Search results for ""Author Rosalinda Alfaro-LeFevre""
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment: A Practical Approach
Develop the critical thinking and reasoning skills you need to make sound clinical judgments! Alfaro-LeFevre's Critical Thinking, Clinical Reasoning, and Clinical Judgment: A Practical Approach, 7th Edition brings these concepts to life through engaging text, diverse learning activities, and real-life examples. Easy-to-understand language and a "how-to" approach equip you to become a sensible, resilient critical thinker with the clinical reasoning skills you need to think think through complex issues and make sound clinical decisions. This edition emphasizes readiness for clinical practice and the Next Generation NCLEX exam, with a focus on systems thinking, interprofessional practice, nursing skills for the 21st century, and Quality and Safety for Nursing Education (QSEN) competencies. Clear, straightforward approach and motivational writing style provides vivid examples, memorable anecdotes, and real-life case scenarios to make content come alive. Focus on application ("how to") with supporting rationales (theory) makes difficult concepts easy to learn. Critical Thinking Indicators feature evidence-based descriptions of behaviors that foster critical thinking in nursing practice. Highlighted features and sections that promote deep learning include: This Chapter at a Glance, Learning Outcomes, Key Concepts, Guiding Principle boxes, Critical Moments boxes, Other Perspectives features, Think-Pair-Share activities, H.M.O. (Help Me Out) cartoons, real-life clinical scenarios, Key Points, Critical Thinking Exercises, and more! Cultural, spiritual, and lifespan content explores the nurse's role in hospitals, long-term care settings, and entire communities, presenting a broad approach to critical thinking. Inclusion of ethics- and standards-based professional practice reflects the increased demand for accountability in today's professional climate. Timely coverage of the latest in nursing education and critical thinking includes concept-based learning; QSEN and IOM standards; problem-focused versus outcome-focused thinking; prioritization and delegation; developing a culture of safe, healthy work environments; expanding roles related to diagnosis and management; improving grades and passing tests the first time; NCLEX exam preparation; ensuring that documentation reflects critical thinking; communication and interpersonal skills; strategies for common workplace challenges; and more. NEW! Spotlight on systems thinking teaches you to consider how things are related, while coverage of conceptual thinking helps you focus on big ideas first. NEW! Information on effective clinical simulations encourages learning through practice and debriefing. NEW! Clinical reasoning principles are highlighted throughout to ensure you are practice ready. NEW! Current critical judgment models are illustrated and explained in a clear, engaging style. NEW! Expanded content on growing nursing trends addresses competency assessment, electronic charting (informatics) and "thinking beyond the EHR," clinical evaluation, and preceptor and learner strategies. NEW! Strong emphasis on interprofessional collaboration includes new content on its growing importance in health care.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Applying Nursing Process: The Foundation for Clinical Reasoning
Because principles of nursing process are the building blocks for all care models, the nursing process is the first model nurses need to learn to “think like a nurse.” This trusted resource provides the practical guidance needed to understand and apply each phase of the nursing process, with an increased emphasis on developing both critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. With an easy-to-follow and engaging writing style, the author provides strategies, tools, and abundant examples to help nurses develop the skills they need to thrive in today’s complex health care setting.
Ovid Technologies Aplicación del proceso enfermero: Fundamento del razonamiento clínico
Aplicación del proceso de enfermería: fundamento del razonamiento clínico se centra en la aplicación del proceso de enfermería, en el método de atención al paciente que sirve como marco para aplicar los cuidados de enfermería. Tanto el juicio clínico (aplicar los conocimientos y la experiencia a una situación clínica para desarrollar una solución) como el pensamiento crítico en enfermería (concepto más general que incluye el juicio clínico y se aplica no sólo a la atención al paciente, sino a promover el trabajo en equipo, flujos de trabajo, etc.), son habilidades imprescindibles para el profesional de esta disciplina Sin embargo, la forma de aplicar estas habilidades y el proceso de enfermería han de adaptarse a las diferentes coyunturas históricas, como es el caso de los actuales cambios en el sistema de salud, que demanda al profesional una atención multidisciplinaria, el manejo de historiales electrónicos, un incremento de las responsabilidades, etc. Esta obra ayuda al estudiante y al profesional a poner en práctica el proceso de enfermería de forma adaptada a las necesidades actuales, a clarificar las relaciones entre proceso de enfermería, pensamiento crítico y juicio clínico, y proporciona estrategias y herramientas para desarrollar las cualidades que hoy se necesitan para desempeñarse en entornos de atención sanitaria altamente complejos y exigentes.