Search results for ""Author Stine""
Simon & Schuster Fear Street #3: Fright Knight and the Ooze
Simon & Schuster Boy Who Ate Fear Street
Simon & Schuster Revenge of the Shadow People / The Bugman Lives!
Aarhus University Press Regional Production of Red-Figure Pottery: Greece, Magna Graecia & Etruria
Kanon Verlag Berlin GmbH Lieder aller Lebenslagen
mixtvision Medienges.mbH Ich bin Fcking ICH
Simon & Schuster Night of the Werecat
Kanon Verlag Berlin GmbH Meine Mutter sagt
FISCHER Krüger Das Schweigen meiner Schwestern
Christophorus Verlag Nordischer OutdoorStrick für die ganze Familie
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Gottinger Kopfe: Und Ihr Wirken in Die Welt
World Editions The Land of Short Sentences
World Editions Ltd My Mother Says
Simon & Schuster Switched: Fear Street
Simon & Schuster Fear Street: How to Be a Vampire
Aarhus University Press Documenting Ancient Rhodes: The Archaeological Excavations and Rhodian Antiquities in the 19th to Early 20th Century
World Editions My Mother Says
Aarhus University Press Depicting the Dead: Self-Representation and Commemoration on Roman Sarcophagi with Portraits
Kanon Verlag Berlin GmbH Lösungen für alle Lebenslagen
Kanon Verlag Berlin GmbH Meter pro Sekunde
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Meaning and Melancholy in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas
Although considered as one of the 20th century most central ethical thinkers, Emmanuel Levinas claimed that his task was not to construct an ethics, but to seek the meaning of the ethical. This claim is the point of departure of the present study, which asks how ethics could be regarded as meaningful at all in light of the crisis of meaning that according to Levinas is inherent to being.Ethical meaning is for Levinas sought otherwise than being or beyond essence in terms of a radical responsibility for the Other. At the same time, it is questionable whether the ethical may be said to represent an overcoming of the crisis of meaning. This is visible in Levinas rather harsh descriptions of the ethical situation, involving not only the meaningless, but also feelings like melancholy, trauma, and shame.As the study shows, such feelings can for Levinas not be seen apart from their religious significance, although Levinas does not rely on conventional theology, but rather understands transcendence in a deeply sensible manner. This is shown in the radical passivity and self-emptying to the point of messianism of the responsible subject, which is the only way the meaning of the ethical may be rescued.The study also discusses how the utopian aspect of such a position is problematic in practical life, and why Levinas therefore admits the need for the ethical to be betrayed in ontology, which also implies an involvement with aesthetics as ontological par excellence. Although considered as one of the 20th century most central ethical thinkers, Emmanuel Levinas claimed that his task was not to construct an ethics, but to seek the meaning of the ethical. In this study Stine Holte examines the problem of ethical meaning in Levinas thinking and shows how the articulation of the ethical implies notions like trauma, melancholy, and shame, and hence a questioning of what we normally regard as meaningful.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Nutrigenomics: How Science Works
The fascinating area of Nutrigenomics describes this daily communication between our diet and our genome. This book describes how nutrition shapes human evolution and demonstrates its consequences for our susceptibility to diseases, such as diabetes and atherosclerosis. Inappropriate diet can yield stress for our cells, tissues and organs and then it is often associated with low-grade chronic inflammation. Overnutrition paired with physical inactivity leads to overweight and obesity and results in increased burden for a body that originally was adapted for a life in the savannahs of East Africa. Therefore, this textbook does not discuss a theoretical topic in science, but it talks about real life and our life-long “chat” with diet. We are all food consumers, thus each of us is concerned by the topic of this book and should be aware of its mechanisms.The purpose of this book is to provide an overview on the principles of nutrigenomics and their relation to health or disease. The content of this book is based on the lecture course “Nutrigenomics”, which is held since 2003 once per year by Prof. Carlberg at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. The book represents an updated but simplified version of our textbook “Nutrigenomics” (ISBN 978-3-319-30413-7). Besides its value as a textbook, “Nutrigenomics: how science works” will be a useful reference for individuals working in biomedicine
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Weisskittel Und Braunhemd: Der Gottinger Mediziner Rudolf Stich Im Kaleidoskop
BrainBook UG Dates to Remember
Aarhus University Press Patrons and Viewers in Late Antiquity
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Göttinger Köpfe: und ihr Wirken in die Welt
