Search results for ""Author Robin Blackburn""
Ediciones Akal El futuro del sistema de pensiones Crisis financiera y Estado de bienestar
En este ensayo Robin Blackburn realiza un crítico examen sobre la crisis fiscal y la corrupción empresarial de una sociedad en proceso de envejecimiento. Los acontecimientos de los últimos años (la burbuja de los fondos de inversión de EEUU, el sube y baja de los mercados de valores, y una cadena de grandes escándalos empresariales, de Enron a Parmalat) han hecho que se esfumen miles de millones de dólares de los ahorros de los trabajadores a ambos lados del Atlántico, revelando la incapacidad de la industria de servicios financieros a la hora de desempeñar su papel como custodio de los ahorros y los fondos de pensiones. Así mismo, también pone de manifiesto la ausencia de responsabilidad en el corazón de lo que Blackburn denomina el capitalismo gris, término que alude a las turbias prácticas y a la falta de transparencia en el mundo financiero y corporativo. El autor explica por qué los intentos de cubrir el coste del envejecimiento de la sociedad a través de una proliferación de prod
Verso Books Age Shock: How Finance Is Failing Us
Most countries face the future with an ageing population, yet most governments are cutting back on pensions and the care services needed by the elderly. Robin Blackburn exposes the perverse reasoning and special interests which have combined to produce this nonsensical state of affairs. This updated paperback edition of Age Shock includes a new preface explaining why the credit crunch and eurozone crisis have had such a devastating impact and outlining a way to guarantee decent pensions and care provision.
Verso Books The Reckoning: From the Second Slavery to Abolition, 1776-1888
The Age of Revolution (1776-1848) destroyed the main slave regimes of the Caribbean but a 'Second Slavery' surged in the US South, Cuba and Brazil, powered by demand for plantation produce and a system of financial credit that leveraged the value of the slaves. By 1860, more than 6 million captives of African descent toiled to produce the cotton, sugar and coffee craved by global consumers. This 'Second Slavery' mimicked capitalist disciplines, intensified slavery's racial character and launched half a century of headlong economic growth.On the eve of the American Civil War, the Slave Power seemed invincible. The slaveholding elite entrenched their 'peculiar institution' in the fabric of the Union only to risk everything on secession. Nobody solicited the slaves' wishes until it became clear that, wherever they could, they were deserting the plantations and joining the Union forces.Abolition radicals destroyed the Second Slavery and victory for the North also spelled defeat for slavery in Cuba and Brazil. But in each of these societies racial oppression was to be reconfigured by 'Black Codes', Jim Crow and toxic doctrines of racial destiny.Slavery leaves an indelible mark on many Atlantic nations. The Reckoning charts the historic impact of slavery and anti-slavery, of black and white activists, of fugitive slaves, feminists, writers, clerics and soldiers. Notwithstanding much unfinished business, the anti-slavery struggle retains its capacity to illuminate and inspire.