Search results for ""Author Stefan Berger""
Böhlau-Verlag GmbH Technological Change Mechanisation Craftsmens and Workers Reactions in Mediterranean Europe 19th20th Century
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH 200 and More NMR Experiments: A Practical Course
This work-book will guide you safely, in step-by-step descriptions, through every detail of the NMR experiments within, beginning with 1D routine experiments and ending with a series of advanced 3D experiments on a protein: ? Which experiment can best yield the desired information? ? How must the chosen experiment be performed? ? How does one read the required information from the spectrum? ? How does this particular pulse sequence work? ? Which other experiments give similar information? This third edition of the book, following its two highly successful predecessors, has been revised and expanded to 206 experiments. They are organized in 15 chapters, covering test procedures and routine spectra, variable temperature measurements, the use of auxiliary reagents, 1D multipulse experiments, spectra of heteronuclides, and the application of selective pulses. The second and third dimensions are introduced using pulsed field gradients, and experiments on solid state materials are described. A key part describes 3D experiments on the protein ubiquitin with 76 amino acids. What is new in this third edition? 1. 24 new experiments have been inserted into the 14 chapters that were in the 2nd edition, e.g., alpha/beta-SELINCOR-TOCSY, WET, DOSY, ct-COSY, HMSC, HSQC with adiabatic pulses, HETLOC. J-resolved HMBC, (1,1)- and (1,n)-ADEQUATE, STD, REDOR, and HR-MAS. 2. 20 new protein NMR experiments have been specially devised and are collected in the newly added Chapter 15, ProteinNMR, for which one needs a special model sample: fully 13C- and 15N-labeled human ubiquitin. Techniques used include the constant time principle, the PEP method, filters, gradient selection, and the echo/anti-echo procedure. The guide has been written by experts in this field, following the principle of learning by doing: all the experiments have been specially performed for this book, exactly as described and shown in the spectra that are reproduced. Being a reference source and work-book for the NMR laboratory as well as a textbook, it is a must for every scientist working with NMR, as well as for students preparing for their laboratory courses
Springer International Publishing AG Rethinking Revolutions from 1905 to 1934: Democracy, Social Justice and National Liberation around the World
This edited collection offers a timely and original perspective on the many upheavals and revolutions that broke out across the world during the earlytwentieth century. With previous research tending to confine revolutions within national borders, this book sets out to place them within a broader global sphere of thought and action. The authors explore the time phase between the Russian Revolution of 1905 and the Asturian Revolution of 1934, including cases from South Africa, Australia, China, the Middle East and Latin America. Providing insights from leading scholars in the field, this collection highlights the interconnectedness and transnationalism of upheavals and revolutions, offering a new approach which integrates political, social and cultural history.Chapter 8 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via