Search results for ""Author Reinhold Messner""
Malik Verlag ber Leben
FISCHER Taschenbuch Tanzplatz der Gtter
Piper Verlag GmbH Cho Oyu Gttin des Trkis
Piper Verlag GmbH berlebt Meine 14 Achttausender
Piper Verlag GmbH Torre Schrei aus Stein
Piper Verlag GmbH Die Freiheit aufzubrechen wohin ich will Ein Bergsteigerleben
BERGWELTEN Layla im Reich des Schneeknigs
Piper Verlag GmbH Vertical
Piper Verlag GmbH Gebrauchsanweisung für Südtirol
FISCHER, S. Sinnbilder
Wild el viaje definitivo la otra historia de la expedición antártica de Shackleton
En 1914, el aventurero inglés Frank Wild, junto al célebre explorador polar Ernest Shackleton y otros 26 hombres, zarparon hacia el viaje definitivo: atravesar la Antártida. Pero su barco, el -Endurance-, quedó atrapado en la banquisa antes de que hubieran alcanzado el punto del que iba a partir la expedición. Derivaron hacia el norte durante nueve meses hasta que su casco no pudo soportar la presión del hielo. En tres botes salvavidas, lograron alcanzar una minúscula isla en la que jamás les hubieran podido encontrar, pues ni siquiera los balleneros conocían el lugar, mientras Europa estaba sumida en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Cuando Shackleton, junto a otros cinco miembros de la expedición, partió en busca de ayuda en uno de los botes, Frank Wild se quedó en la isla a cargo de los 21 hombres restantes, bajo una oscuridad permanente y un frío atroz. Fueron el carácter y la inteligencia emocional de Wild las que lograron mantener íntegra la confianza de aquellos hombres en que serían r
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH Everest Solo Der glserne Horizont
Piper Verlag GmbH Pol Hjalmar Johansens Hundejahre
Piper Verlag GmbH K2 Chogori Der groe Berg
The Crowood Press Ltd Crystal Horizon: Everest: The first Solo Ascent
Messner describes with clarity and passion his journey through Tibet. He identifies with legendary mountaineers who have been before him - Mallory, Irvine and Wilson come to life as he makes his ascent to the roof of the world.
Athesia Tappeiner Verlag Dolomiten Dolomiti Dolomites
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C Gobi
FISCHER Taschenbuch Sinnbilder
Piper Verlag GmbH Gehe ich nicht gehe ich kaputt. Briefe aus dem Himalaja
Piper Verlag GmbH ber Leben
Piper Verlag GmbH Die rote Rakete am Nanga Parbat
Piper Verlag GmbH Everest solo Der glserne Horizont
Piper Verlag GmbH Der nackte Berg
Malik Verlag Gegenwind
Topos, Verlagsgem. Die Grenzen der Seele wirst du nicht finden ber die Fragen unserer Zukunft Im Gesprch mit Michael Albus
BERGWELTEN Pickel Seil Mauerhaken
FISCHER Taschenbuch Wild
FISCHER Taschenbuch Yeti Legende und Wirklichkeit
Piper Verlag GmbH Die weiße Einsamkeit
Piper Verlag GmbH Mein Leben am Limit Eine Autobiographie in Gesprchen mit Thomas Hetlin
Ludwig Verlag Zwischen Durchkommen und Umkommen
Mountaineers Books Hermann Buhl: Climbing Without Compromise
"Mountaineering is a relentless pursuit. One climbs further and further yet never reaches the destination. Perhaps that is what gives it its own particular charm. One is constantly searching for something never to be found." - Hermann Buhl Hermann Buhl - the first man to stand atop Nanga Parbat, and legendary for his will to push himself to the last - was the mountaineer of the 1950s. His account, Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage, has inspired generations of climbers. Yet that classic, shaped and romanticised by a collaborator, does not reveal the man Buhl really was. Now celebrated mountaineer Reinhold Messner and journalist Horst Hofler publish Buhl in his own words, pure and unadorned, in Hermann Buhl: Climbing without Compromise.Drawing text from Buhl's original climbing diaries, journals, and articles written for mountaineering publications of his time, Messner and Hofler present a portrait of the whole man - strong-willed, creative, and fragile. A loner, rough-edged in his relations with fellow climbers, Buhl took opposition and disagreements heavily to heart. He was demanding as a father, yet he often sang for his young daughters. Though intense and always pushing his limits on the mountain, he displayed a subtle sense of humour in his journals.Climbing without Compromise also reveals Buhl as an astonishingly modern mountaineer. Indeed, Buhl was a pioneer looking to the future. Buhl lived, above all, for and through his climbing, at a time when no one dreamed about making a living through top alpine achievements. The Buhl Crack on the Cima Canali demonstrates his style as a free climber; his ascent of Broad Peak gives us a glimpse of the super-alpinism of the future. Had Hermann Buhl been born 40 years later, writes Messner, he would surely have been one of the leading sport climbers, and a classic mountaineer without equal. But the whirlwind of energy that was Hermann Buhl was not destined to live a long life. When a cornice collapsed beneath him on Chogolisa, Buhl became instead a tragic hero of the 20th century.
Abrams Mountains from Space
Using highly specialized, advanced digital satellite imaging—first made possible in the year 2000 with the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission—this book presents an astounding collection of images of the Earth’s mountain ranges carefully compiled over the course of five years by the German Remote Sensing Data Center. Now available to the public for the first time here, the most majestic peaks on all seven continents are visible as they never would be to the naked eye—in views taken from 500 to 15 miles above the Earth that reveal the entire mountain range at once, unobstructed by clouds, haze, and the refraction of light.Mountains from Space is much more than a collection of extraordinary pictures; it is a serious work of nonfiction about every important aspect of these fascinating geological formations, from their genesis by volcanic activity to their specific sociological features. Contributions by esteemed scientists and mountaineers alike highlight this provocative study of our planet Earth.