Search results for ""Author Sue Rainey""
George F. Thompson Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt: Artworks and Letters of John Douglas Woodward, 1878-1879
University of Massachusetts Press Creating a World on Paper: Harry Fenn's Career in Art
Harry Fenn was one of the most skilled and successful illustrators in the United States in the latter half of the nineteenth century, a time when illustrated periodicals and books were the primary means of sharing visual images. Fenn’s work fostered pride in America s scenic landscapes and urban centers, informed a curious public about foreign lands, and promoted appreciation of printed pictures as artworks for a growing middle class. Arriving in New York from London in 1857 as a young wood engraver, Fenn soon forged a career in illustration. His tiny black-and-white wood engravings for Whittier’s Snow-Bound (1868) surprised critics with their power, and his bold, innovative compositions for Picturesque America (1872 74) were enormously popular and expanded the field for illustrators and publishers. In the 1880s and 90s, his illustrations appeared in many of the finest magazines and newspapers, depicting the places and events that interested the public from post-Civil War national reconciliation to the World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893 to the beginnings of imperialism in the Spanish-American War.This handsomely designed volume documents Fenn’s prolific career from the 1860s until his death in 1911. Sue Rainey also recounts his adventurous sketching trips in the western United States, Europe, and the Middle East, which enhanced his reputation for depicting far-flung places at a time when the nation was taking a more prominent role on the world stage.