Search results for ""Author Stefan Muller""
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Homeoffice in Der Arbeitsrechtlichen Praxis: Rechtshandbuch Fur Die Arbeit 4.0
Bildverlag Böttger GbR Anekdoten und Geschichten zur Lößnitzgrundbahn
Stumpf + Kossendey GmbH Notarzt und Notfallsanitäter beim Terroranschlag
Vahlen Franz GmbH Betriebsversammlungen
Saint Philip Street Press Grammatical Theory
Bildverlag Böttger GbR Anekdoten und Geschichten zur Weißeritztalbahn
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Suchtmittel Am Arbeitsplatz
Molden Verlag der kleine metternich
Juventa Verlag GmbH Rechtsextremismus erkennen enthüllen entgegnen
Bildverlag Böttger GbR Anekdoten und Geschichten zur Prenitztalbahn Wolkenstein Jhstadt
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Krieg der Worte Caesar Bellum Gallicum
Wochenschau Verlag Mündigkeit in der Politischen Bildung
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Habermas: A Biography
‘Jürgen Habermas’, wrote the American philosopher Ronald Dworkin on the occasion of the great European thinker’s eightieth birthday, ‘is not only the world’s most famous living philosopher. Even his fame is famous.’ Now, after many years of intensive research and in-depth conversations with contemporaries, colleagues and Habermas himself, Stefan Müller-Doohm presents the first comprehensive biography of one of the most important public intellectuals of our time. From his political and philosophical awakening in West Germany to the formative relationships with Adorno and Horkheimer, Müller-Doohm masterfully traces the major forces that shaped Habermas’s intellectual development. He shows how Habermas’s life and work were conditioned by the possibilities offered to his generation in the unique circumstances of regained freedom that characterized postwar Germany. And yet Habermas’s career is fascinating precisely because it amounts to more than a corpus of scholarly work, however original and influential that may be. For here is someone who continually left the protective space of the university in order to assume the role of a participant in controversial public debates Ð from the significance of the Holocaust to the future of Europe Ð and in this way sought to influence the development of social and political life in an arena much broader than the academy. The significance and virtuosity of Habermas’s many writings over the years are also fully and expertly documented, ranging from his early work on the public sphere to his more recent writings on communicative action, cosmopolitanism and the postnational condition. What emerges from this biography is a vivid portrait of one of the great public intellectuals of our time Ð a unique thinker who has made an immense and lasting philosophical contribution but who, when he perceives that society is not living up to its potential for creating free and just conditions for all, becomes one of its most rigorous and persistent critics.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Vernünftige Freiheit
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG The Code of Mathematics
Inspired by recent developments in dependent type theory and infinity categories, this book presents a history of ideas around the topics of truth, proof, equality and equivalence. The main focus of this textbook is on dependent type theory and its recent variant homotopy type theory.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG E-Health-Ökonomie
Das Buch liefert einen umfassenden Überblick über das neue Forschungsgebiet E-Health-Ökonomie und zeigt den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion in Wissenschaft, Praxis und Politik auf. Gesundheitsökonomie, Gesundheitswirtschaft, Gesundheitsversorgung sowie ambulante, stationäre, sektorenübergreifende Versorgung und die Erstellung von Leistungen am Gesundheitsstandort der privaten Haushalte: E-Health ist heute und besonders in Zukunft, einhergehend mit weiteren technologischen Innovationen, von großer Bedeutung. Mit dem neuen E-Health-Gesetz findet das Buch den Bezug zur aktuellen politischen Auseinandersetzung und bietet mit seinen ökonomischen Artikeln einen Beitrag für die Diskussion um Nutzen und Mehrwert von Informationstechnologie in der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Praktiker und Wissenschaftler aus Medizin, Informatik und (Gesundheits-)Ökonomie sind genauso angesprochen wie alle weiteren Akteure, welche sich mit der Ökonomie des Einsatzes von IT in der Gesundheitswirtschaft beschäftigen. Lehrenden und Studierenden gibt das Buch einen umfassenden Überblick. Das Buch bietet sich aufgrund seiner Struktur als Gesamtlektüre genauso an wie die selektive Wahl einzelner thematischer Kapitel oder auch einzelner Beiträge der verschiedenen Autoren.
Thieme Publishing Group Complications in Vascular Interventional Therapy: Case-Based Solutions
Learn to avoid and manage complications from actual endovascular cases Complications in Vascular Interventional Therapy: Case-Based Solutions provides a systematic review of potential complications that may occur during endovascular procedures. This compendium features 106 cases from daily interventional practice that highlight the most common and important complications that can arise. Each case presents a concise account of patient history, initial treatment, problems encountered, and resulting complication; potential solutions for managing the complication; discussion and analysis of the final course of action; and valuable tips and take-home messages for complication prevention. Key Features: Covers thrombosis, arterial hemorrhage, vessel perforation, distal embolization, device malfunction, access-related complications, and much more A total of 106 real-life cases with 540 images to engage the reader and enhance problem-solving skills A wealth of information and advice for optimizing patient safety before, during, and after interventional therapy Take-home messages at the end of each case provide vital prevention strategies Further Reading and References for exploring topics of interest Complications in Vascular Interventional Therapy: Case-Based Solutions is an invaluable sourcebook for novice and experienced interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons, angiologists, and cardiologists. The clinical cases and practical details found in this book will help all physicians who perform peripheral vascular interventions prepare for the myriad complications they may encounter during endovascular procedures.
Edition Axel Menges Steidle + Partner, Wacker-Haus, Munchen (Opus 31): Steidle and Partner Wacker-Haus, Munich
Text in English and German. Otto Steidle acquired international recognition for his extraordinary early residential buildings in Munich and for exemplary solutions for school and office buildings. His office and residential complex for Wacker-Chemie in Munich is a lively accent on a particularly conspicuous site in architecturally conservative Munich. Individually balanced buildings are arranged along the block perimeter in Prinzregentenstrasse, the most important east-west axis in the inner city, diagonally opposite the Haus der Kunst, and in Bruderstrasse, which leads to Lehel, a traditional residential area. Steidle has not packed the different functions in layers one above the other, as is usual in commercial projects of this kind, but has separated them clearly from each other. The office building on the noisy carriageway of Prinzregentenstrasse takes the curve to the narrow side street in an elegant sweep, with the glass skin suspended in front of the corner giving the building an almost Mendelsohn-like verve. The series of residential buildings in Bruderstrasse is given a different quality by Berlin painter Erich Wiesner's strong colours and the projecting and recessed facades. And as here too the normal Munich scale is considerably exceeded -- the three residential towers placed diagonally to the courtyard rise eight storeys high -- there is a surprising amount of room for publicly accessible gardens inside the block, designed by landscape architects Latz + Partner, and also scope for revealing the torrential Stadtmuhlbach in a spectacular fashion, which used to be covered, but now shoots directly past one of the windows of the sunken cafeteria and then under the entrance hall of the office building, before playing at waterfalls as it gushes into the Englischer Garten at the other side of the road. Thus Prinzregentenstrasse, as a mile of museum and government buildings, and the Lehel residential area have acquired an architectural attraction of elemental impact in the shape of the Wacker building.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Krisenkommunikation: 5. Dresdner Kolloquium an der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Technischen Universität Dresden
Führende Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Journalistik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft sowie Professoren und Studenten der TU Dresden setzen sich in Vorträgen, Diskussionen und auf "Heißen Stühlen" mit dem Thema "Krisenkommunikation" auseinander.