Search results for ""Author S Bolozky""
Undena Publications,U.S. Word Formation Strategies in the Hebrew Verb System
A hierarchy is suggested for the familiar syntactic and semantic factors determining realization of llebrew verbs in the particular conjugations. Other considerations apply whenever applicable no realizations are allowed which would form unpronounceable clusters; realizations preserv ing the consonant clusters of original nouns are preferredif a slot is occupied, the semantically-closest conjugation is chosen. To examine these claims, native speakers were asked to themselves innovate denomina tive verbs, or make judgements about hypothetical verhalizations. The results support the basic semantic/syntactic hierarchy; speakers even invent new devices allowing incorporation of non-syntactic and non-semantic factors without the hierarchy itself being significantly affected.
Undena Publications,U.S. Paradigm Coherence: Evidence from Modern Hebrew; Oriental Israeli Hebrew: A Study in Phonetics
Data from Modern Hebrew support the principle of paradigm coherence and the claim that inflection tends to minimize allomorphy while derivation preserves it. It is shown, however, that analogical change is a function of the degree of automaticity of the morphological and syntactic relationships concerned, and thus close inter- paradigmatic alternations may be subject to analogy as well. The direction of analogy can be determined either by reference to the unmarked base form or to opacity considerations.
Undena Publications,U.S. Markedness Relations in the Pronunciation of the Prefixed Particles in Modern Hebrew; Analogy and Regularization in Morphophonemic Changes; The Case of Weak Verbs in Post-Biblical and Colloquial Modern Hebrew
Analysis of the pronunciation of the prefixed particles in Hebrew formal and semi-formal speech shows that deviations from the norms are of significance only in the minority of the forms, espe cially in the rare environments. The findings are explained by a markedness theory which incorporates frequency and naturalness of rules and conditions from phonetic, morphophonemic, and morpho syntactic points of view. The pronunciation of the prefixed particles may serve as a parameter for linguistic registers.