'Göttinger Köpfe' führt den Reigen dieser Gestalten vor: Karl Barth, Otto Hahn, Werner Heisenberg, Helmuth Plessner, Adam von Trott zu Solz, Robert Oppenheimer, Carl F. von Weizsäcker und viele andere mehr. Bündige, anschauliche Porträts vergegenwärtigen diese Persönlichkeiten, in denen sich wissenschaftliche Leistung und politisch-praktische Wirksamkeit prägend vereinigt hatten. Pflichtlektüre für jeden, der sich der Georgia Augusta verbunden fühlt.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Nutrigenomics: How Science Works
The fascinating area of Nutrigenomics describes this daily communication between our diet and our genome. This book describes how nutrition shapes human evolution and demonstrates its consequences for our susceptibility to diseases, such as diabetes and atherosclerosis. Inappropriate diet can yield stress for our cells, tissues and organs and then it is often associated with low-grade chronic inflammation. Overnutrition paired with physical inactivity leads to overweight and obesity and results in increased burden for a body that originally was adapted for a life in the savannahs of East Africa. Therefore, this textbook does not discuss a theoretical topic in science, but it talks about real life and our life-long “chat” with diet. We are all food consumers, thus each of us is concerned by the topic of this book and should be aware of its mechanisms.The purpose of this book is to provide an overview on the principles of nutrigenomics and their relation to health or disease. The content of this book is based on the lecture course “Nutrigenomics”, which is held since 2003 once per year by Prof. Carlberg at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. The book represents an updated but simplified version of our textbook “Nutrigenomics” (ISBN 978-3-319-30413-7). Besides its value as a textbook, “Nutrigenomics: how science works” will be a useful reference for individuals working in biomedicine
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Music Therapy with Families: Therapeutic Approaches and Theoretical Perspectives
This comprehensive book describes well-defined models of music therapy for working with families in different clinical areas, ranging from families with special needs children or dying family members through to families in psychiatric or paediatric hospital settings.International contributors explain the theoretical background and practice of their specific approach, including an overview of research and illustrative case examples. Particular emphasis is placed on connecting theory and clinical practice and on discussing the challenges and relevance of each model. This practical and theoretically anchored book will prove valuable for music therapists, students and researchers in the fast developing field of music therapy with families.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Music Therapy Assessment: Theory, Research, and Application
As the use of music therapy becomes more widespread so too does the need for detailed assessment. Standardised assessment tools, and knowledge of how to integrate assessment into clinical practice, are needed for teaching, research and clinical purposes all around the world. Based on the findings of members of the International Music Therapy Assessment Consortium (IMTAC), this comprehensive anthology collects the latest research and clinical practice methods about music therapy assessment. Looking at the available assessment tools holistically, the book covers the major assessment models currently used in clinical practice, and details each model's setting and motivation, development, theoretical background, and how to implement it in a clinical setting.
Primary Information Cory Arcangel and Stine Janvin: Identity Pitches
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ethics of Animal Use
An interesting and accessible introduction to ethical issues raised by various forms of human use of animals. This textbook avoids moral lecturing and presents a range of ethical viewpoints without defending or applying any specific stance. Readers are encouraged and provoked to reflect for themselves, and to sharpen their own points of view regarding the ethical limits on our use of animals. They will also gain further understanding of the views held by other people. Early chapters of this interdisciplinary book cover changes over time in our view of animals, the principles of animal ethics, and different views of what counts as a good animal life. Later chapters apply the conceptual tools to specific issues including: food animal production, advanced veterinary treatment of pets, control of infectious diseases, wildlife management, as well as the use of animals in research. Specifically designed for students of veterinary medicine, animal science, welfare and behaviour, and veterinary nursing. Also of interest to those wanting to combine an up-to-date, science-based account of animal issues with clear-headed moral reflection. "The book covers an impressive range of topics with accuracy and fairness. Despite its ambitious scope, the authors have achieved remarkable unity in the book, and have produced a book that is easy and pleasant to read. Their work will surely provide a major tool for rationalizing the debate about the ethics of animal use, and I commend them for their invaluable contribution." From the Foreword by Professor Bernard Rollin, Colorado State University.
