Search results for ""Author Sarah Nelson""
Barefoot Books Ltd Firefly Galaxy
Sofia and her siblings can hardly wait for nightfall — Sofia hopes to fill a jar with fireflies! When at last Mars flickers, and the owl begins to hoot, Sofia and her family venture into a dazzling summer night where firefly light is like a glittering galaxy. Lyrical text and gorgeous collage artwork are supplemented by informative endmatter on finding fireflies and protecting their habitats.
Barefoot Books Firefly Galaxy
Bristol University Press Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical Approaches to Prevention, Protection and Support
In this outspoken and challenging book, Sarah Nelson argues that progress in addressing childhood sexual abuse has been in fearful or complacent retreat and that change is urgently needed in order to prevent abuse occurring, and to better support survivors. From this starting point, she puts forward radical suggestions for new models of practice. These are designed to provide perpetrator-focussed child protection, to encourage community approaches to prevention, and to better support those who have survived abuse. As revelations of widespread child abuse continue to emerge at an unprecedented rate, this book campaigns for change, offering policy makers and practitioners solutions for new ways in tackling sexual abuse, working alongside survivors to reduce its prevalence and impact.
Candlewick Press (MA) Birth of the Bicycle A Bumpy History of the Bicycle in America 18191900
Policy Press Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical Approaches to Prevention, Protection and Support
In this outspoken and challenging book, Sarah Nelson argues that progress in addressing childhood sexual abuse has been in fearful or complacent retreat. She proposes new models for child-centred, perpetrator-focussed child protection, for community prevention, for understanding physical ill-health and for work with survivor-offenders. This book will inspire policy makers, practitioners, academics and journalists to rediscover courage in tackling child sexual abuse.
Owlkids Books Inc. Frogness
Barefoot Books, Incorporated I Like the Rain
Lyrical, rhyming text and playful, hand-painted illustrations invite young readers to share in the rhythm of the rushing rain. Includes educational STEM endmatter about rain and how it helps humans and the earth.
Barefoot Books, Incorporated Follow the Flyway: The Marvel of Bird Migration
In this lyrical STEM gem, nests full of baby birds hatch, grow feathers, learn to fly, and then finally follow the autumn winds south along the majestic flyway for their first big migration. Rhyming, poetic text and detailed, nostalgic illustrations make for an enthralling read-aloud, carrying readers along on the birds’ sensory journey of sights and sounds. Illustrated endnotes provide factual information about bird migration, the four flyways of North America, the species of birds found in the book and sources for further reading.
Owlkids Books Inc. A Park Connects Us
University of Illinois Press Ballad Hunting with Max Hunter: Stories of an Ozark Folksong Collector
A traveling salesman with little formal education, Max Hunter gravitated to song catching and ballad hunting while on business trips in the Ozarks. Hunter recorded nearly 1600 traditional songs by more than 200 singers from the mid-1950s through the mid-1970s, all the while focused on preserving the music in its unaltered form. Sarah Jane Nelson chronicles Hunter’s song collecting adventures alongside portraits of the singers and mentors he met along the way. The guitar-strumming Hunter picked up the recording habit to expand his repertoire but almost immediately embraced the role of song preservationist. Being a local allowed Hunter to merge his native Ozark earthiness with sharp observational skills to connect--often more than once--with his singers. Hunter’s own ability to be present added to that sense of connection. Despite his painstaking approach, ballad collecting was also a source of pleasure for Hunter. Ultimately, his dedication to capturing Ozarks song culture in its natural state brought Hunter into contact with people like Vance Randolph, Mary Parler, and non-academic folklorists who shared his values.
Barefoot Books, Incorporated Me gusta la nieve
Lyrical, rhyming text and playful, hand-painted illustrations invite young readers to share in the beauty of swirling snow. Includes educational STEM endmatter about snow and how it helps humans and the earth.
Barefoot Books, Incorporated I Like the Sun
Lyrical, rhyming text and playful, hand-painted illustrations invite young readers to share in the warmth of the shining sun. Includes educational STEM endmatter about the sun and how it helps humans and the earth.
Barefoot Books, Incorporated I Like the Snow
Lyrical, rhyming text and playful, hand-painted illustrations invite young readers to share in the beauty of swirling snow. Includes educational STEM endmatter about snow and how it helps humans and the earth.
Barefoot Books, Incorporated I Like the Wind
Lyrical, rhyming text and playful, hand-painted illustrations invite young readers to share in the mystery of the whistling wind. Includes educational STEM endmatter about wind and how it helps humans and the earth.
University of Illinois Press Ballad Hunting with Max Hunter: Stories of an Ozark Folksong Collector
A traveling salesman with little formal education, Max Hunter gravitated to song catching and ballad hunting while on business trips in the Ozarks. Hunter recorded nearly 1600 traditional songs by more than 200 singers from the mid-1950s through the mid-1970s, all the while focused on preserving the music in its unaltered form. Sarah Jane Nelson chronicles Hunter’s song collecting adventures alongside portraits of the singers and mentors he met along the way. The guitar-strumming Hunter picked up the recording habit to expand his repertoire but almost immediately embraced the role of song preservationist. Being a local allowed Hunter to merge his native Ozark earthiness with sharp observational skills to connect--often more than once--with his singers. Hunter’s own ability to be present added to that sense of connection. Despite his painstaking approach, ballad collecting was also a source of pleasure for Hunter. Ultimately, his dedication to capturing Ozarks song culture in its natural state brought Hunter into contact with people like Vance Randolph, Mary Parler, and non-academic folklorists who shared his values.
The University of Chicago Press Memoirs
The memoirs of Hortense (1646-99) and Marie (1639-1715) Mancini, nieces of the powerful Cardinal Mazarin and members of the court of Louis XIV, represent the earliest examples in France of memoirs published by women under their own names during their lifetimes. Both unhappily married - Marie had also fled the aftermath of her failed affair with the king - the sisters chose to leave their husbands for life on the road, a life quite rare for women of their day. Through their writings, the Mancinis sought to rehabilitate their reputations and reclaim the right to define their public images themselves, rather than leave the stories of their lives to the intrigues of the court - and to their disgruntled ex-husbands. First translated in 1676 and 1678 and credited largely to male redactors, the two memoirs reemerge here in an accessible English translation that chronicles the beginnings of women's rights within the confines of an otherwise circumscribed early modern aristocratic society.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Good Practice in Promoting Recovery and Healing for Abused Adults
What constitutes real recovery for adult victims of abuse? Current support offered to adults is often poorly planned and informed; this book sheds light on the true impact of abuse and how it can be healed.Good Practice in Promoting Recovery and Healing for Abused Adults explores the idea of 'recovery' being something physical in the short-term and 'healing' as an emotional process for long-term work. The book features chapters written by practitioners and researchers from various backgrounds and gives an insight into how to be creative in helping both male and female victims through recovery and healing processes. The prologue introduces the views of victims themselves before the opening chapter considers how recovery and healing should fit into the adult safeguarding process. The chapters then describe creative therapeutic methods which can be employed to help victims recover and to heal in different settings, whilst highlighting the long-term effects of abuse and the subsequent issues to be addressed. The issues covered range from child sexual abuse, domestic abuse and sex trafficking to the abuse of men and holocaust victims.With pedagogical features throughout, the book is essential reading for social workers, nurses, housing officers, support workers, counsellors, therapists, and for anyone working with adults who have experienced abuse in childhood or adulthood.