Search results for ""Author Roger Matthews""
Edicions Bellaterra Pagando tiempo una introducción a la sociología del encarcelamiento
La presente obra constituye un ensayo referido al fenómeno del encarcelamiento en el ámbito británico. El tiempo, como elemento estructural de la pena privativa de libertad, junto al espacio y al (mercado de) trabajo, son los tres pilares sobre los que el autor edifica su reflexión en torno al complejo de la segregación institucional. Ninguno de esos tres elementos es neutral, cada uno es portador de precisos significados, hablan un lenguaje conciso y contribuyen a delinear el fenómeno del castigo institucional. No puede entenderse la cárcel sin la consideración conjunta y relacionada de ellos. El volumen comienza con una narración histórica de la cárcel en Inglaterra y Gales, para situar al lector alrededor del nacimiento de la institución punitiva en aquel particular horizonte cultural. Posteriormente, la obra muestra los distintos tipos de comportamientos que los habitantes de estas instituciones han observado en la reciente historia penitenciaria británica, desde la obediencia hast
Taylor & Francis Ltd Armed Robbery
Despite the significance of armed robbery in the criminal justice system, the media and in the public mind there has been little systematic research or writing on the subject beyond the popular accounts. In both the USA and the UK there remains a large gap in the literature on the subject, which this book aims to fill. It provides a comprehensive account of armed robbery, based on extensive research with 350 armed robbers in prison, and on work with two police armed response units Despite the significance of armed robbery in the criminal justice system, the media and in the public mind there has been little systematic research or writing on the subject beyond the popular accounts – from the Metropolitan and South Yorkshire Police. This is the book on the subject.
Palgrave Macmillan Doing Time: An Introduction to the Sociology of Imprisonment
The new edition of Doing Time brings this widely recognized book up-to-date and provides an accessible and informed discussion of current debates around prisons and penal policy. Drawing on a range of international material the book provides a critical sociological analysis of developments in imprisonment.
Policy Press Assessing the use and impact of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) have become the main sanction for dealing with anti-social behaviour in the UK. This book provides one of the first assessments of this sanction, which has become widely used but remains extremely controversial. The report is based on detailed interviews with ASBO recipients, practitioners and community representatives in areas affected by anti-social behaviour. Examining its use and impact from these various perspectives, the book assesses the effects of ASBOs on the behaviour and attitudes of recipients as well as examining the various issues which arise in relation to their implementation. The report should be read by academics and students who want to make sense of ASBOs, practitioners who are involved in implementing them as well as policy makers who are responsible for designing this sanction. It will also be of interest to all those who have an interest in addressing the issue of anti-social behaviour.
Oxbow Books The Early Neolithic of the Eastern Fertile Crescent: Excavations at Bestansur and Shimshara, Iraqi Kurdistan
The Eastern Fertile Crescent region of western Iran and eastern Iraq hosted major developments in the transition from hunter-forager to farmer-herder lifestyles through the Early Neolithic period, 10,000-7000 BC. Within the scope of the Central Zagros Archaeological Project, excavations have been conducted since 2012 at two Early Neolithic sites in the Kurdistan region of Iraq: Bestansur and Shimshara. Bestansur represents an early stage in the transition to sedentary, farming life, where the inhabitants pursued a mixed strategy of hunting, foraging, herding and cultivating, maximising the new opportunities afforded by the warmer, wetter climate of the Early Holocene. They also constructed substantial buildings of mudbrick, including a major building with a minimum of 65 human individuals, mainly infants, buried under its floor in association with hundreds of beads. These human remains provide new insights into mortuary practices, demography, diet and disease during the early stages of sedentarisation. The material culture of Bestansur and Shimshara is rich in imported items such as obsidian, carnelian and sea-shells, indicating the extent to which Early Neolithic communities were networked across the Eastern Fertile Crescent and beyond. This volume includes final reports by a large-scale interdisciplinary team on all aspects of the results from excavations at Bestansur and Shimshara, through application of state-of-the-art scientific techniques, methods and analyses. The net result is to re-emphasise the enormous significance of the Eastern Fertile Crescent in one of the most important episodes in human history: the Neolithic transition.