Aarhus University Press Red-Figure Pottery in its Ancient Setting
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Immigration and the Financial Crisis: The United States and Australia Compared
Structural needs for immigrant labor in health care, restaurant, tourism, agricultural and other economic sectors, together with harsher economic circumstances in most sending countries, almost certainly ensure the continuation of large-scale immigration to the US and Australia. But in harder times, especially in the US, sustaining this immigration while managing immigrants' economic and social integration are daunting tasks. This illuminating book analyzes how well, and in what ways, the US and Australia will meet these challenges. This companion volume to Nations of Immigrants examines immigration to the US and Australia during the difficult economic times following the paralysis of financial firms and markets in New York and London in autumn 2008, quickly affecting Australia and most other OECD countries. The contributors - prominent American and Australian immigration specialists - discuss how the financial crisis has altered the nexus of domestic labor markets and immigration, how public fears spurred by harder times are affecting border protection and support for immigration, whether serious abrasions between foreign- and native-born populations are resulting, and the extent to which the politics of immigration is being transformed. Immigration and the Financial Crisis will prove a thought provoking read for academics and students with an interest in immigration, and American and Australian policy arenas. The book will also prove an invaluable reference tool for public servants engaged in administering US and Australian immigration policies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Nations of Immigrants: Australia and the USA Compared
This timely book examines the immense surges in immigration since the mid-1990s in Australia and the United States, two of the world's most important settler-receiving countries.Australia's shift to a points-based, skills-oriented system is contrasted with the political deadlock that has prevented any basic change in US immigration policy during this period. Focusing on immigration policy trends, effects on labour markets, successes and failures in integrating massive numbers of new immigrants, and the future of multiculturalism, the book ponders many of the policy dilemmas that confront both countries.Drawing on extensive research findings in the field of immigration policy, this book will prove a fascinating read for both scholars and postgraduate students working on immigration, as well as undergraduates studying courses on Australia and comparisons of the Australian and American policy arenas. Public servants engaged in administering Australian and US immigration policies will also find this book invaluable.
Floris Books Pumpkin Soup and Cherry Bread: A Steiner-Waldorf Kindergarten Cookbook
At Bonsai Steiner-Waldorf Kindergarten, the children happily clean their plates at every meal, even when they're served Brussels sprouts or kale! Meals are nutritious, delicious, vegetarian and 100% natural. This beautifully illustrated cookbook contains over 80 seasonal recipes that celebrate nature: from campfire soup to strawberry ice lollies, swede fries to kale pasta, and green pea cake to cherry focaccia. Living and eating holistically, in tune with the natural world, is key to the philosophy at Bonsai. Food forms part of play and meals are fun: the children grow vegetables and forage for herbs and berries; they help to peel, chop and bake; food is involved in play and songs, and is celebrated through seasonal festivals. As well as offering new ways to serve a range of delicious vegetables, grains and fruit, this inspirational book contains a wealth of advice on developing your own food culture and encouraging children to enjoy healthy food.Recipes are fully adapted to serve either a family of four, or forty children.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers A Comprehensive Guide to Music Therapy, 2nd Edition: Theory, Clinical Practice, Research and Training
Music therapy as an intervention in medical, educational and many other environments has a rich and diverse history of methods, approaches and models. Consolidating the many components of music therapy, this completely updated edition of A Comprehensive Guide to Music Therapy covers everything students, teachers and practitioners of music therapy need to know.Building upon the work of Tony Wigram and developments within the field of music therapy over the last 15 years, this second edition looks at the theoretical foundation of music therapy, selected models and interventions, how it can be applied in clinical practice, and the recent progress made in research and evidence-based practice. Giving a complete picture of the multifaceted world of music therapy, it is a must-have for music therapy students, teachers and practitioners.