suicidal ideation. Following these are two comprehensive exercises—an annotated transcript and free-form mock therapy sessions—in which trainees integrate essential skills into a single DBT session. Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for mastering each skill, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.
American Psychological Association Creating Healing School Communities: School-Based Interventions for Students Exposed to Trauma
Creating Healing School Communities provides readers with the necessary “trauma‑informed” tools to intervene on behalf of struggling students and create a beneficial educational environment. School systems are pressured to raise the level of academic achievement, but children who are exposed to trauma often bring a complicated set of needs to the classroom that can impact their willingness to learn, their cognitive function, their ability to form lasting relationships, and even their physical health. For school mental health providers, it can be overwhelming to find the best ways to support students who have experienced trauma and stress: What are the best ways to, understand and assist these vulnerable children? School‑based programs can minimize the impact trauma has on learning and help students who may otherwise not have access to such support to develop the coping skills to manage ongoing and future stress. With examples of core treatment components and engaging case studies, this book illustrates how effective school‑based interventions ensure that students have the opportunity to heal from trauma. The authors take a holistic approach to trauma‑informed practices, and provide a practical overview of evidence‑based interventions using the Multi‑Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) model. Under the MTSS, trauma interventions take place on three distinct levels that address a wide variety of students and differing degrees of trauma exposure: Universal (Tier 1), Targeted (Tier 2), and Intensive (Tier 3). Creating Healing School Communities shows how school mental health professionals, educators, and administrators can work together to help students overcome trauma and excel in the classroom and in life.